News articles

The bridge after unfolding - in a horizontal position

A world premiere in Austria: The new bridge construction technology which was developed at TU Wien has now been successfully applied by ASFINAG during the construction of the…

The team

Actually they had been looking for something completely different, but they found a previously unknown quasi-particle: A bound state of two electrons, two holes and light.

A multi-particle system

Developing a quantum description for a many-body system is extremely hard. TU Wien (Vienna) and Heidelberg University found a way to obtain quantum theories directly from the…

The testing machine

How can you prevent cracks from forming after painting? TU Wien has recently patented two new measuring processes that show which paint is best.

Two laser pulses hit silicon dioxide

Until now, complex experimental equipment was required to measure the shape of a light pulse. A team from TU Wien (Vienna), MPI Garching and LMU Munich has now made this much…

Claudia Gollner bei der Arbeit mit Schutzbrille.

A new, extremely efficient source of terahertz radiation has been developed at TU Wien (Vienna): Lasers turn air into plasma, thereby producing terahertz rays for many…