Materials and Matter - News

two people in a lab

CO2 and methane can be turned into valuable products. But until now the catalysts required for such reactions quickly lose their effectiveness. TU…

sandstone is being treated with a liquid substance
© Archiv der Dombauhütte St. Stephan

Buildings made of porous rock can weather over the years. Now, for the first time, scientists at TU Wien (Vienna) have studied in detail how silicate…

Janek Wettstein and Andrei Pimenov in the lab

Switching something on and off again usually takes it back into its original state. A new magnetic material, however, has to be switched four times,…

On the left, there is a star shaped structure with cells in the center. On the right, these cells have grown from the center of the structure into the spikes of the star.

When biological tissue is created in the laboratory, nothing should be left to chance: At TU Wien, a method was developed to guide individual cells to…

large metal construction in a concrete wall
© Matthias Heisler

One of the world’s most powerful cable testing facilities has now been put into operation at TU Wien (Vienna). Using a completely new technique, it…