Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies - News

[Translate to English:] Portrait von Alessandro Toschi, im Hintergrund eine Tafel.

A method developed at TU Wien has now allowed to identify which mechanism holds the electron pairs together in unconventional superconductors.

Several atoms and a beam of light
© Harald Ritsch / TU Wien

Using light, atoms can be made to attract each other. A team from Vienna and Innsbruck was able to measure this binding state of light and matter for…

a wave is sent from the left onto the medium with impurities inside. the transmitted and the reflected parts oft the light are shown on screens

Vom Mobilfunk bis zur trüben Glasscheibe: Oft stören lästige Reflexionen die ungehinderte Ausbreitung von Wellen. Eine verblüffende Lösung des…

An ultra short laser pulse (blue) creates free charge carriers, another pulse (red) accelerates them in opposite directions.

Halbleiterelektronik wird immer schneller – aber irgendwann erlaubt die Physik keine Steigerung mehr. Die kürzest mögliche Zeitskala…

Marcus Huber mit spiegelndem Kristall
© IQOQI-Vienna, by Mateusz Kotyrba

Quantum theory, complexity and thermodynamics: Marcus Huber finds new ways to link very different areas of physics. He is now awarded an ERC…