
Linda Dörrzapf with Federal Minister Martin Polaschek at the "Award of Excellence" 2023 ceremony
© BMBWF | elephant and porcelain GmbH | Gerald Mayer-Rohrmoser

Congratulations to Linda Dörrzapf on her award!

Eine Collage bestehend aus 4 Bildern. Zu sehen sind Bilder von der Führung im Stephansdom sowie vom gemeinsamen Abendessen.

This year's SRF Christmas party took place in the impressive St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna. During a two-hour guided tour led by art historian…

Marcus Franz Wareyka-Glaner receives the Award of Excellence 2023 certificate from Education Minister Martin Polaschek
© BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/ Gerald Mayer-Rohrmoser

Marcus Franz Wareyka-Glaner was honored with the Award of Excellence for his outstanding dissertation.

Topic: Modellbildung in der Baustatik, Federmodelle nach Theorie I. und II. Ordnung

Contact: Ao.Univ.-Prof. Privatdoz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Mehdi…

Topic: Modellbildung in der Baustatik, Federmodelle nach Theorie I. und II. Ordnung

Contact: Ao.Univ.-Prof. Privatdoz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Mehdi…