News articles

Tobias Schäfer

With an ESPRIT grant from the Austrian Science Fund FWF, Tobias Schäfer is developing new computational methods to solve previously unsolvable quantum physics problems in…

visualization of the method

Tailor-made laser light fields can be used to slow down the movement of several particles and thus cool them down to extremely low temperatures - as shown by a team from TU…

Montage aus einem Gruppenfoto und zwei zusätzlich angefügten Einzelportraits.

Sometimes, chemical reactions do not solely run stationary in one direction, but they show spatio-temporal oscillations. At TU Wien, a transition to chaotic behavior on the…

Constanze Roedig
© BThomasHart Photography / Who is Danny,

Austria receives large EU-Grant to enable hosting interactive environments for collaborating and sharing high-performance-compute codes on GCP via the European Open Science…