Contract Services offer advice and support in drafting and negotiating R&D agreements and co-operation agreements with companies.

For this purpose, TU Wien provides its staff members with model contracts, which serve as a basis for drafting the contracts with companies for planned research projects. In the case of wordings that deviate from the model contracts – or if other contracts are to be used as the basis for drafting the contract – please contact Contract Services under

You can find below a brief overview of the specific possible applications for the model contracts. 

Co-operation agreements (also referred to as "consortium agreements")

This type of contract is required in most funded projects by the respective funding agency. We also recommend this model contract as the starting point for projects in which more than two parties participate, see Downloads Contract Services.

Research Project Contract

The Research Project Contract is suitable for a bilateral research project with a partner (company or other) without public funding. Due to the non-exclusive granting of rights provided for in this sample text, a project qualifies for the category "A-Research Funding" within the meaning of the „Richtlinie des Rektorats zum Kostenersatz bei Forschungsprojekten gemäß § 26 und § 27 UG“ if the sample text is used unchanged. See here:

Under Downloads, opens in new window you will find both a short sample contract (3 pages), which should be used for projects with smaller project budgets (approx. up to EUR 25,000), and a longer sample contract (6 pages), which is available for all projects with larger project budgets.
You will also find the German versions of the contract in short and long form under Downloads -  Forschungsprojektvertrag.


Contract Research Agreement

The Contract Research Agreement is suitable for a bilateral research project with a client. If this sample text is used, the project falls into the category "B-Contract research and research collaboration" as defined in the "Richtlinie des Rektorats zum Kostenersatz bei Forschungsprojekten gemäß § 26 und § 27 UG". See here:

ATTENTION: This sample text provides for an exclusive granting of rights to the client and should under no circumstances be used for cooperation in a publicly funded project, in particular an FFG project - in these cases, please use the cooperation agreement sample.

Under Downloads, opens in new windowyou will find both a short sample contract (3 pages), which should be used for projects with smaller project budgets (approx. up to EUR 25,000), and a longer sample contract (6 pages), which is available for all projects with larger project budgets. You will also find the German contract versions in short and long form under Downloads - Auftragsforschungsvertrag.


Measurements and Findings Contract (including General Contract Terms)

This model contract should be used if the project consists of a routine investigation, and no new scientific findings are expected on the basis of this contract, see Downloads Contract Services.

The General Contract Terms are attached to this contract as annex. If deviating provisions are required in a specific project, please contact the legal advisors in our department. 


Confidentiality agreements

Confidentiality agreements are concluded before planned co-operation. They serve primarily to give the participants the possibility of discussing planned projects without running the risk of revealing their own trade secrets.

There are two versions of confidentiality agreements:

An unilateral confidentiality agreement is only binding for the persons who receive information, while a bilateral confidentiality agreement is equally binding for both contracting parties. We recommend that you primarily use bilateral confidentiality agreements, see TU Wien Template  Downloads Vertragsservice, opens in new window.