News articles

Novel microcopy methods allow scientists to study the mechanical interaction of T-cells and particles

When T-cells of our immune system become active, tiny traction forces at the molecular level play an important role. They have now been studied at TU Wien.

Small figures are surrounded by screws, nuts and gears. The figures wear protective helmets. One figure holds a sign with the inscription "Maintenance", another one carries a flag with the inscription "We are working on it!
© Pixabay

The upgrade of our TYPO3 Backend from Version 8 to Version 10 will take place between December 13 and 17, 2020. The Frontend is not affected by this upgrade.

A laser beam hitting a cloud of ultra cold atoms

The Unruh-effect connects quantum theory and relativity. Until now, it could not be measured. A new idea could change this - in a completely different way than ever before.

Carina Brunnhofer (left), Dominik Dworschak (right)

Crucial new technologies such as hydrogen production or carbon capture require new catalysts. Experiments show: It's not just the material that matters, but also its atomic…