Courses in English language

TU Wien offers several hundred courses in English language. You can find them on the web site of TU Wien as follows:


Open the web page, opens an external URL in a new window


Click on the link "Extended Search".


Set the value in the input field "Language" to "English" or to "if required in English". The difference between these two options is the following:

  • the option "English" means that the course is held in English;
  • the option "if required in English" means that the course is held in English only if required by the students included in the respective study group.

We recommend to check/set also the values in the following additional input fields:

  • "Semester";
  • "Faculty".

Please note: if you select "English" in the input field "Language" without setting any further filter, the displayed list of courses will not be complete. The reason is that the system allows to display max. 200 search results, but TU Wien offers much more courses in English.


Click on the button “Search” in order to display the courses matching your selection criteria.