If you study at TU Wien in the framework of international exchange  programmes, you may choose courses from different tracks and semesters as long as you have completed the prerequisites or have the equivalent knowledge necessary to register for the courses.

Detailed information on study programmes and course offerings at TU Wien can be found at the Webpage:
http://tiss.tuwien.ac.at, opens an external URL in a new window (tab „Education“).

A list of courses at TU Wien (which might be incomplete) with "Green Topics" can be found here >>, opens an external URL in a new window

Here you can find an overview of course types (PDF) >>, opens a file in a new window

Academic guide for new students at TU Wien: course types, study rooms, tools

Please note: this guide is addressed to students who are starting a full degree programme at TU Wien. That means, the information on recognition/study performance is NOT relevant for exchange student. But you will find a good overview on course types, tools, communication channels, study rooms of TU Wien: https://www.tuwien.at/en/studies/teaching-at-tu-wien/strategic-education-development-center/guide-for-new-students, opens in new window.