TU Wien supports the participation of PhD students (“Early Stage Researchers”) in international conferences organised abroad. Young researchers should be given the chance to present their scientific work on the international stage, and to gain international contacts for their later academic careers.

GUIDELINES  for the provision of a grant by TU Wien from “Funds for PhD students participating in conferences”

1. Eligible persons

Students in the dissertation-phase (“Early Stage Researchers”), whose home university is TU Wien:

  • PhD students who are not employed by TU Wien;
  • PhD students who are employed by TU Wien (i.e. in Doctoral Schools, University Assistants, Project Assistants).

Visiting students are not eligible for funding.

Funds for participating in conferences are awarded subject to budget availability. There is no legal entitlement to this grant.

2. Eligible activities

The grant can be used for participation in international scientific conferences organised abroad, at which an own contribution (e.g. poster, paper etc.) is to be presented.

3. Application

Applications must be submitted through TISS Mobility Services, opens an external URL in a new window (tab “Education”). Applications have always to be submitted in advance. You cannot apply for funding retrospectively. Only one conference can be applied for in each application round.

  • You can only apply if you are logged in to TISS.
  • Software requirements: When applying in TISS, please make sure that you are using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Other browsers do not usually support data uploads in the Mobility Service.

4. Required supporting documents

  • Justification of participation with reference to the research work,
  • Justified endorsement from the dissertation supervisor,
  • Invitation to the conference and proof of acceptance of your contribution,
  • Proof of payment of the conference fee (in justified cases, this may be provided later).

5. Application deadlines

  • 01 December - 15 January
  • 15 February - 15 March
  • 01 May - 15 June
  • 01 September - 15 October

6. Selection of candidates

Ranking and pre-selection by faculty representatives. Final selection by the rectorate.

7. Reimbursement of costs

√  Travel allowance (Europe: € 250;  non-European countries-1(1) € 580; non-European countries-2(2) € 870)
√  Accommodation allowance (up to max. 10 days: € 50 per day)
√  Conference fee (according to the invoice)

In the case of project assistants, co-financing from project funds (min. 30%) is mandatory.

8. Payment modalities

After the submission of a Declaration of Acceptance ("Annahmeerklärung") and receipt of all required documents (see Point 4.), the approved amount is transferred in advance as a grant.

9. After your return

The following documentation must be submitted to the International Office within 3 months from your return, otherwise the grant will have to be repaid:

  • Confirmation of the participation and presented contribution,
  • Short report.


(1) North America, Russia, Middle East, Africa
(2) Latin America, South-East Asia, New Zealand, Australia

Other funding opportunities

Research funding programme "International Communication"

The research funding programme “International Communication” of the Austrian Research Association complements the opportunities provided by universities and project funding institutions across Austria with regard to travel funds for trips abroad and for inviting scientists to Austria.

The funding is primarily intended for younger scientists whose previous achievements are of high quality and who cannot receive sufficient funding from other organisations for formal reasons or due to exhaustion of funds.

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