15 studies commissions with decision-making powers have been set up by the Senate of TU Wien for the current term of office. These are responsible for 18 bachelor’s degrees and 32 master’s degrees. Separate cross-faculty studies commissions have been deployed for doctoral programmes, university courses and teacher training (which is coming to an end).

Representatives are sent to the studies commissions by the Senate based on suggestions by the groups.

The studies commissions have the duty of drawing up and amending the syllabi, as well as evaluating these periodically. In many cases, one studies commission deals with several study courses due to similarities in terms of subject.

The syllabi drawn up by the studies commissions include the following key items:

  • the qualification profile
  • the duration and scope of the study course
  • the admissions requirements
  • the structure of the study course
  • the scope and content of the introduction and orientation phase (STEOP) for bachelor’s degrees
  • the examination regulations
  • the academic degree awarded upon completion
  • module descriptions
  • integrated quality management
  • and much more…

In addition to the syllabi, the studies commissions are also responsible for transitional provisions and equivalence lists which are required in the event of changes to the syllabus or when new syllabi are drawn up.

The studies commissions at TU Wien comprise six or twelve members, made up of equal numbers of people from the following groups: (1) university professors; (2) university lecturers and academic staff in research, arts and teaching roles; and (3) students.

The studies commissions work together with the Deans of Studies appointed by the Vice Rector for Teaching, in particular to clarify that the courses are financially viable, as well as in the area of integrated quality management. According to the statutes of TU Wien, the University Council, the Rector’s Office, the Senate, the Deans, the Deans of Studies, the Union of Students at TU Wien, the Department for Gender Competence, the Department for Studies and Examinations and the working group on equal opportunities are involved in the appraisal of syllabi.

Before a decision is made in the Senate, the syllabus is checked by the Senate's ‘syllabi/changes to syllabi’ working group and forwarded to the Senate with a recommendation.

Studies commissions at TU Wien (term of office from October 2016 – September 2019)

List of members of the studies commissions (as of: 29 June 2018)