Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies - News

If the spins of phosphorus atoms in silicon are cleverly excited with microwave pulses, a so-called spin echo signal can be detected after a certain time. Surprisingly, this spin echo does not occur only once, but a whole series of echoes can be detected.
© Bild: C. Hohmann / MCQST

A research team from Garching and Vienna discovered a remarkable echo effect – it offers exciting new possibilities for working with quantum…

Quantum Cascade Lasers create a very special kind of light.
© Second Bay Studios/Harvard SEAS

A particularly well-ordered kind of laser light can be created by turbulence, which is usually responsible for very disordered phenomena.

The team

Actually they had been looking for something completely different, but they found a previously unknown quasi-particle: A bound state of two electrons,…

A multi-particle system

Developing a quantum description for a many-body system is extremely hard. TU Wien (Vienna) and Heidelberg University found a way to obtain quantum…

Two laser pulses hit silicon dioxide

Until now, complex experimental equipment was required to measure the shape of a light pulse. A team from TU Wien (Vienna), MPI Garching and LMU…

A new measurement protocol, developed at TU Wien (Vienna), makes it possible to measure the quantum phase of electrons - an important step for…