News articles

So far, it only exists as a montage: This is what a liquid with a negative refractive index could look like (right), as opposed to regular water (left).

Scientists have tried this with sophisticated meta-materials, but at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) it has now been done with simple metals; materials with a…

The Quantum Chip: In the center, there is the microwave resonator and the dark diamond.

Two completely different quantum systems were successfully joined at Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna). This should pave the way to feasible quantum-computer…

Colloids - unordered, in a crystalline structure and as strings under mechanical strain

A liquid does not have to be a disordered bunch of particles: A team of researchers at Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) and the University of Vienna has discovered…

Graphene: light makes the electrons flow

The novel material graphene makes faster electronics possible. Scientists at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Vienna University of…

The Energy-Harvester module

Sensor networks are supposed to pervade the body of airplanes in the future – much like a nervous system. Thanks to a joint research project of EADS Deutschland GmbH (Germany)…

3D-printer at TU Vienna

A research project at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) could turn futuristic 3D-printers into affordable everyday items.

An ultra cold Bose-Einstein condensate emits pairs of atoms in an atom-chip.

At the Vienna University of Technology, sophisticated atomchips have been used to create pairs of quantum mechanically connected atom-twins. Until now, similar experiments…