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...young researchers are to be supported in building successful networks to present their research achievements..

TU Wien Entwicklungsplan 2025

TUW DOC School's Mentorship Program

For TU Wien DOC School Students To Support One Another

P2P DOC is a Peer-to-Peer Mentorship Program that aims to support current DOC School students with …

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This simply means that by participating in P2P DOC as a mentor or as a mentee, you’ll get to …

  • Help or receive help with challenges and decision-making DOC Students face in academic life
  • Learn new soft skills such as active listening, communication, leadership, empathy, problem-solving, cultural awareness, facilitation, and more in a real-life setting
  • Build out your professional network in a natural and authentic way

P2P DOC is fully funded by TUW DOC School, mentors and mentees can participate voluntarily.

P2P DOC Participants

Mentors: DOC School Students in years 2, 3 and 4

[Translate to English:] Mentors

Mentees: DOC School Students joining in year 1, or are in year 2

[Translate to English:] Mentees



Program Start:

P2P DOC will kick off in WS 2024/25.

The formal application period is open NOW, opens an external URL in a new window.

Program Duration:

P2P DOC is designed to fit into the schedule of a busy academic.

PHASE 1 is set for one semester. After this semester, the mentor and mentee will conduct a self-evaluation of their collaboration.

PHASE 2 extends the program for another semester if both mentor and mentee wish to continue.

Since excellent peer relationships are dependent on the quality of the connection between the mentoring pairs, this 2-phased approach is intended to ensure that the right match leads the mentoring pairs to success.

The total duration of the program can be one year.



  1. Application
  2. Evaluation
  3. Registration for LVA via TISS by Mentor(s)
  4. Matching
  5. Mandatory Training for Mentor(s) & Onboarding for Mentee(s)
  6. Mandatory Meetings & Engagement between Mentor AND Mentee(s)
  7. Feedback

About Mentor ECTS: 3.0

Separate registration via TISS for the LVA is required by mentors after formal acceptance into the mentorship program.

Please note that after completion of the entire P2P DOC program (056.008 Accompanying Seminar of the TU Wien Doctoral School, opens an external URL in a new window), as well as submission of mentor documentation and feedback, a certificate of 3.0 ECTS (Transferable Skills Catalog / Social Competence) is issued to participating mentors.

Additionally, mentors will receive a confirmation of participation from the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. The dean responsible for each mentor’s studies decides on the applicability of these ECTS as a social skill as part of your curriculum’s requirements.

Meeting Frequency & Focus:

Each mentor meets with their mentee(s) every two- to three weeks in person, or virtually.

In between, the pair communicate by text, WhatsApp, Email, Telephone, Video Conference, or other preferred mode of communication on an as-needed or as-wanted basis.

Mentor-mentee relationships as part of P2P DOC are clearly defined. For example, mentors can support mentees through:

  • Coaching
  • Supporting
  • Encouraging
  • Advising
  • Modeling behaviors
  • Serving as a role model
  • Being a friend
  • Functioning as a resource

However, mentors are not responsible for educating, therapying, or solving mentees’ problems.

Training, onboarding, and guidance will be provided to the mentoring pair. No prior knowledge or experience being a mentor or a mentee is required.

Expected Social Schedule:

[Details and dates are available in the respective mentor & mentee tabs via this website. Please select via the menu on the left of this page.]


Mentor Briefing & Get-Together*

Mentor Training: Problem-Solving & Critical Thinking*

Mentor Training: Inclusivity & Cultural Awareness*

4x virtual Mentor-Meetings


In-Person Kick-Off Event & Matching*

10x individual mentor & mentee meetings (in person or virtually)

2x virtual Check-Ins with P2P Doc Team for mentor & mentee

Peer2Peer DOC Celebration with all mentors & mentees*


In-Person Kick-Off Event & Matching

10x individual mentor & mentee meetings (in person or virtually)

2x virtual Check-Ins with P2P Doc Team for mentor & mentee

Peer2Peer DOC Celebration with all mentors & mentees

[Translate to English:] Voices