What is the Ombuds Office?

The Ombuds Office for Academic Affairs is a service for TU students who have concerns about their everyday life at the university. You can get advice, support and help with communication. We contact the responsible persons and work together with them to find appropriate solutions.


For which issues can I contact the Ombuds Office?


  • Difficulties within the organisation of courses & exams or regarding admission & recognition
  • Conflicts or interruptions of supervision during the writing of final theses
  • Clarification of facts in case of different information from TU institutions & contact persons
  • Inappropriate behaviour, discrimination & (sexual) harassment or violence
  • Lending an open ear for suggestions to improve study conditions & service facilities

The ombudspersons are free from directives and independent in the performance of their tasks and treat all concerns confidentially. The work of the ombudspersons is voluntary. An external person is called in if inhibition occurs in a case.

If you give us a contact option, we will inform you about the ongoing progress regarding your concern. The ombudsperson will clarify with you how he or she can provide support. In general, personal data will not be shared without your consent. If it's important for the process of the case a meeting (in person/by telephone) can be arranged. Solving the cases together with those who are responsible can have a wide range of approaches and consequences: from raising awareness to consequences under study law or concerning industrial law.

The Ombuds Office is introducing themselves

Ao.Univ.Prof.in Dipl.-Ing.in Dr.in mont. Vasiliki-Maria Archodoulaki


My name is Vasiliki-Maria Archodoulaki, I am Greek and have been living in Austria for 35 years. I was and I am still active in various committees (AKG, Senate, StuKo) here at TU Wien. I am making an effort to foster equal rights and visibility of women at TU Wien and in the whole technical sector. In my research, which focuses on sustainability, I strive to illustrate this topic through projects with children and support the vision of a fair and well-balanced world.

Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Kurt Matyas


My name is Kurt Matyas. As a graduate in Mechanical Engineering - Economics at TU Wien and with more than two decades of experience in various positions, from Vice Dean of Academic Affairs and Dean to Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, I know the challenges students face. My heart beats for justice and I have always seen it as my duty to help students in tough situations. As an ombudsperson, I bring this passion and my many years of experience to support you in the best possible way. I am looking forward to being there for you!

Lisa Vrablicz BSc MSc

Clinical Psychologist

I am Lisa Vrablicz and as a clinical psychologist I support the ombud's office with psychological issues. As I recently completed my own studies, I know how challenging studying can be and treat students with a great deal of empathy and understanding. Students are welcome to contact me if they are experiencing psychological stress, e.g. due to their studies or personal issues.

Vanessa Pohl BSc

Student Staff

My name is Vanessa Pohl and I support the ombuds office as a psychology student. As I am still a student myself, I can empathize with the difficulties you have to deal with during your studies.

Make a Request

Contact us via our ombuds office form, opens an external URL in a new window and tell us about your situation in few a words.

Anonymous Request

Your concerns are, for sure, treated confidentially. You can also contact us anonymously, if you feel more comfortable doing so, using the " Make an anonymous request" form below.

Please note: If you would like to receive a response to your request, please enter an e-mail address (your name does not have to be included in the e-mail address) in order to receive an automated response first. If no e-mail address is entered, NO further communication is possible. In this case, we are not able to inform you about the current status of the case process, nor can we ask you any further questions to obtain information or clarify questions which were left unanswered.

Make an Anonymous Request

Ombudsstelle: Anonyme Anfrage - Formular
If you would like to receive feedback on your request, please enter an email address where we can reach you. If no email is provided, NO subsequent communication can take place
Which pronouns would you like to be addressed with?
What is the topic of your request? If "Other request" is selected, please specify your request in the description at the end of the form
e.g.: 2020W, 2022S, etc.
Does your request concern a specific course? If yes, you can enter the course number here
Does your request concern a specific supervisor? If yes, you can enter their name here
Select whether your request should only be processed by persons of a certain gender
Please describe your request
If necessary you can upload relevant files here