Site Room Number Name Adress Seats Equipment Opening Hours Administration
Freihaus DB02F23 Internet-Room FH3, Fachschaft Physik Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, 2nd floor, yellow 20 tables, chairs TU opening hours and SC Physics
Freihaus DC01M21 Lernraum FS Physik Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, 1st floor 20 tables, chairs, small library TU opening hours SC Physics
Freihaus DCEGD03 HTU Lernraum Altes GZ Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, ground floor, red 100 tables, chairs, sofas, whiteboards

TU opening hours and open on sundays as indicated in TISS

Getreidemarkt BZEG23 Genie EG 164 Getreidemarkt 9, ground floor 10 tables, chairs, sofa TU opening hours SC Chemistry
Gußhaus CD0119 Lernraum FS ETIT Gußhausstr. , 1st floor 15  tables, chairs, blackboard TU opening hours SC Electrical Engineering
Karlsplatz ABU101 biz Lernraum Karlsplatz 13, basement 15 tables, chairs, lockers TU opening hours SC Civil Engineering
Karlsplatz ABEG06 biz Lernraum Karlsplatz 13, ground floor 50 tables, chairs TU opening hours SC Civil Engineering
Karlsplatz AKEG04 HTU Lernraum Paniglgasse 16 30 tables, chairs 8 am - 9 pm HTU
Karlsplatz ACEG44 HTU Lernraum Karlsplatz 13, ground floor 60 tables, chairs, printer TU opening hours HTU
Karlsplatz AFEG22 Lernraum FS Raumplanung Karlsplatz 13, ground floor 30  tables, chairs, StyroCutter TU opening hours SC Urban and Regional Planning
Karlsplatz AFU118 Lernraum FS Raumplanung Karlsplatz 13, basement 30 tables, chairs, StyroCutter TU opening hours SC Urban and Regional Planning
Treitlstrasse DE0102 office wif students council Treitlstrasse 1st floor 3 tables, chairs, screen TU opening hours SC Business Informatics
Treitlstrasse DEZE16+DEZE12 learning space and kitchen SC informatics Treitlstrasse 3, Mezzanine 40 tables, chairs, small library weekday afternoons to evenings and by appointment SC Informatics