Press Releases

An ultra short laser pulse (blue) creates free charge carriers, another pulse (red) accelerates them in opposite directions.

Halbleiterelektronik wird immer schneller – aber irgendwann erlaubt die Physik keine Steigerung mehr. Die kürzest mögliche Zeitskala…

Marcus Huber mit spiegelndem Kristall
© IQOQI-Vienna, by Mateusz Kotyrba

Quantum theory, complexity and thermodynamics: Marcus Huber finds new ways to link very different areas of physics. He is now awarded an ERC…

Woman with VR headset and tennis racket practising in the living room. Living room and tennis court merge seamlessly.
© VR Motion Learning GmbH & Co KG

TU Wien (Vienna) and VR Motion Learning are jointly developing a virtual tennis trainer. In the future, the virtual trainer will not only be able to…