Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Michael Stanislaus Seifner, BSc
2010 - 2016 Studies of Chemistry at TU Wien
2016 Dipl.-Ing. (MSc)
2016 - 2019 PhD studies at TU Wien
2019 Dr.techn. (PhD)
2020 - 2024 post-Doc at DTU Kopenhagen
seit 2024 Mitarbeiter bei USTEM
- | Electrical and Structural Properties of Si₁−ₓGeₓ Nanowires Prepared from a Single-Source Precursor at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBehrle, R., Krause Vanessa, Seifner, M. S., Köstler, B., Dick, K. A., Wagner, M., Sistani, M., & Barth, S. (2023). Electrical and Structural Properties of Si₁−ₓGeₓ Nanowires Prepared from a Single-Source Precursor. Nanomaterials, 13(4), Article 627. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano13040627
- | Ge Quantum Wire Memristor at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBöckle, R., Sistani, M., Staudinger, P., Seifner, M. S., Barth, S., & Lugstein, A. (2020). Ge Quantum Wire Memristor. Nanotechnology, 31(44), 445204. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/aba46b
- | Epitaxial Ge0.81Sn0.19 Nanowires for Nanoscale Mid-Infrared Emitters at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSeifner, M. S., Dijkstra, A., Bernardi, J., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Sistani, M., Lugstein, A., Haverkort, J., & Barth, S. (2019). Epitaxial Ge0.81Sn0.19 Nanowires for Nanoscale Mid-Infrared Emitters. ACS Nano, 13, 1847–1854. https://doi.org/10.34726/2507
- | Drastic Changes in Material Composition and Electrical Properties of Gallium-Seeded Germanium Nanowires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSeifner, M. S., Sistani, M., Zivadinovic, I., Bartmann, M. G., Lugstein, A., & Barth, S. (2019). Drastic Changes in Material Composition and Electrical Properties of Gallium-Seeded Germanium Nanowires. Crystal Growth and Design. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00210
- | Nanoscale aluminum plasmonic waveguide with monolithically integrated germanium detector at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSistani, M., Bartmann, M. G., Güsken, N. A., Oulton, R. F., Keshmiri, H., Seifner, M. S., Barth, S., Fukata, N., Luong, M. A., den Hertog, M. I., & Lugstein, A. (2019). Nanoscale aluminum plasmonic waveguide with monolithically integrated germanium detector. Applied Physics Letters, 115(16), 161107. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5115342
- | Solution-based low-temperature synthesis of germanium nanorods and nanowires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPertl, P., Seifner, M. S., Herzig, C., Limbeck, A., Sistani, M., Lugstein, A., & Barth, S. (2018). Solution-based low-temperature synthesis of germanium nanorods and nanowires. Monatshefte Für Chemie - Chemical Monthly. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00706-018-2191-1
- | Site-Specific Growth and in Situ Integration of Different Nanowire Material Networks on a Single Chip: Toward a Nanowire-Based Electronic Nose for Gas Detection at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHrachowina, L., Domènech-Gil, G., Pardo, A., Seifner, M. S., Gràcia, I., Cané, C., Romano-Rodríquez, A., & Barth, S. C. (2018). Site-Specific Growth and in Situ Integration of Different Nanowire Material Networks on a Single Chip: Toward a Nanowire-Based Electronic Nose for Gas Detection. ACS Sensors, 3(3), 727–734. https://doi.org/10.1021/acssensors.8b00073
- | Direct Synthesis of Hyperdoped Germanium Nanowires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSeifner, M. S., Sistani, M., Porrati, F., Di Prima, G., Pertl, P., Huth, M., Lugstein, A., & Barth, S. (2018). Direct Synthesis of Hyperdoped Germanium Nanowires. ACS Nano, 12(2), 1236–1241. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.7b07248
- | Electrical characterization and examination of temperature-induced degradation of metastable Ge0.81Sn0.19 nanowires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSistani, M., Seifner, M. S., Bartmann, M. G., Smoliner, J., Lugstein, A., & Barth, S. (2018). Electrical characterization and examination of temperature-induced degradation of metastable Ge0.81Sn0.19 nanowires. Nanoscale, 10(41), 19443–19449. https://doi.org/10.1039/c8nr05296d
- | Pushing the composition limit of anisotropic Ge1–xSnx nanostructures and determination of their thermal stability at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSeifner, M. S., Hernandez, S., Bernardi, J., Romano-Rodriguez, A., & Barth, S. C. (2017). Pushing the composition limit of anisotropic Ge1–xSnx nanostructures and determination of their thermal stability. Chemistry of Materials. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b03969
- | Low temperature humidity sensor based on Ge nanowires selectively grown on suspended microhotplates at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSama, J., Seifner, M. S., Domènech-Gil, G., Santander, J., Calaza, C., Moreno, M., Gracia, I., Barth, S. C., & Romano-Rodriquez, A. (2017). Low temperature humidity sensor based on Ge nanowires selectively grown on suspended microhotplates. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 243, 669–677. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2016.12.042
- | Aerosol-assisted CVD of thioether-functionalised indium aminoalkoxides at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBiegger, F., Jungwirth, F., Seifner, M. S., Rameshan, C., & Barth, S. (2017). Aerosol-assisted CVD of thioether-functionalised indium aminoalkoxides. Monatshefte Für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 148(8), 1385–1392. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00706-017-1980-2
- | Lead-supported germanium nanowire growth at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSeifner, M. S., Pertl, P., Bernardi, J., Biswas, S., Holmes, J. D., & Barth, S. (2016). Lead-supported germanium nanowire growth. Materials Letters, 173, 248–251. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2016.03.066
- | Neu zusammengesetzt: Gruppe-14-Elemente als Halbleiter at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBarth, S. C., & Seifner, M. S. (2015). Neu zusammengesetzt: Gruppe-14-Elemente als Halbleiter. Nachrichten Aus Der Chemie, 6(12), 1172–1175.
- | Microwave-assisted solution-liquid-solid growth of Ge1−xSnx nanowires with high tin content at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBarth, S., Seifner, M. S., & Bernardi, J. (2015). Microwave-assisted solution-liquid-solid growth of Ge1−xSnx nanowires with high tin content. Chemical Communications, 51(61), 12282–12285. https://doi.org/10.1039/c5cc03639a
- | Microwave-Assisted Ge1−xSnx Nanowire Synthesis: Precursor Species and Growth Regimes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSeifner, M. S., Biegger, F., Lugstein, A., Bernardi, J., & Barth, S. (2015). Microwave-Assisted Ge1−xSnx Nanowire Synthesis: Precursor Species and Growth Regimes. Chemistry of Materials, 27(17), 6125–6130. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b02757
- | Growth of monocrystalline In₂O₃ nanowires by seed orientation dependent vapour-solid-solid mechanism at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBarth, S., Seifner, M. S., & Bernardi, J. (2014). Growth of monocrystalline In₂O₃ nanowires by seed orientation dependent vapour-solid-solid mechanism. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 2(29), 5747. https://doi.org/10.1039/c4tc00878b