A grant for the stay in Vienna, and if applicable, also the respective travel costs[1] are reimbursed for staff of foreign universities which have not concluded a valid partnership agreement with TU Wien, who are visiting TU Wien for the purpose of initiating or continuing research and academic cooperation.

GUIDELINES for the use of the grant for international visiting scientists at TU Wien financed from "Funds for International Relationships"

1. Eligible beneficiaries

Staff members of international universities which have not concluded a valid partnership agreement with TU Wien, may receive for their visits at TU Wien aimed at initiating or continuing research and academic cooperation a grant to cover their costs of stay in Vienna and possibly also their travel costs[1].

2. Application

A grant from the "Funds for International Relationships" provided for the stay of an international visiting scientist at TU Wien can only be applied for by TU Wien staff (except for project assistants, lectors).

The completed application for funding (Point 1. to Point 6.) must be submitted per E-Mail to Ms. Diana Tsenova diana.tsenova@tuwien.ac.at between 6 months and 3 weeks before the expected arrival of the guest. Applications can only be made for the current budget year (exception: it is possible to submit an application in December for the following January). Please use the relevant application form for this.

There is no legal entitlement to this funding.

3. Eligible activities

The funding is primarily foreseen for the initiation and realisation of research and academic cooperation. (Hence, funding of lecturing is not possible).

A maximum of 2 visitors from the same university can be funded for the same period.

Each applicant from TU Wien can apply for a maximum of € 3500 per budget year to fund foreign visiting scientists at TU Wien!

4. Daily rate for the stay

For a stay duration up to 10 days, a grant of € 100 per day is foreseen for all foreign visiting scientists. If the stay is longer than 10 days, a grant of € 25 per day is foreseen from the 11th day onwards.

It is possible to apply for a grant for a maximum duration of stay up to one month (30 days). The full grant for one month amounts to € 1500.

Please note that the grant is provided for short-term stays. Individual applications for stays that follow one another cannot be approved (i.e. if a guest stays at TU Wien for longer than one month, only one application can be submitted for a maximum of one month).

5. Travel costs

Travel costs can only be reimbursed for visitors from the following countries: EU acceding and candidate countries, opens an external URL in a new window, Western Balkan countries, opens an external URL in a new window, Least Developed Countries, opens an external URL in a new window (according to UN classification).

6. Payment

Payments to foreign visiting scientists can only be made by bank transfers.

Cash payments can only be made in justified individual cases (e.g. countries with a high banking risk) and require a prior approval by the bursar's office.

The basis for the payment is the finalised signed application:

  • filled in Points 8. and 9,
  • scan of the signed application as pdf or pdf file with qualified electronic signatures,

which is to be sent per E-Mail to Ms. Diana Tsenova, diana.tsenova@tuwien.ac.at. If travel expenses are to be reimbursed, the travel receipts (train and plane tickets as well as travel invoices, etc.) must also be submitted.

The signed printout remains with you at the institute and must be kept there. The applicant is liable for the accuracy of the data provided.

7. Short report

Based on the provision of the grant, the applicant is obliged to produce a short written report about the visit, and to submit it directly to the International Office within 14 days after the departure of the visiting scientist. You will find the reporting form here >>, opens in new window.

8. Additional financing requests

In the case of additional financing commitments from other parties (dean’s office, FWF, etc.), the International Office must be informed, and may ask for partial repayment. Furthermore, any changes to details provided by the applicant, especially changes to the duration of stay or the cancellation of the trip abroad, must be communicated to the International Office immediately.

9. Cancellation of trips

Please note that neither cancellation fees for unstarted journeys, nor cancellation insurance can be financed from this budget!