
Four wooden cubes with the numbers 2-0-2-3. The cube on the far right is half tilted and shows the number 4 as well as 3.
© GooMmnutt –

And thank you for working with us in 2023! As usual, we end the year with a recap of the highlights.

A humanoid robot in a Japanese lane
© Jezael Melgoza | Unsplash

The esteemed summer internship program, UTSIP Kashiwa, offers undergraduate students the unique opportunity to engage in hands-on research activities…

On Monday, December 18, 2023, the hardware will be renewed by the Timeservice of TU Wien between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Status: 2:15 p.m.)

Farewell Martha Dittrich

After 10 wonderful years together, Martha Dittrich is leaving TU Wien.
For us, she has been much more than a bookkeeper.
With her inexhaustible energy…

The biophysics team at the IAP Christmas party with trophy
© TU Wien

This year's IAP Christmas party and 3rd place in the darts tournament