Additional examination in descriptive geometry

For the Bachelor's degree programmes Architecture, Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Geoinformation, Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering and Industrial Engineering-Machine Engineering, Descriptive Geometry is required as an additional qualification. If you have attended Descriptive Geometry to the extent of at least 4 hours per week after the 8th grade, the proof is considered to have been provided. You can prove that you have taken Descriptive Geometry by presenting your school reports at the time of personal enrolment.

Geometric drawing is not sufficient!

If you do not have proof of Descriptive Geometry, you must take the additional examination during the Bachelor's degree programme. For this purpose, a separate course ("Zusatzprüfung aus Darstellender Geometrie") is offered at TU Wien, which must be successfully passed before completion of the Bachelor's degree.

Supplementary examinations

The university entrance qualification can be proven by an international qualification if there are no substantial differences to the Austrian secondary school leaving certificate.

If the school years only amount to eleven years, general educational content is missing or if there is no proof of knowledge of the German language, so-called supplementary examinations (mathematics, physics, chemistry and/or German) are prescribed in the admission letter in order to establish equivalence on the basis of legal requirements and must be passed before admission to the Bachelor's degree programme,

All supplementary examinations have to be taken at the university course "Vorstudienlehrgang der Wiener Universitäten -VWU" (Pre-Study Course of the Viennese Universities), which has been set up for this purpose and at which the corresponding courses are attended before the examination. For this purpose, you will first be admitted to the VWU as a non-degree student. As soon as you are admitted as a non-degree student to take the supplementary examination(s) at the TU Wien, you have to take the supplementary examination exclusively within the framework of the VWU and prove this by means of the corresponding positive certificate of the supplementary examination.

After admission as an non-degree student for the VWU other certificates are no longer accepted! The extension of the residence title student will only be granted by the Foreigners Authority if the supplementary examinations have been successfully completed at the VWU!

All information on the Pre-Study Programme (registration, costs, deadlines, etc.) can be found on the homepage of the VWU, opens an external URL in a new window.