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Erasmus+ is an EU program for the promotion of education, training, youth and sport in Europe.

For students in bachelor's, master's or doctoral studies, the program finances mobility of different duration between 2 and 12 months within one academic year. A prerequisite is a regular study at TUW.

Each study visit can also be carried out as "blended mobility" - a combination of a physical mobility (at least 2 months) and a virtual component enabling joint online learning and teamwork.

Short-term mobility (5 - 30 days) is possible for doctoral students or also for disadvantaged student groups (e.g. study aid recipients, employed people) in combination with a virtual component.

Short stays are also possible in “Blended Intensive Programs” - intensive programs that are offered jointly by several universities on a specific topic and always contain a virtual component.

Partner countries

The focus region is the EEA and associated countries (e.g. Serbia, Turkey). There are special agreements with Switzerland. Under the programme Erasmus+ International, stays worldwide are also possible. At the moment it includes all contracts with the UK and the architecture contract with the Institut Teknologi Bandung (see the study place offer).

In any case, the prerequisite is the existence of a bilateral contract between TU Wien and the partner university!

Find out about the current Erasmus+ study place offer, opens an external URL in a new window.


The grants are awarded subject to budget availability. There is no legal entitlement to the grant. Due to your Erasmus status, you are exempt from tuition fees at the partner university and enjoy all other benefits, e.g. support from ESN Buddynetwork, Orientation Days for Exchange Students.

  • Current monthly grant amounts 2023/24 (PDF) >>
  • For Erasmus stays from the academic year 2024/25, the grant consists of a monthly grant amount and a contribution to travel costs:
    - Monthly grant amounts for the academic year 2024/25 (PDF)
    - Contribution to travel costs (PDF) depending on the distance to the host country. There is a higher funding for environmentally friendly travelling. We recommend environmentally friendly traveling for distances up to 500 km! Sustainable transport: bike, bus, shared car travel, and train.
  • Travel green with the Interrail Pass for Erasmus+ = train ticket that allows unlimited travel on participating European train networks, ferries and public transport companies for either 4 or 6 days within a 6-month period. The pass can therefore also be used to visit your host country or neighboring countries during your stay abroad. The pass is only available to Erasmus+ participants, students and staff residing in a European country.
  • Inclusion support is available for students with children in need of care who are taken to the place of study, students with disabilities, students with chronic illnesses if this results in increased financial expenses.

Organization of Erasmus+ at TU Wien

The International Office (IO) coordinates the ERASMUS program at TU Wien in cooperation with contact persons at institutes or Dean's offices.

The IO provides initial information, coordinates the program and pays the scholarships.

The contact persons at the institutes provide information on academic contents and select students for their study stays abroad.

The Deans of academic affairs are responsible for crediting of completed study courses abroad.

The internal administrative processing at TU Wien is carried out via a TISS application ("TISS Mobility Services, opens an external URL in a new window").

How do I become an ERASMUS+ grant holder?

Program procedure at a glance (The detailed description can be found in our checklist [PDF], opens in new window):

  1. Find out about the current ERASMUS study place-offer in your field of study and get initial information about your host universities (https://univ.cc/): Semester dates, application deadlines, language certificate?
    Get in touch with the contact persons at the respective institutes or in the Dean's office with questions concerning the study program.
    Please note that mobility to your home country has a low priority and possibly may not be funded.
  2. Apply for an Erasmus place in TISS (log-in via Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome) and upload the required documents (curriculum vitae, transcript, language certificate).
    TU internal minimum requirement for an Erasmus application:  continuous enrolment in 3 semesters at TU Wien (for Bachelor students).
    However, depending on the host university, also completion of a bachelor's degree or a certain number of ECTS points may be required (see FAQ).
    Please also consider the information on the Erasmus pages of the faculties!
    ATTENTION - NEW application deadlines from 2024:
       a.    01.01. - 15.02. for stays in the following winter and summer semester;
       b.    01.07. - 01.09. for remaining places in the summer semester.
  3. The selection of the grant holders is based on an expert ranking by the program coordinators at the institutes / Dean's offices on the basis of the documents submitted.
  4. After your nomination, you conclude a grant contract with the IO. Still before you leave, you will receive 80% of your total grant.
  5. Before you leave, you must take an online language test (OLS) and then you have the opportunity to take an online language course.
  6. In order to be sure that your studies abroad will be credited, specify your preliminary study program in the "Online Learning Agreement (OLA)" still before your departure, and forward it via TISS to the Dean of academic affairs in your field of study for signature.
       a.    15.06. for stays in the following winter semester;
       b.    15.12. for stays in the summer semester.
  7. A stay can only be extended within one academic year - that means only from winter to summer semester.
  8. Multiple visits: Erasmus + allows you to study abroad several times. You have at your disposal 12 months for Erasmus (study or internship) per study cycle (Bachelor / Master / Doctorate) - but not more than once for the same university.
  9. The payment of the remaining 20% of the grant will be made upon your return, as well as
  10. The crediting (recognition) of the completed study courses by the Dean of academic affairs on the basis of the certificates. As a minimum requirement, 3 ECTS per month abroad must be credited. A semester performance of 30 ECTS is recommended.

Contact in International Office

Traude Krausler
[T]: +43 1 58801 41562

Application forms, documents

Swiss European Mobility Programme (SEMP)

* The form can be completed using Adobe Reader/Acrobat™.

More Information

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