Research Project Contract

The Research Project Contract is suitable for a bilateral research project with a partner (company or other) without public funding. Due to the non-exclusive granting of rights provided for in this sample text, a project qualifies for the category "A-Research Funding" within the meaning of the „Richtlinie des Rektorats zum Kostenersatz bei Forschungsprojekten gemäß § 26 und § 27 UG“ if the sample text is used unchanged. See here:

Under Downloads, opens in new window you will find both a short sample contract (3 pages), which should be used for projects with smaller project budgets (approx. up to EUR 25,000), and a longer sample contract (6 pages), which is available for all projects with larger project budgets.
You will also find the German versions of the contract in short and long form under Downloads -  Forschungsprojektvertrag.