TANDEM is a language program based on the idea that two native speakers with different mother tongues are learning from and with each other. They have the freedom to arrange their regular meetings individually and to manage them according to their preferences.

Mutuality & autonomy

Everyone is only as successful as his tandem partner is. The one who wants help from his tandem partner, is also obliged to offer help himself. Basically, the idea of the program is that each partner has half of the time for language practicing. During this time, the focus lies on the target language. The tandem can only work, if both partners profit to an equal extend. The tandem partners are responsible for their own learning. You know best for yourself what, how, how much and when you would like to learn. The tandem partner has to be notified which contents and structures you would like to focus on.

Different learning targets

Both tandem partners can follow different objectives – actually, that is the usual case. While one is preparing for a written exam, the other can plan for example a stay abroad and wants to improve the oral skills.


The level of the two tandem partners should be equal. The tandem learning system fits only partially to beginners. Normally they need some support (for example through teaching materials).

Tandem Log book

It is advised to use a tandem logbook to bring some structure into the learning process. This book serves as a frame for a accurately designed timetable and assures a positive learning environment. You can pick up your Logbook at our office or we send it by email upon request.

Activities for tandem learning

If you are not sure how to start at the beginning have a look at the huge variety of online learning materials. They have proofed themselves especially at the beginning. Later it is up to the students’ imagination. For example: The Viennese coffee house tandem, the ice-cream-parlor tandem, the sightseeing tandem and so on. TANDEM also works via online meetings!.

Correction in the tandem

As long as the communication is maintained and as long as both sides are satisfied, the mistakes made do not matter. Tell your tandem partner if and how you would like to be corrected. This way you can ask your tandem partner to repeat the faulty part in a correct way or that he notes frequent mistakes and talks later about it.

Duration of a tandem meeting

We recommend to plan the first 3 meetings and to meet once a week for approx. 40-60 minutes, this means 20-30 minutes for each language.

Confirmation of participation

In order to obtain a confirmation of participation you have to fulfill the following requirements during the semester:

  • Regular meetings with the tandem partner, at least 6 times.  You can also sometimes email to your tandem partner instead of a meeting in person, especially if you want to practice your writing skills);
  • Writing a tandem logbook (incl. questionnaire about the learning targets, notes/learning logs of at least 6 meetings, evaluation).

You can hand in the log book in the International Office or send it to exchangein@tuwien.ac.at. You will get your confirmation a few days after.


  1. Register at https://jira.it.tuwien.ac.at/servicedesk/customer/portal/11 > TANDEM Registration.
    - Please log in with your TISS access data (TU Wien Single Sign On).
    - Notice: Incoming exchange students can only register after admission to TU Wien when you will receive your TISS access data (= from September/February).
  2. The TANDEM matching process takes place at the beginning of the semester (= beginning of October/March). We will contact you in any case - even if no matching TANDEM buddy is found.
  3. Arrange a first meeting with your TANDEM buddy.
  4. Benefit from the knowledge of your TANDEM buddy – exchange interesting experiences about your university, study programmes and culture!

Contact and counseling

Mag.a Arina SINIKTUTOVA, Tel.: +43 (0)1 58801 41509, exchangein@tuwien.ac.at for requests only! Registration only possible online, see Registration Link