How do AD(H)D and Autism Spectrum Disorders affect everyday life in studies and work? What strategies are available to cope with them? What support do universities offer? These and other questions were addressed by experts during a themed day focused on neurodiversity.

The event was held in cooperation with the Vienna University of Economics and Business and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences and was aimed at all students and staff.


[Translate to English:] Flyer zum Thementag


  • Welcome and opening Jasmin Gründling-Riener | VRin Lehre sowie Ute Koch | VRin Personal der TU Wien
  • "Overview of the Neurodiverse Spectrum with Focus on Autism and AD(H)D" (de): Linda Kreil | Verein ADAPT
  • "AD(H)D in Adulthood - From Suspicion to Diagnosis" (en): Anna Binder-Kita | Psychotherpeutin
  • Info Tables: Psychological Counseling Center Vienna, TU, WU, BOKU
  • "Studieren im Spektrum - Unterstützungsangebote" (de): Anne Ziegler | Psychological Counseling Center Vienna
  • Panel Discussion with Representatives from TU, WU, and BOKU

Moderation: Louisa Holub | Diversity Management

Stream and Documentation

[Translate to English:] Download Symbol

Here you can find the stream of the event, the slides from both presentations, and additional materials.

IMPORTANT: This is an internal TU area! To access the content, please log in with your TU account!

Points of Contact and Support

[Translate to English:] Wäscheleine auf denen die Worte "We can help" hängen

Coffe Hour Barrierefree | Regular discussion rounds on the topic of neurodiversity at TU Wien

Barrier-free Studying | Contact point for students and teachers

ADAPT, opens an external URL in a new window | Working Group for Supporting Individuals with ADHD

Autistenhilfe, opens an external URL in a new window | Competence and Therapy Center for the Autism Spectrum

Psychological Counseling Center Vienna, opens an external URL in a new window | Support for Study-Related and Personal Issues