News articles

Logo (Copyright by alpS)

alpS would like to announce the second international conference “Managing Alpine Future II” (MAF II), in Innsbruck, 21 - 23 November 2011. The deadline for the call for…

Construction of the Ice Dome with a 10 meter diameter

A team of civil engineers from the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) built an ice dome with 10 m diameter in Obergurgl using an ingenious construction method.

Erich Schweighofer (Copyright

Prof. Dr. Dr. Erich Schweighofer (Centre of Legal Informatics, Vienna University) will give a talk about governance of e-commerce and cyberspace. He is specifically going to…

Prof. Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz

The population is ageing – and demographic change is also altering working life. However, according to studies by Vienna University of Technology, the effects could well be…