International funding programmes
Staff of TU Wien can take part in various international cooperation programmes in the field of higher education and management. Participation in these projects not only enables you to exchange expertise and experience on the international level, but also to obtain external funds for realising your project ideas.
Information regarding EU projects published on the website of the International Office relates solely to international higher education and management projects.
Information on research projects can be found on the websites of the department „RTI Support (Research, Technology, Innovation), opens an external URL in a new window“.
Please find below a list of the most important funding programmes for international higher education and management projects:
Austria - Slovakia Initiative
- General objective: Mobility grants for students, teachers and researchers as well as project grants to strengthen bilateral cooperations aiming at development of sustainbale partnerships;
- Eligible countries: Austria + Slovakia
- Deadlines for project applications: 15 March, 15 May, 15 October
- More information >>
Austria - Czech Republic Initiative
- General objective: Mobility grants for students, teachers and researchers as well as project grants to strengthen bilateral cooperations aiming at development of sustainbale partnerships;
- Eligible countries: Austria + Czech Republic
- Deadlines for project applications: 15 April, 15 September, 31 October
- More Informationen: Project grants >> | Mobility grants >>
Austria - Hungary Initiative
- General objective: Mobility grants for students, teachers and researchers as well as project grants to strengthen bilateral cooperations aiming at development of sustainbale partnerships;
- Eligible countries: Austria + Hungary
- Deadlines for project applications: 15 March, 15 May, 30 October
- More information >>
APPEAR is a programme of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), opens an external URL in a new window. The overall objective is to strengthen the scientific foundation and institutional capacities in higher education, research and management in the partner countries through academic partnerships with Austrian higher education institutions and master’s and PhD scholarships.
- Eligible countries: Austria + 11 priority countries of the ADC: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Uganda, Mozambique, Bhutan, Palestine, Armenia, Georgia, Albania, Kosovo, and Republic of Moldova. Institutions from other countries listed in the OECD-DAC-list of ODA-recipients can participate as associated partner institutions.
- Application deadline: 31 May 2024
Information on APPEAR III >>, opens an external URL in a new window | Information for applicants >>, opens an external URL in a new window
CEEPUS - Networks
- Generall objective: A mobility programmes for students and teachers in Central and Eastern Europa, supported by BMBWF. The mobility is performed in the framework of networks focused on specific areas of science/research;
- Eligible countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo (with University Prishtina), Croatia, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Austria, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary
- Deadline for project applications: 15 January
- More information >>
Erasmus+ 2021-2027
Call for proposals 2025 – EAC/A08/2024
Erasmus+, opens an external URL in a new window is an EU programme for education, training, youth and sport that opens up many opportunities for international cooperation. You can find detailed information on these cooperation opportunities and eligibility criteria in:
- Erasmus+ Programme Guide for the application round 2025,
- Erasmus+ Call for Proposals 2025 – EAC/A08/2024 Erasmus+ Programme,
- Call for proposals - Partnerships for Excellence – European Universities - ERASMUS-EDU-2024-EUR-UNIV (PDF file).
Actions in the field of higher education:
Jean Monnet Actions and Networks
Objective: The Jean Monnet Actions in Higher Education support teaching and research in EU studies around the world. The scope of EU studies can vary as long as the EU perspective is examined. EU studies should promote active citizenship and European values and address the EU's role in a globalized world by creating greater awareness of EU concerns and promoting future engagement and dialogue between peoples and cultures.
Actions in the field of higher education:
- Jean-Monnet - Modules
- Jean-Monnet - Chairs
- Jean-Monnet - Centres of Excellence
Deadline for applications: 12 February 2025
Application: The coordinating institution submits the application to the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA) in Brussels (central procedure).
Short description >>, opens an external URL in a new window | Submission of applications to EACEA Brussels >>, opens an external URL in a new window
Capacity Building in Higher Education
The Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) action supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of higher education. The activities and outcomes of CBHE projects must be geared to benefit the eligible third countries not associated to the Programme, their higher education institutions and systems.
- Strand 1: Fostering access to cooperation in higher education
Objective: To facilitate access to capacity building projects for newcomers from third countries, to reduce the internationalization differences at higher education institutions from the same country / region. - Strand 2: Partnerships for transformation in higher education
Objective: To modernize higher education institutions in third countries by promoting reforms, e.g. introducing new learning programmes and learning methods, reforming the administration and management of higher education institutions. - Strand 3: Structural reform projects
Objectives: To strengthen the capacities of the bodies in third countries responsible for higher education, efficient and effective policy-making, promotion of common regional strategies in higher education.
Deadline for applications: 6 February 2025
Application: The coordinating institution submits the application to the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA) in Brussels (central procedure).
Short description >>, opens an external URL in a new window | Submission of applications to EACEA Brussels >>, opens an external URL in a new window
Erasmus Mundus Action
- Lot 1: Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM)
Objective: At least three universities from three different countries offer a joint, integrated and accredited master’s course (= Joint Programme), during which students complete their study programme at several locations in Europe and worldwide. At the end of their studies, students receive a double, multiple or joint degree. - Lot 2: Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM)
Objective: This funding option supports the development of new joint master’s degree programmes.
Deadline for applications: 13 February 2025
Application: The coordinating institution submits the application to the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA) in Brussels (central procedure).
Short description >>, opens an external URL in a new window | Submission of applications to EACEA Brussels >>, opens an external URL in a new window
Cooperation Partnerships
Objectives: Development, transfer and implementation of innovative practices, new modules and curricula as well as joint initiatives to promote thematic cooperation at European level.
Deadline for applications: 5 March 2025
Application: The coordinating institution submits the application on behalf of all project partners to the national Erasmus + agency in its country.
Short description >>, opens an external URL in a new window | Funded costs >>, opens an external URL in a new window | Submission of application to the austrian national agency >>, opens an external URL in a new window
Alliances for Innovation
- Lot 1: Alliances for Education and Enterprises
- Lot 2: Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the ‘Blueprint’)
Objective: To strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity by boosting innovation through cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training, and the broader socio-economic environment, including research; Development of curricula; Development of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mind-sets in the EU.
Deadline for applications: 6 March 2025
Application: The coordinating institution submits the application to the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA) in Brussels (central procedure).
Short description >>, opens an external URL in a new window | Submission of applications to EACEA Brussels >>, opens an external URL in a new window
- General objective: Realisation of joint cooperation, research and teaching activities with other ASEA-UNINET members;
- Eligible to participate are teachers and researchers from Austrian ASEA-UNINET member universities who wish to carry out a co-operation project with at least one ASEA-UNINET member university. Target countries (mobility in both directions): Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam.
- Members: ASEA-UNINET members (countries from the EU and Asia);
- Project call 2025 >>
- Application guidelines 2025: German (PDF) >> / English (PDF) >>
- Submission deadline for project applications: 24 April 2025;
- Project duration: 1 October 2025 till 30 September 2026 (1-year projects) or untill 30 September 2027 (2-year projects);
- Contact person at TU Wien: Prof. Andreas Rauber <>, ASEA-UNINET Coordinator TU Wien
- Further information: Programme short description >> |
The Programme Taiwan-Austria is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) of Austria and the Ministry of Education (MOE) of Taiwan.
- General objective: to stimulate joint activities and to contribute to direct collaborations among higher education and research institutions in Taiwan and Austria.
- Eligible countries: Austria + Taiwan
- Eligible costs: Travel and subsistence costs as well as material costs.
- Deadline for project applications: will be announced soon.
- Call + Application Forms >>
Scholarship databases:
- Österreichische Datenbank für Stipendien und Forschungsförderung
Portals for higher education programmes:
- Portal der Europäischen Kommission zur allgemeinen & beruflichen Bildung
- The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
- Portal der Europäischen Kommission zur Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (EuropeAid)
- Österreichischer Austauschdienst GmbH (OeAD)
Portals for research programms (for more infomation contact the department European and International Research Support):
- Portal der Europäischen Kommission zur Forschung & Innovation
- Cordis - Portal zur Europäischen Forschung und Entwicklung
- COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology
- Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG)
- FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds, Wien
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Despite all care taken when creating this website, we cannot be made liable for the validity, accuracy or completeness of the information made available. Only the official documentation relating to the relevant call for project applications is authoritative.