Evaluation at the TU Wien

Evaluation supports continuous development and improvement based on internal self-reflection and external expert assessment.

Evaluation is part of the quality management system to support the effective flow of the PDCA cycle and to guarantee the principles of quality management at TU Wien. The evaluation process at TU Wien affects all university levels - faculties, institutes, academic staff and general staff. The implementation of evaluations in the individual areas is currently underway. Detailed information on the various levels can be found on the following pages.

Evaluation in general

[Translate to English:] Schreibmaschine mit einem Blatt mit dem Titel Review

General information on evaluations, the principles and process.

  • Explanation of the purpose, objectives and objects of the evaluation
  • The basic framework of the process and its current status
  • General documents for the implementation of evaluation

Ongoing evaluation projects

[Translate to English:] Arbeitstisch mit mehreren Laptops und anderen Arbeitsmitteln

The public parts of the ongoing evaluation projects.

  • Overview of current projects
  • Brief summary of the current status of projects
  • Links to internal working tools

Evaluation outcomes

[Translate to English:] Scrabble Buchstaben mit dem Text "Start Making Change"

Publicly available outcomes of completed evaluation projects.

  • Self-evaluation reports
  • Assessment reports from the external evaluators and Statements
  • Documentation