Materials and Matter - News

Symbolic representation of two particles with connections in between
© Raphael Bühler

Because they are extremely stable, so-called "topological states" play an important role in materials research. Now, for the first time, it has been…

a plate with three different microscopes

Researchers at TU Wien (Vienna) and FHI Berlin succeeded in monitoring a catalytic reaction with three different microscopies under exactly the same…

two people outdoors, trees in the background
© Tommy LaVergne/Rice University)

A new design principle can now predict the properties of quantum materials that have hardly been explored so far. For the first time, a strongly…

[Translate to English:] Drei dreidimensionale Computerdarstellungen der Metallstruktur: Quader bestehend aus kleinen unregelmäßigen Körnchen.

A seemingly paradoxical effect: friction normally causes more damage at higher speeds. But at extremely high speeds, it is the other way around.


two people in a lab

CO2 and methane can be turned into valuable products. But until now the catalysts required for such reactions quickly lose their effectiveness. TU…