in the field of electron-matter interaction
Electron orbitals are the basis for almost all physical properties of matter. We work on measuring them directly.
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Electron beams have long been used to analyse materials - for example in electron microscopes. Their rotation usually plays no role in this.
EMCD stands for "Energy-loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism" and is the electron microscopic counterpart to XMCD, a technique used at the synchrotron to detect magnetic moments.
Cathodoluminescence is the excitation of light by means of a cathode (electron) beam.
VEELS is used to measure band gaps or to characterise optical properties of materials.
In transmission electron microscopy, "low-voltage" refers to high voltages below 60 kV. At USTEM, high voltages of 6 - 100 kV are available for energy loss spectrometry.
In cooperation with CERN, opens an external URL in a new window and the Atominstitut der TU Wien, opens an external URL in a new window USTEM contributes to the development of new superconducting materials for usage within the planned future accelerator (FCC - Future Circular Collider, opens an external URL in a new window).
We are in the process of building the first ultra-fast transmission electron microscope in Austria. This unique microscope is dedicated for fundamental quantum research.
- | Preparation, microstructure and magnetic properties of Nb3Sn superconducting thin films for SRF cavities at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Semper, F., Asiyaban, M., Eisterer, M., Leith Stuart, & Rosaz, G. (2024, December 12). Preparation, microstructure and magnetic properties of Nb3Sn superconducting thin films for SRF cavities. 5th Indo-Austrian Symposium on Materials Engineering (IASME 2024), Kharagpur, India.
- | Superconducting thin film applications for the FCC, preparation and microstructure at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Leith, S., Rosaz, G., Leveratto, A., & Eisterer, M. (2024, December 11). Superconducting thin film applications for the FCC, preparation and microstructure. 2nd Indo-European Symposium on Surface Engineering (IESSE24), Mesra Ranchi Jharkhand, India.
- | Investigation of polymers matrix composites for hydrogen compression applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Winkelmann, H., & Schöbel, M. (2024, December 10). Investigation of polymers matrix composites for hydrogen compression applications. 6th International Conference on Tribo-corrosion (ICTC-2024), New Delhi, India.
- | Ligand engineering enhances (photo) electrocatalytic activity and stability of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks via in-situ surface reconstruction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHuang, Z., Wang, Z., Rabl, H., Naghdi, S., Zhou, Q., Schwarz, S., Apaydin, D. H., Yu, Y., & Eder, D. (2024). Ligand engineering enhances (photo) electrocatalytic activity and stability of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks via in-situ surface reconstruction. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 9393.
- | Wear mechanisms and material deposition of high-performance polymer composites for hydrogen compression at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWinkelmann, H., Pöllinger, A., Bernardi, J., Whitmore, K., Schwarz, S., Krenn, S., Seichter, S., & Schöbel, M. (2024). Wear mechanisms and material deposition of high-performance polymer composites for hydrogen compression. Engineering Failure Analysis, 164, Article 108712.
- | Thallium in technosols from Allchar (North Macedonia): Isotopic and speciation insights at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVaněk, A., Dordevic, T., Mihaljevič, M., Vaňková, M., Fizková, K., Zádorová, T., Vokurková, P., Galušková, I., Penížek, V., Drábek, O., Tasev, G., Serafimovski, T., Boev, I., & Boev, B. (2024). Thallium in technosols from Allchar (North Macedonia): Isotopic and speciation insights. Environmental Pollution, 357, Article 124413.
- | A quantum logic gate for free electrons at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Hartel, P., Lu, P.-H., Löffler, S., Obermair, M., Dries, M., Gerthsen, D., Dunin-Borkowski, R., & Schattschneider, P. (2024, September 13). A quantum logic gate for free electrons. 20th International Microscopy Congress (IMC20), Busan, Korea (the Republic of).
- | Weathering-induced Sb isotope fractionation during leaching of stibnite and formation of secondary Sb minerals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKaufmann, A. B., Lazarov, M., Horn, I., Števko, M., Dordevic, T., Kiefer, S., Weyer, S., & Majzlan, J. (2024). Weathering-induced Sb isotope fractionation during leaching of stibnite and formation of secondary Sb minerals. Chemical Geology, 662, Article 122253.
- | Mineralogy and environmental stability of metallurgical slags from the Euronickel smelter, Vozarci, North Macedonia at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDordevic, T., Tasev, G., Aicher, C., Potysz, A., Nagl, P., Lengauer, C. L., Pędziwiatr, A., Serafimovski, T., Boev, I., & Boev, B. (2024). Mineralogy and environmental stability of metallurgical slags from the Euronickel smelter, Vozarci, North Macedonia. Applied Geochemistry, 170, Article 106068.
- | Catalyst Nano-Particles Exsolved from Mixed Conducting Electrodes as a Plaything of Atmosphere and Electrochemistry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOpitz, A. K., Summerer, H., Rath, K., Nenning, A., Rameshan, C., Schachinger, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Fleig, J. (2024). Catalyst Nano-Particles Exsolved from Mixed Conducting Electrodes as a Plaything of Atmosphere and Electrochemistry. In S. Emin, D. Eder, A. Zak, P. Kulesza, & P. Mladenova (Eds.), International Conference on Functional Nanomaterials and Nanodevices : Abstract Booklet (pp. 99–99).
- | Thallium and arsenic incorporation in romeite group minerals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDordevic, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schwarz, S. (2024). Thallium and arsenic incorporation in romeite group minerals. In Abstract Book EMC2024 IM-06 - Diffraction Techniques and Structural Analysis. EMC 2024 Copenhagen, Kopenhagen, Denmark.
- | Structured illumination near-field electron ptychography at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLu, P.-H., Allars, F., You Shengbo, Schachinger, T., Dunin-Borkowski, R., & Maiden, A. M. (2024). Structured illumination near-field electron ptychography. In Book of Abstracts EMC 2024. European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2024), Kopenhagen, Denmark.
- | Nanoparticle Self Diffraction in the TEM: A proposal at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNimmrichter, S., Rätzel, D., Schattschneider, P., & Haslinger, P. (2024). Nanoparticle Self Diffraction in the TEM: A proposal. In Abstract Books EMC 2024. European Microscopy Congress EMC 2024, Kopenhagen, Denmark.
- | Entanglement in Bragg Scattering at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Löffler, S. (2024). Entanglement in Bragg Scattering. In Abstract Books EMC 2024. European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2024), Kopenhagen, Denmark.
- | The role of carbon segregation in the electrical activity of dislocations in carbon doped GaN at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowScales, Z., Koller, C., Lymperakis, L., Nelhiebel, M., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2024). The role of carbon segregation in the electrical activity of dislocations in carbon doped GaN. Journal of Applied Physics, 136(4), Article 045704.
- | Bionik/Biomimetik at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZimmerl, M., Graves, P.-M., Whitmore, K., & Gebeshuber, I.-C. (2024, June 21). Bionik/Biomimetik. Klimafest 2024, Wien, Parhamer Gymnasium, Austria.
- | Solid lubrication performance of hybrid Ti3C2T /MoS2 coatings at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBoidi, G., Zambrano, D., Schwarz, S., Marquis, E., Varga, M., Ripoll, M. R., Badisch, E., Righi, M. C., Gachot, C., Grützmacher, P. G., & Rosenkranz, A. (2024). Solid lubrication performance of hybrid Ti3C2T /MoS2 coatings. Carbon, 225, Article 119067.
- | Beam damage free sample investigations of GaN related materials employing cathodoluminescence at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Becer, F., & Scales, Z. (2024). Beam damage free sample investigations of GaN related materials employing cathodoluminescence. In G. Leitinger, G. Kothleitner, & Österreichische Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie (Eds.), 14th ASEM Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy (pp. 87–87).
- | Micro- to nano-scale weathering of Tl-bearing sulfide minerals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDordevic, T., Schwarz, S., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2024). Micro- to nano-scale weathering of Tl-bearing sulfide minerals. In 14th ASEM Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy (pp. 60–60).
- | Deformation on steel surface due to chipping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchwarz, S., & Baumann, C. (2024). Deformation on steel surface due to chipping. In 14th ASEM Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy (p. 83).
- | Thallium sequestration in environmentally relevant samples: case study on Allchar, Sb-As-Tl-Au deposit, North Macedonia at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDordevic, T. (2024, March 22). Thallium sequestration in environmentally relevant samples: case study on Allchar, Sb-As-Tl-Au deposit, North Macedonia. Invited Lecture, University of Trieste, Triest, Italy.
- | Structural characterization of thallium (Tl) hosts in environmental samples at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDordevic, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schwarz, S. (2024). Structural characterization of thallium (Tl) hosts in environmental samples. In R. T. Lechner & O. Paris (Eds.), The 12th European NESY Winterschool & Symposium on Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation : Including topical highlight lectures on Crystellographic Methods & The 1st Austrian Crystallography Day ACD ’24 (pp. 39–39).
- | Butterfly Wing Scales as Inspiration for Multifunctional Building Surfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZischka, F., Kaser, V., Whitmore, K., Kainradl, R., Krenn, H. W., Gaal-Haszler, S., & Gebeshuber, I.-C. (2024, February 11). Butterfly Wing Scales as Inspiration for Multifunctional Building Surfaces. 13th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference Nanoposter 2024, Austria.
- | Optimizing experimental parameters for orbital mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEderer, M., & Löffler, S. (2024). Optimizing experimental parameters for orbital mapping. Ultramicroscopy, 256, Article 113866.
- | Characterization of PPS Piston and Packing Ring Materials for High-Pressure Hydrogen Applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPöllinger, A., Maurer, J., Koch, T., Krenn, S., Plank, B., Schwarz, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Siakkou, E., Smrczkova, K., & Schöbel, M. (2024). Characterization of PPS Piston and Packing Ring Materials for High-Pressure Hydrogen Applications. Polymers, 16(3), Article 412.
- | Hierarchical structuring of ceramic and ceramic-metal hybrid materials via vat photopolymerization of preceramic polymer resins at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKonegger, T., Eßmeister, J. G., Fuchsberger, A.-M., Steiner, D., Schwarz, S., Schachinger, T., Lale, A., Schwentenwein, M., & Föttinger, K. (2024). Hierarchical structuring of ceramic and ceramic-metal hybrid materials via vat photopolymerization of preceramic polymer resins. In 48th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites - ABSTRACT BOOK (pp. 149–150).
- | Titanium Oxycarbide as Platinum-Free Electrocatalyst for Ethanol Oxidation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowShakibi Nia, N., Griesser, C., Mairegger, T., Wernig, E.-M., Bernardi, J., Portenkirchner, E., Penner, S., & Kunze-Liebhäuser, J. (2024). Titanium Oxycarbide as Platinum-Free Electrocatalyst for Ethanol Oxidation. ACS Catalysis, 14, 324–329.
- | Current opinion on the prospect of mapping electronic orbitals in the transmission electron microscope: State of the art, challenges and perspectives at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Löffler, S., Ederer, M., Kepaptsoglou, D. M., & Ramasse, Q. M. (2024). Current opinion on the prospect of mapping electronic orbitals in the transmission electron microscope: State of the art, challenges and perspectives. Journal of Microscopy.
- | Spectrally Selective Excitation of Electric Dipole and Magnetic Dipole Transitions in Eu³⁺Y₂O₃ Nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGangrskaia, E., Bellissimo, A., Shumakova, V., Pulikottil Alex, S., Bugar, I., Grünewald, L., Mai, S., Schachinger, T., Buczyński, R., Baltuska, A., & Pugzlys, A. (2024). Spectrally Selective Excitation of Electric Dipole and Magnetic Dipole Transitions in Eu3+Y₂O₃ Nanostructures. In Technical Digest Series. High-Brightness Sources and Congress Light-Driven Interactions Congress, Wien, Austria. Optica Publishing Group.
- | Generation of Ultrafast Magnetic Fields with Spectrally Tunable Vector Beams for Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of Eu³⁺ ions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGangrskaia, E., Bellissimo, A., Shumakova, V., Pulikottil Alex, S., Bugar, I., Grünewald, L., Mai, S., Schachinger, T., Pysz, D., Buczynski, R., Baltuska, A., & Pugzlys, A. (2024). Generation of Ultrafast Magnetic Fields with Spectrally Tunable Vector Beams for Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of Eu3+ ions. 23rd International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Barcelona, Spain.
- | Generation of Pulsed Isolated Magnetic Fields for Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of Eu3+ at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGangrskaia, E., Bellissimo, A., Shumakova, V., Pulikottil Alex, S., Bugar, I., Grünewald, L., Mai, S., Schachinger, T., Pysz, D., Buczynski, R., Baltuška, A., & Pugzlys, A. (2024). Generation of Pulsed Isolated Magnetic Fields for Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of Eu3+. In ICM 2024 International Conference on Magnestism : Book of abstracts. International Conference on Magnetism 2024 (ICM 2024), Bologna, Italy.
- | Spatially and Spectrally Selective Excitation of Magnetic Dipole Transitions in Eu3+ Doped Yttrium Oxide at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGangrskaia, E., Bellissimo, A., Shumakova, V., Pulikottil Alex, S., Bugar, I., Grünewald, L., Mai, S., Schachinger, T., Pysz, D., Buczyński, R., Baltuška, A., & Pugzlys, A. (2024). Spatially and Spectrally Selective Excitation of Magnetic Dipole Transitions in Eu3+ Doped Yttrium Oxide. In CLEO 2024. CLEO 2024: Applications and Technology 2024, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States of America (the). Optica Publishing Group.
- | The Black Hours: Material and Conservation Study, Part 1 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHofmann, C., Sonderegger, J., Hofer, B., Mühlen Axelsson, K., Sommer, D., Whitmore, K., Bernardi, J., Jembrih-Simbürger, D., Cappa, F., & Aceto, M. (2024). The Black Hours: Material and Conservation Study, Part 1. Journal of Paper Conservation.
- | Hierarchically porous ceramic materials via vat photopolymerization-induced phase-separation as catalysts for CO₂ methanation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKonegger, T., Eßmeister, J., Fuchsberger, A., Steiner, D., Schwarz, S., Schachinger, T., Lale, A., Schwentenwein, M., & Föttinger, K. (2024). Hierarchically porous ceramic materials via vat photopolymerization-induced phase-separation as catalysts for CO₂ methanation. In Book of Abstracts CMCEE14 (pp. 476–477). Akadémiai Kiadó.
- | Nanoparticle Self Diffraction in the TEM: A proposal at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNimmrichter, S., Rätzel, D., Schattschneider, P., & Haslinger, P. (2024). Nanoparticle Self Diffraction in the TEM: A proposal. In K. Qvortrup & K. Weede Alexander (Eds.), The 17th European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2024).
- | High-Temperature Reorganization Behavior of Single-Crystalline Porous 4H-SiC Thin Foils at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPerazzi, M., Leitgeb, M., Vengattoor Raghu, A., Zellner, C., Hahn, R., Kirnbauer, A., Schwarz, S., Pfusterschmied, G., & Schmid, U. (2024). High-Temperature Reorganization Behavior of Single-Crystalline Porous 4H-SiC Thin Foils. Materials Science Forum, 1124, 43–49.
- | Entanglement in Bragg Scattering at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Löffler, S. (2024). Entanglement in Bragg Scattering. In K. Qvortrup & K. Weede (Eds.), The 17th European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2024).
- | Deformation of steel chips due to machining at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchwarz, S., & Baumann, C. (2024). Deformation of steel chips due to machining. In K. Qvortrup & K. Weede Alexander (Eds.), The 17th European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2024).
- | A different perspective on the solid lubrication performance of black phosphorous: friend or foe? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVezzelli, M., Ripoll Rodríguez, M., Schwarz, S., Erdemir, A., Righi, M. C., & Gachot, C. (2024). A different perspective on the solid lubrication performance of black phosphorous: friend or foe? Advanced Engineering Materials, Article 202401756.
- | Butterfly Wing Scales as Inspiration for Multifunctional Building Surfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZischka, F., Kaser Viola, Whitmore, K., Kainrad, R., Krenn, H., Gaal-Haszler, S., & Gebeshuber, I.-C. (2024). Butterfly Wing Scales as Inspiration for Multifunctional Building Surfaces. In 2nd Indo-European Symposium on Surface Engineering: Souvenier cum Abstract Book (pp. 34–35).
- | Macro- to nanoscale mineral relationships in mining wastes of the As–Sb–Tl–Au Allchar mine, North Macedonia at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowĐorđević, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schwarz, S., Tasev, G., Serafimovski, T., Boev, I., & Boev, B. (2024). Macro- to nanoscale mineral relationships in mining wastes of the As–Sb–Tl–Au Allchar mine, North Macedonia. In EGU General Assembly 2024. ERE – Energy, Resources and the Environment 2024, Wien, Austria. EGU.
- | Thermo-mechanical properties and internal architecture of PI composites for high-pressure hydrogen applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPöllinger, A., Koch, T., Krenn, S., Wilde, F., Tolnai, D., Plank, B., Heupl, S., Bernardi, J., Whitmore, K., Langela, M., Seichter, S., & Schöbel, M. (2023). Thermo-mechanical properties and internal architecture of PI composites for high-pressure hydrogen applications. Polymer, 289, 126500.
- | Update on Nb3Sn thin film preparation for SRF cavities at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Leith Stuart, Rosaz, G., Carlos C.P.A., Semper, F., Asiyaban, M., & Eisterer, M. (2023, November 28). Update on Nb3Sn thin film preparation for SRF cavities. 36th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2023), Takina, Wellington, New Zealand.
- | Identifying Electrically Active Dislocations in GaN and the Challenge of Cross-Correlative Physical Characterization at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowScales, Z., Koller, C. M., Schoemann, S., Nelhiebel, M., Reisinger, M., Jatzkowski, J., Diehle, P., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2023, November 13). Identifying Electrically Active Dislocations in GaN and the Challenge of Cross-Correlative Physical Characterization. ISTFA 2023, Phoenix, United States of America (the).
- | Important aspects of investigating optical excitations in semiconductors using a scanning transmission electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Bukvišova, K., Zenz, K., Stöger, L., & Scales, Z. (2023). Important aspects of investigating optical excitations in semiconductors using a scanning transmission electron microscope. Journal of Microscopy, 1–8.
- | Lorentz near-field electron ptychography at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowYou, S., Lu, P.-H., Schachinger, T., Kovács, A., Dunin-Borkowski, R. E., & Maiden, A. M. (2023). Lorentz near-field electron ptychography. Applied Physics Letters, 123(19), Article 192406.
- | Enhancement of Piezoelectric Response in Yttrium Aluminum Nitride (YₓAl₁₋ₓN) Thin Films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPandit, S., Schneider, M., Schwarz, S., & Schmid, U. (2023). Enhancement of Piezoelectric Response in Yttrium Aluminum Nitride (YₓAl₁₋ₓN) Thin Films. Advanced Engineering Materials, 25(22), 1–8.
- | Se Nanopowder Conversion into Lubricious 2D Selenide Layers by Tribochemical Reactions (Adv. Mater. 42/2023) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGrützmacher, P., Cutini, M., Marquis, E., Rodríguez Ripoll, M., Riedl, H., Kutrowatz, P., Bug, S., Hsu, C.-J., Bernardi, J., Gachot, C., Erdemir, A., & Righi, M. (2023). Se Nanopowder Conversion into Lubricious 2D Selenide Layers by Tribochemical Reactions (Adv. Mater. 42/2023). Advanced Materials, 35(42), Article 2370300.
- | Conversion of transversal eigenmodes to longitudinal modes by serial and parallel excitation of one-dimensional objects at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2023, September 28). Conversion of transversal eigenmodes to longitudinal modes by serial and parallel excitation of one-dimensional objects. 5th SALVE 2D23 Symposium, Ulm, Germany.
- | 2D electron gases in oxide interfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Ederer, M., Oberaigner, M., Knez, D., & Kothleitner, G. (2023, September 25). 2D electron gases in oxide interfaces. 5th SALVE2D23 Symposium, Ulm, Germany.
- | Imaging chemical bonds in the TEM: can atomic orbitals be mapped using core-loss EELS? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Ederer, M., Lazarov, V. K., Li, L., Sharp, P., Ramasse, Q., Löffler, S., & Kepaptsoglou, D. M. (2023, September 14). Imaging chemical bonds in the TEM: can atomic orbitals be mapped using core-loss EELS?. 20th International Microscopy Congress, Busan, Korea (the Republic of).
- | Prospects of energy-filtered 4D STEM for core-loss EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Ederer, M. (2023, September 14). Prospects of energy-filtered 4D STEM for core-loss EELS. 20th International Microscopy Congress, Busan, Korea (the Republic of).
- | Optimization of orbital mapping: the quest for the perfect image at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEderer, M., & Löffler, S. (2023, September 10). Optimization of orbital mapping: the quest for the perfect image. 20th International Microscopy Congress (IMC20), Busan, Korea (the Republic of).
- | Suppressing the thermal conductivity of type-I clathrates by mesostructuring at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLuznik, M., Lientschnig, G., Taupin, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Yan, X., Prokofiev, A., & Bühler-Paschen, S. (2023). Suppressing the thermal conductivity of type-I clathrates by mesostructuring. In C. Drasar & J. Hejtmánek (Eds.), 19th European Conference on Thermoelectrics : Book of Abstracts (pp. 117–117). University of Pardubice.
- | When copper is not enough: Advantages and drawbacks of using copper in de-NOx reactions over lanthanum manganite perovskite structures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowThurner, C. W., Drexler, X., Haug, L., Winkler, D., Kunze-Liebhäuser, J., Bernardi, J., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2023). When copper is not enough: Advantages and drawbacks of using copper in de-NOx reactions over lanthanum manganite perovskite structures. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 331, Article 122693.
- | 4D Energy-Filtered STEM: A New Approach for Mapping Orbital Transitions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Ederer, M. (2023). 4D Energy-Filtered STEM: A New Approach for Mapping Orbital Transitions. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 29(Supplement_1), 376–376.
- | Kinetic and Computational Studies of CO Oxidation and PROX on Cu/CeO₂ Nanospheres at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowTangpakonsab, P., Genest, A., Yang, J., Meral, A., Zou, B., Yigit, N., Schwarz, S., & Rupprechter, G. (2023). Kinetic and Computational Studies of CO Oxidation and PROX on Cu/CeO₂ Nanospheres. Topics in Catalysis.
- | 4D Energy-Filtered STEM: A New Approach for Mapping Orbital Transitions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Ederer, M. (2023, July 23). 4D Energy-Filtered STEM: A New Approach for Mapping Orbital Transitions. Microscopy and Microanalysis, Minneapolis, United States of America (the).
- | A quantum logic gate for free electrons at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Schachinger, T., Hartel, P., Lu, P.-H., Dunin-Borkowski, R., Obermair, M., Dries, M., Gerthsen, D., & Schattschneider, P. (2023). A quantum logic gate for free electrons. Quantum, 7, Article 1050.
- | Boosting the surface conduction in a topological insulator at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowTaupin, M., Eguchi, G., Lužnik, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Ishida, Y., Kuroda, K., Shin, S., Kimura, A., & Paschen, S. (2023). Boosting the surface conduction in a topological insulator. Physical Review B, 107(23), Article 235306.
- | Atomic structure and magnetic circular dichroism of individual edge dislocation by electron magnetic circular dichroism at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZhang Yuxuan, Tang Wenlong, Löffler, S., Rusz, J., XU, B., & Zhong Xiaoyan. (2023, June 12). Atomic structure and magnetic circular dichroism of individual edge dislocation by electron magnetic circular dichroism. SCANDEM 2023, Uppsala, Sweden.
- | Imaging Interface and Particle Size Effects by In Situ Correlative Microscopy of a Catalytic Reaction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWinkler, P., Raab, M., Zeininger, J., Rois, L. M., Suchorski, Y., Stöger-Pollach, M., Amati, M., Parmar, R., Gregoratti, L., & Rupprechter, G. (2023). Imaging Interface and Particle Size Effects by In Situ Correlative Microscopy of a Catalytic Reaction. ACS Catalysis, 13(11), 7650–7660.
- | Partial Oxidation of Bio-methane over Nickel Supported on MgO–ZrO₂ Solid Solutions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAsencios, Y. J. O., Yigit, N., Wicht, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Lucrédio, A. F., Marcos, F. C. F., Assaf, E. M., & Rupprechter, G. (2023). Partial Oxidation of Bio-methane over Nickel Supported on MgO–ZrO₂ Solid Solutions. Topics in Catalysis.
- | l-Ascorbic Acid Treatment of Electrochemical Graphene Nanosheets: Reduction Optimization and Application for De-Icing, Water Uptake Prevention, and Corrosion Resistance at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOstermann, M., Bilotto, P., Kadlec, M., Schodl, J., Duchoslav, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Lieberzeit, P., & Valtiner, M. (2023). l-Ascorbic Acid Treatment of Electrochemical Graphene Nanosheets: Reduction Optimization and Application for De-Icing, Water Uptake Prevention, and Corrosion Resistance. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15(18), 22471–22484.
- | Magnetic Granularity in Iron-Based Superconducting Films on RABiTS Templates at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHolleis, S., Semper, F., Thomas, A., Shipulin, I. A., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bernardi, J., Hühne, A. R., & Eisterer, M. (2023). Magnetic Granularity in Iron-Based Superconducting Films on RABiTS Templates. In ICSM2023: 8th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism: Abstract Book (pp. 327–327).
- | Temporal correlatins of cathodoluminscence in scanning electron microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHornof, D., Schülein, M., Maurer, M., Preimesberger, A., Schachinger, T., & Haslinger, P. (2023, April 14). Temporal correlatins of cathodoluminscence in scanning electron microscopy. 13th ASEM Workshop Vienna 2023, Wien, Austria.
- | Possibilities of 4D Energy-filtered STEM for Core Loss Spectroscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S. (2023). Possibilities of 4D Energy-filtered STEM for Core Loss Spectroscopy. In 13th ASEM Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy. Vienna 2023 (pp. 46–46). Austrian Society for Electron Microscopy (ASEM).
- | Energy-filtered STEM imaging of the TiO2 – LAO interface: Mapping a 2D Electron Gas at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEderer, M. (2023). Energy-filtered STEM imaging of the TiO2 – LAO interface: Mapping a 2D Electron Gas. In 13th ASEM Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy. Vienna 2023 (p. 41). Austrian Society for Electron Microscopy (ASEM).
- | Energy-filtered STEM imaging of the TiO2 - LAO interface: Mapping a 2D Electron Gas at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEderer, M. (2023, April 13). Energy-filtered STEM imaging of the TiO2 - LAO interface: Mapping a 2D Electron Gas. 13th ASEM Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy, Vienna 2023, Wien, Austria.
- | Towards correlated momentum measurements in coincident electron photon pairs at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPreimesberger, A., Hornof, D., Schachinger, T., Pupic, A., Konečná, A., & Haslinger, P. (2023, April 13). Towards correlated momentum measurements in coincident electron photon pairs. 13th ASEM Workshop, Wien, Austria.
- | Only one Electron at a Time? – Studying Temporal Correlations of Continuous Field Emission in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T. (2023). Only one Electron at a Time? – Studying Temporal Correlations of Continuous Field Emission in the TEM. In 13th ASEM Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy. Vienna 2023 (pp. 55–55). Austrian Society for Electron Microscopy (ASEM).
- | Analysis of inhomogeneities in Nb₃Sn wires by combined SEM and SHPM and their impact on Jc and Tc at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Baumgartner, T., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hopkins, S. C., Ballarino, A., Eisterer, M., & Bernardi, J. (2023). Analysis of inhomogeneities in Nb₃Sn wires by combined SEM and SHPM and their impact on Jc and Tc. Superconductor Science and Technology, 36(4), Article 045008.
- | Investigations of Optical Excitations in Semiconductors using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Bukvisová, K., Zenz, K., Stöger, L., & Scales, Z. (2023, April 3). Investigations of Optical Excitations in Semiconductors using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2023, Cambridge, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the).
- | Size effects on thermal transport of type-I clathrates at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLuznik, M., Lientschnig, G., Taupin, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Prokofiev, A., & Bühler-Paschen, S. (2023, March 30). Size effects on thermal transport of type-I clathrates. Symposium on Advances in Thermoelectric Materials Research 2023, Wien, Austria.
- | Corrosion of 1.4016 Ferritic Steel by Urea at High Temperature at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGalakhova, A., Kadisch, F., Mori, G., Heyder, S., Wieser, H., Sartory, B., Wosik, J., Schwarz, S., & Burger, S. (2023). Corrosion of 1.4016 Ferritic Steel by Urea at High Temperature. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.
- | Size Effect on the Thermal Conductivity of a Type-I Clathrate at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLužnik, M., Lientschnig, G., Taupin, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Prokofiev, A., & Paschen, S. (2023). Size Effect on the Thermal Conductivity of a Type-I Clathrate. Crystals, 13(3), Article 453.
- | Beyond conventional chemical mapping: prospects and challenges of orbital mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Ederer, M., Oberaigner, M., Mohn, Biskupek, J., Kaiser U., Kothleitner, G., Ramasse, Q. M., Kepaptsoglou, D. M., & Bugnet, M. (2023, February 28). Beyond conventional chemical mapping: prospects and challenges of orbital mapping. MC Darmstadt 2023, Darmstadt, Germany.
- | Magnetic phase imaging using Lorentz near-field electron ptychography at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowYou Shengbo, Lu, P.-H., Schachinger, T., Allars, F., Kovacs Andras, Dunin-Borkowski, R., & Maiden Andrew. (2023, February 28). Magnetic phase imaging using Lorentz near-field electron ptychography. MC Darmstadt 2023, Darmstadt, Germany.
- | Spatially localized electronic states at the LaAlO3/TiO2 interface: mapping of a 2D electron gas at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEderer, M., Oberaigner, M., Kothleitner, G., & Löffler, S. (2023, February 27). Spatially localized electronic states at the LaAlO3/TiO2 interface: mapping of a 2D electron gas. MC Darmstadt 2023, Darmstadt, Germany.
- | Structured illumination electron ptychography: probe design and experimental implementation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLu, P.-H., Lu Shengbo, Schachinger, T., Allars, F., Lu Y., Dunin-Borkowski, R., & Maiden Andrew. (2023, February 27). Structured illumination electron ptychography: probe design and experimental implementation. MC Darmstadt 2023, Darmstadt, Germany.
- | A Ni-Bi self-lubricating Ti6Al4V alloy for high temperature sliding contacts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowTorres, H., Pichelbauer, K., Budnyk, S., Schachinger, T., Gachot, C., & Rodríguez Ripoll, M. (2023). A Ni-Bi self-lubricating Ti6Al4V alloy for high temperature sliding contacts. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 944, Article 169216.
- | In-Situ Imaging of Multi-States in a Catalytic Surface Reaction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWinkler, P., Zeininger, J., Raab, M., Suchorski, Y., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., Grönbeck, H., & Rupprechter, G. (2023, February 8). In-Situ Imaging of Multi-States in a Catalytic Surface Reaction. 36. Workshop on Novel Materials and Superconductors 2023, JUFA Schladming, Austria, Austria.
- | Polymer-derived Ni/SiOC materials structured by vat-based photopolymerization with catalytic activity in CO₂ methanation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEssmeister, J., Schachtner, L., Szoldatits, E. M., Schwarz, S., Lichtenegger, A., Baumann, B., Föttinger, K., & Konegger, T. (2023). Polymer-derived Ni/SiOC materials structured by vat-based photopolymerization with catalytic activity in CO₂ methanation. Open Ceramics, 14, Article 100350.
- | Urethane functions can reduce metal salts under hydrothermal conditions: synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles on flexible sponges applied in semi-automated organic reduction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGazil, O., Bernardi, J., Lassus Arthur, Virgilio, N., & Unterlass, M. M. (2023). Urethane functions can reduce metal salts under hydrothermal conditions: synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles on flexible sponges applied in semi-automated organic reduction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability.
- | A correction for higher-order refraction in cathodoluminescence spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Zenz, K., Ursin, F., Schilberg, J., & Stöger, L. (2023). A correction for higher-order refraction in cathodoluminescence spectrometry. Ultramicroscopy, 251, 113770.
- | Prospect of π* Orbital Mapping in Graphene Using Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Ederer, M., Lazarov, V. K., Li, L., Ramasse, Q. M., Löffler, S., & Kepaptsoglou, D. M. (2022, December 6). Prospect of π* Orbital Mapping in Graphene Using Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy. 2022 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (MA), United States of America (the).
- | Physical Characterization of Dislocations in III-N Semiconductors including Quantification and Classification at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowScales, Z., Reisinger, M., Taylor, A., Nelhiebel, M., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2022, November 24). Physical Characterization of Dislocations in III-N Semiconductors including Quantification and Classification. Infineon meets University, München, Germany.
- | The pervasive presence of oxygen in ZrC at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHauser, D., Griesser, C., Wernig, E.-M., Götsch, T., Bernardi, J., Kunze-Liebhäuser, J., & Penner, S. (2022). The pervasive presence of oxygen in ZrC. Surfaces and Interfaces, 34, Article 102373.
- | Reduced granularity of BHO-doped YBCO coated conductors assessed by high-resolution scanning Hall probe microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHolleis, S., Shipulin, I. A., Zhengxing Zhou, Hühne, R., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2022, October 27). Reduced granularity of BHO-doped YBCO coated conductors assessed by high-resolution scanning Hall probe microscopy. Applied Superconductivity Conference, United States of America (the).
- | A Knudsen cell approach for the molecular beam epitaxy of the heavy fermion compound YbRh2Si2 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBakali, E., Artner, W., Beiser, M., Bernardi, J., Detz, H., Eguchi, G., Foelske, A., Giparakis, M., Herzig, C., Limbeck, A., Nguyen, D. H., Prochaska, L., Prokofiev, A., Sauer, M., Schwarz, S., Schrenk, W., Strasser, G., Svagera, R., Taupin, M., … Bühler-Paschen, S. (2022). A Knudsen cell approach for the molecular beam epitaxy of the heavy fermion compound YbRh2Si2. Journal of Crystal Growth, 595, Article 126804.
- | Image difference metrics for high-resolution electron microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEderer, M., & Löffler, S. (2022). Image difference metrics for high-resolution electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 240, Article 113578.
- | Impact of sintering temperature on phase composition, microstructure, and porosification behavior of LTCC substrates at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHajian, A., Artemenko, A., Kromka, A., Schwarz, S., Schneider, M., Dragounová, K., Adaikkan, M., Zellner, C., & Schmid, U. (2022). Impact of sintering temperature on phase composition, microstructure, and porosification behavior of LTCC substrates. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 42(13), 5789–5800.
- | STABLE AND EFFICIENT PHOTOCATALYTIC H₂ EVOLUTION ENABLED BY A SUPPORTED THIOMOLYBDATE CLUSTER at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBatool, S., Nandan, S. P., Nagaraju Myakala, S., Rajagopal, A., Schubert, J. S., Ayala Leiva, P. R. A., Naghdi, S., Saito, H., Bernardi, J., Streb, C., Cherevan, A., & Eder, D. (2022, September 15). STABLE AND EFFICIENT PHOTOCATALYTIC H₂ EVOLUTION ENABLED BY A SUPPORTED THIOMOLYBDATE CLUSTER. 4th FemChem Scientific Workshop, Austria.
- | A quantum logic gate for free electrons at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Schachinger, T., Hartel, P., Lu, P.-H., Dunin-Borkowski, R., Obermair, M., Dries, M., Gerthsen, D., & Schattschneider, P. (2022). A quantum logic gate for free electrons. arXiv.
- | Towards free-electron quantum logic gates in a TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Hartel Peter, Lu, P.-H., Obermair, M., Dries, M., Gerthsen, D., Dunin-Borkowski, R., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2022, September 13). Towards free-electron quantum logic gates in a TEM. EBEAM2022 – School on Nano-optics with Free Electrons, Porquerolles, France.
- | The choice of the right beam energy for analytical (scanning) transmission electron microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2022, September 6). The choice of the right beam energy for analytical (scanning) transmission electron microscopy. 16th MCM, Brünn, Czechia.
- | Temporal correlation in coherent cathodoluminescence at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowScheucher, M., Schachinger, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Preimesberger, A., Spielauer, T., & Haslinger, P. (2022, September 5). Temporal correlation in coherent cathodoluminescence. 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (16 MCM), Brünn, Czechia.
- | Precipitate size estimation using image feature detection at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEderer, M., & Löffler, S. (2022, September 4). Precipitate size estimation using image feature detection. 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Brünn, Czechia.
- | Quantifying Ordering Phenomena at the Atomic Scale in Rare Earth OxideCeramics via EELS Elemental Mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLammer, J., Berger, C., Löffler, S., Knez, D., Bucher, E., Haberfehlner, G., Kothleitner, G., Hofer, F., Sitte, W., & Grogger, W. (2022, September 4). Quantifying Ordering Phenomena at the Atomic Scale in Rare Earth OxideCeramics via EELS Elemental Mapping. 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Brünn, Czechia.
- | Orbital mapping of the LaAI03-TiO2 interface by STEM-EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOberaigner, M., Knez, D., Ederer, M., Chaluvadi, S. K., Orgiani, P., Ciancio, R., Löffler, S., & Kothleitner, G. (2022, September 4). Orbital mapping of the LaAI03-TiO2 interface by STEM-EELS. 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (16MCM), Brünn, Czechia.
- | Influence of CeO₂ and WO₃ Addition to Impregnated V₂O₅/TiO₂ Catalysts on the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOₓ with NH₃ at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMohammadi, A., Praty, C., Farzi, A., Soleimanzadeh, H., Schwarz, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Penner, S., & Niaei, A. (2022). Influence of CeO₂ and WO₃ Addition to Impregnated V₂O₅/TiO₂ Catalysts on the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOₓ with NH₃. Catalysis Letters.
- | STABLE AND EFFICIENT PHOTOCATALYTIC H₂ EVOLUTION ENABLED BY A SUPPORTED THIOMOLYBDATE CLUSTER at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBatool, S., Nandan, S. P., Nagaraju Myakala, S., Rajagopal, A., Schubert, J. S., Ayala Leiva, P. R. A., Naghdi, S., Saito, H., Bernardi, J., Streb, C., Cherevan, A., & Eder, D. (2022, September 1). STABLE AND EFFICIENT PHOTOCATALYTIC H₂ EVOLUTION ENABLED BY A SUPPORTED THIOMOLYBDATE CLUSTER. 44th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Italy.
- | [Mo₃S₁₃]²⁻ thiomolybdate cluster as a stable and efficient cocatalyst for photocatalytic H₂ evolution reaction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBatool, S., Nandan, S. P., Nagaraju Myakala, S., Rajagopal, A., Schubert, J. S., Ayala Leiva, P. R. A., Naghdi, S., Saito, H., Bernardi, J., Streb, C., Cherevan, A., & Eder, D. (2022, September). [Mo₃S₁₃]2− thiomolybdate cluster as a stable and efficient cocatalyst for photocatalytic H₂ evolution reaction. Österreichische Chemietage, Leoben, Austria.
- | In focus in Vienna: Microscopy and cellular organelles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2022). In focus in Vienna: Microscopy and cellular organelles. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 158(3), 199–201.
- | Stable and efficient photocatalytic H₂ evolution enabled by a supported thiomolybdate cluster at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNagaraju Myakala, S., Batool, S., Nandan, S. P., Rajagopal, A., Schubert, J. S., Ayala Leiva, P. R. A., Naghdi, S., Saito, H., Bernardi, J., Streb, C., Eder, D., & Cherevan, A. (2022, August 4). Stable and efficient photocatalytic H₂ evolution enabled by a supported thiomolybdate cluster. 23rd International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy, Switzerland.
- | Fine structure mapping in graphene: from electronic transitions to atomic orbitals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Ederer, M., Vlado K. Lazarov, Li, L., Löffler, S., Ramasse, Q. M., & Kepaptsoglou, D. M. (2022, August 2). Fine structure mapping in graphene: from electronic transitions to atomic orbitals. Microscopy & Microanalysis Meeting in Portland, Portland (OR), United States of America (the).
- | Effect of chromium and boron incorporation methods on structural and catalytic properties of hierarchical ZSM-5 in the methanol-to-propylene process at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKalantari, N., Bekheet, M., Delir Kheyrollahi Nezhad, P., Back, J., Farzi, A., Penner, S., Delibaş, N., Schwarz, S., Bernardi, J., Salari, D., & Niaei, A. (2022). Effect of chromium and boron incorporation methods on structural and catalytic properties of hierarchical ZSM-5 in the methanol-to-propylene process. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 111(2022), 168–182.
- | Influence of CeO₂ and WO₃ Addition to Impregnated V₂O₅/ TiO₂ Catalysts on the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOₓ with NH₃ at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMohammadi, A., Praty, C., Farzi, A., Soleimanzadeh, H., Schwarz, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Penner, S., & Niaei, A. (2022). Influence of CeO₂ and WO₃ Addition to Impregnated V₂O₅/ TiO₂ Catalysts on the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOₓ with NH₃. Catalysis Letters.
- | Who Does the Job? How Copper Can Replace Noble Metals in Sustainable Catalysis by the Formation of Copper-Mixed Oxide Interfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowThurner, C. W., Bonmassar, N., Winkler, D., Haug, L., Ploner, K., Delir Kheyrollahi Nezhad, P., Drexler, X., Mohammadi, A., van Aken, P. A., Kunze-Liebhäuser, J., Niaei, A., Bernardi, J., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2022). Who Does the Job? How Copper Can Replace Noble Metals in Sustainable Catalysis by the Formation of Copper-Mixed Oxide Interfaces. ACS Catalysis, 12(13), 7696–7708.
- | Antibacterial Structures Inspired by Cicada Wings at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGebeshuber, I. C., Eisele-Buerger, A. M., van Nieuwenhoven, R., Mears, L. L. E., Whitmore, K., Simon Chris, Marshall David C., Kienzl, P., & Elbe-Bürger Adelheid. (2022, June 29). Antibacterial Structures Inspired by Cicada Wings. CIMTEC 2022, Perugia, Italy.
- | Tailoring the metal-perovskite interface for promotional steering of the catalytic NO reduction by CO in the presence of H₂O on Pd-Lanthanum iron manganite composites at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMohammadi, A., Farzi, A., Thurner, C., Klötzer, B., Schwarz, S., Bernardi, J., Niaei, A., & Penner, S. (2022). Tailoring the metal-perovskite interface for promotional steering of the catalytic NO reduction by CO in the presence of H₂O on Pd-Lanthanum iron manganite composites. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 307, Article 121160.
- | Magnetic granularity in PLD-grown Fe(Se,Te) films on simple RABiTS templates at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHolleis, S., Anna Thomas, A., Shipulin, I. A., Hühne, R., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2022). Magnetic granularity in PLD-grown Fe(Se,Te) films on simple RABiTS templates. Superconductor Science and Technology, 35(7), 074001.
- | Physical Characterization of Crystal Defects in Gallium Nitride at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowScales, Z., Reisinger, M., Koller, C., Taylor, A., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2022, May 8). Physical Characterization of Crystal Defects in Gallium Nitride. 5th QEM, Port-Bararès, France.
- | Correlative spectroscopy in materials science at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Scales, Z., Nelhiebel, M., & Đorđević, T. (2022, April 28). Correlative spectroscopy in materials science. Leading-Edge Integrated Solutions, München, Germany.
- | How an ASEM Workshop led to a successful quantification for atomic-scale EELS maps at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLammer, J., Löffler, S., Berger, C., Knez, D., Haberfehlner, G., Kothleitner, G., Hofer, F., Bucher, E., Sitte, W., & Grogger, W. (2022). How an ASEM Workshop led to a successful quantification for atomic-scale EELS maps. In 12th ASEM workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy (pp. 8–8). Center for Surface and Nanoanalytics, JKU Linz.
- | A single quantum bit free-electron logic gate in a TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Hartel, P., Lu, P.-H., Obermair, M., Dries, M., Gerthsen, D., Dunin-Borkowski, R., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2022). A single quantum bit free-electron logic gate in a TEM. In 12th ASEM workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy (pp. 74–74). Center for Surface and Nanoanalytics, JKU Linz, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria.
- | Quantitative chemical analysis of the γ- and γ’-phases in nickel base superalloy PWA1483 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSeebauer, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Cerva, H., & Eibl, O. (2022). Quantitative chemical analysis of the γ- and γ’-phases in nickel base superalloy PWA1483. In 12th ASEM workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy (pp. 17–17). Center for Surface and Nanoanalytics, JKU Linz.
- | Low Energy Excitations at Low Beam Energies at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Scales, Z. (2022, April 6). Low Energy Excitations at Low Beam Energies. SALVE 2D22 workshop, Ulm, Germany.
- | Imaging the Spatial Distribution of Electronic States in Graphene Using Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy: Prospect of Orbital Mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Ederer, M., Lazarov, V. K., Li, L., Ramasse, Q. M., Löffler, S., & Kepaptsoglou, D. M. (2022). Imaging the Spatial Distribution of Electronic States in Graphene Using Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy: Prospect of Orbital Mapping. Physical Review Letters, 128(11), Article 116401.
- | Hybrid spheroid microscaffolds as modular tissue units to build macro-tissue assemblies for tissue engineering at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGuillaume, O., Kopinski-Grünwald, O., Weisgrab, G., Baumgartner, T., Arslan, A., Whitmore, K., Vlierberghe, S., & Ovsianikov, A. (2022). Hybrid spheroid microscaffolds as modular tissue units to build macro-tissue assemblies for tissue engineering. Acta Biomaterialia.
- | Elucidating the role of earth alkaline doping in perovskite-based methane dry reforming catalysts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDelir Kheyrollahi Nezhad, P., Bekheet, M., Bonmassar, N., Gili, A., Kamutzki, F., Gurlo, A., Doran, A., Schwarz, S., Bernardi, J., Praetz, S., Niaei, A., Farzi, A., & Penner, S. (2022). Elucidating the role of earth alkaline doping in perovskite-based methane dry reforming catalysts. Catalysis Science & Technology, 12(4), 1229–1244.
- | A method for a column-by-column EELS quantification of barium lanthanum ferrate at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLammer, J., Berger, C., Löffler, S., Knez, D., Longo, P., Kothleitner, G., Hofer, F., Haberfehlner, G., Bucher, E., Sitte, W., & Grogger, W. (2022). A method for a column-by-column EELS quantification of barium lanthanum ferrate. Ultramicroscopy, 234, Article 113477.
- | Reduced granularity in BHO-doped YBCO films on RABiTS templates at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHolleis, S., Shipulin, I. A., Hühne, R., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2022). Reduced granularity in BHO-doped YBCO films on RABiTS templates. Superconductor Science and Technology, 35(10), 104001.
- | Characterization of an Al-Cu-Mg-Zn multi principal element alloy by experimental and computational screening methods at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKirschner, J., Mayr-Schmölzer, W., Bernardi, J., Gaschl, R., Schwarz, S., Simson, C., Vonbun-Feldbauer, G. B., & Eisenmenger-Sittner, C. (2022). Characterization of an Al-Cu-Mg-Zn multi principal element alloy by experimental and computational screening methods. Acta Materialia, 224(117510), 117510.
- | In-situ monitoring of the micropore evolution during the pyrolytic conversion of preceramic polymers at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKonegger, T., Drechsel, C., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Peterlik, H. (2022). In-situ monitoring of the micropore evolution during the pyrolytic conversion of preceramic polymers. 46th International Congress and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2022), Daytona Beach, United States of America (the).
- | AgAu nanoclusters supported on zeolites: Structural dynamics during CO oxidation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLópez-Hernández, I., Truttmann, V., Garcia, C., Lopes, C. W., Rameshan, C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Barrabés, N., Rupprechter, G., Rey, F., & Palomares, A. E. (2022). AgAu nanoclusters supported on zeolites: Structural dynamics during CO oxidation. Catalysis Today, 384–386, 166–176.
- | Microbeam bending of hydrated human cortical bone lamellae from the central region of the body of femur shows viscoelastic behaviour at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNedelkovski, V., Andriotis, O. G., Wieland, K., Gasser, C., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bernardi, J., Lendl, B., Pretterklieber, M. L., & Thurner, P. J. (2022). Microbeam bending of hydrated human cortical bone lamellae from the central region of the body of femur shows viscoelastic behaviour. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 125, 104815.
- | Atmosphere control and secondary phase migration during moderate-temperature sintering of aluminum nitride at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRauchenecker, J., Schwarz, S., Artner, W., & Konegger, T. (2022). Atmosphere control and secondary phase migration during moderate-temperature sintering of aluminum nitride. Ceramics International, 48(11), 16425–16431.
- | Performance modulation through selective, homogenous surface doping of lanthanum strontium ferrite electrodes revealed by in situ PLD impedance measurements at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiedl, C., Siebenhofer, M., Nenning, A., Friedbacher, G., Weiss, M., Rameshan, C., Bernardi, J., Limbeck, A., Kubicek, M., Opitz, A. K., & Fleig, J. (2022). Performance modulation through selective, homogenous surface doping of lanthanum strontium ferrite electrodes revealed by in situ PLD impedance measurements. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10(6), 2973–2986.
- | Simplified electron vortex generator with aberration correction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Lau, A. J., Li, X., Dellby, N., Kociak, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2022). Simplified electron vortex generator with aberration correction. In V. Krzyzanek, K. Hrubanova, P. Hozak, I. Müllerová, & M. Šlouf (Eds.), 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, 16MCM. Book of Abstracts (pp. 118–119). Czechoslovak Microscopy Society.
- | The choice of the right beam energy for analytical (scanning) transmission electron microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2022). The choice of the right beam energy for analytical (scanning) transmission electron microscopy. In V. Krzyžánek, K. Hrubanová, P. Hozák, I. Müllerová, & M. Slouf (Eds.), 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, 16MCM. Book of Abstracts (pp. 81–81). Czechoslovak Microscopy Society.
- | Interfacial adhesion strength of III-N heterostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWalter, T., Zareghomsheh, M., Khatibi Damavandi, G., Popok, V., Kristensen, P. K., Boturchuk, I., & Schwarz, S. (2022). Interfacial adhesion strength of III-N heterostructures. Materials & Design, 213, 1–12.
- | Anisotropic surface oxide formation and its role in the catalytic hydrogen oxidation on Rh at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWinkler, P., Zeininger, J., Raab, M., Suchorski, Y., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Rupprechter, G. (2022). Anisotropic surface oxide formation and its role in the catalytic hydrogen oxidation on Rh. TAming COmplexity in Materials Modeling (TACO) - 1st Annual PhD Workshop, Schladming, Austria.
- | Influence of Local Inhomogeneities in the REBCO Layer on the Mechanism of Quench Onset in 2G HTS Tapes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZampa, A., Holleis, S., Badel, A., Tixador, P., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2022). Influence of Local Inhomogeneities in the REBCO Layer on the Mechanism of Quench Onset in 2G HTS Tapes. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 32(3), 1–7.
- | Novel perovskite catalysts for CO2 utilization - Exsolution enhanced reverse water-gas shift activity at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLindenthal, L., Popovic, J., Rameshan, R., Huber, J., Schrenk, F., Ruh, T., Nenning, A., Löffler, S., Opitz, A. K., & Rameshan, C. (2021). Novel perovskite catalysts for CO2 utilization - Exsolution enhanced reverse water-gas shift activity. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 292, 1–12.
- | Vortex mode stability in mode conversion experiments and a possible practical manifestation of free-electron Landau states at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Hartel, P., Lu, P.-H., Dunin-Borkowski, R., & Schattschneider, P. (2021, August 22). Vortex mode stability in mode conversion experiments and a possible practical manifestation of free-electron Landau states. Microscopy Conference MC2021, Wien, Austria.
- | Stable performance of Li-S battery: Engineering of Li₂S smart cathode by reduction of multilayer graphene-embedded 2D-MoS₂ at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHan, J., Jang, H., Thi Bui, H., Jahn, M., Ahn, D., Cho, K., Jun, B., Lee, S. U., Sabine, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Whitmore, K., Sung, M.-M., Kutwade, Dr. V., Sharma, R., & Han, S.-H. (2021). Stable performance of Li-S battery: Engineering of Li₂S smart cathode by reduction of multilayer graphene-embedded 2D-MoS₂. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 862, Article 158031.
- | Femtosecond laser ablation of Zn in air and ethanol: effect of fluence on the surface morphology, ablated area, ablation rate and hardness at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBashir, S., Rafique, M. S., Ajami, A. A., Nathala, C. S., Husinsky, W., & Whitmore, K. (2021). Femtosecond laser ablation of Zn in air and ethanol: effect of fluence on the surface morphology, ablated area, ablation rate and hardness. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 127(226).
- | Steering the Methane Dry Reforming Reactivity of Ni/La₂O₃ Catalysts by Controlled In Situ Decomposition of Doped La₂NiO₄ Precursor Structures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBekheet, M. F., Delir Kheyrollahi Nezhad, P., Bonmassar, N., Schlicker, L., Gili, A., Praetz, S., Gurlo, A., Doran, A., Gao, Y., Heggen, M., Niaei, A., Farzi, A., Schwarz, S., Bernardi, J., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2021). Steering the Methane Dry Reforming Reactivity of Ni/La₂O₃ Catalysts by Controlled In Situ Decomposition of Doped La₂NiO₄ Precursor Structures. ACS Catalysis, 11(1), 43–59.
- | Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J. (2021). Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. In A. Walter, J. G. Mannheim, & C. J. Caruana (Eds.), Imaging Modalities for Biological and Preclinical Research: A Compendium, Volume 1: Part I: Ex vivo biological imaging. IOP Publishing.
- | Scanning transmission electron microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J. (2021). Scanning transmission electron microscopy. In A. Walter, J. G. Mannheim, & C. J. Caruana (Eds.), Imaging Modalities for Biological and Preclinical Research: A Compendium, Volume 1: Part I: Ex vivo biological imaging. IOP Publishing.
- | High Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Cu/Sn Intermetallic Compounds Prepared by Transient Liquid Phase Bonding Process at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBetzwar Kotas, A. M., Khatibi, G., Khodabakhshi, F., & Steiger-Thirsfeld, A. (2021). High Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Cu/Sn Intermetallic Compounds Prepared by Transient Liquid Phase Bonding Process. Materials Science Forum, 1016, 268–273.
- | Imaging the spatial distribution of π* states in graphene using aberration-corrected STEM-EELS: towards orbital mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Ederer, M., Lazarov, V., Ramasse, Q. M., Löffler, S., & Kepaptsoglou, D. M. (2021). Imaging the spatial distribution of π* states in graphene using aberration-corrected STEM-EELS: towards orbital mapping. JEELS 2020, Münster, Germany.
- | Imaging the spatial distribution of π* states in graphene using aberration-corrected and monochromated STEM-EELS: towards orbital mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Ederer, M., Lazarov, V., Ramasse, Q., Löffler, S., & Kepaptsoglou, D. (2021). Imaging the spatial distribution of π* states in graphene using aberration-corrected and monochromated STEM-EELS: towards orbital mapping. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27(S1), 134–135.
- | Imaging the spatial distribution of π* states in graphene using aberration-corrected STEM-EELS: towards orbital mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Ramasse, Q. M., Kepaptsoglou, D. M., Ederer, M., Löffler, S., & Lazarov, V. (2021). Imaging the spatial distribution of π* states in graphene using aberration-corrected STEM-EELS: towards orbital mapping. XXIX International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico.
- | Imaging the spatial distribution of π* states in graphene using aberration-corrected and monochromated STEM-EELS: towards orbital mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Ramasse, Q. M., Kepaptsoglou, D. M., Ederer, M., Löffler, S., & Lazarov, V. (2021). Imaging the spatial distribution of π* states in graphene using aberration-corrected and monochromated STEM-EELS: towards orbital mapping. Microscopy and Microanalysis 2021 Virtual Meeting, Pittsburgh, United States of America (the).
- | Imaging the spatial distribution of π* states in graphene using aberration-corrected STEM-EELS - towards orbital mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Ramasse, Q. M., Kepaptsoglou, D. M., Ederer, M., Löffler, S., & Lazarov, V. (2021). Imaging the spatial distribution of π* states in graphene using aberration-corrected STEM-EELS - towards orbital mapping. In Microscopy Conference 2021. Abstracts Book. (pp. 145–146).
- | Synergetic Tl and As retention in secondary minerals: An example of extreme arsenic and thallium pollution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDordevic, T., Drahota, P., Kolitsch, U., Majzlan, J., Perestá, M., Kiefer, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Tepe, N., Hofmann, T., Mikus, T., Tasev, G., Serafimovski, T., Boev, I., & Boev, B. (2021). Synergetic Tl and As retention in secondary minerals: An example of extreme arsenic and thallium pollution. Applied Geochemistry, 135(105114), 105114.
- | Orbital mapping - beyond the dipole approximation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEderer, M., & Löffler, S. (2021). Orbital mapping - beyond the dipole approximation. In MC 2021 proceedings (pp. 452–453).
- | Parameter Optimization in Orbital Mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEderer, M., & Löffler, S. (2021). Parameter Optimization in Orbital Mapping. In 12es Journées EELS and Arbeitskreistreffen Energiefilterung und EELS (pp. 46–47).
- | Parameter optimisation in orbital mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEderer, M., & Löffler, S. (2021). Parameter optimisation in orbital mapping. In MC 2021 proceedings (pp. 450–451).
- | Imaging the Spatial Distribution Of π* States In Graphene at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEderer, M., Bugnet, M., Lazarov, V., Ramasse, Q. M., Kepaptsoglou, D. M., & Löffler, S. (2021). Imaging the Spatial Distribution Of π* States In Graphene. 11th ASEM-Workshop, Linz (online), Austria.
- | Imaging the Spatial Distribution Of π* States In Graphene at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEderer, M., Bugnet, M., Lazarov, V., Ramasse, Q. M., Kepaptsoglou, D. M., & Löffler, S. (2021). Imaging the Spatial Distribution Of π* States In Graphene. Conference on Surface and Solid State Analytics (AOFKA21), Freiberg, Germany.
- | True Nature of the Transition-Metal Carbide/Liquid Interface Determines Its Reactivity at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGriesser, C., Haobo, L., Wernig, E.-M., Winkler, D., Shakibi-Nia, N., Mairegger, T., Götsch, T., Schachinger, T., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Penner, S., Wielend, D., Egger, D., Scheurer, C., Reuter, K., & Kunze-Liebhäuser, J. (2021). True Nature of the Transition-Metal Carbide/Liquid Interface Determines Its Reactivity. ACS Catalysis, 11(8), 4920–4928.
- | Resolving few-layer antimonene/graphene heterostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGupta, T., Elibol, K., Hummel, S., Mangler, C., Habler, G., Meyer, J. C., Eder, D., Bayer, B. C., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2021). Resolving few-layer antimonene/graphene heterostructures. Npj 2D Materials and Applications, 5(53).
- | Resolving Few-Layer Antimonene/Graphene Heterostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGupta, T., Elibol, K., Hummel, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Mangler, C., Habler, G., Meyer, J. C., Bayer, B. C., & Eder, D. (2021). Resolving Few-Layer Antimonene/Graphene Heterostructures. International Online Conference on Functional Materials, Online, Unknown.
- | Wet chemical porosification with phosphate buffer solutions for permittivity reduction of LTCC substrates at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHajian, A., Konegger, T., Bielecki, T., Mieller, B., Rabe, T., Schwarz, S., Zellner, C., & Schmid, U. (2021). Wet chemical porosification with phosphate buffer solutions for permittivity reduction of LTCC substrates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 863(158059), 158059.
- | Structural Changes in Multi Principal Element Alloys in Dependence on the Aluminium Content at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKirschner, J., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., Bernardi, J., Großalber, A., Frank, S., & Simson, C. (2021). Structural Changes in Multi Principal Element Alloys in Dependence on the Aluminium Content. Materials Science Forum, 1016, 691–696.
- | Stoichometry-driven Crystallographic Phase Transitions of AlCuMgZn Alloys at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKirschner, J., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., Rasinger, G., Gaschl, R., Bernardi, J., Großalber, A., Frank, S., & Simson, C. (2021). Stoichometry-driven Crystallographic Phase Transitions of AlCuMgZn Alloys. THERMEC 2021, Online, Austria.
- | Investigation of the Elemental Correlation in AlCuMgZn Multi Principal Element Alloys at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKirschner, J., Gaschl, R., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., Bernardi, J., & Simson, C. (2021). Investigation of the Elemental Correlation in AlCuMgZn Multi Principal Element Alloys. ÖGV-Seminar 2021, Seminar der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Vakuumtechnik 2021, Wien, Austria.
- | Systematic Investigation of the Impact of Pure Metal Addition on AlCuMgZn Multi Principal Element Alloys at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKirschner, J., Gaschl, R., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., Bernardi, J., & Simson, C. (2021). Systematic Investigation of the Impact of Pure Metal Addition on AlCuMgZn Multi Principal Element Alloys. ICMCTF 2021, San Diego/USA, United States of America (the).
- | Communication-Current Oscillations in Photoelectrochemical Etching of Monocrystalline 4H Silicon Carbide at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLeitgeb, M., Pfusterschmied, G., Schwarz, S., Depuydt, B., Cho, J., & Schmid, U. (2021). Communication-Current Oscillations in Photoelectrochemical Etching of Monocrystalline 4H Silicon Carbide. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 10(7), 073003.
- | In Situ Growth of Exsolved Nanoparticles under Varying rWGS Reaction Conditions-A Catalysis and Near Ambient Pressure-XPS Study at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLindenthal, L., Huber, J., Drexler, H., Ruh, T., Rameshan, R., Schrenk, F., Löffler, S., & Rameshan, C. (2021). In Situ Growth of Exsolved Nanoparticles under Varying rWGS Reaction Conditions-A Catalysis and Near Ambient Pressure-XPS Study. Catalysts, 11(12), 1484.
- | Novel Perovskite Catalysts for CO2 Utilization - Exsolution Enhanced Reverse Water-Gas Shift Activity at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLindenthal, L., Popovic, J., Rameshan, R., Huber, J., Schrenk, F., Ruh, T., Nenning, A., Löffler, S., Opitz, A., & Rameshan, C. (2021). Novel Perovskite Catalysts for CO2 Utilization - Exsolution Enhanced Reverse Water-Gas Shift Activity. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 292(120183), 120183.
- | Novel Doped Perovskite Catalysts - Enhancing Catalytic Activity By Tailored Exsolution of Nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLindenthal, L., Popovic, J., Rameshan, R., Ruh, T., Summerer, H., Nenning, A., Opitz, A., Löffler, S., & Rameshan, C. (2021). Novel Doped Perovskite Catalysts - Enhancing Catalytic Activity By Tailored Exsolution of Nanoparticles. School on Catalysis, Liblice, Czechia.
- | Structural and Electronic Characterization of Doped Exsolution Perovskites at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLindenthal, L., Rameshan, R., Ruh, T., Löffler, S., & Rameshan, C. (2021). Structural and Electronic Characterization of Doped Exsolution Perovskites. 29th Annual Meeting of the German Crystallographic Society (DGK), Hamburg + Online, Germany.
- | Higher moments in DPC at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Boya, D., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2021). Higher moments in DPC. 11th ASEM-Workshop, Linz (online), Austria.
- | Higher moments in DPC at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Boya, D., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2021). Higher moments in DPC. In MC 2021 proceedings (p. 562).
- | Mapping Orbital Information in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Ederer, M., & Oberaigner, M. (2021). Mapping Orbital Information in the TEM. TU Graz Physics Colloquium, Graz, Austria.
- | EMCD on Antiferromagnets at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Spies, F., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2021). EMCD on Antiferromagnets. 11th ASEM-Workshop, Linz (online), Austria.
- | EMCD on Antiferromagnets at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Spies, F., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2021). EMCD on Antiferromagnets. In 12es Journées EELS and Arbeitskreistreffen Energiefilterung und EELS (pp. 29–30).
- | EMCD on antiferromagnets at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Spies, F., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2021). EMCD on antiferromagnets. In MC 2021 proceedings (pp. 454–455).
- | An analytical formula for EMCD at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Hetaba, W., & Schattschneider, P. (2021). An analytical formula for EMCD. In 12es Journées EELS and Arbeitskreistreffen Energiefilterung und EELS (pp. 11–12).
- | Exploiting the Acceleration Voltage Dependence of EMCD at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Hetaba, W., & Schattschneider, P. (2021). Exploiting the Acceleration Voltage Dependence of EMCD. Materials, 14(5), 1314.
- | Nb3Sn Wires for the Future Circular Collider at CERN: Microstructural Investigation of Different Wire Layouts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A., Ortino, M., Löffler, S., Alekseev, M., Tsapleva, A., Lukyanov, P., Abdyukhanov, I. M., Pantsyrny, V., Hopkins, S. C., Eisterer, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Bernardi, J. (2021). Nb3Sn Wires for the Future Circular Collider at CERN: Microstructural Investigation of Different Wire Layouts. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31(5), 1–5.
- | Model Catalysis with HOPG‑Supported Pd Nanoparticles and Pd Foil: XPS, STM and C2H4 Hydrogenation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMotin, Md. A., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Rupprechter, G. (2021). Model Catalysis with HOPG‑Supported Pd Nanoparticles and Pd Foil: XPS, STM and C2H4 Hydrogenation. Catalysis Letters, 152(10), 2892–2907.
- | Effect of Chromium Content in the Steel Substrate on the Coating Formation and Tribological Properties of Manganese Phosphate Coatings at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNevosad, A., Molnar, W., & Schwarz, S. (2021). Effect of Chromium Content in the Steel Substrate on the Coating Formation and Tribological Properties of Manganese Phosphate Coatings. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30(11), 8057–8064.
- | Mechanistic in situ insights into the formation, structural and catalytic aspects of the La2NiO4 intermediate phase in the dry reforming of methane over Ni-based perovskite catalysts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNezhad, P. D. K., Bekheet, M. F., Bonmassar, N., Schlicker, L., Gili, A., Kamutzki, F., Gurlo, A., Doran, A., Gao, Y., Heggen, M., Schwarz, S., Bernardi, J., Niaei, A., Farzi, A., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2021). Mechanistic in situ insights into the formation, structural and catalytic aspects of the La2NiO4 intermediate phase in the dry reforming of methane over Ni-based perovskite catalysts. Applied Catalysis A: General, 612(117984), 117984.
- | Post-processing paths for orbital mapping of rutile by STEM-EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOberaigner, M., Knez, D., Kothleitner, G., & Löffler, S. (2021). Post-processing paths for orbital mapping of rutile by STEM-EELS. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes --- EUROMAT 2021, Wien, Austria.
- | Post-processing procedure for orbital mapping of rutile by STEM-EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOberaigner, M., Knez, D., Kothleitner, G., & Löffler, S. (2021). Post-processing procedure for orbital mapping of rutile by STEM-EELS. In MC 2021 proceedings (pp. 456–457).
- | The Impact of High-Tension on the Orbital Mapping of Rutile by STEM-EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOberaigner, M., Knez, D., Löffler, S., & Kothleitner, G. (2021). The Impact of High-Tension on the Orbital Mapping of Rutile by STEM-EELS. 11th ASEM-Workshop, Linz (online), Austria.
- | Post-Processing Paths for Orbital Mapping by STEM-EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOberaigner, M., Knez, D., Löffler, S., & Kothleitner, G. (2021). Post-Processing Paths for Orbital Mapping by STEM-EELS. In 12es Journées EELS and Arbeitskreistreffen Energiefilterung und EELS (pp. 41–42).
- | Evolution of the superconducting properties from binary to ternary APC-Nb3Sn wires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOrtino, M., Pfeiffer, S., Baumgartner, T., Sumption, M., Bernardi, J., Xu, X., & Eisterer, M. (2021). Evolution of the superconducting properties from binary to ternary APC-Nb3Sn wires. Superconductor Science and Technology, 34(3), 035028.
- | Steering the methanol steam reforming performance of Cu/ZrO2 catalysts by modification of the Cu-ZrO2 interface dimensions resulting from Cu loading variation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPloner, K., Delir Kheyrollahi Nezhad, P., Watschinger, M., Schlicker, L., Bekheet, M. F., Gurlo, A., Gili, A., Doran, A., Schwarz, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Armbrüster, M., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2021). Steering the methanol steam reforming performance of Cu/ZrO2 catalysts by modification of the Cu-ZrO2 interface dimensions resulting from Cu loading variation. Applied Catalysis A: General, 623(118279), 118279.
- | High-resolution topochemical analysis and thermochemical simulations of oxides and nitrides at grain boundaries and within the grains of a low alloy Mn-Cr hot-rolled steel sheet at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPraig, V. G., Schintlmeister, A., Auinger, M., Danninger, H., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2021). High-resolution topochemical analysis and thermochemical simulations of oxides and nitrides at grain boundaries and within the grains of a low alloy Mn-Cr hot-rolled steel sheet. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 876(160069), 160069.
- | Experimental realization of a 𝜋/2 vortex mode converter for electrons using a spherical aberration corrector at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Hartel, P., Lu, P., Löffler, S., Obermair, M., Dries, M., Gerthens, D., Dunin-Borkowski, R., & Schattschneider, P. (2021). Experimental realization of a 𝜋/2 vortex mode converter for electrons using a spherical aberration corrector. Ultramicroscopy, 229(113340), 113340.
- | Fundamental Limit of Plasmonic Cathodoluminescence at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchmidt, F.-P., Losquin, A., Horák, M., Hohenester, U., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Krenn, J. R. (2021). Fundamental Limit of Plasmonic Cathodoluminescence. Nano Letters, 21(1), 590–596.
- | Ice Nucleation Activity of Alpine Bioaerosol Emitted in Vicinity of a Birch Forest at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSeifried, T. M., Bieber, P., Kunert, A. T., Schmale, D. G., Whitmore, K., Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J., & Grothe, H. (2021). Ice Nucleation Activity of Alpine Bioaerosol Emitted in Vicinity of a Birch Forest. Atmosphere, 12(6), 779.
- | Electron energy loss spectroscopy and energy filtered transmission electron microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Löffler, S. (2021). Electron energy loss spectroscopy and energy filtered transmission electron microscopy. In A. Walter, J. G. Mannheim, & C. J. Caruana (Eds.), Imaging Modalities for Biological and Preclinical Research: A Compendium, Volume 1: Part I: Ex vivo biological imaging. IOP Publishing.
- | Interferometric cathodoluminescence in (S)TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Pichler, C., Stöger, L., & Maurer, N. (2021). Interferometric cathodoluminescence in (S)TEM. 11th ASEM-Workshop, Linz (online), Austria.
- | Interferometry of coherent light emission using a CL detector in a STEMVortrag bei den JEELS 2020: 12es Journées EELS and Arbeitskreistreffen Energiefilterung und EELS in Münster, Germany at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Maurer, N., Stöger, L., Bukvisová, K., & Löffler, S. (2021). Interferometry of coherent light emission using a CL detector in a STEMVortrag bei den JEELS 2020: 12es Journées EELS and Arbeitskreistreffen Energiefilterung und EELS in Münster, Germany. In 12es Journées EELS and Arbeitskreistreffen Energiefilterung und EELS (pp. 33–34).
- | Coherent light emission in cathodoluminescence when using GaAs in a scanning (transmission) electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Pichler, C. F., Dan, T., Zickler, G. A., Bukvišová, K., Eibl, O., & Brandstätter, F. (2021). Coherent light emission in cathodoluminescence when using GaAs in a scanning (transmission) electron microscope. Ultramicroscopy, 224(113260), 113260.
- | Resolving multifrequential oscillations and nanoscale interfacet communication in single particle catalysis at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSuchorski, Y., Zeininger, J., Buhr, S., Raab, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Grönbeck, H., & Rupprechter, G. (2021). Resolving multifrequential oscillations and nanoscale interfacet communication in single particle catalysis. Science, 372(6548), 1314–1318.
- | Surface structure libraries on a nanoscale: interfacet coupling and its reconstruction-induced collapse at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSuchorski, Y., Zeininger, J., Raab, M., Buhr, S., Bernardi, J., Grönbeck, H., Rupprechter, G., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2021). Surface structure libraries on a nanoscale: interfacet coupling and its reconstruction-induced collapse. TAming COmplexity in Materials Modeling (TACO) - Kick-off Meeting, Wien, Austria.
- | Boosting the surface conduction in a topological insulator at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowTaupin, M., Eguchi, G., Budnowski, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Ishida, Y., Kuroda, K., Shin, S., Kimura, A., & Paschen, S. (2021). Boosting the surface conduction in a topological insulator. 84. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Tagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM) virtuell, Deutschland, Germany.
- | Ti/4H-SiC schottky barrier modulation by ultrathin a-SiC:H interface layer at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowTriendl, F., Pfusterschmied, G., Berger, C., Schwarz, S., Artner, W., & Schmid, U. (2021). Ti/4H-SiC schottky barrier modulation by ultrathin a-SiC:H interface layer. Thin Solid Films, 721(138539), 138539.
- | Growth and characterization of low pressure chemical vapor deposited Si on Si-face 4H-SiC at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowTriendl, F., Pfusterschmied, G., Pobegen, G., Schwarz, S., Artner, W., Konrath, J. P., & Schmid, U. (2021). Growth and characterization of low pressure chemical vapor deposited Si on Si-face 4H-SiC. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 131(105888), 105888.
- | Si/4H-SiC heterostructure formation using metal-induced crystallization at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowTriendl, F., Pfusterschmied, G., Schwarz, S., Artner, W., & Schmid, U. (2021). Si/4H-SiC heterostructure formation using metal-induced crystallization. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 128(105763), 105763.
- | Barrier height tuning by inverse sputter etching at poly-Si/4H-SiC heterojunction diodes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowTriendl, F., Pfusterschmied, G., Schwarz, S., Pobegen, G., Konrath, J. P., & Schmid, U. (2021). Barrier height tuning by inverse sputter etching at poly-Si/4H-SiC heterojunction diodes. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 36(5), 055021.
- | Interfacial adhesion strength of III-N heterostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWalter, T., Zareghomsheh, M., Khatibi, G., Popok, V., Kristensen, P., & Schwarz, S. (2021). Interfacial adhesion strength of III-N heterostructures. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes EUROMAT 2021, Graz, Austria.
- | Coexisting multi-states in catalytic hydrogen oxidation on rhodium at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWinkler, P., Zeininger, J., Raab, M., Suchorski, Y., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., Grönbeck, H., & Rupprechter, G. (2021). Coexisting multi-states in catalytic hydrogen oxidation on rhodium. Nature Communications, 12(6517).
- | How the anisotropy of surface oxide formation influences the transient activity of a surface reaction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWinkler, P., Zeininger, J., Suchorski, Y., Stöger-Pollach, M., Zeller, P., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., & Rupprechter, G. (2021). How the anisotropy of surface oxide formation influences the transient activity of a surface reaction. Nature Communications, 12(69).
- | Beam shaping and probe characterization in the scanning electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowŘiháček, T., Horák, M., Schachinger, T., Mika, F., Matějka, M., Krátký, S., Fořt, T., Radlička, T., Johnson, C. W., Novák, L., Sed’a, B., McMorran, B. J., & Müllerová, I. (2021). Beam shaping and probe characterization in the scanning electron microscope. Ultramicroscopy, 225(113268), 113268.
- | Using Čerenkov radiation for measuring the refractive index in thick samples by interferometric cathodoluminescence at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Maurer, N., & Bukvišová, K. (2020). Using Čerenkov radiation for measuring the refractive index in thick samples by interferometric cathodoluminescence. Ultramicroscopy, 214, Article 113011.
- | Outstanding Oxygen Reduction Kinetics of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−δ Surfaces Decorated with Platinum Nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiedl, C., Schmid, A., Nenning, A., Summerer, H., Smetaczek, S., Schwarz, S., Bernardi, J., Opitz, A. K., Limbeck, A., & Fleig, J. (2020). Outstanding Oxygen Reduction Kinetics of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−δ Surfaces Decorated with Platinum Nanoparticles. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167(10), 1–9.
- | Entanglement and entropy in electron–electron scattering at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Löffler, S., Gollisch, H., & Feder, R. (2020). Entanglement and entropy in electron–electron scattering. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 241, Article 146810.
- | Pulse duration and environmental effects on the surface nanostructuring and mechanical properties of zinc during femtosecond laser irradiation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBashir, S., Rafique, M. S., Nathala, C. S. R., Ajami, A. A., Husinsky, W., & Whitmore, K. (2020). Pulse duration and environmental effects on the surface nanostructuring and mechanical properties of zinc during femtosecond laser irradiation. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 37(10), 2878.
- | In Situ-Determined Catalytically Active State of LaNiO₃ in Methane Dry Reforming at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBonmassar, N., Bekheet, M. F., Schlicker, L., Gili, A., Gurlo, A., Doran, A., Gao, Y., Heggen, M., Bernardi, J., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2020). In Situ-Determined Catalytically Active State of LaNiO₃ in Methane Dry Reforming. ACS Catalysis, 10(2), 1102–1112.
- | Surface-Energy Control and Characterization of Nanoparticle Coatings at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowCant, D. J. H., Minelli, C., Sparnacci, K., Müller, A., Kalbe, H., Stöger-Pollach, M., Unger, W. E. S., Werner, W. S. M., & Shard, A. G. (2020). Surface-Energy Control and Characterization of Nanoparticle Coatings. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124(20), 11200–11211.
- | Method for the production of pure and C-doped nanoboron powders tailored for superconductive applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowCapra, M., Loria, F., Bernini, C., Bovone, G., Moros, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schachinger, T., Bernardi, J., Siri, A. S., & Vignolo, M. (2020). Method for the production of pure and C-doped nanoboron powders tailored for superconductive applications. Nanotechnology, 31(49), 494001.
- | Anisotropic Physical Properties of the Kondo Semimetal CeCu₁.₁₁As₂ at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowCvitkovich, L., Zocco, D. A., Eguchi, G., Waas, M., Svagera, R., Stöger, B., Mondal, R., Thamizhavel, A., & Paschen, S. (2020). Anisotropic Physical Properties of the Kondo Semimetal CeCu₁.₁₁As₂. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2019). International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2019), Okayama, Japan.
- | Thickness Dependence of Orbital Mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEderer, M., Schattschneider, P., & Löffler, S. (2020). Thickness Dependence of Orbital Mapping. Virtual Early Career European Microscopy Congress 2020, online, Unknown.
- | Dynamics of Pd Dopant Atoms inside Au Nanoclusters during Catalytic CO Oxidation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGarcia Yago, C. I., Truttmann, V., Lopez-Hernandez, I., Haunold, T., Marini, C., Rameshan, C., Pittenauer, E., Kregsamer, P., Dobrezberger, K., Stöger-Pollach, M., Barrabés Rabanal, N., & Rupprechter, G. (2020). Dynamics of Pd Dopant Atoms inside Au Nanoclusters during Catalytic CO Oxidation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124(43), 23626–23636.
- | Ermüdungsverhalten hoch-belasteter Ag-Sinterverbindungen at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGökdeniz, Z. G., Mündlein, M., Khatibi, G., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Nicolics, J. (2020). Ermüdungsverhalten hoch-belasteter Ag-Sinterverbindungen. In EBL 2020 - Elektronische Baugruppen und Leiterplatten (pp. 204–209). VDE.
- | Magnetic near field imaging with EELS based on Babinet's principle at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHorák, M., Křápek, V., Hrtoň, M., Konečná, A., Ligmajer, F., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Sikola, T. (2020). Magnetic near field imaging with EELS based on Babinet’s principle. Virtual Early Career European Microscopy Congress 2020, online, Unknown.
- | Magnetic Near Field Imaging with Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Based on Babinet's Principle at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHorák, M., Křápek, V., Hrtoň, M., Konečná, A., Ligmajer, F., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Šikola, T. (2020). Magnetic Near Field Imaging with Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Based on Babinet’s Principle. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26(S2), 2628–2630.
- | Crystalline Calcium Fluoride: A Record-Thin Insulator for Nanoscale 2D Electronics at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowIllarionov, Y., Banshchikov, A. G., Knobloch, T., Polyushkin, D. K., Wachter, S., Fedorov, V. V., Suturin, S. M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Vexler, M. I., Sokolov, N. S., & Grasser, T. (2020). Crystalline Calcium Fluoride: A Record-Thin Insulator for Nanoscale 2D Electronics. In 2020 Device Research Conference (DRC). Device Research Conference (DRC), Santa-Barbara, United States of America (the).
- | EDX/XRD-Based Identification of Micrometer-Sized Domains in Scanning Electron Micrographs of Fired Clay at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKariem, H., Kiefer, T., Hellmich, C., Gaggl, W., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Füssl, J. (2020). EDX/XRD-Based Identification of Micrometer-Sized Domains in Scanning Electron Micrographs of Fired Clay. Materials and Structures, 53(109).
- | Effect of the relative Al to Cu Content in AlCuMgZn Multi-Principal Element Alloys at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKirschner, J., Rasinger, G., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., Bernardi, J., & Simson, C. (2020). Effect of the relative Al to Cu Content in AlCuMgZn Multi-Principal Element Alloys. 18th International Conference on Thin Films/18th Joint Vacuum Conference (ICTF18/JVC-18), Budapest, Hungary.
- | Independent engineering of individual plasmon modes in plasmonic dimers with conductive and capacitive coupling at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKřápek, V., Konečná, A., Horák, M., Ligmajer, F., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hrtoň, M., Babocký, J., & Šikola, T. (2020). Independent engineering of individual plasmon modes in plasmonic dimers with conductive and capacitive coupling. Nanophotonics, 9(3), 623–632.
- | Quantifying ordering phenomena in lanthanum barium ferrate at the atomic scale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLammer, J., Berger, C., Löffler, S., Knez, D., Longo, P., Bucher, E., Kothleitner, G., Egger, A., Merkle, R., Sitte, W., Maier, J., & Grogger, W. (2020). Quantifying ordering phenomena in lanthanum barium ferrate at the atomic scale. Virtual Early Career European Microscopy Congress 2020, online, Unknown.
- | Future Circular Collider beam screen: progress on Tl-1223 HTS coating at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLeveratto, A., Saba, A., Holleis, S., Himmerlich, M., Henrist, B., Fernandez-Peña, S., Moros, A., Bernardi, J., Eisterer, M., Bernini, C., Vaglio, R., Putti, M., Ferdeghini, C., Calatroni, S., & Bellingeri, E. (2020). Future Circular Collider beam screen: progress on Tl-1223 HTS coating. Superconductor Science and Technology, 33(5), 054004.
- | Novel Doped Perovskite Catalysts - Enhancing Catalytic Activity by Tailored Exsolution of Nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLindenthal, L., Popovic, J., Rameshan, R., Ruh, T., Summerer, H., Nenning, A., Opitz, A., Löffler, S., & Rameshan, C. (2020). Novel Doped Perovskite Catalysts - Enhancing Catalytic Activity by Tailored Exsolution of Nanoparticles. EFCATS Summer School 2020, Portoroz-Portorose, Slovenia.
- | Modifying the Surface Structure of Perovskite-Based Catalysts by Nanoparticle Exsolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLindenthal, L., Rameshan, R., Summerer, H., Ruh, T., Popovic, J., Nenning, A., Löffler, S., Opitz, A., Blaha, P., & Rameshan, C. (2020). Modifying the Surface Structure of Perovskite-Based Catalysts by Nanoparticle Exsolution. Catalysts, 10(3), 268.
- | Ca-doped rare earth perovskite materials for tailored exsolution of metal nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLindenthal, L., Ruh, T., Rameshan, R., Summerer, H., Nenning, A., Herzig, C., Löffler, S., Limbeck, A., Opitz, A., Blaha, P., & Rameshan, C. (2020). Ca-doped rare earth perovskite materials for tailored exsolution of metal nanoparticles. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 76(6), 1055–1070.
- | Atome im Fokus - Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S. (2020). Atome im Fokus - Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält. 23. Naturwissenschaftlicher Tag des G19, Wien, Austria.
- | A quantum propagator for electrons in a round magnetic lens at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Hamon, A.-L., Aubry, D., & Schattschneider, P. (2020). A quantum propagator for electrons in a round magnetic lens. In M. Hÿtch & P. W. Hawkes (Eds.), Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics. Volume 215 (Vol. 215, pp. 89–105). Elsevier.
- | Quantum Experiments in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Schachinger, T., Schattschneider, P., Feder, R., Lu, P., Tavabi, A. H., Dunin-Borkowski, R., & Hartel, P. (2020). Quantum Experiments in the TEM. Quantum Electron Optics Workshop 2020, Wien, Austria.
- | Nb3Sn Wires for the Future Circular Collider at CERN: Microstructural Investigation of Different Wire Layouts for High-Performance Bending Magnets at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A., Ortino, M., Löffler, S., Alekseev, M., Tsapleva, A., Lukyanov, P., Abdyukhanov, I., Pantsyrny, V., Bordini, B., Ballarino, A., Hopkins, S. C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2020). Nb3Sn Wires for the Future Circular Collider at CERN: Microstructural Investigation of Different Wire Layouts for High-Performance Bending Magnets. Online Conference: Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2020), Tampa, United States of America (the).
- | Influence of experimental constraints on micromechanical assessment of micromachined hard-tissue samples at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNedelkovski, V., Hahn, R., Mayrhofer, P. H., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bernardi, J., & Thurner, P. J. (2020). Influence of experimental constraints on micromechanical assessment of micromachined hard-tissue samples. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 106(103741), 103741.
- | Understanding electrochemical switchability of perovskite-type exsolution catalysts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOpitz, A. K., Nenning, A., Vonk, V., Volkov, S., Bertram, F., Summerer, H., Schwarz, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bernardi, J., Stierle, A., & Fleig, J. (2020). Understanding electrochemical switchability of perovskite-type exsolution catalysts. Nature Communications, 11(4801).
- | APC-Nb3Sn: a closer path to wide deployment at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOrtino, M., Rochester, J., Sumption, M. D., Xu, X., Peng, X., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2020). APC-Nb3Sn: a closer path to wide deployment. Online Conference: Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2020), Tampa, United States of America (the).
- | Mechanistic insights into the catalytic methanol steam reforming performance of Cu/ZrO2 catalysts by in situ and operando studies at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPloner, K., Watschinger, M., Kheyrollahi Nezhad, P. D., Götsch, T., Schlicker, L., Köck, E.-M., Gurlo, A., Gili, A., Doran, A., Zhang, L., Köwitsch, N., Armbrüster, M., Vanicek, S., Wallisch, W., Thurner, C., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2020). Mechanistic insights into the catalytic methanol steam reforming performance of Cu/ZrO2 catalysts by in situ and operando studies. Journal of Catalysis, 391, 497–512.
- | High Temperature Water Gas Shift Reactivity of Novel Perovskite Catalysts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPopovic, J., Lindenthal, L., Rameshan, R., Ruh, T., Nenning, A., Löffler, S., Opitz, A., & Rameshan, C. (2020). High Temperature Water Gas Shift Reactivity of Novel Perovskite Catalysts. Catalysts, 10(5), 582.
- | Characterisation of chemical vapour deposited AlHfN coatings at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRauchenwald, E., Lessiak, M., Weissenbacher, R., Schwarz, S., & Haubner, R. (2020). Characterisation of chemical vapour deposited AlHfN coatings. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 405, 33–39.
- | Influence of the AlN/Pt-ratio on the electro-mechanical properties ofmultilayered AlN/Pt thin film strain gauges at high temperatures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchmid, P., Triendl, F., Zarfl, C., Schwarz, S., Artner, W., Schneider, M., & Schmid, U. (2020). Influence of the AlN/Pt-ratio on the electro-mechanical properties ofmultilayered AlN/Pt thin film strain gauges at high temperatures. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 302(111805), 111805.
- | Switching on surface conduction in a topological insulator at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowTaupin, M., Eguchi, G., Budnowski, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Ishida, Y., Kuroda, K., Shin, S., & Paschen, S. (2020). Switching on surface conduction in a topological insulator (p. 27). arXiv.
- | On the crystallization behavior of sputter-deposited a-Si films on 4H-SiC at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowTriendl, F., Pfusterschmied, G., Fleckl, G., Schwarz, S., & Schmid, U. (2020). On the crystallization behavior of sputter-deposited a-Si films on 4H-SiC. Thin Solid Films, 697(137837), 137837.
- | Ligand engineering of immobilized nanoclusters on surfaces: Ligand exchange reactions with supported Au₁₁(PPh₃)₇Br₃ at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowTruttmann, V., Herzig, C., Illes, I., Limbeck, A., Pittenauer, E., Stöger-Pollach, M., Allmaier, G., Bürgi, T., Barrabés Rabanal, N., & Rupprechter, G. (2020). Ligand engineering of immobilized nanoclusters on surfaces: Ligand exchange reactions with supported Au₁₁(PPh₃)₇Br₃. Nanoscale, 12(24), 12809–12816.
- | Structure dependence of the initial oxidation of Rh and its effect on catalytic H2 oxidation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWinkler, P., Zeininger, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Zeller, P., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., Suchorski, Y., & Rupprechter, G. (2020). Structure dependence of the initial oxidation of Rh and its effect on catalytic H2 oxidation. In 3S´20, Symposium on Surface Science 2020, Contributions (pp. 27–28).
- | Thermoelectric Properties and Stability of Nanocomposites Type I Clathrate Ba-Cu-Si with SiC at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowYan, X., Bauer, E., Rogl, P., Bernardi, J., Prokofiev, A., & Paschen, S. (2020). Thermoelectric Properties and Stability of Nanocomposites Type I Clathrate Ba-Cu-Si with SiC. Journal of Inorganic and General Chemistry, 646(14), 1055–1061.
- | High cycle fatigue deformation mechanisms of a single phase CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZareghomsheh, M., Khatibi, G., Weiss, B., Lederer, M., Schwarz, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Tikhonovsky, M., Tabachnikova, E. D., & Schafler, E. (2020). High cycle fatigue deformation mechanisms of a single phase CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 777(139034), 1–11.
- | Elastic propagation of fast electron vortices through amorphous materials at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Sack, S., & Schachinger, T. (2019). Elastic propagation of fast electron vortices through amorphous materials. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances, 75(6), 902–910.
- | Promotion of La(Cu0.7Mn0.3)0.98M0.02O3 d (M = Pd, Pt, Ru and Rh) perovskite catalysts by noble metals for the reduction of NO by CO at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGrünbacher, M., Tarjomannejad, A., Kheyrollahi Nezhad, P. D., Praty, C., Ploner, K., Mohammadi, A., Niaei, A., Klötzer, B., Schwarz, S., Bernardi, J., Farzi, A., Gómez, M. J. I., Torregrosa Rivero, V., & Penner, S. (2019). Promotion of La(Cu0.7Mn0.3)0.98M0.02O3 d (M = Pd, Pt, Ru and Rh) perovskite catalysts by noble metals for the reduction of NO by CO. Journal of Catalysis, 379, 18–32.
- | Homogeneity in superconducting Nb3 Sn wires: exploring the routes towards high-performance bending magnets for the CERN Future Circular Collider at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A., Ortino, M., Löffler, S., Alekseev, M., Tsapleva, A., Lukyanov, P., Abdyukhanov, I. M., Pantsyrny, V., Bordini, B., Ballarino, A., Hopkins, S. C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2019). Homogeneity in superconducting Nb3 Sn wires: exploring the routes towards high-performance bending magnets for the CERN Future Circular Collider. 14th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (MCM 2019), Belgrad, Serbien, Serbia.
- | The CERN FCC Conductor Development Program: A Worldwide Effort for the Future Generation of High-Field Magnets at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBallarino, A., Hopkins, S. C., Bordini, B., Richter, D., Tommasini, D., Bottura, L., Benedikt, M., Sugano, M., Ogitsu, T., Kawashima, S., Saito, K., Fukumoto, Y., Sakamoto, H., Shimizu, H., Pantsyrny, V., Abdyukhanov, I., Shlyakov, M., Zernov, S., Buta, F., … Ferdeghini, C. (2019). The CERN FCC Conductor Development Program: A Worldwide Effort for the Future Generation of High-Field Magnets. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29(5), Article 6001709.
- | HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 4 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAbada, A., Abbrescia, M., AbdusSalam, S. S., Abdyukhanov, I., Abelleira Fernandez, J., Abramov, A., Aburaia, M., Acar, A. O., Adzic, P. R., Agrawal, P., Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A., Aguilera-Verdugo, J. J., Aiba, M., Aichinger, I., Aielli, G., Akay, A., Akhundov, A., Aksakal, H., Albacete, J. L., … Zurita, J. (2019). HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 4. European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 228(5), 1109–1382.
- | FCC-hh: The Hadron Collider : Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 3 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAbada, A., Abbrescia, M., AbdusSalam, S. S., Abdyukhanov, I., Abelleira Fernandez, J., Abramov, A., Aburaia, M., Acar, A. O., Adzic, P. R., Agrawal, P., Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A., Aguilera-Verdugo, J. J., Aiba, M., Aichinger, I., Aielli, G., Akay, A., Akhundov, A., Aksakal, H., Albacete, J. L., … FCC Collaboration. (2019). FCC-hh: The Hadron Collider : Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 3. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS, 228(4), 755–1107.
- | FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider : Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAbada, A., Abbrescia, M., AbdusSalam, S. S., Abdyukhanov, I., Abelleira Fernandez, J., Abramov, A., Aburaia, M., Acar, A. O., Adzic, P. R., Agrawal, P., Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A., Aguilera-Verdugo, J. J., Aiba, M., Aichinger, I., Aielli, G., Akay, A., Akhundov, A., Aksakal, H., Albacete, J. L., … FCC Collaboration. (2019). FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider : Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS, 228(2), 261–623.
- | MINERALOGY AND WEATHERING OF REALGAR-RICH TAILINGS AT A FORMER As-Sb-Cr MINE AT LOJANE, NORTH MACEDONIA at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowĐorđević, T., Kolitsch, U., Serafimovski, T., Tasev, G., Tepe, N., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hofmann, T., & Boev, B. (2019). MINERALOGY AND WEATHERING OF REALGAR-RICH TAILINGS AT A FORMER As-Sb-Cr MINE AT LOJANE, NORTH MACEDONIA. The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, 1–21.
- | DEMS studies of the ethanol electro-oxidation on TiOC supported Pt catalysts–Support effects for higher CO₂ efficiency at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowShakibi Nia, N., Martucci, A., Granozzi, G., García, G., Pastor, E., Penner, S., Bernardi, J., Alonso-Vante, N., & Kunze-Liebhäuser, J. (2019). DEMS studies of the ethanol electro-oxidation on TiOC supported Pt catalysts–Support effects for higher CO₂ efficiency. Electrochimica Acta, 304, 80–86.
- | FCC Physics Opportunities : Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 1 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAbada, A., Abbrescia, M., AbdusSalam, S. S., Abdyukhanov, I., Abelleira Fernandez, J., Abramov, A., Aburaia, M., Acar, A. O., Adzic, P. R., Agrawal, P., Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A., Aguilera-Verdugo, J. J., Aiba, M., Aichinger, I., Aielli, G., Akay, A., Akhundov, A., Aksakal, H., Albacete, J. L., … FCC Collaboration. (2019). FCC Physics Opportunities : Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 1. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 79, Article 474.
- | Assessment of Artificial and Natural Transport Mechanisms of Ice Nucleating Particles in an Alpine Ski Resort in Obergurgl, Austria at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBaloh, P., Els, N., David, R. O., Larose, C., Whitmore, K., Sattler, B., & Grothe, H. (2019). Assessment of Artificial and Natural Transport Mechanisms of Ice Nucleating Particles in an Alpine Ski Resort in Obergurgl, Austria. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10.
- | combined electron microscopy and mangetometry investigation of Nb3Sn superconducting wires for the Future Circular Collider (FCC) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Pfeiffer, S., Baumgartner, T., & Eisterer, M. (2019). combined electron microscopy and mangetometry investigation of Nb3Sn superconducting wires for the Future Circular Collider (FCC). In 7th European Conference on Tribology (p. 219).
- | Structure and properties of Ta/Al/Ta and Ti/Al/Ti/Au multilayer metal stacks formed as ohmic contacts on n-GaN at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBoturchuk, I., Walter, T., Julsgaard, B., Khatibi, G., Schwarz, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Pedersen, K., & Popok, V. N. (2019). Structure and properties of Ta/Al/Ta and Ti/Al/Ti/Au multilayer metal stacks formed as ohmic contacts on n-GaN. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 30(19), 18144–18152.
- | Status And Development Of Superconductive Mgb2 Wires And Tapes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDonato, M., Tropeano, M., Ortino, M., & Moros, A. (2019). Status And Development Of Superconductive Mgb2 Wires And Tapes. FCC week 2019, Brüssel, Belgium.
- | Tracing the mobilization of toxic metals from the tailings of the Lojane Sb-As-Cr mine, Macedonia at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDordevic, T., Kolitsch, U., Serafimovski, T., Tepe, N., Hofman, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Boev, B. (2019). Tracing the mobilization of toxic metals from the tailings of the Lojane Sb-As-Cr mine, Macedonia. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, 1.
- | Characterization of FCC conductors at TU Vienna at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEisterer, M., Baumgartner, T., Ortino, M., Bernardi, J., Pfeiffer, S., Moros, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Sumption, M. D., Xu, X., Peng, X., Alekseev, M., Tsapleva, A., Lukyanov, P., Abdyukhanov, I., Pantsyrny, V., Bordini, B., Hopkins, S. C., & Ballarino, A. (2019). Characterization of FCC conductors at TU Vienna. FCC week 2019, Brüssel, Belgium.
- | Neutron Irradiation: Introduced Defects and Effects on Various Superconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEisterer, M., Fischer, D., Kagerbauer, D., Unterrainer, R. N., Baumgartner, T., Pfeiffer, S., & Bernardi, J. (2019). Neutron Irradiation: Introduced Defects and Effects on Various Superconductors. EUCAS 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the).
- | Neutron Irradiation: from Single Displaced Atoms to Nanometer Sized Defects and their Influence on Superconductivity in Various Materials at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEisterer, M., Fischer, D., Kagerbauer, D., Unterrainer, R. N., Baumgartner, T., Pfeiffer, S., & Bernardi, J. (2019). Neutron Irradiation: from Single Displaced Atoms to Nanometer Sized Defects and their Influence on Superconductivity in Various Materials. Materials Research Meeting (MRM 2019), Yokohama, Japan.
- | Support effect on the reactivity and stability of Au₂₅(SR)₁₈ and Au₁₄₄(SR)₆₀ nanoclusters in liquid phase cyclohexane oxidation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGarcía, C., Pollitt, S., van der Linden, M., Truttmann, V., Rameshan, C., Rameshan, R., Pittenauer, E., Allmaier, G., Kregsamer, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., Barrabés, N., & Rupprechter, G. (2019). Support effect on the reactivity and stability of Au₂₅(SR)₁₈ and Au₁₄₄(SR)₆₀ nanoclusters in liquid phase cyclohexane oxidation. Catalysis Today, 336, 174–185.
- | Crystallographic and electronic evolution of lanthanum strontium ferrite (La0.6Sr0.4FeO3 d) thin film and bulk model systems during iron exsolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Köpfle, N., Grünbacher, M., Bernardi, J., Carbonio, E. A., Hävecker, M., Knop-Gericke, A., Bekheet, M. F., Schlicker, L., Doran, A., Gurlo, A., Franz, A., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2019). Crystallographic and electronic evolution of lanthanum strontium ferrite (La0.6Sr0.4FeO3 d) thin film and bulk model systems during iron exsolution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21(7), 3781–3794.
- | Treading in the Limited Stability Regime of Lanthanum Strontium Ferrite - Reduction, Phase Change and Exsolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Köpfle, N., Schlicker, L., Carbonio, E. A., Hävecker, M., Knop-Gericke, A., Schloegl, R., Bekheet, M. F., Gurlo, A., Doran, A., Bernardi, J., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2019). Treading in the Limited Stability Regime of Lanthanum Strontium Ferrite - Reduction, Phase Change and Exsolution. ECS Transactions, 91(1), 1771–1781.
- | An ultra-flexible modular high vacuum setup for thin film deposition at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Wernig, E.-M., Klötzer, B., Schachinger, T., Kunze-Liebhäuser, J., & Penner, S. (2019). An ultra-flexible modular high vacuum setup for thin film deposition. Review of Scientific Instruments, 90(2), 023902.
- | Wet-chemical porosification of LTCC substrates: Dissolution mechanism and mechanical properties at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHajian, A., Brehl, M., Koch, T., Zellner, C., Schwarz, S., Konegger, T., de Ligny, D., & Schmid, U. (2019). Wet-chemical porosification of LTCC substrates: Dissolution mechanism and mechanical properties. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 288(109593), 109593.
- | Tailored and deep porosification of LTCC substrates with phosphoric acid at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHajian, A., Smetaczek, S., Zellner, C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Konegger, T., Limbeck, A., & Schmid, U. (2019). Tailored and deep porosification of LTCC substrates with phosphoric acid. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39(10), 3112–3119.
- | Hybrid synthesis of zirconium oxycarbide nanopowders with defined and controlled composition at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHauser, D., Auer, A., Kunze-Liebhäuser, J., Schwarz, S., Bernardi, J., & Penner, S. (2019). Hybrid synthesis of zirconium oxycarbide nanopowders with defined and controlled composition. RSC Advances, 9(6), 3151–3156.
- | From sol-gel prepared porous silica to monolithic porous Mg2Si/ MgO composite materials at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHayati-Roodbari, N., Berger, R. J. F., Bernardi, J., Kinge, S., Hüsing, N., & Elsaesser, M. S. (2019). From sol-gel prepared porous silica to monolithic porous Mg2Si/ MgO composite materials. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 89(1), 295–302.
- | Current Flow Analysis of Thallium-based Superconductors by SEM and TEM Investigations at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHolleis, S., Eisterer, M., Leveratto, A., Bellingeri, E., Calatroni, S., & Bernardi, J. (2019). Current Flow Analysis of Thallium-based Superconductors by SEM and TEM Investigations. In 9th ASEM Workshop, Workshop Handbook: Program & Abstracts (p. 35).
- | Current Flow Analysis of Tl-1223 Superconductors by Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy and TEM Investigations at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHolleis, S., Moros, A., Bernardi, J., Leveratto, A., Saba, A., Bellingeri, E., & Eisterer, M. (2019). Current Flow Analysis of Tl-1223 Superconductors by Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy and TEM Investigations. FCC week 2019, Brüssel, Belgium.
- | Babinet's Principle for Solid and Hollow Plasmonic Antennas at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHorák, M., Křápek, V., Hrton, M., Konecná, A., Ligmajer, F., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Sikola, T. (2019). Babinet’s Principle for Solid and Hollow Plasmonic Antennas. In 9th ASEM Workshop, Workshop Handbook: Program & Abstracts (p. 45).
- | Limits of Babinet's principle for solid and hollow plasmonic antennas at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHorák, M., Křápek, V., Hrtoň, M., Konečná, A., Ligmajer, F., Stöger-Pollach, M., Šamořil, T., Paták, A., Édes, Z., Metelka, O., Babocký, J., & Šikola, T. (2019). Limits of Babinet’s principle for solid and hollow plasmonic antennas. Scientific Reports, 9(4004).
- | Ultrathin Calcium Fluoride Insulators for Two-Dimensional Field-Effect Transistors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowIllarionov, Y. Yu., Banshchikov, A. G., Polyushkin, D. K., Wachter, S., Knobloch, T., Thesberg, M., Mennel, L., Paur, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Vexler, M. I., Waltl, M., Sokolov, N. S., Mueller, T., & Grasser, T. (2019). Ultrathin Calcium Fluoride Insulators for Two-Dimensional Field-Effect Transistors. Nature Electronics, 2(6), 230–235.
- | From Anhydrous Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle Powders to Aqueous Colloids: Impact of Water Condensation and Organic Salt Adsorption on Free Exciton Emission at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKocsis, K., Niedermaier, M., Kasparek, V., Bernardi, J., Redhammer, G., Bockstedte, M., Berger, T., & Diwald, O. (2019). From Anhydrous Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle Powders to Aqueous Colloids: Impact of Water Condensation and Organic Salt Adsorption on Free Exciton Emission. Langmuir, 35(26), 8741–8747.
- | π/2 mode converters and vortex generators for electrons at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKramberger, C., Löffler, S., Schachinger, T., Hartel, P., Zach, J., & Schattschneider, P. (2019). π/2 mode converters and vortex generators for electrons. Ultramicroscopy, 204, 27–33.
- | Influence of Boron Antisite Defects on the Electrical Properties of MBE‐Grown GaAs Nanowires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLancaster, S., Andrews, A. M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Groiss, H., Schrenk, W., Strasser, G., & Detz, H. (2019). Influence of Boron Antisite Defects on the Electrical Properties of MBE‐Grown GaAs Nanowires. Physica Status Solidi (b) – Basic Solid State Physics, 256(5), 1800368.
- | Operando XAS and NAP-XPS investigation of CO oxidation on meso- and nanoscale CoO catalysts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLukashuk, L., Yigit, N., Li, H., Bernardi, J., Föttinger, K., & Rupprechter, G. (2019). Operando XAS and NAP-XPS investigation of CO oxidation on meso- and nanoscale CoO catalysts. Catalysis Today, 336, 139–147.
- | Simulating Core-Loss EELS (with WIEN2k) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S. (2019). Simulating Core-Loss EELS (with WIEN2k). Conventional and Counting EELS Spectroscopy School in Catania, Catania, Italy.
- | Mode converters realize unitary operators on a two-state quantum system at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2019). Mode converters realize unitary operators on a two-state quantum system. In MC2019 Abstracts (pp. 402–403).
- | Quantum Experiments in the TEM: Realizing Unitary Operators using Quadrupoles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2019). Quantum Experiments in the TEM: Realizing Unitary Operators using Quadrupoles. In PROCEEDINGS from the 14th MULTINATIONAL CONGRESS ON MICROSCOPY (pp. 100–102).
- | Unitary Two-State Quantum Operators Realized by Mode Conversion at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2019). Unitary Two-State Quantum Operators Realized by Mode Conversion. In 9th ASEM Workshop, Workshop Handbook: Program & Abstracts (p. 49).
- | Real-Space Mapping of Electronic Orbitals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Bugnet, M., Pardini, L., Biddau, G., Gauquelin, N., Lazar, S., Assmann, E., Held, K., Draxl, C., Kaiser, U., Botton, G. A., & Schattschneider, P. (2019). Real-Space Mapping of Electronic Orbitals. 20th conference on Solid State Analysis / 20. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien, Austria.
- | Microstructural characterization of superconducting materials at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A. (2019). Microstructural characterization of superconducting materials. EASITrain Meeting, Brüssel, Belgium.
- | Microstructural Characterization of Tl-1223 Superconducting Thin Films for the CERN Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) Beam Screen at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A., Holleis, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Eisterer, M., Saba, A., Leveratto, A., Bellingeri, E., & Calatroni, S. (2019). Microstructural Characterization of Tl-1223 Superconducting Thin Films for the CERN Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) Beam Screen. CEC/ICMC 2019, Hartford, United States of America (the).
- | FCC-hh Nb3Sn Wire Development: Exploring the Microstructure of Prototype Samples at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A., Ortino, M., Löffler, S., Alekseev, M., Tsapleva, A., Lukyanov, P., Abdyukhanov, I. M., Pantsyrny, V., Bordini, B., Ballarino, A., Hopkins, S. C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2019). FCC-hh Nb3Sn Wire Development: Exploring the Microstructure of Prototype Samples. FCC week 2019, Brüssel, Belgium.
- | Investigation of homogeneity in superconductiong prototype Nb3Sn wires: correlating microstructural and superconducting properties at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A., Ortino, M., Löffler, S., Alekseev, M., Tsapleva, A., Lukyanov, P., Abdyukhanov, I. M., Pantsyrny, V., Bordini, B., Ballarino, A., Hopkins, S. C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2019). Investigation of homogeneity in superconductiong prototype Nb3Sn wires: correlating microstructural and superconducting properties. 20th conference on Solid State Analysis / 20. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien, Austria.
- | Investigation of the Homogeneity in Elemental Distributions of Superconductiong Prototype Internal Tin Nb3Sn Wires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A., Ortino, M., Löffler, S., Alekseev, M., Tsapleva, A., Lukyanov, P., Abdyukhanov, I. M., Pantsyrny, V., Bordini, B., Ballarino, A., Hopkins, S. C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2019). Investigation of the Homogeneity in Elemental Distributions of Superconductiong Prototype Internal Tin Nb3Sn Wires. In 9th ASEM Workshop, Workshop Handbook: Program & Abstracts (p. 19).
- | Homogeneity in Nb3Sn wires: a route towards high quality superconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A., Ortino, M., Pfeiffer, S., Löffler, S., Alekseev, M., Tsapleva, A., Lukyanov, P., Abdyukhanov, I. M., Pantsyrny, V., Bordini, B., Ballarino, A., Hopkins, S. C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2019). Homogeneity in Nb3Sn wires: a route towards high quality superconductors. In EUCAS 2019. EUCAS 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the).
- | AFM-Based Microbeam Bending of Human Femoral Cortical Bone Lamellae in Physiological Conditions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNedelkovski, V., Andriotis, O. G., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bernardi, J., & Thurner, P. J. (2019). AFM-Based Microbeam Bending of Human Femoral Cortical Bone Lamellae in Physiological Conditions. In Book of Abstracts of the 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (p. 406). TU Verlag.
- | Cobalt and Iron Ions in MgO Nanocrystals: Should They Stay or Should They Go at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNiedermaier, M., Schwab, T., Dolcet, P., Bernardi, J., Gross, S., Bockstedte, M., & Diwald, O. (2019). Cobalt and Iron Ions in MgO Nanocrystals: Should They Stay or Should They Go. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(42), 25991–26004.
- | Impurity Segregation and Nanoparticle Reorganization of Indium Doped MgO Cubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNiedermaier, M., Taniteerawong, C., Schwab, T., Zickler, G., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2019). Impurity Segregation and Nanoparticle Reorganization of Indium Doped MgO Cubes. ChemNanoMat, 5(5), 634–641.
- | Homogeneity of Nb3Sn wires with artificial pinning centres at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOrtino, M., Baumgartner, T., Pfeiffer, S., Xu, X., Peng, X., Sumption, M. D., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2019). Homogeneity of Nb3Sn wires with artificial pinning centres. EUCAS 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the).
- | Pinning force enhancement in Nb3Sn wires via nano-particles doping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOrtino, M., Baumgartner, T., Pfeiffer, S., Xu, X., Peng, X., Sumption, M. D., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2019). Pinning force enhancement in Nb3Sn wires via nano-particles doping. ICMC19: 2019 Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference, Hartford, United States of America (the).
- | FCC-hh Nb3Sn wire development: superconducting and magnetic properties of prototype samples at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOrtino, M., Moros, A., Alekseev, M., Tsapleva, A., Lukyanov, P., Abdyukhanov, I. M., Pantsyrny, V., Bordini, B., Ballarino, A., Hopkins, S. C., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2019). FCC-hh Nb3Sn wire development: superconducting and magnetic properties of prototype samples. FCC week 2019, Brüssel, Belgium.
- | Evolution of nano-particles doping in Nb3Sn wires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOrtino, M., Pfeiffer, S., Baumgartner, T., Sumption, M. D., Xu, X., Peng, X., Bernardi, J., & Eisterer, M. (2019). Evolution of nano-particles doping in Nb3Sn wires. MT26: 26th International Conference on Magnet Technology (2019), Vancouver, Canada.
- | Characterization of nano grained WC powders produced by direct carburization of Wo2(OH)2 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOstermann, M., Wieland, K., Lendl, B., Bernardi, J., & Haubner, R. (2019). Characterization of nano grained WC powders produced by direct carburization of Wo2(OH)2. 20th conference on Solid State Analysis / 20. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien, Austria.
- | Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors for Future Circular Colliders at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Baumgartner, T., Eisterer, M., Sumption, M., Xu, X., Peng, X., Ballarino, A., & Hopkins, S. C. (2019). Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors for Future Circular Colliders. University of Oxford, Department of Materials, University of Oxford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the).
- | Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors for Future Particle Accelerators at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Baumgartner, T., Ortino, M., Eisterer, M., Sumption, M., Xu, X., Peng, X., Ballarino, A., & Hopkins, S. C. (2019). Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors for Future Particle Accelerators. 20th conference on Solid State Analysis / 20. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien, Austria.
- | Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors for the Future Circular Collider at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Baumgartner, T., Ortino, M., Eisterer, M., Sumption, M., Xu, X., Peng, X., Ballarino, A., & Hopkins, S. C. (2019). Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors for the Future Circular Collider. In 9th ASEM Workshop, Workshop Handbook: Program & Abstracts (p. 30).
- | Achieving the FCC target with APCs: microstructural and magnetic investigation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Baumgartner, T., Ortino, M., Eisterer, M., Sumption, M., Xu, X., Peng, X., Ballarino, A., Hopkins, S. C., & Haley, J. (2019). Achieving the FCC target with APCs: microstructural and magnetic investigation. EUCAS 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the).
- | Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors by Artificial Pinning Centres at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Baumgartner, T., Ortino, M., Sumption, M., Xu, X., Peng, X., Ballarino, A., & Hopkins, S. C. (2019). Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors by Artificial Pinning Centres. In FCC week 2019. FCC week 2019, Brüssel, Belgium.
- | Reactive metal-support interaction in the Cu-In2O3 system: intermetallic compound formation and its consequences for CO2-selective methanol steam reforming at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPloner, K., Schlicker, L., Gili, A., Gurlo, A., Doran, A., Zhang, L., Armbrüster, M., Obendorf, D., Bernardi, J., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2019). Reactive metal-support interaction in the Cu-In2O3 system: intermetallic compound formation and its consequences for CO2-selective methanol steam reforming. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 20(1), 356–366.
- | The role of spatial coherence for the creation of and imaging with atom size electron vortex beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPohl, D., Löffler, S., Schneider, S., Tiemeijer, P., Lazar, S., Nielsch, K., & Rellinghaus, B. (2019). The role of spatial coherence for the creation of and imaging with atom size electron vortex beams. In MC2019 Abstracts (pp. 428–429).
- | The role of spatial coherence for the creation of and imaging with atom size electron vortex beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPohl, D., Löffler, S., Schneider, S., Tiemeijer, P., Lazar, S., Nielsch, K., & Rellinghaus, B. (2019). The role of spatial coherence for the creation of and imaging with atom size electron vortex beams. In Q-SORT (pp. 84–86).
- | Characterisation of chemical vapour deposited AlHfN coatings at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRauchenwald, E., Lessiak, M., Weissenbacher, R., Schwarz, S., & Haubner, R. (2019). Characterisation of chemical vapour deposited AlHfN coatings. In P. Horňak, M. Longauerova, & M. Matvija (Eds.), Metallography & Fractography, Book of Abstract (p. 19).
- | TEM characterisation of chemical vapour deposited AlHfN and AlZrN coatings at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRauchenwald, E., Lessiak, M., Weissenbacher, R., Zalesak, J., Keckes, J., Schwarz, S., & Haubner, R. (2019). TEM characterisation of chemical vapour deposited AlHfN and AlZrN coatings. 20th conference on Solid State Analysis / 20. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien, Austria.
- | Rapid automated freeze substitution under agitation: better samples within shorter time at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowReipert, S., Goldhammer, H., Hollergschwandtner, E., Gruber, D., Richardson, C., Goldberg, M. W., Hawkins, T., Volland, J. M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Neumüller, J., Kaindl, U., Schwaha, T., Eckhard, M., Antreich, S., & Stierhof, Y. D. (2019). Rapid automated freeze substitution under agitation: better samples within shorter time. In MC2019 Abstracts (p. 798).
- | Electron Vortex Beam Experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T. (2019). Electron Vortex Beam Experiments. Department of Electron Microscopy, Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, Brünn, Czechia.
- | Vortex filter EMCD: Experimental evidence for sub-nanometre resolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Löffler, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Tavabi, A. H., Venturi, F., Grillo, V., Horák, M., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., Dunin-Borkowski, R., & Schattschneider, P. (2019). Vortex filter EMCD: Experimental evidence for sub-nanometre resolution. In Q-SORT (pp. 96–98).
- | Progress in vortex filter EMCD: Experimental evidence and sub-nanometre resolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Löffler, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Tavabi, A. H., Venturi, F., Grillo, V., Horák, M., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., Dunin-Borkowski, R., & Schattschneider, P. (2019). Progress in vortex filter EMCD: Experimental evidence and sub-nanometre resolution. In MC2019 Abstracts (pp. 616–617).
- | Electro-mechanical Properties of Multilayered Aluminum Nitride and Platinum Thin Films at High Temperatures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchmid, P., Triendl, F., Zarfl, C., Schwarz, S., Artner, W., Schneider, M., & Schmid, U. (2019). Electro-mechanical Properties of Multilayered Aluminum Nitride and Platinum Thin Films at High Temperatures. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 293, 128–135.
- | E-beam direction dependent light emission at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchmidt, F. P., Losquin, A., Horák, M., Krenn, J. R., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2019). E-beam direction dependent light emission. In MC2019 Abstracts (pp. 640–641).
- | Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy for Investigations of Metals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchwarz, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Löffler, S. (2019). Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy for Investigations of Metals. 20th conference on Solid State Analysis / 20. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien, Austria.
- | Elasto-plastic deformation in Al-Cu cast alloys for engine components at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchöbel, M., Fernández, R., Koos, R., & Bernardi, J. (2019). Elasto-plastic deformation in Al-Cu cast alloys for engine components. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 775, 617–627.
- | Beam Energy, Sample Geometry dependent Fabry-Pérot Interference in Coherent Cathodoluminescence of Semiconductors in STEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Bukvisová, K., & Horák, M. (2019). Beam Energy, Sample Geometry dependent Fabry-Pérot Interference in Coherent Cathodoluminescence of Semiconductors in STEM. In MC2019 Abstracts (pp. 614–615).
- | Coherent Catholdoluminescence of Semiconductors in STEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Bukvisová, K., & Horák, M. (2019). Coherent Catholdoluminescence of Semiconductors in STEM. In 9th ASEM Workshop, Workshop Handbook: Program & Abstracts (p. 59).
- | Fundamentals of cathodoluminescence in a STEM: The impact of sample geometry and electron beam energy on light emission of semiconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Bukvišová, K., Schwarz, S., Kvapil, M., Šamořil, T., & Horák, M. (2019). Fundamentals of cathodoluminescence in a STEM: The impact of sample geometry and electron beam energy on light emission of semiconductors. Ultramicroscopy, 200, 111–124.
- | Surface-Structure Libraries: Multifrequential Oscillations in Catalytic Hydrogen Oxidation on Rhodium at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSuchorski, Y., Datler, M., Bespalov, I., Zeininger, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Grönbeck, H., & Rupprechter, G. (2019). Surface-Structure Libraries: Multifrequential Oscillations in Catalytic Hydrogen Oxidation on Rhodium. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(7), 4217–4227.
- | Characterisation of nanomaterials: XPS analysis of Core-Shell Nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWerner, W. S. M., Hronek, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Kalbe, H. (2019). Characterisation of nanomaterials: XPS analysis of Core-Shell Nanoparticles. Journal of Surface Analysis, 26(2), 102–103.
- | Structure dependent initial oxidation of rhodium: XPS and PEEM studies at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWinkler, P., Freytag, C., Trzcinski, M., Bukaluk, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Rupprechter, G., & Suchorski, Y. (2019). Structure dependent initial oxidation of rhodium: XPS and PEEM studies. 8th Annual FOXSI PhD Workshop, Haus im Ennstal, Austria.
- | Hydrogen oxidation on rhodium: metallic surface versus surface oxide at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWinkler, P., Freytag, C., Zeininger, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Rupprechter, G., & Suchorski, Y. (2019). Hydrogen oxidation on rhodium: metallic surface versus surface oxide. International FOXSI Conference 2019, TUtheSky Lounge, TU Vienna, Austria.
- | Multifrequential oscillations in H₂ oxidation on Rh: scaling down to the nanoscale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZeininger, J., Raab, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Rupprechter, G., & Suchorski, Y. (2019). Multifrequential oscillations in H₂ oxidation on Rh: scaling down to the nanoscale. 8th Annual FOXSI PhD Workshop, Haus im Ennstal, Austria.
- | Creation and detection of electron vortex beams in a scanning electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowŘiháček, T., Mika, F., Horák, M., Schachinger, T., Matějka, M., Krátký, S., & Müllerová, I. (2019). Creation and detection of electron vortex beams in a scanning electron microscope. In MC2019 Abstracts (pp. 409–410).
- | Electron Mode Conversion and Vortex Generation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKramberger-Kaplan, C. R., Löffler, S., Schachinger, T., Hartel Peter, Obermair, M., Dries, M., Gerthsen, D., Lu, P.-H., Tavabi, A. H., Barthel, J., Dunin-Borowski, R., & Schattschneider, P. (2018, May 27). Electron Mode Conversion and Vortex Generation. International Conference on Electron Beam shaping in space and time, Jülich, Germany.
- | Convergent-beam EMCD: benefits, pitfalls and applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Hetaba, W. (2018). Convergent-beam EMCD: benefits, pitfalls and applications. Microscopy, 67(1), 60–71.
- | Porosification behaviour of LTCC substrates with potassium hydroxide at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHajian, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schneider, M., Müftüoglu, D., Crunwell, F. K., & Schmid, U. (2018). Porosification behaviour of LTCC substrates with potassium hydroxide. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 38(5), 2369–2377.
- | Atomic scale investigations of thermally treated nano-structured Ti-Al-N/ Mo-Si-B multilayers at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAschauer, E., Sackl, S., Schachinger, T., Bolvardi, H., Arndt, M., Polcik, P., Riedl, H., & Mayrhofer, P. H. (2018). Atomic scale investigations of thermally treated nano-structured Ti-Al-N/ Mo-Si-B multilayers. Surface and Coatings Technology, 349, 480–487.
- | Nano-structural investigation of Ti-Al-N/Mo-Si-B multilayer coatings: A comparative study by APT and HR-TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAschauer, E., Sackl, S., Schachinger, T., Wojcik, T., Bolvardi, H., Arndt, M., Polcik, P., Riedl, H., & Mayrhofer, P. H. (2018). Nano-structural investigation of Ti-Al-N/Mo-Si-B multilayer coatings: A comparative study by APT and HR-TEM. Vacuum, 157, 173–179.
- | A-15 inhomogeneity - the underestimated enemy of high-performance Nb3Sn wires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBaumgartner, T., Eisterer, M., Pfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Scheuerlein, C., & Ballarino, A. (2018). A-15 inhomogeneity - the underestimated enemy of high-performance Nb3Sn wires. FCC week 2018, Amsterdam, Niederlande, EU.
- | Performance limitations due to A-15 inhomogeneity in Nb3Sn wires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBaumgartner, T., Pfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Ballarino, A., & Eisterer, M. (2018). Performance limitations due to A-15 inhomogeneity in Nb3Sn wires. ASC 2018, Seattle, USA, Non-EU.
- | Mikrostruktur der Materialien at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J. (2018). Mikrostruktur der Materialien. Laboreröffnung TU Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria.
- | Relationship between microstructure and superconducting properties of Nb3Sn: efforts at TU Wien at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Pfeiffer, S., Baumgartner, T., Eisterer, M., Bottura, L., & Ballarino, A. (2018). Relationship between microstructure and superconducting properties of Nb3Sn: efforts at TU Wien. FCC Conductor Development Workshop, Genf, Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | Point-like Defects for Enhanced Flux Pinning in Technical Nb3Sn Superconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Pfeiffer, S., Baumgartner, T., Eisterer, M., Bottura, L., Scheuerlein, C., & Ballarino, A. (2018). Point-like Defects for Enhanced Flux Pinning in Technical Nb3Sn Superconductors. In 8th Forum on New Materials (p. 1).
- | Irreversible degradation of Nb3Sn Rutherford cables due to transverse compressive stress at room temperature at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEbermann, P., Bernardi, J., Fleiter, J., Lackner, F., Meuter, F., Pieler, M., Scheuerlein, C., Schoerling, D., Wolf, F., Ballarino, A., Bottura, L., Tommasini, D., Savary, F., & Eisterer, M. (2018). Irreversible degradation of Nb3Sn Rutherford cables due to transverse compressive stress at room temperature. Superconductor Science and Technology, 31(6), 065009.
- | Accumulative roll bonding (ARB)-processed high-manganese twinning induced plasticity (TWIP) steel with extraordinary strength and reasonable ductility at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEtemad, A., Dini, G., & Schwarz, S. (2018). Accumulative roll bonding (ARB)-processed high-manganese twinning induced plasticity (TWIP) steel with extraordinary strength and reasonable ductility. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 742, 27–32.
- | Enhanced c-axis orientation of aluminum nitride thin films by plasma-based pre-conditioning of sapphire substrates for SAW applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGillinger, M., Shaposhnikov, K., Knobloch, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Artner, W., Hradil, K., Schneider, M., Kaltenbacher, M., & Schmid, U. (2018). Enhanced c-axis orientation of aluminum nitride thin films by plasma-based pre-conditioning of sapphire substrates for SAW applications. Applied Surface Science, 435, 432–437.
- | Spectroscopic investigation of the electronic structure of yttria-stabilized zirconia at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Bertel, E., Menzel, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Penner, S. (2018). Spectroscopic investigation of the electronic structure of yttria-stabilized zirconia. Physical Review Materials, 2(035801).
- | Complex oxide thin films: Pyrochlore, defect fluorite and perovskite model systems for structural, spectroscopic and catalytic studies at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Hauser, D., Köpfle, N., Bernardi, J., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2018). Complex oxide thin films: Pyrochlore, defect fluorite and perovskite model systems for structural, spectroscopic and catalytic studies. Applied Surface Science, 452, 190–200.
- | Formation of Pd-Ce intermetallic compounds by reductive metal-support interaction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Ploner, K., Bernardi, J., Schlicker, L., Gili, A., Doran, A., Gurlo, A., & Penner, S. (2018). Formation of Pd-Ce intermetallic compounds by reductive metal-support interaction. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 265, 176–183.
- | Effect of sintering temperature on porosification behavior of fired LTCC substrates at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHajian, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schneider, M., Homolka, H., Müftüoglu, D., & Schmid, U. (2018). Effect of sintering temperature on porosification behavior of fired LTCC substrates. In Abstract Book (p. 144).
- | Complex oxide thin films: Pyrochlore, defect fluorite and perovskite model systems for structural, spectroscopic and catalytic studies at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHauser, D., Götsch, T., Bernardi, J., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2018). Complex oxide thin films: Pyrochlore, defect fluorite and perovskite model systems for structural, spectroscopic and catalytic studies. In 7th Annual SFB FOXSI PhD Workshop (p. 1).
- | Revival of the Thallium-based Cuprates: Microstructure and Current Transport of Tl-1223 Thin Films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHolleis, S., Baumgartner, T., Bernardi, J., Leveratto, A., Bellingeri, E., Putti, M., Ferdeghini, C., Calatroni, S., & Eisterer, M. (2018). Revival of the Thallium-based Cuprates: Microstructure and Current Transport of Tl-1223 Thin Films. Applied Superconductivity Conference (2018), Seattle, USA, Non-EU.
- | Microstructure and Superconducting Properties of Thallium-based Cuprates at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHolleis, S., Baumgartner, T., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Moros, A., Leveratto, A., Bellingeri, E., Saba, A., Ferdeghini, C., Putti, M., & Eisterer, M. (2018). Microstructure and Superconducting Properties of Thallium-based Cuprates. 5th Fusion Day (2018), Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- | Microstructural Analysis of Thallium-based Thin Film Superconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHolleis, S., Baumgartner, T., Eisterer, M., Leveratto, A., Bellingeri, E., Calatroni, S., & Bernardi, J. (2018). Microstructural Analysis of Thallium-based Thin Film Superconductors. 8th ASEM Workshop (2018)-II, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- | Babinet principle for plasmonic antennas: complementarity and differences at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHorák, M., Křápek, V., Hrton, M., Konečná, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Samoril, T., & Sikola, T. (2018). Babinet principle for plasmonic antennas: complementarity and differences. In 19th International Microscopy Congress (p. 1).
- | A novel magnetic microfluidic platform for on-chip separation of 3 types of silica coated magnetic nanoparticles (Fe₃O₄@SiO₂) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKashanian, F., Kokkinis, G., Bernardi, J., Zand, M. R., Shamloo, A., & Giouroudi, I. (2018). A novel magnetic microfluidic platform for on-chip separation of 3 types of silica coated magnetic nanoparticles (Fe₃O₄@SiO₂). Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 270, 223–230.
- | Pure Electron Vortex Beams from a Cylindrical Mode Converter at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKramberger, C., Löffler, S., Schachinger, T., & Schattschneider, P. (2018). Pure Electron Vortex Beams from a Cylindrical Mode Converter. In 19th International Microscopy Congress (p. 1).
- | Laser assisted joining of aluminum-copper at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLiedl, G., Mayr, M. M., & Whitmore, K. (2018). Laser assisted joining of aluminum-copper. International Conference on Photonics Research (Interphotonics 2018), Antalya, Non-EU.
- | Heterogeneous Strain Distribution and Saturation of Geometrically Necessary Dislocations in a Ferritic-Pearlitic Steel during Lubricated Sliding at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLinz, M., Rodríguez Ripoll, M., Pauly, C., Bernardi, J., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Franek, F., Mücklich, F., & Gachot, C. (2018). Heterogeneous Strain Distribution and Saturation of Geometrically Necessary Dislocations in a Ferritic-Pearlitic Steel during Lubricated Sliding. Advanced Engineering Materials, 20(4), Article 1700810.
- | Atome im Fokus - Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S. (2018). Atome im Fokus - Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält. WissensDurst 2018, Wien, Austria.
- | Symmetry Constraints for Mapping Orbitals in Real Space at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Hambach, R., Kaiser, U., & Schattschneider, P. (2018). Symmetry Constraints for Mapping Orbitals in Real Space. In JEELS 2018 (pp. 67–68).
- | Symmetry-Constraints for Mapping Electronic States with EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Hambach, R., Kaiser, U., & Schattschneider, P. (2018). Symmetry-Constraints for Mapping Electronic States with EELS. In 19th International Microscopy Congress (p. 1).
- | Exploiting the Acceleration Voltage Dependence of EMCD at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Hetaba, W. (2018). Exploiting the Acceleration Voltage Dependence of EMCD. In 19th International Microscopy Congress (p. 1).
- | Microstructural analysis of advanced superconducting materials at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A. (2018). Microstructural analysis of advanced superconducting materials. ATI Seminar, Wien, Atominstitut, Austria.
- | Microstructural characterization of TI-based superconducting bulks and films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A. (2018). Microstructural characterization of TI-based superconducting bulks and films. Thallium Projekt Meeting, Barcelona, EU.
- | Microstructural characterization of superconducting bulks and films - part 2 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A. (2018). Microstructural characterization of superconducting bulks and films - part 2. FCC beam screen Project Meeting, ALBA Synchrotron, Barcelona, EU.
- | Microstructural characterization of superconducting materials for the CERN FCC design study at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A. (2018). Microstructural characterization of superconducting materials for the CERN FCC design study. EASITrain Mid-term check 2018, Brüssel, Belgien, EU.
- | Microstructural characterization of superconducting materials for the FCC at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A. (2018). Microstructural characterization of superconducting materials for the FCC. EASISchool 1, WU Wien, Austria.
- | Microstructural characterization of superconducting materials for the CERN Future Circular Collider at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMoros, A. (2018). Microstructural characterization of superconducting materials for the CERN Future Circular Collider. In FCC week 2018 (p. 14).
- | Momentum-resolved STEM measurement of atomic electric fields, charge densities, polarisations and chemical composition at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller-Caspary, K., Rösner, M., Duchamp, M., Béché, A., Winkler, F., Krause, F., Lobato, I., Schowalter, M., Migunov, V., Simson, M., Soltau, H., Grieb, T., Löffler, S., Wehling, T., Dunin-Borkowski, R., van Aert, S., Verbeek, J., Schattschneider, P., Zweck, J., & Rosenauer, A. (2018). Momentum-resolved STEM measurement of atomic electric fields, charge densities, polarisations and chemical composition. In 19th International Microscopy Congress (p. 2).
- | Monitoring the transformation of iron oxide intoiron sulphide with the method of spectral induced polarization at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNordsiek, S., Pfeiffer, S., Gilfedder, B., Flores-Orozco, A., & Frei, S. (2018). Monitoring the transformation of iron oxide intoiron sulphide with the method of spectral induced polarization. In Fast Times (p. 145). Fast TIMES.
- | Combined Microstructural and Magnetic Investigation of Nb3Sn Superconductors for FCC at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Baumgartner, T., Eisterer, M., Ballarino, A., & Scheuerlein, C. (2018). Combined Microstructural and Magnetic Investigation of Nb3Sn Superconductors for FCC. 8th ASEM-Workshop, Wien, Austria.
- | Combined microstructural and magnetic investigation of pinning force enhancement in Nb3Sn superconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Baumgartner, T., Eisterer, M., Ballarino, A., & Scheuerlein, C. (2018). Combined microstructural and magnetic investigation of pinning force enhancement in Nb3Sn superconductors. 19th International Microscopy Congress, Sydney, Australien, Non-EU.
- | Combined microstructural and magnetic investigation of pinning force enhancement in Nb3Sn superconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Baumgartner, T., Eisterer, M., Ballarino, A., & Scheuerlein, C. (2018). Combined microstructural and magnetic investigation of pinning force enhancement in Nb3Sn superconductors. In 19th International Microscopy Congress (p. 1).
- | Microstructural TEM Investigation of Nb3Sn Superconductors for FCC at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Baumgartner, T., Eisterer, M., Ballarino, A., & Scheuerlein, C. (2018). Microstructural TEM Investigation of Nb3Sn Superconductors for FCC. In FCC week 2018 (p. 1).
- | The Quest for Key Parameters Controlling the Selectivity of Cu on Different ZrO2-Polymorphs in Methanol Steam Reforming at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPloner, K., Götsch, T., Wallisch, W., Bernardi, J., Schlicker, L., Gurlo, A., Doran, A., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2018). The Quest for Key Parameters Controlling the Selectivity of Cu on Different ZrO2-Polymorphs in Methanol Steam Reforming. In 7th Annual SFB FOXSI PhD Workshop (p. 1).
- | An attempt to map the electromagnetic field from plasmonic nanostructures using differential phase contrast and electron holography at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPofelski, A., Bicket, I., Löffler, S., & Botton, G. A. (2018). An attempt to map the electromagnetic field from plasmonic nanostructures using differential phase contrast and electron holography. In 19th International Microscopy Congress (p. 1).
- | 2D strain mapping using scanning transmission electron microscopy Moiréinterferometry and geometrical phase analysis at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPofelski, A., Woo, S. Y., Le, B. H., Liu, X., Zhao, S., Mi, Z., Löffler, S., & Botton, G. A. (2018). 2D strain mapping using scanning transmission electron microscopy Moiréinterferometry and geometrical phase analysis. Ultramicroscopy, 187, 1–12.
- | The Role of Spatial Coherence for the Creation of Atom Size Electron Vortex Beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPohl, D., Löffler, S., Schneider, S., Tiemeijer, P., Lazar, S., Nielsch, K., & Rellinghaus, B. (2018). The Role of Spatial Coherence for the Creation of Atom Size Electron Vortex Beams. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24(S1), 920–921.
- | The Role of Spatial Coherence for the Creation of Atom-size Electron Vortex Beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPohl, D., Löffler, S., Tiemeijer, P., Lazar, S., Nielsch, K., & Rellinghaus, B. (2018). The Role of Spatial Coherence for the Creation of Atom-size Electron Vortex Beams. In Microscopy & Microanalysis 2018 (p. 1).
- | Optical active intracellular mesostructures preserved by cryopreparation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowReipert, S., Hollergschwandtner, E., Goldammer, H., Eckhard, M., Gruber, D., Neumüller, J., Kaindl, U., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schwaha, T. (2018). Optical active intracellular mesostructures preserved by cryopreparation. In Living Light 2018 (p. 59).
- | Diallyl disulphide as natural organosulphur friction modifier via the in-situ tribo-chemical formation of tungsten disulphide at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRodríguez Ripoll, M., Totolin, V., Gabler, C., Bernardi, J., & Minami, I. (2018). Diallyl disulphide as natural organosulphur friction modifier via the in-situ tribo-chemical formation of tungsten disulphide. Applied Surface Science, 428, 659–668.
- | Carbon aerogels with improved flexibility by sphere templating at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSalihovic, M., Hüsing, N., Bernardi, J., Presser, V., & Elsaesser, M. S. (2018). Carbon aerogels with improved flexibility by sphere templating. RSC Advances, 8(48), 27326–27331.
- | Dem Magnetfeld auf der Spur at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T. (2018). Dem Magnetfeld auf der Spur. Forschen Und Entdecken, 1, 1.
- | Kilo und Meter fit für die Zukunft at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2018). Kilo und Meter fit für die Zukunft. C’t : Magazin Für Computer-Technik, 24, 42–43.
- | Entanglement and decoherence in electron microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Löffler, S. (2018). Entanglement and decoherence in electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 190, 39–44.
- | Entropy and Entanglement in Electron Scattering at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Löffler, S., & Feder, R. (2018). Entropy and Entanglement in Electron Scattering. In JEELS 2018 (p. 21).
- | Entanglement and entropy in electron-electron scattering at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Löffler, S., Gollisch, H., & Feder, R. (2018). Entanglement and entropy in electron-electron scattering. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 241(146810), 146810.
- | Transmissions-Elektronenmikroskopie mit Elektronenwirbeln Ein Whirlpool aus Elektronen at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Schachinger, T., & Verbeeck, J. (2018). Transmissions-Elektronenmikroskopie mit Elektronenwirbeln Ein Whirlpool aus Elektronen. Physik in Unserer Zeit, 49(1), 22–28.
- | Hydrogen reduction and metal-support interaction in a metastable metaloxide system: Pd on rhombohedral In2O3 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchlicker, L., Bekheet, M. F., Gili, A., Doran, A., Gurlo, A., Ploner, K., Schachinger, T., & Penner, S. (2018). Hydrogen reduction and metal-support interaction in a metastable metaloxide system: Pd on rhombohedral In2O3. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 266, 93–99.
- | Impact of adhesion promoters and sputter parameters on theelectro-mechanical properties of Pt thin films at high temperatures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchmid, P., Zarfl, C., Triendl, F., Maier, F. J., Schwarz, S., Schneider, M., & Schmid, U. (2018). Impact of adhesion promoters and sputter parameters on theelectro-mechanical properties of Pt thin films at high temperatures. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 285, 149–157.
- | The role of spatial coherence for the creation of atom size electron vortex beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, S., Pohl, D., Löffler, S., Tiemeijer, P., Lazar, S., Nielsch, K., & Rellinghaus, B. (2018). The role of spatial coherence for the creation of atom size electron vortex beams. In 19th International Microscopy Congress (p. 1).
- | Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy in Material Sciences at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2018). Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy in Material Sciences. SE Topics in Mineralogy I, Wien, Austria.
- | The variety of electron microscopy in Austria at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2018). The variety of electron microscopy in Austria. 256 Shades of Gray - learning from electron microscopy about cell biology, Wien, Austria.
- | Multifrequential oscillations in the hydrogen oxidation reaction on heterogeneous rhodium surfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSuchorski, Y., Datler, M., Bespalov, I., Zeininger, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Grönbeck, H., & Rupprechter, G. (2018). Multifrequential oscillations in the hydrogen oxidation reaction on heterogeneous rhodium surfaces. In Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems, Gordon Research Conference. Gordon Research Conference “Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems,” Les Diablerets, Switzerland, Non-EU.
- | Visualizing catalyst heterogeneity by a multifrequential oscillating reaction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSuchorski, Y., Datler, M., Bespalov, I., Zeininger, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Grönbeck, H., & Rupprechter, G. (2018). Visualizing catalyst heterogeneity by a multifrequential oscillating reaction. Nature Communications, 9(600).
- | Dome-shaped μm-sized curved Rh crystals as a playground for H2 oxidation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSuchorski, Y., Zeininger, J., Buhr, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Rupprechter, G. (2018). Dome-shaped μm-sized curved Rh crystals as a playground for H2 oxidation. In F. Aumayr, U. Diebold, C. Lemell, & P. Varga (Eds.), Contributions of: Symposium on Surface Science 2018 (pp. 151–152). TU Wien.
- | Thin water films and particle morphology evolution in nanocrystalline MgO at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowThomele, D., Gheisi, A. R., Niedermaier, M., Elsässer, M. S., Bernardi, J., Grönbeck, H., & Diwald, O. (2018). Thin water films and particle morphology evolution in nanocrystalline MgO. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 101(11), 4994–5003.
- | Oxidation of stepped Rh surfaces: PEEM and XPS studies at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowTrzcinski, M., Bukaluk, A., Winkler, P., Freytag, C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Rupprechter, G., & Suchorski, Y. (2018). Oxidation of stepped Rh surfaces: PEEM and XPS studies. In 34th European Conference on Surface Science. 34th European Conference on Surface Science, Aarhus, Denmark, EU.
- | Detecting electron energy losses by measuring colossal magnetoresistance at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W. (2018). Detecting electron energy losses by measuring colossal magnetoresistance. Solid State Physics and Surfaces, Brno, CZ, EU.
- | Detecting the Consequences of the CMR Effect in Electron Energy-Loss Spectrometry in TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W. (2018). Detecting the Consequences of the CMR Effect in Electron Energy-Loss Spectrometry in TEM. IFP-Seminar, Wien, Austria.
- | CMR Effect Investigations by Energy Loss at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Navickas, E., & Löffler, S. (2018). CMR Effect Investigations by Energy Loss. 8th ASEM-Workshop, Wien, Austria.
- | Advances towards investigating electronic and optical transformation of La2CoMnO6 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Navickas, E., & Löffler, S. (2018). Advances towards investigating electronic and optical transformation of La2CoMnO6. In 19th International Microscopy Congress (p. 1).
- | Investigations towards La2CoMnO6: Transformations of electronic and optical properties at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Navickas, E., Löffler, S., & Bernardi, J. (2018). Investigations towards La2CoMnO6: Transformations of electronic and optical properties. In 7th Annual SFB FOXSI PhD Workshop (p. 1).
- | Magnetic Nanorings made by FEBID at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWanzenböck, H. D., Reichenpfader, M., Bertagnolli, E., Shawrav, M. M., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2018). Magnetic Nanorings made by FEBID. In Book of Abstract (pp. 109–110).
- | The nano heat effect of replacing macro-particles by nano-particles in drop calorimetry: the case of core/shell metal/oxide nano-particles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowYakymovych, A., Kaptay, G., Flandorfer, H., Bernardi, J., Schwarz, S., & Ipser, H. (2018). The nano heat effect of replacing macro-particles by nano-particles in drop calorimetry: the case of core/shell metal/oxide nano-particles. RSC Advances, 8(16), 8856–8869.
- | Information depth in backscattered electron microscopy of nanoparticles within a solid matrix at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowÖsterreicher, J. A., Grabner, F., Schiffl, A., Schwarz, S., & Bourret, G. R. (2018). Information depth in backscattered electron microscopy of nanoparticles within a solid matrix. Materials Characterization, 138, 145–153.
- | Creation of electron vortex beams using the holographic reconstruction method in a scanning electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowŘiháček, T., Horák, M., Schachinger, T., Matějka, M., Mika, F., & Müllerová, I. (2018). Creation of electron vortex beams using the holographic reconstruction method in a scanning electron microscope. In Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Proceedings of the 16th International Seminar (p. 1).
- | Dependences of phase stability and thermoelectric properties of type-I clathrate Ba8Cu4.5Si6Ge35.5 on synthesis process parameters at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowYan, X., Prokofiev, A., Bauer, E., Rogl, P., Bernardi, J., & Paschen, S. (2017). Dependences of phase stability and thermoelectric properties of type-I clathrate Ba8Cu4.5Si6Ge35.5 on synthesis process parameters. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 725, 783–791.
- | Tracking the αʺ martensite decomposition during continuous heating of a Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn alloy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBarriobero Vila, P., Biancardi Oliveira, V., Schwarz, S., Buslaps, T., & Requena, G. C. (2017). Tracking the αʺ martensite decomposition during continuous heating of a Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn alloy. Acta Materialia, 135, 132–143.
- | Atomic scale investigations of thermally treated MoSiB/TiAlN nano-multilayers at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAschauer, E., Sackl, S., Bartosik, M., Schachinger, T., Arndt, M., Polcik, P., Riedl, H., & Mayrhofer, P. H. (2017). Atomic scale investigations of thermally treated MoSiB/TiAlN nano-multilayers. Metallkunde Kolloquium Lech Arlberg, Lech, Austria.
- | Atomic scale investigations of thermally treated MoSiB/TiAlN nano-multilayers at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAschauer, E., Sackl, S., Koller, C. M., Schachinger, T., Arndt, M., Polcik, P., Riedl, H., & Mayrhofer, P. H. (2017). Atomic scale investigations of thermally treated MoSiB/TiAlN nano-multilayers. EMRS Spring Meeting 2017, Straßburg, EU.
- | Assessing composition gradients in multifilamentary superconductors by means of magnetometry methods at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBaumgartner, T., Hecher, J., Bernardi, J., Pfeiffer, S., Senatore, C., & Eisterer, M. (2017). Assessing composition gradients in multifilamentary superconductors by means of magnetometry methods. Superconductor Science and Technology, 30(1), 014011.
- | Pinning Landscape Enhancement by Means of Irradiation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBaumgartner, T., Pfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Scheuerlein, C., Spina, T., Flükiger, R., Bottura, L., Ballarino, A., Weber, H. W., & Eisterer, M. (2017). Pinning Landscape Enhancement by Means of Irradiation. International Cyrogenic Materials Conference (2017), Madison, USA, Non-EU.
- | Microstructural and magnetometry investigation of Nb3Sn wires enhanced by irradiaton treatment at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Pfeiffer, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Baumgartner, T., Bottura, L., Ballarino, A., & Eisterer, M. (2017). Microstructural and magnetometry investigation of Nb3Sn wires enhanced by irradiaton treatment. IUMRS-ICAM 2017, Kyoto, Japan, Non-EU.
- | Advanced characterization of nanostructures and interfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Schattschneider, P., & Schachinger, T. (2017). Advanced characterization of nanostructures and interfaces. Erich Schmid Colloquium, Leoben, Austria.
- | Theory and applications of free-electron vortex states at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBliokh, K. Y., Ivanov, I. P., Guzzinati, G., Clark, L., Van Boxem, R., Béché, A., Juchtmans, R., Alonso, M. A., Schattschneider, P., Nori, F., & Verbeeck, J. (2017). Theory and applications of free-electron vortex states. Physics Reports, 690, 1–70.
- | Quantifying the carrier distribution in hole-doped cuprates using atomic resolution near-edge structures: the case of Sr3Ca11Cu24O41 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Löffler, S., Hawthorn, D., Sawatzky, G., Schattschneider, P., Radtke, G., & Botton, G. A. (2017). Quantifying the carrier distribution in hole-doped cuprates using atomic resolution near-edge structures: the case of Sr3Ca11Cu24O41. EDGE 2017, Okinawa, Japan, Non-EU.
- | Quantifying the carrier distribution in hole-doped cuprates using atomic resolution near-edge structures: the case of Sr3Ca11Cu24O41 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Löffler, S., Hawthorn, D., Sawatzky, G., Schattschneider, P., Radtke, G., & Botton, G. A. (2017). Quantifying the carrier distribution in hole-doped cuprates using atomic resolution near-edge structures: the case of Sr3Ca11Cu24O41. EDGE 2017, Okinawa, Japan, Non-EU.
- | Guiding chemical waves through geometry: H2 oxidation on Rh at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDatler, M., Bespalov, I., Zeininger, J., Buhr, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Freytag, C., Rupprechter, G., & Suchorski, Y. (2017). Guiding chemical waves through geometry: H2 oxidation on Rh. International FOXSI Conference 2017, TUtheSky Lounge, TU Vienna, EU.
- | Oscillating phenomena in confined mesoscopic reaction systems at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDatler, M., Bespalov, I., Zeininger, J., Freytag, C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Rupprechter, G., & Suchorski, Y. (2017). Oscillating phenomena in confined mesoscopic reaction systems. 6th Annual FOXSI PhD Workshop, Haus im Ennstal, Austria.
- | High fluence irradiation of Nb3Sn and REBCO conductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEisterer, M., Fischer, D., Baumgartner, T., Prokopec, R., Pfeiffer, S., & Bernardi, J. (2017). High fluence irradiation of Nb3Sn and REBCO conductors. Radiation Effects on Superconducting Magnet Materials (2017), Tokai, Japan, Non-EU.
- | Iron Precursor Decomposition in the Magnesium Combustion Flame: A New Approach for the Synthesis of Particulate Metal Oxide Nanocomposites at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGheisi, A. R., Niedermaier, M., Tippelt, G., Lottermoser, W., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2017). Iron Precursor Decomposition in the Magnesium Combustion Flame: A New Approach for the Synthesis of Particulate Metal Oxide Nanocomposites. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 1700109.
- | Spectroscopic investigation of the electronic structure phase diagram of yttria-stabilized zirconia in an electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Bertel, E., Menzel, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Penner, S. (2017). Spectroscopic investigation of the electronic structure phase diagram of yttria-stabilized zirconia in an electron microscope. In 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (pp. 210–212).
- | The Electronic Phase Diagram of YSZ at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Menzel, A., Bertel, E., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Penner, S. (2017). The Electronic Phase Diagram of YSZ. 7th ASEM-Workshop - Advanced Electron Microscopy, Wien, Austria.
- | The Crystallographic and Electronic Phase Diagrams of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Model Electrolytes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Menzel, A., Bertel, E., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Penner, S. (2017). The Crystallographic and Electronic Phase Diagrams of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Model Electrolytes. ECS Transactions, 78(1), 311–319.
- | PVD-Deposited Micro-SOFC Model Systems at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Schachinger, T., Kaindl, R., & Penner, S. (2017). PVD-Deposited Micro-SOFC Model Systems. ECS Transactions, 78(1), 1771–1780.
- | Carbon tolerance of Ni-Cu and Ni-Cu/YSZ sub- m sized SOFC thinfilm model systems at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Schachinger, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Kaindl, R., & Penner, S. (2017). Carbon tolerance of Ni-Cu and Ni-Cu/YSZ sub- m sized SOFC thinfilm model systems. Applied Surface Science, 402, 1–11.
- | Carbon-Molybdeum Disulfide Composite As An Anode Material Candidate For Lithium Ion Batteries at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHan, J.-H., Kahr, J., Han, S.-H., Schwarz, S., & Trifonova, A. (2017). Carbon-Molybdeum Disulfide Composite As An Anode Material Candidate For Lithium Ion Batteries. E-MRS 2017, Strasbourg, Frankreich, EU.
- | Monolithic porous magnesium silicide at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHayati-Roodbari, N., Berger, R. J. F., Bernardi, J., Kinge, S., Hüsing, N., & Elsaesser, M. S. (2017). Monolithic porous magnesium silicide. Dalton Transactions, 46(27), 8855–8860.
- | Enabling Research Project: Alternative HTS Wires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHolleis, S., Baumgartner, T., Bader, D., Bernardi, J., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Malagoli, A., Bellingeri, E., Leveratto, A., & Eisterer, M. (2017). Enabling Research Project: Alternative HTS Wires. 4th Fusion Day (KKKÖ/ÖAW) 2017, Leoben, Austria, Austria.
- | Novel mesostructured inclusions in the epidermal lining of Artemia franciscana ovisacs show optical activity at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHollergschwandtner, E., Schwaha, T., Neumüller, J., Kaindl, U., Gruber, D., Eckhard, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Reipert, S. (2017). Novel mesostructured inclusions in the epidermal lining of Artemia franciscana ovisacs show optical activity. PeerJ – the Journal of Life & Environmental Sciences, 5(e3923), e3923.
- | Babinet principle for plasmonic antennas: complementarity and differences at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHorák, M., Křápek, V., Hrtoň, M., Metelka, O., Samořil, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Paták, A., & Sikola, T. (2017). Babinet principle for plasmonic antennas: complementarity and differences. In 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (pp. 653–655).
- | Design of the electrode-tissue interface in percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKampusch, S., Unger, E., Bernardi, J., Whitmore, K., Szeles, J. C., & Kaniusas, E. (2017). Design of the electrode-tissue interface in percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation. In Abstract of the International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED) (pp. 1–2).
- | Untersuchung der Degradation von Nadelelektroden Ti/Au at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKampusch, S., Unger, E., Bernardi, J., Whitmore, K., Szeles, J. C., Pohl, M., Stehlik, G., Birsak, A., Lechner, S., & Kaniusas, E. (2017). Untersuchung der Degradation von Nadelelektroden Ti/Au.
- | Selective phase formation in substoichiometric Al-Cr-based oxides at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKoller, C. M., Dalbauer, V., Kirnbauer, A., Löffler, S., Kolozsvári, S., Ramm, J., & Mayrhofer, P. H. (2017). Selective phase formation in substoichiometric Al-Cr-based oxides. Scripta Materialia, 139, 144–147.
- | A Comparative Discussion of the Catalytic Activity and CO2-Selectivity of Cu-Zr and Pd-Zr (Intermetallic) Compounds in Methanol Steam Reforming at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKöpfle, N., Mayr, L., Schmidmair, D., Bernardi, J., Knop-Gericke, A., Hävecker, M., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2017). A Comparative Discussion of the Catalytic Activity and CO2-Selectivity of Cu-Zr and Pd-Zr (Intermetallic) Compounds in Methanol Steam Reforming. Catalysts, 7(12), 1–17.
- | Interferometric EELS: From Magnetism to Mapping Orbitals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S. (2017). Interferometric EELS: From Magnetism to Mapping Orbitals. FEMMS 2017 (16th Frontiers of Electron Microscopy in Materials Science ), Johannesburg, Südafrika, Non-EU.
- | Mapping Orbital Information in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S. (2017). Mapping Orbital Information in the TEM. IFP-Seminar, Wien, Austria.
- | Orbital Mapping: Challenges and Prospects at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S. (2017). Orbital Mapping: Challenges and Prospects. In 3rd SALVE Symposium, Low-voltage research proceedings (pp. 92–93).
- | Convergent-Beam EMCD: Efficient Magnetic Measurements on the Nanoscale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Hetaba, W. (2017). Convergent-Beam EMCD: Efficient Magnetic Measurements on the Nanoscale. 7th ASEM-Workshop - Advanced Electron Microscopy, Wien, Austria.
- | Real-space mapping of electronic orbitals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Bugnet, M., Gauquelin, N., Lazar, S., Assmann, E., Held, K., Botton, G. A., & Schattschneider, P. (2017). Real-space mapping of electronic orbitals. Ultramicroscopy, 177, 26–29.
- | Electron Vortices in Solids: From Crystalline to Amorphous Materials at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Sack, S., & Schachinger, T. (2017). Electron Vortices in Solids: From Crystalline to Amorphous Materials. In 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (pp. 58–59).
- | Electron vortices in solids - from crystalline to amorphous materials at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Sack, S., & Schachinger, T. (2017). Electron vortices in solids - from crystalline to amorphous materials. In MC 2017 Lausanne - Microscopy Conference (pp. 760–761).
- | Convergent-Beam EMCD Pitfalls and New Approaches at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Schachinger, T., & Hetaba, W. (2017). Convergent-Beam EMCD Pitfalls and New Approaches. EDGE 2017, Okinawa, Japan, Non-EU.
- | Convergent-Beam EMCD: Pitfalls and New Approaches at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Schachinger, T., & Hetaba, W. (2017). Convergent-Beam EMCD: Pitfalls and New Approaches. EDGE 2017, Okinawa, Japan, Non-EU.
- | Mapping atomic electric fields and charge densities by four-dimensional STEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller-Caspary, K., Duchamp, M., Krause, F., Béché, A., Winkler, F., Löffler, S., Soltau, H., Zweck, J., Schattschneider, P., & Verbeeck, J. (2017). Mapping atomic electric fields and charge densities by four-dimensional STEM. 24th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Hyderabad, Indien, Non-EU.
- | Mapping of atomic electric fields and charge densities by momentum-resolved STEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller-Caspary, K., Duchamp, M., Krause, F., Béché, A., Winkler, F., Löffler, S., Soltau, H., Zweck, J., Schattschneider, P., & Verbeeck, J. (2017). Mapping of atomic electric fields and charge densities by momentum-resolved STEM. In MC 2017 Lausanne - Microscopy Conference (pp. 754–755).
- | Measurement of atomic electric fields and charge densities from average momentum transfers using scanning transmission electron microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller-Caspary, K., Krause, F. F., Grieb, T., Löffler, S., Schowalter, M., Béché, A., Galioit, V., Marquardt, D., Zweck, J., Schattschneider, P., Verbeeck, J., & Rosenauer, A. (2017). Measurement of atomic electric fields and charge densities from average momentum transfers using scanning transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 178, 62–80.
- | Dislocations Accelerate Oxygen Ion Diffusion in La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 Epitaxial Thin Films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNavickas, E., Chen, Y., Lu, Q., Wallisch, W., Huber, T. M., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Friedbacher, G., Hutter, H., Yildiz, B., & Fleig, J. (2017). Dislocations Accelerate Oxygen Ion Diffusion in La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 Epitaxial Thin Films. ACS Nano, 11(11), 11475–11487.
- | Oxygen Surface Exchange Kinetics and Diffusion in Ionically Conductive Thin Films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNavickas, E., Chen, Y., Lu, Q., Wallisch, W., Huber, T., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hutter, H., Yildiz, B., & Fleig, J. (2017). Oxygen Surface Exchange Kinetics and Diffusion in Ionically Conductive Thin Films. In 6th Annual PhD Workshop (p. 1).
- | Misfit Dislocations Accelerate Oxygen Ion Diffusion in La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 Epitaxial Thin Films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNavickas, E., Huber, T., Chen, Y., Lu, Q., Wallisch, W., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hutter, H., Yildiz, B., & Fleig, J. (2017). Misfit Dislocations Accelerate Oxygen Ion Diffusion in La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 Epitaxial Thin Films. In Solid State Ionics (p. 603).
- | Misfit dislocations as a fast pathway for oxygen ion diffusion in La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 epitaxial thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNavickas, E., Huber, T., Chen, Y., Lu, Q., Wallisch, W., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hutter, H., Yildiz, B., & Fleig, J. (2017). Misfit dislocations as a fast pathway for oxygen ion diffusion in La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 epitaxial thin films. In 6th Annual PhD Workshop (p. 4).
- | Stability and Local Environment of Iron in Vapor Phase Grown MgO Nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNiedermaier, M., Dolcet, P., Gheisi, A. R., Tippelt, G., Lottermoser, W., Gross, S., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2017). Stability and Local Environment of Iron in Vapor Phase Grown MgO Nanocrystals. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121(43), 24292–24301.
- | Correlation of the microstructure and magnetic properties of neutron irradiated Nb3Sn superconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Baumgartner, T., Eisterer, M., Hecher, J., Ballarino, A., Bottura, L., & Scheuerlein, C. (2017). Correlation of the microstructure and magnetic properties of neutron irradiated Nb3Sn superconductors. EUCAS 2017, Genf, Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | Combined analytical TEM and magnetic investigation of the effects of neutron irradiation on Nb3Sn superconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Baumgartner, T., Eisterer, M., & Ballarino, A. (2017). Combined analytical TEM and magnetic investigation of the effects of neutron irradiation on Nb3Sn superconductors. 7th ASEM-Workshop - Advanced Electron Microscopy, Wien, Austria.
- | Effects of neutron irradiation on the microstructure and critical current of Nb3Sn superconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Baumgartner, T., Eisterer, M., & Ballarino, A. (2017). Effects of neutron irradiation on the microstructure and critical current of Nb3Sn superconductors. FCC Week 2017, Berlin, DE, EU.
- | Influence of neutron irradiation on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Nb3Sn superconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPfeiffer, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Baumgartner, T., Eisterer, M., Hecher, J., Ballarino, A., Bottura, L., & Scheuerlein, C. (2017). Influence of neutron irradiation on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Nb3Sn superconductors. In 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (pp. 616–617).
- | Structural and Catalytic Properties of Ag- and Co3O4‑Impregnated Strontium Titanium Ferrite SrTi0.7Fe0.3O3−δ in Methanol Steam Reforming at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPloner, K., Götsch, T., Kogler, G., Thalinger, R., Bernardi, J., Zhao, Q., Zhuo, C., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2017). Structural and Catalytic Properties of Ag- and Co3O4‑Impregnated Strontium Titanium Ferrite SrTi0.7Fe0.3O3−δ in Methanol Steam Reforming. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56(46), 13654–13662.
- | 2D Strain mapping on AlGaN/GaN nanowire arrays using STEM Moiré interferometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPofelski, A., Woo, S. Y., Le, B. H., Zhao, S., Mi, Z., Löffler, S., & Botton, G. A. (2017). 2D Strain mapping on AlGaN/GaN nanowire arrays using STEM Moiré interferometry. 20th Microscopy of Semi Conducting Materials (MSM XX), Oxford, EU.
- | Films of heavy fermion compound YbRh2Si2 grown by molecular beam epitaxy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowProchaska, L., MacFarland, D., Andrews, A. M., Detz, H., Schrenk, W., Zederbauer, T., Bonta, M., Bianco, E., Limbeck, A., Bernardi, J., Ringe, E., Strasser, G., & Paschen, S. (2017). Films of heavy fermion compound YbRh2Si2 grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Summerschool solids4fun (2017), Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Austria, Austria.
- | Setting Directions: Anisotropy in Hierarchically Organized Porous Silica at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPutz, F., Morak, R., Elsaesser, M. S., Balzer, C., Braxmeier, S., Bernardi, J., Paris, O., Reichenauer, G., & Hüsing, N. (2017). Setting Directions: Anisotropy in Hierarchically Organized Porous Silica. Chemistry of Materials, 29(18), 7969–7975.
- | Automatized freeze substitution under agitation: opportunities for studies of intracellular mesostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowReipert, S., Hollergschwandtner, E., Goldammer, H., Eckhard, M., Neumüller, J., Kaindl, U., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schwaha, T. (2017). Automatized freeze substitution under agitation: opportunities for studies of intracellular mesostructures. In 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (pp. 157–159).
- | Electron Vortex Beams in a TEM: From peculiar Landau state rotations towards magnetic measurements on the nanoscale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T. (2017). Electron Vortex Beams in a TEM: From peculiar Landau state rotations towards magnetic measurements on the nanoscale. International Seminar, Group of Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Surfaces, Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of Science, Brno, CZ, EU.
- | Electron Vortex Beams in a TEM: Peculiar Rotations, Landau State Dynamics and a new approach to EMCD at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T. (2017). Electron Vortex Beams in a TEM: Peculiar Rotations, Landau State Dynamics and a new approach to EMCD. EPFL, Lausanne, Non-EU.
- | Exploring the possibilities and limitations of vortex filter EMCD at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2017). Exploring the possibilities and limitations of vortex filter EMCD. Electron Microscopy at High Temporal Resolution, Strassburg, Frankreich, EU.
- | Vortex filter EMCD: Possibilities and limitations at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2017). Vortex filter EMCD: Possibilities and limitations. PICO 2017 - Frontiers of aberration corrected electron microscopy conference and colloquium honouring Robert Sinclair & Nestor Zaluzec, Kasteel Vaalsbroek, NL, EU.
- | Vorticity filtering for magnetic dichroism measurements with nanometre spatial resolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Löffler, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Schattschneider, P. (2017). Vorticity filtering for magnetic dichroism measurements with nanometre spatial resolution. DOC-ÖAW-Verleihung, Wien, Austria.
- | Vortex Filter EMCD: Towards an Alternative EMCD Approach at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Löffler, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2017). Vortex Filter EMCD: Towards an Alternative EMCD Approach. 7th ASEM-Workshop - Advanced Electron Microscopy, Wien, Austria.
- | EMCD with an electron vortex filter: Limitations and possibilities at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Löffler, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schneider, S., Pohl, D., Rellinghaus, B., & Schattschneider, P. (2017). EMCD with an electron vortex filter: Limitations and possibilities. Ultramicroscopy, 179, 15–23.
- | Vortex filter-EMCD - challenges and prospects of an alternative EMCD technique at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Löffler, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schneider, S., Pohl, D., Rellinghaus, B., & Schattschneider, P. (2017). Vortex filter-EMCD - challenges and prospects of an alternative EMCD technique. In MC 2017 Lausanne - Microscopy Conference (pp. 774–775).
- | Coherence and Resolution in EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Löffler, S. (2017). Coherence and Resolution in EELS. CCEM Summer School on Electron Microscopy, McMaster University, Kanada, Non-EU.
- | Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Energy Loss Spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Löffler, S. (2017). Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Energy Loss Spectrometry. In Sources, Interaction with Matter, Detection and Analysis of Low Energy Electrons 2017 (SIMDALEE2017) (p. 67).
- | Application of complementary beam techniques to study deformation mechanisms in heterogeneous materials for automotive industry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchöbel, M., Bernardi, J., & Koos, R. (2017). Application of complementary beam techniques to study deformation mechanisms in heterogeneous materials for automotive industry. ICARST 2017 - International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology, Wien, Austria.
- | Concentration and temperature dependent selectivity of the LTCC porosification process with phosphoric acid at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSteinhäußer, F., Talai, A., Göltl, G., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bittner, A., Weigel, R., Koelpin, A., & Schmid, U. (2017). Concentration and temperature dependent selectivity of the LTCC porosification process with phosphoric acid. Ceramics International, 43(1), 714–721.
- | 75 Jahre Elektronenmikroskopie in Österreich - 75 Jahre Elektronenmikroskopie an der TU Wien at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2017). 75 Jahre Elektronenmikroskopie in Österreich - 75 Jahre Elektronenmikroskopie an der TU Wien. Der Neue Merker, 1, 12–14.
- | Transition Radiation Losses in Low- and High-Voltage EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2017). Transition Radiation Losses in Low- and High-Voltage EELS. In 3rd SALVE Symposium, Low-voltage research proceedings (p. 94).
- | Electron beam induced radiation explored by CL and EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Kachtik, L., Miesenberger, B., & Retzl, P. (2017). Electron beam induced radiation explored by CL and EELS. In 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (pp. 217–218).
- | Transition radiation in EELS and cathodoluminescence at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Kachtík, L., Miesenberger, B., & Retzl, P. (2017). Transition radiation in EELS and cathodoluminescence. Ultramicroscopy, 173, 31–35.
- | Valence EELS below the limit of inelastic delocalization using conical dark field EFTEM or Bessel beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schachinger, T., Biedermann, K., & Beyer, V. (2017). Valence EELS below the limit of inelastic delocalization using conical dark field EFTEM or Bessel beams. Ultramicroscopy, 173, 24–30.
- | Hydroxylation Induced Alignment of Metal Oxide Nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowThomele, D., Bourret, G. R., Bernardi, J., Bockstedte, M., & Diwald, O. (2017). Hydroxylation Induced Alignment of Metal Oxide Nanocubes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56, 1407–1410.
- | Organisation von Metalloxid-Nanowgrfeln durch Hydroxylierung at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowThomele, D., Bourret, G. R., Bernardi, J., Bockstedte, M., & Diwald, O. (2017). Organisation von Metalloxid-Nanowgrfeln durch Hydroxylierung. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 129, 1428–1432.
- | Focusing on energy losses: How does the CMR effect affect EELS in TEM? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Navickas, E. (2017). Focusing on energy losses: How does the CMR effect affect EELS in TEM? Elektrochemie-Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Fleig, Wien, Austria.
- | How does the CMR effect influence EELS in TEM? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Navickas, E. (2017). How does the CMR effect influence EELS in TEM? International FOXSI Conference 2017, TUtheSky Lounge, TU Vienna, EU.
- | Influences of the CMR effect on dielectric properties at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Navickas, E. (2017). Influences of the CMR effect on dielectric properties. 7th ASEM-Workshop - Advanced Electron Microscopy, Wien, Austria.
- | Consequences of the CMR effect on EELS in TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Navickas, E. (2017). Consequences of the CMR effect on EELS in TEM. Ultramicroscopy, 179, 84–89.
- | EELS experiments influenced by the CMR effect at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., & Navickas, E. (2017). EELS experiments influenced by the CMR effect. In 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (pp. 181–182).
- | Influences of the CMR effect on energy loss signal at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., & Navickas, E. (2017). Influences of the CMR effect on energy loss signal. In MC 2017 Lausanne - Microscopy Conference (pp. 698–699).
- | Consequences of the CMR effect on EELS in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Navickas, E., Löffler, S., & Bernardi, J. (2017). Consequences of the CMR effect on EELS in the TEM. 6th Annual FOXSI Phd -Workshop, Haus im Ennstal, Austria.
- | Combined liquid hot water and ethanol organosolv treatment of wheat straw for extraction and reaction modeling at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWeinwurm, F., Turk, T., Denner, J., Whitmore, K., & Friedl, A. (2017). Combined liquid hot water and ethanol organosolv treatment of wheat straw for extraction and reaction modeling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 1473–1484.
- | Surface Composition Changes of CuNi-ZrO2 during Methane Decomposition: An operando NAP-XPS and Density Functional Study at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWolfbeisser, A., Kovács, G., Kozlov, S. M., Föttinger, K., Bernardi, J., Klötzer, B., Neyman, K. M., & Rupprechter, G. (2017). Surface Composition Changes of CuNi-ZrO2 during Methane Decomposition: An operando NAP-XPS and Density Functional Study. Catalysis Today, 283, 134–143.
- | Preferential CO oxidation on cobalt-based perovskite materials: synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowYigit, N., Lukashuk, L., Bernardi, J., Föttinger, K., & Rupprechter, G. (2017). Preferential CO oxidation on cobalt-based perovskite materials: synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity. Solids4Fun Summerschool 2017, Waidhofen ad.Ybbs, Austria.
- | Crystal structure studies of Co-based catalysts under reaction conditions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowYigit, N., Lukashuk, L., Nagl, A., Hans, P., Bernardi, J., Föttinger, K., & Rupprechter, G. (2017). Crystal structure studies of Co-based catalysts under reaction conditions. 6th Annual FOXSI PhD Workshop, Haus im Ennstal, Austria.
- | A combined TEM/STEM and micromagnetic study of the anisotropic nature of grain boundaries and coercivity in Nd-Fe-B magnets at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZickler, G. A., Fidler, J., Bernardi, J., Schrefl, T., & Asali, A. (2017). A combined TEM/STEM and micromagnetic study of the anisotropic nature of grain boundaries and coercivity in Nd-Fe-B magnets. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, 1–12.
- | Secondary precipitation during homogenization of Al-Mg-Si alloys: Influence on high temperature flow stress at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowÖsterreicher, J. A., Kumar, M., Schiffl, A., Schwarz, S., & Bourret, G. R. (2017). Secondary precipitation during homogenization of Al-Mg-Si alloys: Influence on high temperature flow stress. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 687, 175–180.
- | Quantitative prediction of the mechanical properties of precipitationhardened alloys with special application to Al-Mg-Si at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowÖsterreicher, J. A., Papenberg, N. P., Kumar, M., Ma, D., Schwarz, S., & Schlögl, C. M. (2017). Quantitative prediction of the mechanical properties of precipitationhardened alloys with special application to Al-Mg-Si. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 703, 380–385.
- | Mikrostruktur und mechanische Eigenschaften von hochfesten Aluminium-Stangpressprofilen als Sicherheitsbauteile in Automobilen at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowÖsterreicher, J. A., Schiffl, A., Grabner, F., Schwarz, S., Hüsing, N., & Bourret, G. R. (2017). Mikrostruktur und mechanische Eigenschaften von hochfesten Aluminium-Stangpressprofilen als Sicherheitsbauteile in Automobilen. 8. Landshuter Leichtbau-Colloquium, Landshut, DE, EU.
- | An attempt to synthesize Sn-Zn-Cu alloy nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRoshangias, A., Bernardi, J., & Ipser, H. (2016). An attempt to synthesize Sn-Zn-Cu alloy nanoparticles. Materials Letters, 178, 10–14.
- | Measurement of Atomic Electric Fields by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) Employing Ultrafast Detectors. at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller-Caspary, K., Krause, F., Béché, A., Duchamp, M., Schowalter, M., Löffler, S., Migunov, V., Winkler, F., Huth, M., Ritz, R., Ihle, S., Simson, M., Ryll, H., Soltau, H., Strüder, L., Zweck, J., Schattschneider, P., Dunin-Borkowski, R., Verbeeck, J., & Rosenauer, A. (2016). Measurement of Atomic Electric Fields by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) Employing Ultrafast Detectors. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22(S3), 484–485.
- | Microstructural characterisation of surface regions in tribological systems at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Walzhofer, F., Linz, M., & Ripoll, M. R. (2016). Microstructural characterisation of surface regions in tribological systems. Tribo Corrosion V, Hyderabad, Indien, Non-EU.
- | Advanced characterisation of nanostructures and interfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Schattschneider, P., & Schachinger, T. (2016). Advanced characterisation of nanostructures and interfaces. 1st International Conference on coatings, Thin Films, Multi Layer Devices & Systems - NFTDC, Hyderabad, Indien, Non-EU.
- | Transmission electron microscopy, imaging and beyond at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Schattschneider, P., & Schachinger, T. (2016). Transmission electron microscopy, imaging and beyond. 3rd Indo-Austrian-Symposium on Advances in Materials Engineering (AME 2016), Mumbai, Indien, Non-EU.
- | Catalytic CO Oxidation on Stepped Rh Surfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBespalov, I., Datler, M., Buhr, S., Zeininger, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Rupprechter, G., & Suchorski, Y. (2016). Catalytic CO Oxidation on Stepped Rh Surfaces. International FOXSI Conference 2016, TUtheSky Lounge, TU Vienna, Austria.
- | Catalytic CO oxidation on high index Rh surfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBespalov, I., Datler, M., Zeininger, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Rupprechter, G., & Suchorski, Y. (2016). Catalytic CO oxidation on high index Rh surfaces. SFB-F45 “FOXSI” Annual PhD Workshop 2016, Haus im Ennstal, Austria.
- | Real-space localization and quantification of hole distribution in chain-ladder Sr3Ca11Cu24O41 superconductor at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Löffler, S., Hawthorn, D., Dabkowska, H., Luke, G., Schattschneider, P., Sawatzky, G., Radtke, G., & Botton, G. A. (2016). Real-space localization and quantification of hole distribution in chain-ladder Sr3Ca11Cu24O41 superconductor. Science Advances, 2(3).
- | Quantifying the hole distribution in cuprates: Atomic-resolution near-edge fine-structures of the superconductor Sr3Ca11Cu24O41 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Radtke, G., Löffler, S., Schattschneider, P., Hawthorn, D., Dabkowska, H., Luke, G., Sawatzky, G., & Botton, G. A. (2016). Quantifying the hole distribution in cuprates: Atomic-resolution near-edge fine-structures of the superconductor Sr3Ca11Cu24O41. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Nanostructured clathrates and clathrate-based nanocomposites. at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowChristian, R., Ikeda, M., Lientschnig, G., Prochaska, L., Prokofiev, A., Tomes, P., Yan, X., Zolriasatein, A., Bernardi, J., Schachinger, T., Schwarz, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Rogl, P., Populoh, S., Weidenkaff, A., & Paschen, S. (2016). Nanostructured clathrates and clathrate-based nanocomposites. Physica Status Solidi (a) – Applications and Materials Science, 12, 1–18.
- | Spatio-temporal oscillations in hydrogen oxidation on Rh: mesoscopic versus nanoscale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDatler, M., Bespalov, I., Buhr, S., Zeininger, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Rupprechter, G., & Suchorski, Y. (2016). Spatio-temporal oscillations in hydrogen oxidation on Rh: mesoscopic versus nanoscale. SFB-F45 “FOXSI” Annual PhD Workshop 2016, Haus im Ennstal, Austria.
- | Spin-multislice simulation of an electron inside the objective lens of a TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGrillo, V., Schachinger, T., Karimi, E., & Schattschneider, P. (2016). Spin-multislice simulation of an electron inside the objective lens of a TEM. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | From zirconia to yttria: Sampling the crystallographic and electronic phase diagram using sputter-deposited YSZ thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Penner, S. (2016). From zirconia to yttria: Sampling the crystallographic and electronic phase diagram using sputter-deposited YSZ thin films. 6th ASEM Workshop, Leoben, Austria.
- | From zirconia to yttria: sampling the crystallographic and electronic phase diagram using sputter-deposited YSZ thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Penner, S. (2016). From zirconia to yttria: sampling the crystallographic and electronic phase diagram using sputter-deposited YSZ thin films. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | From zirconia to yttria: Sampling the YSZ phase diagram using sputter-deposited thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Wallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2016). From zirconia to yttria: Sampling the YSZ phase diagram using sputter-deposited thin films. AIP Advances, 6(2), 025119.
- | EMCD investigation of the Verwey-transition in magnetite at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Hetaba, W., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2016). EMCD investigation of the Verwey-transition in magnetite. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Electron beam spectroscopy in Plasmonics at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHorák, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Paták, A., & Sikola, T. (2016). Electron beam spectroscopy in Plasmonics. CEITEC Nano User Meeting, Brno, Czech Republic, EU.
- | Changing interfaces: Photoluminescent ZnO nanoparticle powders in different aqueous environments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKocsis, K., Niedermaier, M., Bernardi, J., Berger, T., & Diwald, O. (2016). Changing interfaces: Photoluminescent ZnO nanoparticle powders in different aqueous environments. Surface Science, 652, 253–260.
- | High-Temperature Carbon Deposition on Oxide Surfaces by CO Disproportionation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKogler, M., Köck, E.-M., Klötzer, B., Schachinger, T., Wallisch, W., Henn, R., Huck, C. W., Hejny, C., & Penner, S. (2016). High-Temperature Carbon Deposition on Oxide Surfaces by CO Disproportionation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(3), 1795–1807.
- | Distinct carbon growth mechanisms on the components of Ni/YSZ materials at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKogler, M., Köck, E.-M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schwarz, S., Schachinger, T., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2016). Distinct carbon growth mechanisms on the components of Ni/YSZ materials. Materials Chemistry and Physics: Including Materials Science Communications, 173, 508–515.
- | Surface crack propagation and morphology in cutting tools at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLinz, M., Walzhofer, F., Krenn, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bernardi, J., Winkelmann, H., & Badisch, E. (2016). Surface crack propagation and morphology in cutting tools. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 68(1), 141–148.
- | Homogeneous Compression of Non-Tapered Single Micron-Sized Bone Pillars Welded to a Rigid Substrate at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLuczynski, K., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bernardi, J., Eberhardsteiner, J., & Hellmich, C. (2016). Homogeneous Compression of Non-Tapered Single Micron-Sized Bone Pillars Welded to a Rigid Substrate. In Proceedings of the 22nd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (p. 1). European Society of Biomechanics.
- | Operando XAS and NAP-XPS studies of preferential CO oxidation on Co₃O₄ and CeO₂-Co₃O₄ catalysts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLukashuk, L., Föttinger, K., Kolar, E., Rameshan, C., Teschner, D., Hävecker, M., Knop-Gericke, A., Yigit, N., Li, H., McDermott, E., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Rupprechter, G. (2016). Operando XAS and NAP-XPS studies of preferential CO oxidation on Co₃O₄ and CeO₂-Co₃O₄ catalysts. Journal of Catalysis, 344, 1–15.
- | Linearity optimization of atomic layer deposited ZrO2 metal-insulator-metal capacitors by inserting interfacial Zr-doped chromia layers at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLutzer, B., Simsek, S., Zimmermann, C., Stoeger-Pollach, M., Bethge, O., & Bertagnolli, E. (2016). Linearity optimization of atomic layer deposited ZrO2 metal-insulator-metal capacitors by inserting interfacial Zr-doped chromia layers. Journal of Applied Physics, 119(12), 125304.
- | Digital Micrograph Script Writing at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S. (2016). Digital Micrograph Script Writing. 2016 CCEM Summer School on Electron Microscopy, Hamilton, Kanada, Non-EU.
- | Elastic delocalization in EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S. (2016). Elastic delocalization in EELS. 6th ASEM Workshop, Leoben, Austria.
- | Interpretation of EELS at atomic resolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S. (2016). Interpretation of EELS at atomic resolution. 2016 CCEM Summer School on Electron Microscopy, Hamilton, Kanada, Non-EU.
- | Elastic delocalization in EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S. (2016). Elastic delocalization in EELS. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Convergent-Beam EMCD: Benefits, Pitfalls, and Applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Hetaba, W. (2016). Convergent-Beam EMCD: Benefits, Pitfalls, and Applications. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Can transverse plasmonic fields be revealed by differential phase contrast? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Bellido, E., Bicket, I., & Botton, G. A. (2016). Can transverse plasmonic fields be revealed by differential phase contrast? In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Real-space mapping of electronic orbitals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Bugnet, M., Gauquelin, N., Lazar, S., Assmann, E., Held, K., Botton, G. A., & Schattschneider, P. (2016). Real-space mapping of electronic orbitals. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Boosting Hydrogen Production from Methanol and Water by in situ Activation of Bimetallic Cu−Zr Species at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMayr, L., Klötzer, B., Schmidmair, D., Köpfle, N., Bernardi, J., Schwarz, S., Armbrüster, M., & Penner, S. (2016). Boosting Hydrogen Production from Methanol and Water by in situ Activation of Bimetallic Cu−Zr Species. ChemCatChem, 8(10), 1778–1781.
- | Microstructural and Chemical Evolution and Analysis of a Self- Activating CO2‑Selective Cu−Zr Bimetallic Methanol Steam Reforming Catalyst at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMayr, L., Köpfle, N., Klötzer, B., Götsch, T., Bernardi, J., Schwarz, S., Keilhauer, T., Armbrüster, M., & Penner, S. (2016). Microstructural and Chemical Evolution and Analysis of a Self- Activating CO2‑Selective Cu−Zr Bimetallic Methanol Steam Reforming Catalyst. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(44), 25395–25404.
- | Measurement of Atomic Electric Fields by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) Employing Ultrafast Detectors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller-Caspary, K., Krause, F., Béché, A., Duchamp, M., Schowalter, M., Huth, M., Löffler, S., & Rosenauer, A. (2016). Measurement of Atomic Electric Fields by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) Employing Ultrafast Detectors. Microscopy & Microanalysis 2016 Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, Non-EU.
- | Oxygen incorporation and diffusion in SOFC electrode Materials at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNavickas, E., Chen, Y., Huber, T., Lu, Q., Wallisch, W., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hutter, H., Yildiz, B., & Fleig, J. (2016). Oxygen incorporation and diffusion in SOFC electrode Materials. SFB-F45 “FOXSI” Annual PhD Workshop 2016, Haus im Ennstal, Austria.
- | Mapping Atomic Orbitals with the Transmission Electron Microscope: Images of Defective Graphene Predicted from First-Principles Theory at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPardini, L., Löffler, S., Biddau, G., Hambach, R., Kaiser, U., Draxl, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2016). Mapping Atomic Orbitals with the Transmission Electron Microscope: Images of Defective Graphene Predicted from First-Principles Theory. Physical Review Letters, 117(036801).
- | Some applications of analytical electron microscopy and high-resolution spectroscopy in the study of functional materials at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPrabhudev, S., Stambula, S., Chincilla, L., Liu, H., Bellido, E., Bicket, I., Pofelski, A., Woo, S. Y., Bugnet, M., Löffler, S., Rossouw, D., Wiktor, C., & Botton, G. A. (2016). Some applications of analytical electron microscopy and high-resolution spectroscopy in the study of functional materials. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Film growth of the heavy fermion compound YbRh2Si2 by molecular beam epitaxy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowProchaska, L., MacFarland, D., Andrews, A. M., Bonta, M., Detz, H., Schrenk, W., Zederbauer, T., Limbeck, A., Strasser, G., Bernardi, J., & Paschen, S. (2016). Film growth of the heavy fermion compound YbRh2Si2 by molecular beam epitaxy. German MBE Workshop 2016, Garching, Deutschland, Non-EU.
- | First results on YbRh2Si2 film growth by molecular beam epitaxy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowProchaska, L., MacFarland, D., Andrews, A. M., Bonta, M., Detz, H., Schrenk, W., Zederbauer, T., Limbeck, A., Strasser, G., Bernardi, J., & Paschen, S. (2016). First results on YbRh2Si2 film growth by molecular beam epitaxy. Workshop on Frontiers of Quantum Materials, Rice University, Houston, USA, Rice University, Houston, USA, Non-EU.
- | Mechanism of rare earth incorporation and crystal growth of rare earth containing type-I clathrates at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowProkofiev, A., Svagera, R., Waas, M., Weil, M., Bernardi, J., & Paschen, S. (2016). Mechanism of rare earth incorporation and crystal growth of rare earth containing type-I clathrates. Crystal Growth and Design, 16(1), 25–33.
- | Quantitative STEM - From composition to atomic electric fields at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRosenauer, A., Müller-Caspary, K., Schowalter, M., Grieb, T., Krause, F., Mehrtens, T., Béché, A., Verbeek, J., Zweck, J., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2016). Quantitative STEM - From composition to atomic electric fields. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Sn-Ag-Cu nanosolders: Solder joints integrity and strength at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRoshanghias, A., Khatibi, G., Yakymovych, A., Bernardi, J., & Ipser, H. (2016). Sn-Ag-Cu nanosolders: Solder joints integrity and strength. Journal of Electronic Materials, 45(8), 4390–4399.
- | Peculiar rotations of electron vortex beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T. (2016). Peculiar rotations of electron vortex beams. ASEM Hauptversammlung, Fritz-Grasenick-Preisverleihung, Wien, Austria.
- | Holographic Vortex Filter Masks in the TEM: A new approach to EMCD? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2016). Holographic Vortex Filter Masks in the TEM: A new approach to EMCD? 6th ASEM Workshop, Leoben, Austria.
- | Preparation of holographic vortex masks for EMCD vortex filter experiments using advanced FIB milling strategies at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Schneider, S., Pohl, D., & Rellinghaus, B. (2016). Preparation of holographic vortex masks for EMCD vortex filter experiments using advanced FIB milling strategies. IFEXS, Triest, EU.
- | Preparation of high fidelity holographic vortex masks using advanced FIB milling strategies at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schneider, S., Pohl, D., Rellinghaus, B., & Schattschneider, P. (2016). Preparation of high fidelity holographic vortex masks using advanced FIB milling strategies. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Towards EMCD with an electron vortex filter at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schneider, S., Rellinghaus, B., & Schattschneider, P. (2016). Towards EMCD with an electron vortex filter. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Spin polarisation with electron Bessel beams? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Grillo, V., Schachinger, T., & Löffler, S. (2016). Spin polarisation with electron Bessel beams? In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Electron vortex microscopy for local spin and orbital moments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Löffler, S., & Schachinger, T. (2016). Electron vortex microscopy for local spin and orbital moments. 620. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Bad Honnef, D, EU.
- | Electron vortex microscopy for local spin and orbital moments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Schachinger, T., & Löffler, S. (2016). Electron vortex microscopy for local spin and orbital moments. IFEXS, Triest, EU.
- | Ten years of EMCD: what has been achieved at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Schachinger, T., & Löffler, S. (2016). Ten years of EMCD: what has been achieved. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Porphyrin Metalation at MgO Surfaces: A Spectroscopic and Quantum Mechanical Study on Complementary Model Systems. at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, J., Franke, M., Gurrath, M., Röckert, M., Berger, T., Bernardi, J., Meyer, B., Steinrück, H.-P., Lytken, O., & Diwald, O. (2016). Porphyrin Metalation at MgO Surfaces: A Spectroscopic and Quantum Mechanical Study on Complementary Model Systems. Chemistry - A European Journal, 22, 1744–1749.
- | Adsorption, Ordering, and Metalation of Porphyrins on MgO Nanocube Surfaces: The Directional Role of Carboxylic Anchoring Groups at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, J., Kollhoff, F., Schindler, T., Bichlmaier, S., Bernardi, J., Unruh, T., Libuda, J., Berger, T., & Diwald, O. (2016). Adsorption, Ordering, and Metalation of Porphyrins on MgO Nanocube Surfaces: The Directional Role of Carboxylic Anchoring Groups. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(47), 26879–26888.
- | Quantifying Magnetism on the nm Scale: EMCD on Individual FePt Nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, S., Pohl, D., Löffler, S., Kasinathan, D., Rusz, J., Schattschneider, P., Schultz, L., & Rellinghaus, B. (2016). Quantifying Magnetism on the nm Scale: EMCD on Individual FePt Nanoparticles. Microscopy & Microanalysis 2016 Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, Non-EU.
- | Quantifying magnetism on the nanometer scale: EMCD on individual FePt nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, S., Pohl, D., Löffler, S., Kasinathan, D., Rusz, J., Schattschneider, P., Schultz, L., & Rellinghaus, B. (2016). Quantifying magnetism on the nanometer scale: EMCD on individual FePt nanoparticles. 620. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Bad Honnef, D, EU.
- | Quantifying Magnetism on the nm Scale: EMCD on Individual FePt Nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, S., Pohl, D., Löffler, S., Kasinathan, D., Rusz, J., Schattschneider, P., Schultz, L., & Rellinghaus, B. (2016). Quantifying Magnetism on the nm Scale: EMCD on Individual FePt Nanoparticles. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22(S3), 1674–1675.
- | Quantifying magnetism on the nanometer scale: EMCD on individual FePt nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, S., Pohl, D., Löffler, S., Kasinathan, D., Rusz, J., Schattschneider, P., Schultz, L., & Rellinghaus, B. (2016). Quantifying magnetism on the nanometer scale: EMCD on individual FePt nanoparticles. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Magnetic properties of single nanomagnets: Electron energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism on FePt nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, S., Pohl, D., Löffler, S., Rusz, J., Kasinathan, D., Schattschneider, P., Schultz, L., & Rellinghaus, B. (2016). Magnetic properties of single nanomagnets: Electron energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism on FePt nanoparticles. Ultramicroscopy, 171, 186–194.
- | Straightforward Solvothermal Synthesis toward Phase Pure Li2CoPO4F at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchoiber, J., Berger, R. J. F., Bernardi, J., Schubert, M., Yada, C., Miki, H., & Hüsing, N. (2016). Straightforward Solvothermal Synthesis toward Phase Pure Li2CoPO4F. Crystal Growth and Design, 16(9), 4999–5005.
- | Elasto-plastic deformation within diamond reinforced metals for thermal management at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchöbel, M., Dobron, P., Bernardi, J., Wimpory, R., & Weidenmann, K. (2016). Elasto-plastic deformation within diamond reinforced metals for thermal management. Diamond and Related Materials, 70, 52–58.
- | Lead-supported germanium nanowire growth at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSeifner, M. S., Pertl, P., Bernardi, J., Biswas, S., Holmes, J. D., & Barth, S. (2016). Lead-supported germanium nanowire growth. Materials Letters, 173, 248–251.
- | Highly conductive and pure gold nanostructures grown by electron beam induced deposition at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowShawrav, M. M., Taus, P., Wanzenboeck, H. D., Schinnerl, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schwarz, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bertagnolli, E. (2016). Highly conductive and pure gold nanostructures grown by electron beam induced deposition. Scientific Reports, 6(34003).
- | Gas assisted purification of Electron Beam Induced Deposited noble metal nanostructures - Challenges and Applications in nanoelectronics at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowShawrav, M. M., Taus, P., Wanzenböck, H. D., Schinnerl, M., Lugstein, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schwarz, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bertagnolli, E. (2016). Gas assisted purification of Electron Beam Induced Deposited noble metal nanostructures - Challenges and Applications in nanoelectronics. In 42nd International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (p. 80).
- | Highly conductive & (almost) pure gold deposition without post treatment - A fairy tale has come true? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowShawrav, M. M., Taus, P., Wanzenböck, H. D., Schinnerl, M., Sistani, M., Lugstein, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schwarz, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bertagnolli, E. (2016). Highly conductive & (almost) pure gold deposition without post treatment - A fairy tale has come true? In FEBIP 2016 (p. 106).
- | Cerenkov Emission Spectrometry and Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry for Quantitative Bandgap Determination in Oxides at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2016). Cerenkov Emission Spectrometry and Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry for Quantitative Bandgap Determination in Oxides. International FOXSI Conference 2016, Wien, Austria.
- | Quantifying transition radiation by employing CL and EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2016). Quantifying transition radiation by employing CL and EELS. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Exploring transition radiation in CL and EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Kachtik, L., Miesenberger, B., & Retzl, P. (2016). Exploring transition radiation in CL and EELS. 6th ASEM Workshop, Leoben, Austria.
- | Ni-perovskite interaction and its structural and catalytic consequences in methane steam reforming and methanation reactions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowThalinger, R., Gocyla, M., Heggen, M., Dunin-Borkowski, R., Grünbacher, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schmidmair, D., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2016). Ni-perovskite interaction and its structural and catalytic consequences in methane steam reforming and methanation reactions. Journal of Catalysis, 337, 26–35.
- | Rhodium-Catalyzed Methanation and Methane Steam Reforming Reactions on Rhodium-Perovskite Systems: Metal-Support Interaction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowThalinger, R., Götsch, T., Zhuo, C., Hetaba, W., Wallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schmidmair, D., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2016). Rhodium-Catalyzed Methanation and Methane Steam Reforming Reactions on Rhodium-Perovskite Systems: Metal-Support Interaction. ChemCatChem, 8, 2057–2067.
- | Electronic Reducibility Scales with Intergranular Interface Area in Consolidated In 2 O 3 Nanoparticles Powders at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowThomele, D., Siedl, N., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2016). Electronic Reducibility Scales with Intergranular Interface Area in Consolidated In 2 O 3 Nanoparticles Powders. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(8), 4581–4588.
- | Analytical TEM investigation of as LSM thin film layer at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Navickas, E., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bernardi, J. (2016). Analytical TEM investigation of as LSM thin film layer. International School on Fundamental Crystallography with applications to Electron Crystallography, Antwerpen, Belgium, EU.
- | Bandgap measurements at theLaSrMnO3/LaAlO3 interface at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Navickas, E., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bernardi, J. (2016). Bandgap measurements at theLaSrMnO3/LaAlO3 interface. 5th Annual PhD Workshop, Haus im Ennstal, Austria.
- | Determining optical properties of LaSrMnO3-LaAlO3 interfaces by VEELS investigations at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Navickas, E., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bernardi, J. (2016). Determining optical properties of LaSrMnO3-LaAlO3 interfaces by VEELS investigations. International FOXSI Conference 2016, Wien, Austria.
- | VEELS investigation of perovskite manganite interfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Navickas, E., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bernardi, J. (2016). VEELS investigation of perovskite manganite interfaces. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress. The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, EU.
- | Analysis of optical properties of LSM-LAO interfaces by means of VEELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Navickas, E., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bethge, O. (2016). Analysis of optical properties of LSM-LAO interfaces by means of VEELS. 6th ASEM Workshop, Leoben, Austria.
- | Methane dry reforming over ceria-zirconia supported Ni catalysts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWolfbeisser, A., Sophiphun, O., Bernardi, J., Wittayakun, J., Föttinger, K., & Rupprechter, G. (2016). Methane dry reforming over ceria-zirconia supported Ni catalysts. Catalysis Today, 277, 234–245.
- | TEM/STEM study of rapidly quenched hard magnetic Nd-Fe-B ribbons at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZickler, G. A., Fidler, J., Asali, A., Brown, D., & Bernardi, J. (2016). TEM/STEM study of rapidly quenched hard magnetic Nd-Fe-B ribbons. In The 16th European Microscopy Congress (p. 2).
- | TEM/STEM characterization and modelling of the superparamagnetic transition of FeW nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZickler, G. A., Toifl, J., Lasemi, N., Bernardi, J., & Fidler, J. (2016). TEM/STEM characterization and modelling of the superparamagnetic transition of FeW nanoparticles. 6th ASEM-Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy, Leoben/ Austria, Austria.
- | Sample preparation methods for scanning electron microscopy of homogenized Al-Mg-Si billets: A comparative study at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowÖsterreicher, J. A., Kumar, M., Schiffl, A., Schwarz, S., Hillebrand, D., & Bourret, G. R. (2016). Sample preparation methods for scanning electron microscopy of homogenized Al-Mg-Si billets: A comparative study. Materials Characterization, 122, 63–69.
- | Combinatorial Development of Fe-Co-Nb thin Film magnetic nanocomposites at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAlexandrakis, V., Wallisch, W., Hamann, S., Fidler, J., & Ludwig, A. (2015). Combinatorial Development of Fe-Co-Nb thin Film magnetic nanocomposites. 20th International Conference on Magnetism, Barcelona, Spain, EU.
- | Influence of phase transformation kinetics on the formation of α in a β-quenched Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr-1Zr alloy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBarriobero Vila, P., Requena, G., Schwarz, S., Warchomicka, F., & Buslaps, T. (2015). Influence of phase transformation kinetics on the formation of α in a β-quenched Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr-1Zr alloy. Acta Materialia, 95, 90–101.
- | Microwave-assisted solution-liquid-solid growth of Ge1−xSnx nanowires with high tin content at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBarth, S., Seifner, M. S., & Bernardi, J. (2015). Microwave-assisted solution-liquid-solid growth of Ge1−xSnx nanowires with high tin content. Chemical Communications, 51(61), 12282–12285.
- | Direct-Write Deposition and Focused-Electron-Beam-Induced Purification of Gold Nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBelić, D., Shawrav, M. M., Gavagnin, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Wanzenboeck, H. D., & Bertagnolli, E. (2015). Direct-Write Deposition and Focused-Electron-Beam-Induced Purification of Gold Nanostructures. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7(4), 2467–2479.
- | The History of USTEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., & Stachelberger, H. (2015). The History of USTEM. EELS. My Life in Science, Wien, Austria.
- | Kombinierte TEM und SEM Analyse von Triboschichten at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Linz, M., & Ripoll, M. R. (2015). Kombinierte TEM und SEM Analyse von Triboschichten. 18. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien, Austria.
- | Diffusion parameters of grain-growth inhibitors in WC based hardmetals with Co, Fe/Ni and Fe/Co/Ni binder alloys at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBuchegger, C., Lengauer, W., Bernardi, J., Gruber, J., Ntaflos, T., Kiraly, F., & Langlade, J. (2015). Diffusion parameters of grain-growth inhibitors in WC based hardmetals with Co, Fe/Ni and Fe/Co/Ni binder alloys. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 49, 67–74.
- | Hole Distribution in Cuprate Superconductors by Atomic-Scale STEM-EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Radtke, G., Löffler, S., Dabkowska, H., Luke, G., Schattschneider, P., Hawthorn, D., Sawatzky, G., & Botton, G. A. (2015). Hole Distribution in Cuprate Superconductors by Atomic-Scale STEM-EELS. 2015 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco, Non-EU.
- | Aberration corrected STEM-EELS study of the hole distribution in cuprate superconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Radtke, G., Löffler, S., Hawthorn, D., Sawatzky, G., Schattschneider, P., & Botton, G. A. (2015). Aberration corrected STEM-EELS study of the hole distribution in cuprate superconductors. 42#^{nd} MSC-SMC Annual Meeting 2015, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Non-EU.
- | Aberration corrected STEM-EELS study of the hole distribution in cuprate superconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBugnet, M., Radtke, G., Löffler, S., Schattschneider, P., Hawthorn, D., Sawatzky, G., & Botton, G. A. (2015). Aberration corrected STEM-EELS study of the hole distribution in cuprate superconductors. In Microscopy and Microanalysis (pp. 665–666). Microscopy and Microanalysis.
- | Impact of auxiliary capacitively coupled plasma on the properties of ICP-CVD deposited a-SiNₓ:H thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDergez, D., Schalko, J., Löffler, S., Bittner, A., & Schmid, U. (2015). Impact of auxiliary capacitively coupled plasma on the properties of ICP-CVD deposited a-SiNₓ:H thin films. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 224, 156–162.
- | Structural and magnetic properties of strongly carbon doped Fe-Co thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGiannopoulos, G., Reichel, L., Markou, A., Wallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Panagiotopoulos, I., Psycharis, V., Fähler, S., Fidler, J., & Niarchos, D. (2015). Structural and magnetic properties of strongly carbon doped Fe-Co thin films. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 393, 479–483.
- | Preparation and characterization of epitaxially grown unsupported yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Mayr, L., Stöger-Pollach, M., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2015). Preparation and characterization of epitaxially grown unsupported yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) thin films. Applied Surface Science, 331, 427–436.
- | From Zirconia to Yttria: Sampling the YSZ phase diagram using sputter-deposited thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Wallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Menzel, A., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2015). From Zirconia to Yttria: Sampling the YSZ phase diagram using sputter-deposited thin films. 16. Österreichische Chemietage, Innsbruck, Austria.
- | From Zirconia to Yttria: Sampling the YSZ phase diagram using sputter-deposited thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Wallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Menzel, A., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2015). From Zirconia to Yttria: Sampling the YSZ phase diagram using sputter-deposited thin films. 4th Annual SFB FOXSI Symposium, Stadtschlaining, Austria.
- | From zirconia to yttria - Sampling the YSZ phase diagram using sputter-deposited thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Wallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Menzel, A., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2015). From zirconia to yttria - Sampling the YSZ phase diagram using sputter-deposited thin films. In 12#^{th} Multinational Congress on Microscopy (pp. 547–549). Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
- | From zirconia to yttria - sampling the YSZ phase diagram using sputter-deposited thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Wallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Menzel, A., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2015). From zirconia to yttria - sampling the YSZ phase diagram using sputter-deposited thin films. In Microscopy Conference 2015 Proceedings (pp. 68–69). DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy, e.V.
- | 72 years of electron microscopy @ TU Wien at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W. (2015). 72 years of electron microscopy @ TU Wien. EELS. My Life in Science, Wien, Austria.
- | Mapping electronic structure using advanced TEM and EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W. (2015). Mapping electronic structure using advanced TEM and EELS. Joint Group Seminar MPI-CEC, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Deutschland, EU.
- | EMCD as a probe for magnetic phase transitions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hütten, A., Parkinson, G. S., & Schattschneider, P. (2015). EMCD as a probe for magnetic phase transitions. In Microscopy Conference 2015 Proceedings (pp. 535–537). DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy, e.V.
- | Probing magnetic phase transitions using EMCD at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hütten, A., Parkinson, G. S., & Schattschneider, P. (2015). Probing magnetic phase transitions using EMCD. In 12#^{th} Multinational Congress on Microscopy (pp. 252–254). Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
- | Probing magnetic phase transitions in Heusler-alloys and Magnetite using EMCD at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hütten, A., Parkinson, G. S., Willinger, M.-G., & Schlögl, R. (2015). Probing magnetic phase transitions in Heusler-alloys and Magnetite using EMCD. 79#^{th} Annual Meeting of the DPG and Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, Deutschland, EU.
- | Aberration-corrected TEM investigation of Magnetite at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Parkinson, G. S., Willinger, M.-G., & Schlögl, R. (2015). Aberration-corrected TEM investigation of Magnetite. Annual SFB FOXSI Symposium 2015, PhD WS “FOXSKI,” Haus im Ennstal, NÖ, Austria.
- | The Čerenkov limit of Si, GaAs and GaP in electron energy loss spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHorák, M., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2015). The Čerenkov limit of Si, GaAs and GaP in electron energy loss spectrometry. Ultramicroscopy, 157, 73–78.
- | Fast Oxygen Exchange and Diffusion Kinetics of Grain Boundaries in Sr-Doped LaMnO3 Thin Films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHuber, T., Navickas, E., Daio, T., Harrington, G. F., Perry, N. H., Rupp, G., Hetaba, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Tuller, H. L., Yildiz, B., Sasaki, K., & Fleig, J. (2015). Fast Oxygen Exchange and Diffusion Kinetics of Grain Boundaries in Sr-Doped LaMnO3 Thin Films. 7th International Conference of Electroceramics, State College, Non-EU.
- | Identifying, Quantifying and Modifying Reaction Pathways of Oxygen Reduction on Lanthanum Manganite (LSM) Model Electrodes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHuber, T., Navickas, E., Opitz, A., Chen, Y., Hetaba, W., Yildiz, B., & Fleig, J. (2015). Identifying, Quantifying and Modifying Reaction Pathways of Oxygen Reduction on Lanthanum Manganite (LSM) Model Electrodes. Joint Retreat Of Hydrogen Production Division and Fuel Cell Division of Kyushu University 2015, Yamaguchi, Non-EU.
- | Bias Enhanced Fast Oxygen Exchange and Diffusion Kinetics of Grain Boundaries in LSM Thin Films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHuber, T., Navickas, E., Takeshi, D., Harrington, G. F., Perry, N. H., Rupp, G., Hetaba, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Tuller, H. L., Yildiz, B., Sasaki, K., & Fleig, J. (2015). Bias Enhanced Fast Oxygen Exchange and Diffusion Kinetics of Grain Boundaries in LSM Thin Films. In 20th International Confernece on Solid State Ionics (p. 68).
- | Multiband Transport in CoSb₃ Prepared by Rapid Solidification at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowIkeda, M., Tomes, P., Prochaska, L., Eilertsen, J., Populoh, S., Löffler, S., Svagera, R., Waas, M., Sassik, H., Weidenkaff, A., & Paschen, S. (2015). Multiband Transport in CoSb₃ Prepared by Rapid Solidification. Journal of Inorganic and General Chemistry, 641(11), 2020–2028.
- | Abrupt Schottky Junctions in Al/Ge Nanowire Heterostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKral, S., Zeiner, C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bertagnolli, E., den Hertog, M. I., Lopez-Haro, M., Robin, E., El Hajraoui, K., & Lugstein, A. (2015). Abrupt Schottky Junctions in Al/Ge Nanowire Heterostructures. Nano Letters, 15(7), 4783–4787.
- | Critical current anisotropy of GdBCO tapes grown on ISD-MgO buffered substrate at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLao, M., Bernardi, J., Bauer, M., & Eisterer, M. (2015). Critical current anisotropy of GdBCO tapes grown on ISD-MgO buffered substrate. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 28(12), 124002.
- | Extracellular Bone Matrix Exhibits Hardening Elastoplasticity and more than Double Cortical Strength: Evidence from Homogeneous Compression of Non-Tapered Single Micron-Sized Pillars Welded to a Rigid Substrate at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLuczynski, K. W., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bernardi, J., Eberhardsteiner, J., & Hellmich, C. (2015). Extracellular Bone Matrix Exhibits Hardening Elastoplasticity and more than Double Cortical Strength: Evidence from Homogeneous Compression of Non-Tapered Single Micron-Sized Pillars Welded to a Rigid Substrate. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 52, 51–62.
- | Operando Studies of Palladium on Cobalt Oxide and Iron Oxide Catalysts during CO Oxidation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLukashuk, L., Kolar, E., Stöger-Pollach, M., Rupprechter, G., & Föttinger, K. (2015). Operando Studies of Palladium on Cobalt Oxide and Iron Oxide Catalysts during CO Oxidation. In OPERANDO V, 5th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy (p. 97).
- | ALD grown bilayer gate stacks for Schottky-barrier Si and Ge MOSFET at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLutzer, B., Bethge, O., Zimmermann, C., Hummer, M., Hutter, H., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Bertagnolli, E. (2015). ALD grown bilayer gate stacks for Schottky-barrier Si and Ge MOSFET. In Gemeinsame Jahrestagung in Wien - ÖPG Tagungsband (p. 48).
- | Rhodium Germanide Schottky Barrier Contacts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLutzer, B., Hummer, M., Simsek, S., Zimmermann, C., Amsuess, A., Hutter, H., Detz, H., Stoeger-Pollach, M., Bethge, O., & Bertagnolli, E. (2015). Rhodium Germanide Schottky Barrier Contacts. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 4(9), P387–P392.
- | Mapping Electronic Orbitals in Real Space at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S. (2015). Mapping Electronic Orbitals in Real Space. In Microscopy and Microanalysis (pp. 2361–2362). Microscopy and Microanalysis.
- | Mapping Orbital Information at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Bugnet, M., Gauquelin, N., Lazar, S., Hambach, R., Assmann, E., Held, K., Kaiser, U., Botton, G. A., & Schattschneider, P. (2015). Mapping Orbital Information. 2015 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco, Non-EU.
- | Mapping electronic orbitals in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Hetaba, W., Bugnet, M., Willinger, M.-G., Schuster, M. E., Gauquelin, N., Lazar, S., Assmann, E., Held, K., Botton, G. A., Schlögl, R., & Schattschneider, P. (2015). Mapping electronic orbitals in the TEM. 42#^{nd} MSC-SMC Annual Meeting 2015, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Non-EU.
- | Mapping electronic orbitals in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Hetaba, W., Willinger, M.-G., Schuster, M. E., Gauquelin, N., Lazar, S., Assmann, E., Held, K., Botton, G. A., Schlögl, R., & Schattschneider, P. (2015). Mapping electronic orbitals in the TEM. Annual SFB FOXSI Symposium 2015, PhD WS “FOXSKI,” Haus im Ennstal, NÖ, Austria.
- | The Surprising Dynamics of Electron Vortex Beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Schachinger, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2015). The Surprising Dynamics of Electron Vortex Beams. In Microscopy and Microanalysis (pp. 19–20). Microscopy and Microanalysis.
- | Microstructure and piezoelectric response of YxAl1−xN thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMayrhofer, P., Riedl, H., Euchner, H., Stöger-Pollach, M., Mayrhofer, P. H., Bittner, A., & Schmid, U. (2015). Microstructure and piezoelectric response of YxAl1−xN thin films. Acta Materialia, 100, 81–89.
- | A Quantum Mechanical Approach to Electron Picodiffraction Reveals Atomic Electric Fields at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller, K., Krause, F., Béché, A., Schowalter, M., Galioit, V., Löffler, S., Verbeeck, J., Zweck, J., Schattschneider, P., & Rosenauer, A. (2015). A Quantum Mechanical Approach to Electron Picodiffraction Reveals Atomic Electric Fields. 2015 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco, Non-EU.
- | Quantum mechanical interpretation of electron picodiffraction reveals atomic electric fields at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller, K., Krause, F., Béché, A., Schowalter, M., Galioit, V., Löffler, S., Verbeeck, J., Zweck, J., Schattschneider, P., & Rosenauer, A. (2015). Quantum mechanical interpretation of electron picodiffraction reveals atomic electric fields. Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials (MSM-XIX), Cambridge, EU.
- | Quantum mechanical interpretation of electron picodiffraction reveals atomic electric fields at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller, K., Krause, F., Béché, A., Schowalter, M., Galioit, V., Löffler, S., Verbeeck, J., Zweck, J., Schattschneider, P., & Rosenauer, A. (2015). Quantum mechanical interpretation of electron picodiffraction reveals atomic electric fields. In Microscopy Conference 2015 Proceedings (pp. 580–581). DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy, e.V.
- | Quantum mechanical interpretation of electron picodiffraction reveals atomic electric fields at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller-Caspary, K., Krause, F., Béché, A., Schowalter, M., Galioit, V., Löffler, S., Oppermann, O., Grieb, T., Oelsner, A., Potapov, P., Verbeeck, J., Zweck, J., Schattschneider, P., & Rosenauer, A. (2015). Quantum mechanical interpretation of electron picodiffraction reveals atomic electric fields. FEMMS 2015 (Frontiers of Electron Microscopy in Materials Science), Granlibakken Conference Center & Lodge Tahoe City, California, USA, Non-EU.
- | Fast oxygen exchange and diffusion kinetics of grain boundaries in Sr-doped LaMnO₃ thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNavickas, E., Huber, T. M., Chen, Y., Hetaba, W., Holzlechner, G., Rupp, G., Stöger-Pollach, M., Friedbacher, G., Hutter, H., Yildiz, B., & Fleig, J. (2015). Fast oxygen exchange and diffusion kinetics of grain boundaries in Sr-doped LaMnO₃ thin films. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(12), 7659–7669.
- | Oxygen exchange and diffusion in Sr-doped LaMnO₃ Epitaxial thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNavickas, E., Huber, T., Chen, Y., Wallisch, W., Bernardi, J., Rupp, G., Hutter, H., Yildiz, B., & Fleig, J. (2015). Oxygen exchange and diffusion in Sr-doped LaMnO₃ Epitaxial thin films. 4th Annual SFB FOXSI Symposium, Stadtschlaining, Austria.
- | Model SOA derived from catechol and guaiacol and its halogenation processes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOfner, J., Balzer, N., Buxmann, J., Krüger, H.-U., Grothe, H., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Whitmore, K., Platt, U., & Zetzsch, C. (2015). Model SOA derived from catechol and guaiacol and its halogenation processes. ICCPA International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere, Palais Eschenbach, Eschenbachgasse 11, 1010 Vienna, AUSTRIA, Austria.
- | Mapping atomic orbitals in the transmission electronic microscope: seeing defects in graphene at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPardini, L., Löffler, S., Biddau, G., Hambach, R., Kaiser, U., Draxl, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2015). Mapping atomic orbitals in the transmission electronic microscope: seeing defects in graphene. 79#^{th} Annual Meeting of the DPG and Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, Deutschland, EU.
- | Electron Vortex Beams Prepared by Spiral Apertures for Magnetic Measurements on Ferromagnetic Samples via STEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPohl, D., Rusz, J., Schneider, S., Löffler, S., Schattschneider, P., & Rellinghaus, B. (2015). Electron Vortex Beams Prepared by Spiral Apertures for Magnetic Measurements on Ferromagnetic Samples via STEM. 2015 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco, Non-EU.
- | Electron vortex beams for magnetic measurements on ferromagnetic samples via STEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPohl, D., Schneider, S., Rusz, J., Spiegelberg, J., Tiemeijer, P., Löffler, S., Schattschneider, P., & Rellinghaus, B. (2015). Electron vortex beams for magnetic measurements on ferromagnetic samples via STEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis 2015 Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA, Non-EU.
- | Crystal growth of rare earth containing clathrates and mechanism of rare earth incorporation into the clathrate cages at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowProkofiev, A., Svagera, R., Waas, M., Bernardi, J., & Paschen, S. (2015). Crystal growth of rare earth containing clathrates and mechanism of rare earth incorporation into the clathrate cages. 5th European Conference on Crystal Growth - ECCG5, Bologna / Italy, EU.
- | Effects of HF etching on Electrochemical Performance of Silicon/Mesocarbon Composite at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRezqita, A., Bernardi, J., & Trifonova, A. (2015). Effects of HF etching on Electrochemical Performance of Silicon/Mesocarbon Composite. Battery Power Conference 2015, Aachen, Germany, EU.
- | Conductive Additive for Si/Mesoporous Carbon Anode for Li-Ion Batteries:Commercial Graphite vs Carbon Black C65 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRezqita, A., Hamid, R., Schwarz, S., Kronberger, H., & Trifonova, A. (2015). Conductive Additive for Si/Mesoporous Carbon Anode for Li-Ion Batteries:Commercial Graphite vs Carbon Black C65. ECS Transactions, 66(9), 17–27.
- | Co2FeAl based magnetic tunnel junctions with BaO and MgO/BaO barriers at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRogge, J., Hetaba, W., Schmalhorst, J., Bouchikhaoui, H., Stender, P., Baither, D., Schmitz, G., & Hütten, A. (2015). Co2FeAl based magnetic tunnel junctions with BaO and MgO/BaO barriers. AIP Advances, 5(7), 077173.
- | Peculiar rotation of electron vortex beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2015). Peculiar rotation of electron vortex beams. Ultramicroscopy, 158, 17–25.
- | Generation of Bessel Beams with Extremely High Orbital Angular Momentum at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2015). Generation of Bessel Beams with Extremely High Orbital Angular Momentum. 5th ASEM Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy, Medical University Graz, Austria.
- | Generation of Massively Twisted Electron Vortex Beams in a TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2015). Generation of Massively Twisted Electron Vortex Beams in a TEM. Joint Annual Meeting of ÖPG,SPS,ÖGAA,SGAA, TU Wien, Austria.
- | Bessel beams with high OAM: prospects for unconventional electrodynamics at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2015). Bessel beams with high OAM: prospects for unconventional electrodynamics. In Microscopy Conference 2015 Proceedings (pp. 586–587). DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy, e.V.
- | Electrons with a magnetic moment of 103 bohr magnetons at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2015). Electrons with a magnetic moment of 103 bohr magnetons. In 12#^{th} Multinational Congress on Microscopy (pp. 94–96). Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
- | Coherence in EELS: the essential ingredient for spin and site sensitivity at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2015). Coherence in EELS: the essential ingredient for spin and site sensitivity. FEMMS 2015 (Frontiers of Electron Microscopy in Materials Science), Granlibakken Conference Center & Lodge Tahoe City, California, USA, Non-EU.
- | EELS. My Life in Science at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2015). EELS. My Life in Science. EELS. My Life in Science, Wien, Austria.
- | News about EMCD - Dichroism in the (S)TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2015). News about EMCD - Dichroism in the (S)TEM. PICO 2015 - 3rd Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy, Kasteel Vaalsbroek, The Netherlands, EU.
- | The HR-MDFF - a timely proposal at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2015). The HR-MDFF - a timely proposal. PICO 2015, Vaalsbroek, EU.
- | Electron vortex beams: Twisted matter waves at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2015). Electron vortex beams: Twisted matter waves. In Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physicalischen Gesellschaft. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2015 (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Section on Atomic, Molecular, and Plasma Physics and Quantum Optics (SAMOP), Heidelberg, EU.
- | Utilizing chirality to explore local magnetic moments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2015). Utilizing chirality to explore local magnetic moments. In DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2015. 79th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Frühjahrstagung ot the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), Berlin, EU.
- | Porphyrin Metalation at the MgO Nanocube/Toluene Interface at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, J., Kollhoff, F., Bernardi, J., Kaftan, A., Libuda, J., Berger, T., Laurin, M., & Diwald, O. (2015). Porphyrin Metalation at the MgO Nanocube/Toluene Interface. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 7(41), 22962–22969.
- | Magnetic Properties of Single Nanoparticles: EMCD on FePt Nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, S., Pohl, D., Löffler, S., Schachinger, T., Schattschneider, P., & Rellinghaus, B. (2015). Magnetic Properties of Single Nanoparticles: EMCD on FePt Nanocubes. 2015 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco, Non-EU.
- | Probing magnetic properties on the nm scale: EMCD on individual FePt nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, S., Pohl, D., Löffler, S., Schachinger, T., Schattschneider, P., Schultz, L., & Rellinghaus, B. (2015). Probing magnetic properties on the nm scale: EMCD on individual FePt nanocubes. In Microscopy Conference 2015 Proceedings (pp. 603–604). DGE - German Society for Electron Microscopy, e.V.
- | Exploring in properties of individual nanomagnets: EMCD on FePt nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, S., Pohl, D., Schachinger, T., Löffler, S., Schattschneider, P., & Rellinghaus, B. (2015). Exploring in properties of individual nanomagnets: EMCD on FePt nanocubes. 79#^{th} Annual Meeting of the DPG and Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, BRD, EU.
- | Electron efficiency of nZVI does not change with variation of environmental parameters. at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchöftner, P., Waldner, G., Lottermoser, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Freitag, P., & Reichenauer, T. G. (2015). Electron efficiency of nZVI does not change with variation of environmental parameters. Science of the Total Environment, 535, 69–78.
- | Microwave-Assisted Ge1−xSnx Nanowire Synthesis: Precursor Species and Growth Regimes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSeifner, M. S., Biegger, F., Lugstein, A., Bernardi, J., & Barth, S. (2015). Microwave-Assisted Ge1−xSnx Nanowire Synthesis: Precursor Species and Growth Regimes. Chemistry of Materials, 27(17), 6125–6130.
- | Wet chemical porosification of LTCC in phosphoric acid: Anorthite forming tapes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSteinhäußer, F., Hradil, K., Schwarz, S., Artner, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bittner, A., & Schmid, U. (2015). Wet chemical porosification of LTCC in phosphoric acid: Anorthite forming tapes. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 35(15), 4181–4188.
- | Wet chemical porosification of LTCC in phosphoric acid: Celsian forming tapes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSteinhäußer, F., Hradil, K., Schwarz, S., Artner, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bittner, A., & Schmid, U. (2015). Wet chemical porosification of LTCC in phosphoric acid: Celsian forming tapes. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 35(16), 4465–4473.
- | Surface-specific visible light luminescence from composite metal oxide nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Bernardi, J., McKenna, K., & Diwald, O. (2015). Surface-specific visible light luminescence from composite metal oxide nanocrystals. Journal of Materials Science, 50(24), 8153–8165.
- | Impact of sputter deposition parameters on molybdenum nitride thin film properties at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöber, L., Konrath, J. P., Krivec, S., Patocka, F., Schwarz, S., Bittner, A., Schneider, M., & Schmid, U. (2015). Impact of sputter deposition parameters on molybdenum nitride thin film properties. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 25(7), 074001.
- | Application of EELS: Low Losses at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2015). Application of EELS: Low Losses. 2nd International Workshop on TEM Spectroscopy in the Material Sciences, Angström Laboratories, Uppsala, Sweden, EU.
- | EELS. My Life in Science. - Opening Ceremony at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2015). EELS. My Life in Science. - Opening Ceremony. EELS. My Life in Science, Wien, Austria.
- | Low-loss EELS using low-voltages and Bessel beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schachinger, T., & Abou-Ras, D. (2015). Low-loss EELS using low-voltages and Bessel beams. In 12#^{th} Multinational Congress on Microscopy (pp. 227–229). Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
- | Determining Optical Properties using Low Voltage EELS and Bessel Beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schachinger, T., Hetaba, W., & Abou-Ras, D. (2015). Determining Optical Properties using Low Voltage EELS and Bessel Beams. 5th ASEM Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy, Medical University Graz, Austria.
- | Low Voltage EELS and Bessel Beams in Semiconductor Science at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schachinger, T., Hetaba, W., Abou-Ras, D., & Rodemeier, R. (2015). Low Voltage EELS and Bessel Beams in Semiconductor Science. In SALVE - Sub-Angstrom Low-Voltage Electron Microscopy. SALVE - Symposium 2015, University of Ulm, BRD, EU.
- | Shaping electron beams for transmission electron microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Schachinger, T. (2015). Shaping electron beams for transmission electron microscopy. LEE2015 Low Energy Electrons 2015, Schloß Hernstein, Hernstein, Austria.
- | Synthesis and characterisation of (Fe,Co)2-3B microcrystalline alloys at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Fidler, J., Toson, P., Sassik, H., Svagera, R., & Bernardi, J. (2015). Synthesis and characterisation of (Fe,Co)2-3B microcrystalline alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 644, 199–204.
- | Analytical Electron Microscopy of FOXSI (Functional Oxide Surfaces and interfaces) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hetaba, W., Schachinger, T., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Schwarz, S., & Bernardi, J. (2015). Analytical Electron Microscopy of FOXSI (Functional Oxide Surfaces and interfaces). 4th Annual SFB FOXSI Symposium, Stadtschlaining, Austria.
- | SEM and TEM investigation for the characterization of (Fe,Co) 2-3 B alloys at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Toson, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Fidler, J. (2015). SEM and TEM investigation for the characterization of (Fe,Co) 2-3 B alloys. 5th ASEM Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy, Medical University Graz, Austria.
- | 3-dimensional nanomagnet logic (NML) gates - A new approach for logic application of wire-like magnetic nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWanzenböck, H. D., Gavagnin, M., Shawrav, M. M., Persson, A., Gunnarsson, K., Svedlindh, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Bertagnolli, E. (2015). 3-dimensional nanomagnet logic (NML) gates - A new approach for logic application of wire-like magnetic nanostructures. International Workshop on Magnetic Nanowires and Nanotubes, Meersburg, Germany, EU.
- | FEBID of Fe and Co nanopillars - A versatile approach for high aspect ratio and low momentum magnetic tips for magnetic force microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWanzenböck, H. D., Gavagnin, M., Shawrav, M. M., Taus, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Bertagnolli, E. (2015). FEBID of Fe and Co nanopillars - A versatile approach for high aspect ratio and low momentum magnetic tips for magnetic force microscopy. In Book of Abstracts (p. 63).
- | Focused electron beam induced processing (FEBIP) as maskless 3D direct-write nanolithography platform at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWanzenböck, H. D., Shawrav, M. M., Gavagnin, M., Belic, D., Rödinger, P., Hochleitner, G., Mika, J., Taus, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Bertagnolli, E. (2015). Focused electron beam induced processing (FEBIP) as maskless 3D direct-write nanolithography platform. In Programme. International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering, Wien, Österreich, Austria.
- | Pushing nanomagnet logic into a higher dimension FEBID of 3-dimensional nanomagnetic arrays at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWanzenböck, H. D., Shawrav, M. M., Gavagnin, M., Persson, A., Gunnarsson, K., Svedlindh, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Bertagnolli, E. (2015). Pushing nanomagnet logic into a higher dimension FEBID of 3-dimensional nanomagnetic arrays. Biennial European Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition, Sempach, Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | Nanomagnets as building blocks of logic gates - 3D nano manufacturing of nanomagnet assemblies by electron beam induced deposition at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWanzenböck, H. D., Shawrav, M. M., Gavagnin, M., Wachter, S., Taus, P., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Persson, A., Gunnarsson, K., Svedlindh, P., & Bertagnolli, E. (2015). Nanomagnets as building blocks of logic gates - 3D nano manufacturing of nanomagnet assemblies by electron beam induced deposition. In Programme. International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering, Wien, Österreich, Austria.
- | Precipitation of intermetallic phases in coarse-grained hardmetals by low-temperature annealing at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWawrzik, S., Buchegger, C., Lengauer, W., van den Berg, H., Rödiger, K., Wolf, M., Helldörfer, A., Bernardi, J., & Gruber, J. (2015). Precipitation of intermetallic phases in coarse-grained hardmetals by low-temperature annealing. In Proceedings EuroPM 2015 (p. 7). EPMA.
- | Threshold and efficiency for perforation of 1 nm thick carbon nanomembranes with slow highly charged ions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWilhelm, R. A., Gruber, E., Ritter, R., Heller, R., Beyer, A., Turchanin, A., Klingner, N., Hübner, R., Stöger-Pollach, M., Vieker, H., Hlawacek, G., Gölzhäuser, A., Facsko, S., & Aumayr, F. (2015). Threshold and efficiency for perforation of 1 nm thick carbon nanomembranes with slow highly charged ions. 2D Materials, 2, 0350091–0350096.
- | Surface modification processes during methane decomposition on Cu-promoted Ni-ZrO₂ catalysts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWolfbeisser, A., Klötzer, B., Mayr, L., Rameshan, R., Zemlyanov, D., Bernardi, J., Föttinger, K., & Rupprechter, G. (2015). Surface modification processes during methane decomposition on Cu-promoted Ni-ZrO₂ catalysts. Catalysis Science & Technology, 5(2), 967–978.
- | Different synthesis protocols for Co₃O₄-CeO₂ catalysts. Part 1: Influence on the morphology on the nanoscale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowYang, J., Lukashuk, L., Akbarzadeh, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Peterlik, H., Föttinger, K., Rupprechter, G., & Schubert, U. (2015). Different synthesis protocols for Co₃O₄-CeO₂ catalysts. Part 1: Influence on the morphology on the nanoscale. Chemistry - A European Journal, 21(2), 885–892.
- | ABO3 Perovskite Oxides: Preparation, Charaterizations, and Applications in Heterogeneous Catalysis at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowYigit, N., Föttinger, K., Bernardi, J., & Rupprechter, G. (2015). ABO3 Perovskite Oxides: Preparation, Charaterizations, and Applications in Heterogeneous Catalysis. SFB-F45 “FOXSI” Annual Meeting 2015, Schlaining, Austria.
- | Synthesis and Characterization of ABO3 Perovskites Via Complex Precursor Methods at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowYigit, N., Föttinger, K., Bernardi, J., & Rupprechter, G. (2015). Synthesis and Characterization of ABO3 Perovskites Via Complex Precursor Methods. SFB-F45 “FOXSI” Annual PhD seminar 2015, Haus im Ennstal, Austria.
- | Synthesis and Characterization of ABO3 Perovskites via Complex Precursor Methods at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowYigit, N., Föttinger, K., Bernardi, J., & Rupprechter, G. (2015). Synthesis and Characterization of ABO3 Perovskites via Complex Precursor Methods. In 16. Österreichische Chemietage 2015. 16. Österreichische Chemietage 2015, Innsbruck, Austria.
- | Experimental and computational study of cementite precipitation in tempered martensite at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZamberger, S., Whitmore, L., Krisam, S., Wojcik, T., & Kozeschnik, E. (2015). Experimental and computational study of cementite precipitation in tempered martensite. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 23(5), 055012.
- | Grain boundary chemistry of heavy rare earth free Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZickler, G. A., Toson, P., Asali, A., Bernardi, J., & Fidler, J. (2015). Grain boundary chemistry of heavy rare earth free Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets. In 12#^{th} Multinational Congress on Microscopy (pp. 585–586). Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
- | Exploring the space between atoms: interatomic Electric fields imaged by STEM-DPC at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZweck, J., Müller, K., Krause, F., Béché, A., Schowalter, M., Galioit, V., Löffler, S., Verbeeck, J., Schattschneider, P., & Rosenauer, A. (2015). Exploring the space between atoms: interatomic Electric fields imaged by STEM-DPC. In 12#^{th} Multinational Congress on Microscopy (pp. 84–85). Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
- | Ultra-Low-Cost RFID Based on Soft Magnetic Ribbons at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHuber, T., Bergmair, B., Vogler, C., Bruckner, F., Breth, L., Hetaba, W., Hrkac, G., & Süss, D. (2014). Ultra-Low-Cost RFID Based on Soft Magnetic Ribbons. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 50(10), 1–5.
- | Foreword to the special issue low-voltage electron microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKaiser, U., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2014). Foreword to the special issue low-voltage electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 145, 1–2.
- | Experimental realization of a semiconducting full-Heusler compound: Fe₂TiSi at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMeinert, M., Geisler, M. P., Schmalhorst, J., Heinzmann, U., Arenholz, E., Hetaba, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hütten, A., & Reiss, G. (2014). Experimental realization of a semiconducting full-Heusler compound: Fe₂TiSi. Physical Review B, 90(8).
- | Yield strength prediction in Ni-base alloy 718Plus based on thermo-kinetic precipitation simulation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAhmadi, M. R., Povoden-Karadeniz, E., Whitmore, L., Stockinger, M., Falahati, A., & Kozeschnik, E. (2014). Yield strength prediction in Ni-base alloy 718Plus based on thermo-kinetic precipitation simulation. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 608, 114–122.
- | Simulation of yield strength in Allvacᴿ 718Plusᵀᴹ at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAhmadi, M. R., Whitmore, L., Povoden-Karadeniz, E., Stockinger, M., Falahati, A., & Kozeschnik, E. (2014). Simulation of yield strength in AllvacR 718PlusTM. Advanced Materials Research, 922, 7–12.
- | Growth of monocrystalline In₂O₃ nanowires by seed orientation dependent vapour-solid-solid mechanism at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBarth, S., Seifner, M. S., & Bernardi, J. (2014). Growth of monocrystalline In₂O₃ nanowires by seed orientation dependent vapour-solid-solid mechanism. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 2(29), 5747.
- | Synchrotron Nanodiffraction and X-TEM on Al-Ti-N based Hard Coatings with different Morphologies at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBartosik, M., Rachbauer, R., Krywka, C., Bernardi, J., Keckes, J., & Mayrhofer, P. H. (2014). Synchrotron Nanodiffraction and X-TEM on Al-Ti-N based Hard Coatings with different Morphologies. In Book of abstracts. 41st International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), San Diego, CA, Non-EU.
- | Electron microscopy investigation on structure and electronic properties of thin oxide films and interfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2014). Electron microscopy investigation on structure and electronic properties of thin oxide films and interfaces. 2#^{nd} Annual SFB FOXSI Symposium, Stadtschlaining, Austria.
- | Microstructural characterisation of surface regions in tribological systems at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Walzhofer, F., & Linz, M. (2014). Microstructural characterisation of surface regions in tribological systems. 2nd Austrian-Indian-Symposium on Materials Science and Tribology, Wiener Neustadt, Austria.
- | Effective reduction of trap density at the Y203/Ge interface by rigorous high-temperature oxygen annealing at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBethge, O., Zimmermann, C., Lutzer, B., Simsek, S., Smoliner, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Henkel, C., & Bertagnolli, E. (2014). Effective reduction of trap density at the Y203/Ge interface by rigorous high-temperature oxygen annealing. Journal of Applied Physics, 116(21), 214111.
- | Diffusion parameters of grain-growth inhibitors in WC based hardmetals with Co, Fe/Ni and Fe/Co/Ni binder alloys at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBuchegger, C., Lengauer, W., Bernardi, J., Gruber, J., Ntaflos, T., Kiraly, F., & Langlade, J. (2014). Diffusion parameters of grain-growth inhibitors in WC based hardmetals with Co, Fe/Ni and Fe/Co/Ni binder alloys. Int. Conf. on the Science of Hard Materials, ICSHM10, Cancun, Mexiko, Non-EU.
- | Thermal stability of CZTS-monograins in photovoltaic devices, investigation of diffusion processes in the photoactive region at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBühlmeyer, C., Plessing, L., Waldauf, C., Ernits, K., Neisser, A., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2014). Thermal stability of CZTS-monograins in photovoltaic devices, investigation of diffusion processes in the photoactive region. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2014, Lille, France, EU.
- | Free-standing magnetic nanopillars for 3-D nanomagnet logic at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGavagnin, M., Wanzenboeck, H. D., Wachter, S., Shawrav, M. M., Persson, A., Gunnarsson, K., Svedlindh, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Bertagnolli, E. (2014). Free-standing magnetic nanopillars for 3-D nanomagnet logic. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 6(22), 20254–20260.
- | Focused Electron Beam-Induced CVD of Iron: a Practical Guide for Direct Writing at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGavagnin, M., Wanzenböck, H. D., Shawrav, M. M., Belic, D., Wachter, S., Waid, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Bertagnolli, E. (2014). Focused Electron Beam-Induced CVD of Iron: a Practical Guide for Direct Writing. Chemical Vapor Deposition, 20(7–9), 243–250.
- | 3-dimensional nanomagnet logic arrays by direct write focused electron beam induced deposition at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGavagnin, M., Wanzenböck, H. D., Wachter, S., Shawrav, M. M., Persson, A., Gunnarsson, K., Svedlindh, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Bertagnolli, E. (2014). 3-dimensional nanomagnet logic arrays by direct write focused electron beam induced deposition. In 4#^{th} ASEM-Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy. 4#^{th} ASEM-Workshop, University of Vienna, Austria.
- | The Nanoscale Kirkendall Effect in Pd-Based Intermetallic Phases at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGötsch, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Thalinger, R., & Penner, S. (2014). The Nanoscale Kirkendall Effect in Pd-Based Intermetallic Phases. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 118(31), 17810–17818.
- | Analytical TEM investigation of Lanthanum Manganite (LSM) model electrodes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Huber, T., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2014). Analytical TEM investigation of Lanthanum Manganite (LSM) model electrodes. Annual SFB FOXSI PhD Workshop “FOXSKI,” Göstling/Ybbs, Austria.
- | Site-specific ionisation edge fine-structure of Rutile in the electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Löffler, S., Willinger, M.-G., Schuster, M. E., Schlögl, R., & Schattschneider, P. (2014). Site-specific ionisation edge fine-structure of Rutile in the electron microscope. Micron, 63, 15–19.
- | Investigating anisotropic materials using ELNES at variable beam energies at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Rodemeier, R. (2014). Investigating anisotropic materials using ELNES at variable beam energies. In 4#^{th} ASEM-Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy. 4#^{th} ASEM-Workshop, University of Vienna, Austria.
- | TEM investigation of Multilayer-Heusler Systems for ferroic cooling applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Teichert, N., Helmich, L., Hütten, A., & Schattschneider, P. (2014). TEM investigation of Multilayer-Heusler Systems for ferroic cooling applications. In 18#^{th} International Microscopy Congress Proceedings (p. 2). Czechoslovak Microscopy Society.
- | Site-specific ionisation fine-structure of Rutile in the electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Willinger, M.-G., Schuster, M. E., Löffler, S., Schlögl, R., & Schattschneider, P. (2014). Site-specific ionisation fine-structure of Rutile in the electron microscope. In European Workshop on Spatially-Resolved Electron Spectroscopy&Three Country Workgroup meeting on EELS&EFTEM. European Workshop on Spatially-Resolved Electron Spectroscopy, Graz, Austria.
- | Experimental detection of the Čerenkov limit in Si, GaAs and GaP at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHorák, M., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2014). Experimental detection of the Čerenkov limit in Si, GaAs and GaP. In 18#^{th} International Microscopy Congress Proceedings (p. 2). Czechoslovak Microscopy Society.
- | Methane Decomposition and Carbon Growth on Y2O3, Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia, and ZrO2 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKogler, M., Köck, E.-M., Perfler, L., Bielz, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hetaba, W., Willinger, M., Huang, X., Schuster, M., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2014). Methane Decomposition and Carbon Growth on Y2O3, Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia, and ZrO2. Chemistry of Materials, 26(4), 1690–1701.
- | Enhanced Kinetic Stability of Pure and Y‐Doped Tetragonal ZrO₂ at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKogler, M., Köck, E.-M., Vanicek, S., Schmidmair, D., Götsch, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hejny, C., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2014). Enhanced Kinetic Stability of Pure and Y‐Doped Tetragonal ZrO₂. Inorganic Chemistry, 53(24), 13247–13257.
- | In situ studies on the synergetic effect between Pd species and Co3O4 and Fe2O3 in CO oxidation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKolar, E., Lukashuk, L., Stöger-Pollach, M., Föttinger, K., & Rupprechter, G. (2014). In situ studies on the synergetic effect between Pd species and Co3O4 and Fe2O3 in CO oxidation. In 12th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis (p. 33).
- | Electrochemical properties of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−δ thin films investigated by complementary impedance spectroscopy and isotope exchange depth profiling at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKubicek, M., Huber, T. M., Welzl, A., Penn, A., Rupp, G. M., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hutter, H., & Fleig, J. (2014). Electrochemical properties of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−δ thin films investigated by complementary impedance spectroscopy and isotope exchange depth profiling. Solid State Ionics, 256, 38–44.
- | Cation diffusion in La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−δ below 800 °C and its relevance for Sr segregation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKubicek, M., Rupp, G. M., Huber, S., Penn, A., Opitz, A. K., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hutter, H., & Fleig, J. (2014). Cation diffusion in La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−δ below 800 °C and its relevance for Sr segregation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(6), 2715.
- | Size distribution on FeNiB nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLackner, P., Pajic, D., Reissner, M., Novosel, N., Zadro, K., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Babic, E. (2014). Size distribution on FeNiB nanoparticles. EPJ Web of Conferences, 75, 05008.
- | Peculiarities of temperature dependent ion beam sputtering and channeling of crystalline bismuth at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLangegger, R., Hradil, K., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bertagnolli, E., & Lugstein, A. (2014). Peculiarities of temperature dependent ion beam sputtering and channeling of crystalline bismuth. Nanotechnology, 104(16), 1–6.
- | CO oxidation and preferential CO oxidation on differently prepared CeO₂-modified Co₃O₄ catalysts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLukashuk, L., Yang, J., Föttinger, K., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schubert, U., & Rupprechter, G. (2014). CO oxidation and preferential CO oxidation on differently prepared CeO₂-modified Co₃O₄ catalysts. The Summer School of “Solids4Fun” Graduate School, Hernstein, Austria.
- | Spectrum-Imaging of Orbitals: Requirements and Feasibility at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Bugnet, M., Gauquelin, N., Hambach, R., Kaiser, U., Botton, G. A., & Schattschneider, P. (2014). Spectrum-Imaging of Orbitals: Requirements and Feasibility. In European Workshop on Spatially-Resolved Electron Spectroscopy. European Workshop on Spatially-Resolved Electron Spectroscopy&Three Country Workgroup meeting on EELS&EFTEM, Graz, Austria.
- | Can orbitals be mapped in the TEM? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Bugnet, M., Gauquelin, N., Hambach, R., Lazar, S., Pardini, L., Draxl, C., Kaiser, U., Botton, G. A., & Schattschneider, P. (2014). Can orbitals be mapped in the TEM? In 18#^{th} International Microscopy Congress Proceedings (p. 2). Czechoslovak Microscopy Society.
- | TEM investigation of PtRh nanoparticles on MgAl2O4 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Hejral, U., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stierle, A., & Bernardi, J. (2014). TEM investigation of PtRh nanoparticles on MgAl2O4. Annual SFB FOXSI PhD Workshop “FOXSKI,” Göstling/Ybbs, Austria.
- | TEM investigation of PtRh nanoparticles on MgAl2O4(001) for catalysis at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Hejral, U., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Stierle, A., & Bernardi, J. (2014). TEM investigation of PtRh nanoparticles on MgAl2O4(001) for catalysis. In 4#^{th} ASEM-Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy. 4#^{th} ASEM-Workshop, University of Vienna, Austria.
- | Mapping electronic orbitals in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Hetaba, W., Bugnet, M., Willinger, M.-G., Schuster, M. E., Gauquelin, N., Lazar, S., Assmann, E., Held, K., Botton, G. A., Schlögl, R., & Schattschneider, P. (2014). Mapping electronic orbitals in the TEM. 4#^{th} Annual SFB FOXSI PhD Workshop, Göstling/Ybbs, Austria.
- | Mapping electronic states in Graphene at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Pardini, L., Hambach, R., Kaiser, U., Schattschneider, P., & Draxl, C. (2014). Mapping electronic states in Graphene. In 18#^{th} International Microscopy Congress Proceedings (p. 2). Czechoslovak Microscopy Society.
- | The impact of argon admixture on the c-axis oriented growth of direct current magnetron sputtered ScxAl1xN thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMayrhofer, P. M., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Euchner, H., Bittner, A., & Schmid, U. (2014). The impact of argon admixture on the c-axis oriented growth of direct current magnetron sputtered ScxAl1xN thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 115(19), 193505.
- | Atomic electric fields revealed by a quantum mechanical approach to electron picodiffraction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller, K., Krause, F. F., Béché, A., Schowalter, M., Galioit, V., Löffler, S., Verbeeck, J., Zweck, J., Schattschneider, P., & Rosenauer, A. (2014). Atomic electric fields revealed by a quantum mechanical approach to electron picodiffraction. Nature Communications, 5(5653).
- | In- and Across-Plane Conductivities of YSZ Layers Obtained from a Single Impedance Measurement at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNavickas, E., Löffler, S., Bethge, O., & Fleig, J. (2014). In- and Across-Plane Conductivities of YSZ Layers Obtained from a Single Impedance Measurement. Annual SFB FOXSI PhD Workshop “FOXSKI,” Göstling/Ybbs, Austria.
- | Metal-Support Interaction in Pt/VOx and Pd/VOx Systems: A Comparative (HR)TEM Study at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPenner, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Thalinger, R. (2014). Metal-Support Interaction in Pt/VOx and Pd/VOx Systems: A Comparative (HR)TEM Study. Catalysis Letters, 144(1), 87–96.
- | Metallography of Cr-Mn-low-alloyed hot-rolled steel and quantitative evaluation of grain boundary and internal oxides by TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPraig, V. G., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2014). Metallography of Cr-Mn-low-alloyed hot-rolled steel and quantitative evaluation of grain boundary and internal oxides by TEM. Materials Science Forum, 782, 284–287.
- | Microstructure and Composition of Grain Boundary- and Intragranular Oxides in Low Alloy Mn-Cr, Mn-Al-Si and Si-Al-P Hot-rolled Steel Sheets at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPraig, V. G., Haubner, R., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2014). Microstructure and Composition of Grain Boundary- and Intragranular Oxides in Low Alloy Mn-Cr, Mn-Al-Si and Si-Al-P Hot-rolled Steel Sheets. Praktische Metallographie, 51(11), 785–799.
- | Crystal growth of intermetallic clathrates: Floating zone process and ultra rapid crystallization at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowProkofiev, A., Yan, X., Ikeda, M., Löffler, S., & Paschen, S. (2014). Crystal growth of intermetallic clathrates: Floating zone process and ultra rapid crystallization. Journal of Crystal Growth, 401, 627–632.
- | III-V semiconductor nanocrystal formation in silicon nanowires via liquid-phase epitaxy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPrucnal, S., Glaser, M., Lugstein, A., Bertagnolli, E., Stöger-Pollach, M., Zhou, S., Helm, M., Reichel, D., Rebohle, L., Turek, M., Zuk, J., & Skorupa, W. (2014). III-V semiconductor nanocrystal formation in silicon nanowires via liquid-phase epitaxy. Nano Research, 7(12), 1769–1776.
- | The structural evolution of multi-layer graphene stacks in carbon fibers under load at high temperature - A synchrotron radiation study at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRennhofer, H., Puchegger, S., Pabisch, S., Rentenberger, C., Li, C., Siegel, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Paris, O., & Peterlik, H. (2014). The structural evolution of multi-layer graphene stacks in carbon fibers under load at high temperature - A synchrotron radiation study. Carbon, 80, 373–381.
- | Cross-sectional nanoindentation (CSN) studies on the effect of thickness on adhesion strength of thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRoshanghias, A., Khatibi, G., Pelzer, R., Steinbrenner, J., & Bernardi, J. (2014). Cross-sectional nanoindentation (CSN) studies on the effect of thickness on adhesion strength of thin films. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 48(3), 035301.
- | Correlating surface cation composition and thin film microstructure with the electrochemical performance of lanthanum strontium cobaltite (LSC) electrodes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRupp, G. M., Limbeck, A., Kubicek, M., Penn, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Friedbacher, G., & Fleig, J. (2014). Correlating surface cation composition and thin film microstructure with the electrochemical performance of lanthanum strontium cobaltite (LSC) electrodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2(19), 7099–7108.
- | Electron Vortex Beams in Magnetic Fields: Revealing Peculiar Rotations and Landau State Dynamics at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T. (2014). Electron Vortex Beams in Magnetic Fields: Revealing Peculiar Rotations and Landau State Dynamics. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- | Electron Vortex Beams in Magnetic Fields: Imaging Landau States of Free Electrons at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T. (Ed.). (2014). Electron Vortex Beams in Magnetic Fields: Imaging Landau States of Free Electrons. AV Akademikerverlag.
- | Resolving Landau State Dynamics with Electron Vortex Beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Schattschneider, P., & Löffler, S. (2014). Resolving Landau State Dynamics with Electron Vortex Beams. In 18#^{th} International Microscopy Congress Proceedings (p. 2). Czechoslovak Microscopy Society.
- | Electron Vortex Beams in Magnetic Fields: Imaging Peculiar Rotations and Landau States at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Schattschneider, P., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bliokh, K., & Nori, F. (2014). Electron Vortex Beams in Magnetic Fields: Imaging Peculiar Rotations and Landau States. CCEM Summer School, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, Non-EU.
- | Imaging sub-meV Landau State Dynamics of Electron Vortices at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Schattschneider, P., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bliokh, K., & Nori, F. (2014). Imaging sub-meV Landau State Dynamics of Electron Vortices. In 4#^{th} ASEM-Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy. 4#^{th} ASEM-Workshop, University of Vienna, Austria.
- | EMCD - Magnetic Chiral Dichroism in the Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2014). EMCD - Magnetic Chiral Dichroism in the Electron Microscope. stAR-M, Stuttgart, EU.
- | Electrons with Topological Charge - a Novel Probe for Solids at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2014). Electrons with Topological Charge - a Novel Probe for Solids. Institut de Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay, Orsay, Frankreich, EU.
- | Electrons with Topological Charge at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2014). Electrons with Topological Charge. Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Mainz, Deutschland, EU.
- | Hard Science Fiction - Gedankenspiel zum Nachrechnen at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2014). Hard Science Fiction - Gedankenspiel zum Nachrechnen. Monat der freien Bildung, Wien, Austria.
- | Highlights in Energy Loss Spectrometry: Memories of the Future at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2014). Highlights in Energy Loss Spectrometry: Memories of the Future. Inauguration Microscopie, Paris, France, EU.
- | EMCD – Magnetic Chiral Dichroism in the Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2014). EMCD – Magnetic Chiral Dichroism in the Electron Microscope. In Microscopy and Microanalysis (pp. 2136–2137). Cambridge Journals.
- | Electron Vortex Beams - a Novel Probe for Nanoanalytics at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2014). Electron Vortex Beams - a Novel Probe for Nanoanalytics. In Yucomat 2014 (p. 25).
- | Electron vortex beams - matter waves with angular momentum at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2014). Electron vortex beams - matter waves with angular momentum. In 15th Joint Vacuum Conference (p. 192).
- | Fundamentals of EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2014). Fundamentals of EELS. In European Workshop on Spatially-Resolved Electron Spectroscopy&Three Country Workgroup meeting on EELS&EFTEM. European Workshop on Spatially-Resolved Electron Spectroscopy 2014, Graz, Austria.
- | Is magnetic chiral dichroism feasible with electron vortices? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Verbeeck, J. (2014). Is magnetic chiral dichroism feasible with electron vortices? Ultramicroscopy, 136, 81–85.
- | Comment on "Electromagnetic Vortex Fields, Spin, and Spin-Orbit Interactions in Electron Vortices" at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rehr, J. J., & Allen, L. J. (2014). Comment on “Electromagnetic Vortex Fields, Spin, and Spin-Orbit Interactions in Electron Vortices.” Physical Review Letters, 113, 029501.
- | Imaging the dynamics of free-electron Landau states at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Schachinger, Th., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bliokh, K. Y., & Nori, F. (2014). Imaging the dynamics of free-electron Landau states. Nature Communications, 5(4586).
- | Microstresses and crack formation in AlSi7MgCu and AlSi17Cu4 alloys for engine components at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchöbel, M., Baumgartner, G., Gerth, S., Bernardi, J., & Hofmann, M. (2014). Microstresses and crack formation in AlSi7MgCu and AlSi17Cu4 alloys for engine components. Acta Materialia, 81, 401–408.
- | Characterization of carbonaceous contamination and the cleaning capability of atomic hydrogen during focused ion beam processing at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSteiger-Thirsfeld, A., Basnar, B., Tomastik, C., Pongratz, P., & Lugstein, A. (2014). Characterization of carbonaceous contamination and the cleaning capability of atomic hydrogen during focused ion beam processing. In 18#^{th} International Microscopy Congress Proceedings (p. 2). Czechoslovak Microscopy Society.
- | Graphical based characterisation and modelling of material gradients in porosified LTCC at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSteinhäußer, F., Talai, A., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Koelpin, A., Weigel, R., Bittner, A., & Schmid, U. (2014). Graphical based characterisation and modelling of material gradients in porosified LTCC. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 34(11), 2833–2838.
- | A short note on how to convert a conventional analytical TEM into an analytical Low Voltage TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2014). A short note on how to convert a conventional analytical TEM into an analytical Low Voltage TEM. Ultramicroscopy, 145, 94–97.
- | Low voltage EELS-How low? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2014). Low voltage EELS-How low? Ultramicroscopy, 145, 98–104.
- | Band gap measurements of ultra thin buried films using conical darkfield EFTEM and low voltage EFTEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Biedermann, K., & Beyer, V. (2014). Band gap measurements of ultra thin buried films using conical darkfield EFTEM and low voltage EFTEM. In 18#^{th} International Microscopy Congress Proceedings (p. 2). Czechoslovak Microscopy Society.
- | An ELNES study of anisotropic materials using variable beam energies at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Hetaba, W., & Rodemeier, R. (2014). An ELNES study of anisotropic materials using variable beam energies. In 18#^{th} International Microscopy Congress Proceedings (p. 2). Czechoslovak Microscopy Society.
- | Energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism analysis of carbon doped Co-Fe thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Giannopoulos, G., Löffler, S., Niarchos, D., & Fidler, J. (2014). Energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism analysis of carbon doped Co-Fe thin films. European Workshop on Quantitative STEM Imaging, EELS and EDXS (AdSTEM 2014), Piran, Slovenia, EU.
- | EMCD-investigation of Co-Fe thin films doped with carbon by Analytical TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Zickler, G. A., Giannopoulos, G., Niarchos, D., & Fidler, J. (2014). EMCD-investigation of Co-Fe thin films doped with carbon by Analytical TEM. In 18#^{th} International Microscopy Congress Proceedings (p. 2). Czechoslovak Microscopy Society.
- | Analytical TEM investigations of (Fe,Co)2-3B microcrystalline alloys at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWallisch, W., Zickler, G. A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Fidler, J. (2014). Analytical TEM investigations of (Fe,Co)2-3B microcrystalline alloys. In 4#^{th} ASEM-Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy. 4#^{th} ASEM-Workshop, University of Vienna, Austria.
- | Characterization of Frictional Stressed White Etching Layers out of Cutting Tools by Means of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWalzhofer, F., Linz, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Bernardi, J., Badisch, E., Winkelmann, H., & Gachot, C. (2014). Characterization of Frictional Stressed White Etching Layers out of Cutting Tools by Means of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Praktische Metallographie, 51(7), 485–498.
- | KickElectron-induced fragmentation of Fe(CO)5 to magnetic nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWanzenböck, H. D., Gavagnin, M., Wachter, S., Shawrav, M. M., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Bertagnolli, E. (2014). KickElectron-induced fragmentation of Fe(CO)5 to magnetic nanostructures. CELINA EU-COST action - Kick-off meeting, Erlangen, EU.
- | Functional nanomagnets by FEBID - How to make them - How to use them at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWanzenböck, H. D., Gavagnin, M., Wachter, S., Shawrav, M. M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Persson, A., Gunnarsson, K., Svedlindh, P., & Bertagnolli, E. (2014). Functional nanomagnets by FEBID - How to make them - How to use them. Condensed Matter in Paris 2014 - CMD25-JMC14, Paris, EU.
- | The microstructure of heat-treated nickel-based superalloy 718Plus at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWhitmore, L., Ahmadi, M. R., Guetaz, L., Leitner, H., Povoden-Karadeniz, E., Stockinger, M., & Kozeschnik, E. (2014). The microstructure of heat-treated nickel-based superalloy 718Plus. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 610, 39–45.
- | Microstructural investigation of thermally aged nickel-based superalloy 718Plus at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWhitmore, L., Ahmadi, M. R., Stockinger, M., Povoden-Karadeniz, E., Kozeschnik, E., & Leitner, H. (2014). Microstructural investigation of thermally aged nickel-based superalloy 718Plus. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 594, 253–259.
- | In situ studies of CuNi/ZrO2 catalysts: insights into surface modification processes during methane decomposition at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWolfbeisser, A., Föttinger, K., Rameshan, R., Klötzer, B., Bernardi, J., & Rupprechter, G. (2014). In situ studies of CuNi/ZrO2 catalysts: insights into surface modification processes during methane decomposition. In 12th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis. 12th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis, Castle Trest, Czech Republic, EU.
- | Oriented attachment explains cobalt ferrite nanoparticle growth in bioinspired syntheses at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWolff, A., Hetaba, W., Wißbrock, M., Löffler, S., Mill, N., Eckstädt, K., Dreyer, A., Ennen, I., Sewald, N., Schattschneider, P., & Hütten, A. (2014). Oriented attachment explains cobalt ferrite nanoparticle growth in bioinspired syntheses. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 5, 210–218.
- | TEM investigation of grain boundaries from Nd2Fe14B hard magnets at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZickler, G. A., Wallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Üstüner, K., & Fidler, J. (2014). TEM investigation of grain boundaries from Nd2Fe14B hard magnets. In 18#^{th} International Microscopy Congress Proceedings (p. 2). Czechoslovak Microscopy Society.
- | Intergranular phases from rare earth permanent magnets investigated by high resolution and analytical TEM/STEM methods at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZickler, G. A., Zagar, K., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Fidler, J. (2014). Intergranular phases from rare earth permanent magnets investigated by high resolution and analytical TEM/STEM methods. European Workshop on Quantitative STEM Imaging, EELS and EDXS (AdSTEM 2014), Piran, Slovenia, EU.
- | Nanoanalytical TEM/STEM methods for the characterisation of grain boundary phases from rare earth permanent magnets at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZickler, G. A., Zagar, K., Wallisch, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Fidler, J. (2014). Nanoanalytical TEM/STEM methods for the characterisation of grain boundary phases from rare earth permanent magnets. In 4#^{th} ASEM-Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy. 4#^{th} ASEM-Workshop, University of Vienna, Austria.
- | Photothermal Analysis of Individual Nanoparticulate Samples using Micromechanical Resonators at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLarsen, T., Schmid, S., Villanueva, L., & Boisen, A. (2013). Photothermal Analysis of Individual Nanoparticulate Samples using Micromechanical Resonators. ACS Nano, 7(7), 6188–6193.
- | Precipitation strengthening in multi-phase systems - Modeling and application to superalloy 718Plus at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAhmadi, M. R., Whitmore, L. C., Povoden-Karadeniz, E., Stockinger, M., Falahati, A., & Kozeschnik, E. (2013). Precipitation strengthening in multi-phase systems - Modeling and application to superalloy 718Plus. THERMEC 2013, Las Vegas, USA, Non-EU.
- | Conductive AFM and chemical analysis of highly conductive paths in DC degraded PZT with Ag/Pd electrodes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAndrejs, L., Oßmer, H., Friedbacher, G., Bernardi, J., Limbeck, A., & Fleig, J. (2013). Conductive AFM and chemical analysis of highly conductive paths in DC degraded PZT with Ag/Pd electrodes. Solid State Ionics, 244, 5–16.
- | Synthesis of single source precursors for NiO/ZrO2 nanocomposites at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDate, A. A., Kitla, A., Föttinger, K., Rupprechter, G., Bernardi, J., & Schubert, U. (2013). Synthesis of single source precursors for NiO/ZrO2 nanocomposites. 2nd Annual SFB FOXSI PhD Workshop, Göstling/Ybbs, Austria.
- | Combined study of the ground and unoccupied electronic states of graphite by electron energy-loss spectroscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowFeng, Z., Löffler, S., Eder, F., Su, D., Meyer, J. C., & Schattschneider, P. (2013). Combined study of the ground and unoccupied electronic states of graphite by electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics, 114(18), 183716.
- | Electron Beam Induced Deposition of Iron Nanomagnets as basic elements for Magnetic Sensors and NanoMagnet Logic devices at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGavagnin, M., Wanzenböck, H. D., Belic, D., Shawrav, M. M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bertagnolli, E. (2013). Electron Beam Induced Deposition of Iron Nanomagnets as basic elements for Magnetic Sensors and NanoMagnet Logic devices. European Materials Research Society (EMRS), Strasbourg, France, EU.
- | Low momentum and high aspect ratio MFM probes fabricated by EBID at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGavagnin, M., Wanzenböck, H. D., Shawrav, M. M., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Steiger-Thirsfeld, A. (2013). Low momentum and high aspect ratio MFM probes fabricated by EBID. International Conference Micro- and Nanoelectronics (ICMNE), Moscow-Zvenigorod, Non-EU.
- | Electron beam induced deposition of Fe-Co composites for nanomagnet logic technology at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGavagnin, M., Wanzenböck, H. D., Stöger-Pollach, M., Shawrav, M. M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bertagnolli, E. (2013). Electron beam induced deposition of Fe-Co composites for nanomagnet logic technology. International Conference Micro- and Nanoelectronics (ICMNE), Moscow-Zvenigorod, Non-EU.
- | Immersion Freezing of Birch Pollen Washing Water at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGrothe, H., Pummer, B. G., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Müller, C., Augustin, S., Hartmann, S., Niedermeier, D., Clauss, T., Voigtländer, J., Tomsche, L., Wex, H., & Stratmann, F. (2013). Immersion Freezing of Birch Pollen Washing Water. In 32nd Annual Conference AAAR - Book of abstracts. 32nd Annual Conference AAAR (American Association for Aerosol Research), Portland, Oregon, USA, Non-EU.
- | Observation of the Larmor and Gouy Rotations with Electron Vortex Beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGuzzinati, G., Schattschneider, P., Bliokh, K. Y., Nori, F., & Verbeeck, J. (2013). Observation of the Larmor and Gouy Rotations with Electron Vortex Beams. Physical Review Letters, 110(093601).
- | Towards real-space mapping of valence states using core-loss EFTEM imaging at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHambach, R., Biskupek, J., Löffler, S., Motsch, V., Schattschneider, P., & Kaiser, U. (2013). Towards real-space mapping of valence states using core-loss EFTEM imaging. In MC2013 Proceedings Part 1 (pp. 184–185).
- | Chemical and Structural Analysis on the Nanoscale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Penner, S., Thalinger, R., Langer-Hansel, K., Huber, T., & Wolfbeisser, A. (2013). Chemical and Structural Analysis on the Nanoscale. Annual SFB FOXSI Symposium 2013, Burg Schlagring, Austria.
- | Site-specific ionisation edge fine-structure in the electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Willinger, M.-G., Schuster, M. E., Löffler, S., Schlögl, R., & Schattschneider, P. (2013). Site-specific ionisation edge fine-structure in the electron microscope. 3rd ASEM-Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy, Medical University of Vienna, Austria.
- | Site-specific ionisation edge fine-structure in the electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Willinger, M.-G., Schuster, M. E., Löffler, S., Schlögl, R., & Schattschneider, P. (2013). Site-specific ionisation edge fine-structure in the electron microscope. In MC2013 Proceedings Part 1 (pp. 200–201).
- | TEM analysis of the influence of the synthetic polypeptide c25-mms6 on the cobalt ferrite nanoparticle growth at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Wolff, A., Mill, N., Wissbrock, M., Sewald, N., & Hütten, A. (2013). TEM analysis of the influence of the synthetic polypeptide c25-mms6 on the cobalt ferrite nanoparticle growth. In MC2013 Proceedings Part 1 (pp. 425–426).
- | Melt spinning of CoSb₃: effect of microstructure on phonon thermal conductivity at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowIkeda, M., Eilertsen, J., Prokofiev, A., Sassik, H., Svagera, R., Waas, M., Löffler, S., Weidenkaff, A., & Bühler-Paschen, S. (2013). Melt spinning of CoSb₃: effect of microstructure on phonon thermal conductivity. Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society and the Swiss Physical Society, Linz, Österreich, Austria.
- | Melt spinning of CoSb3: effect of microstructure on phonon thermal conductivity at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowIkeda, M., Eilertsen, J., Prokofiev, A., Sassik, H., Svagera, R., Waas, M., Löffler, S., Weidenkaff, A., & Paschen, S. (2013). Melt spinning of CoSb3: effect of microstructure on phonon thermal conductivity. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von ÖPG, SPG, ÖGAA und SGAA 2013, Linz, Austria.
- | Methane Decomposition on Zirconia Supported Copper-Nickel Catalysts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKitla, A., Föttinger, K., Bernardi, J., & Rupprechter, G. (2013). Methane Decomposition on Zirconia Supported Copper-Nickel Catalysts. 1st Workshop of the TU Vienna graduate school “CatMat,” Technische Universität Wien, Austria.
- | Influence of SiO₂ coating on the magnetic behavior of amorphous FeNiB nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLackner, P., Pajic, D., Novosel, N., Zadro, K., Reissner, M., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2013). Influence of SiO₂ coating on the magnetic behavior of amorphous FeNiB nanoparticles. 28th Workshop on Novel Materials and Superconductivity, Planneralm, Österreich, Austria.
- | Size distribution of FeNiB nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLackner, P., Pajic, D., Reissner, M., Novosel, N., Zadro, K., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Babic, E. (2013). Size distribution of FeNiB nanoparticles. JEMS 2013, Joint Europen Magnetic Symposia, Rhodos, Griechenland, EU.
- | Development of a measuring platform for thermoelectric properties of nanowires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLientschnig, G., Jachimowicz, A., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Hyun, Y. J., Prokofiev, A., & Paschen, S. (2013). Development of a measuring platform for thermoelectric properties of nanowires. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von ÖPG, SPG, ÖGAA und SGAA 2013, Linz, Austria.
- | Development of a measuring platform for thermoelectric properties of nanowires Bad Honnef at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLientschnig, G., Jachimowicz, A., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Joo, H. Y., Prokofiev, A., & Paschen, S. (2013). Development of a measuring platform for thermoelectric properties of nanowires Bad Honnef. 529th WE-Heraeus-Seminar “Thermal Transport at the Nanoscale,” Bad Honnef, Deutschland, EU.
- | Site-specific measurements of magnetic transitions using energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Ennen, I., Kübel, C., Wang, D., Auge, A., Hütten, A., & Schattschneider, P. (2013). Site-specific measurements of magnetic transitions using energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism. 3rd ASEM-Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy, Medical University of Vienna, Austria.
- | A pure state decomposition approach of the mixed dynamic form factor for mapping atomic orbitals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Motsch, V., & Schattschneider, P. (2013). A pure state decomposition approach of the mixed dynamic form factor for mapping atomic orbitals. Ultramicroscopy, 131, 39–45.
- | Towards mapping atomic orbitals in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Motsch, V., Hetaba, W., Hambach, R., Biddau, G., Pardini, L., Draxl, C., Kaiser, U., & Schattschneider, P. (2013). Towards mapping atomic orbitals in the TEM. Inauguration of the Vienna UltraSTEM lab workshop: New avenues for materials research by high-resolution microscopy, Wien, Österreich, Austria.
- | Towards mapping atomic orbitals in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Motsch, V., Hetaba, W., Hambach, R., Biddau, G., Pardini, L., Draxl, C., Kaiser, U., & Schattschneider, P. (2013). Towards mapping atomic orbitals in the TEM. In MC2013 Proceedings Part 1 (pp. 198–199).
- | Metallography of Cr-Mn-low-alloyed hot-rolled steel and quantitative evaluation of grain boundary and internal oxides by TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPraig, V. G., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2013). Metallography of Cr-Mn-low-alloyed hot-rolled steel and quantitative evaluation of grain boundary and internal oxides by TEM. Metallography 2013, Stara Lesna, Slovak Republic, EU.
- | Ice nucleation of bioaerosols - a resumee at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Atanasova, L., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Chazallon, B., Druzhinina, I., & Grothe, H. (2013). Ice nucleation of bioaerosols - a resumee. In Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria.
- | Spores of most common airborne fungi reveal no ice nucleation activity at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Atanasova, L., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Druzhinina, I. S., & Grothe, H. (2013). Spores of most common airborne fungi reveal no ice nucleation activity. Biogeosciences Discussions, 10(6), 10125–10141.
- | Spores of many common airborne fungi reveal no ice nucleation activity in oil immersion freezing experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Atanasova, L., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Druzhinina, I. S., Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J., & Grothe, H. (2013). Spores of many common airborne fungi reveal no ice nucleation activity in oil immersion freezing experiments. Biogeosciences, 10(12), 8083–8091.
- | Stress treatment of pollen and fungal spores - what are the impacts on IN activity? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Atanasova, L., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Druzhinina, I., Müller, C., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Whitmore, K., & Grothe, H. (2013). Stress treatment of pollen and fungal spores - what are the impacts on IN activity? In Workshop - Atmospheric Ice Nucleation - Book of Abstracts. ESF-Workshop - Atmospheric Ice Nucleation, Wien, Austria.
- | Chemistry and morphology of dried-up pollen suspension residues at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Chazallon, B., Facq, S., Lendl, B., Whitmore, K., & Grothe, H. (2013). Chemistry and morphology of dried-up pollen suspension residues. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 44(12), 1654–1658.
- | Fabrication of nanopores in 1 nm thick carbon nanomembranes with slow highly charged ions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRitter, R., Wilhelm, R. A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Heller, R., Mücklich, A., Werner, U., Vieker, H., Beyer, A., Facsko, S., Gölzhäuser, A., & Aumayr, F. (2013). Fabrication of nanopores in 1 nm thick carbon nanomembranes with slow highly charged ions. Applied Physics Letters, 102(6), Article 063112.
- | Nanopores fabricated in 1nm thick carbon nanomembranes by slow highly charged ions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRitter, R., Wilhelm, R. A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Mücklich, A., Werner, W. S. M., Beyer, A., Fascko, S., Gölzhäuser, A., & Aumayr, F. (2013). Nanopores fabricated in 1nm thick carbon nanomembranes by slow highly charged ions. In Proc. 3S*13 Symposium on Surface Science 2013, Åre, Sweden (March 3 - 9, 2013) editors: J. Gustafson and E. Lundgren (pp. 133–134). Proc. Conf. Symp. on Surface Science 2013 (3S`13).
- | Influences of the objective lens on electron vortices at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Schattschneider, P. (2013). Influences of the objective lens on electron vortices. 3rd ASEM-Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy, Medical University of Vienna, Austria.
- | Electron vortex propagation in the magnetic lens field at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Schattschneider, P. (2013). Electron vortex propagation in the magnetic lens field. In MC2013 Proceedings Part 1 (pp. 228–229).
- | Electrons with a twist: Vorticity and chirality in the electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2013). Electrons with a twist: Vorticity and chirality in the electron microscope. Pozvánka na prednásku, Tschechische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Brünn, EU.
- | From form factors to vortex electrons: Following Ariadne's thread at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2013). From form factors to vortex electrons: Following Ariadne’s thread. In MC2013 Proceedings Part 1 (p. 10).
- | Inelastic scattering and ultimate resolution limits at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2013). Inelastic scattering and ultimate resolution limits. In 2013 CCEM Summer School on Electron Microscopy (pp. 1–32).
- | Comment on 'Quantized Angular Momentum Transfer and Magnetic Dichroism in the Interaction of Electron Vortices with Matter' at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Löffler, S., & Verbeeck, J. (2013). Comment on “Quantized Angular Momentum Transfer and Magnetic Dichroism in the Interaction of Electron Vortices with Matter.” Physical Review Letters, 110(189501).
- | Mode conversion, peculiar rotations, and the Landau-Zeeman-Berry phase in electron vortex beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Schachinger, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bliokh, K. (2013). Mode conversion, peculiar rotations, and the Landau-Zeeman-Berry phase in electron vortex beams. In MC2013 Proceedings Part 2 (pp. 548–549).
- | Electron Vortices and Energy Loss Spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Schachinger, T., & Bliokh, K. (2013). Electron Vortices and Energy Loss Spectrometry. MSC-SMC 40th Annual Meeting 2013, University of Victoria, Canada, Non-EU.
- | Peculiar rotation of electron vortices in magnetic fields at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Schachinger, T., & Bliokh, K. (2013). Peculiar rotation of electron vortices in magnetic fields. In 2th International Conference on Optical Angular Momentum (pp. 11–12).
- | Vortices and EELS: EMCD and other tricky issues at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Schachinger, T., & Bliokh, K. (2013). Vortices and EELS: EMCD and other tricky issues. In Enhanced Data Generated by Electrons 2013 (p. T-4).
- | Construction of silica-enhanced S-layer protein cages at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchuster, D., Küpcü, S., Belton, D. J., Perry, C. C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Sleytr, U. B., & Pum, D. (2013). Construction of silica-enhanced S-layer protein cages. Acta Biomaterialia, 9(3), 5689–5697.
- | Comment on: "Direct measurement of local magnetic moments at grain boundaries in iron" at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2013). Comment on: “Direct measurement of local magnetic moments at grain boundaries in iron.” Scripta Materialia, 69(11–12), 820–822.
- | Optimization of experimental parameters for minimizing the inelastic delocalization in low loss EELS experiments utilizing at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2013). Optimization of experimental parameters for minimizing the inelastic delocalization in low loss EELS experiments utilizing. In MC2013 Proceedings Part 1 (pp. 170–171).
- | Formation and stability of small well-defined Cu- and Ni oxide particles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowThalinger, R., Heggen, M., Stroppa, D. G., Stöger-Pollach, M., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2013). Formation and stability of small well-defined Cu- and Ni oxide particles. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 143(1), 184–194.
- | Thin film model systems of ZrO2 and Y2O3 as templates for potential industrial applications investigated by means of electron microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowThalinger, R., Pollach, M.-S., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2013). Thin film model systems of ZrO2 and Y2O3 as templates for potential industrial applications investigated by means of electron microscopy. Materials Chemistry and Physics: Including Materials Science Communications, 138(1), 384–391.
- | Electron microscopy investigations of metal-support interaction effects in M/Y2O3 and M/ZrO2 thin films (M=Cu, Ni) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowThalinger, R., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hetaba, W., Feuerbacher, M., Klötzer, B., & Penner, S. (2013). Electron microscopy investigations of metal-support interaction effects in M/Y2O3 and M/ZrO2 thin films (M=Cu, Ni). MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 143(1), 167–177.
- | The Role of Defects in the Local Reaction Kinetics of CO Oxidation on Low-Index Pd Surfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVogel, D., Spiel, C., Schmid, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schlögl, R., Suchorski, Y., & Rupprechter, G. (2013). The Role of Defects in the Local Reaction Kinetics of CO Oxidation on Low-Index Pd Surfaces. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 117, 12054–12060.
- | Methane Dry Reforming over zirconia supported Cu and Ni catalysts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWolfbeisser, A., Horvath, A., Föttinger, K., Bernardi, J., & Rupprechter, G. (2013). Methane Dry Reforming over zirconia supported Cu and Ni catalysts. In GÖCH 15. Österreichische Chemietae 2013 (p. 170).
- | Biomimetics: A promising route to obtain magnetically anisotropic at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWolff, A., Hetaba, W., Mill, N., Wissbrock, M., Löffler, S., Schattschneider, P., Sewald, N., & Hütten, A. (2013). Biomimetics: A promising route to obtain magnetically anisotropic. Fifth Seeheim Conference on Magnetism 2013, Universität Bielefeld, Frankfurt, BRD, EU.
- | Understanding the protein-inorganic crystal interaction in bioinspired syntheses at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWolff, A., Yahiatene, I., Hetaba, W., Mill, N., Wissbrock, M., Löffler, S., Eckstädt, K., Sewald, N., Schattschneider, P., & Hütten, A. (2013). Understanding the protein-inorganic crystal interaction in bioinspired syntheses. DPG spring meeting Regensburg 2013, Universität Regensburg, BRD, EU.
- | Heterogeneous ice nucleation on mineral dust particles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZolles, T., Grothe, H., Pummer, B. G., & Whitmore, K. (2013). Heterogeneous ice nucleation on mineral dust particles. 28. Planneralm Workshop “Novel Materials and Superconductivity,” Universitätssportheim Planneralm, Austria.
- | Immersion Freezing On Mineral Dust Particles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZolles, T., Grothe, H., Pummer, B. G., Hradil, K., & Whitmore, K. (2013). Immersion Freezing On Mineral Dust Particles. In 15th Austrian Chemistry Days, Graz Universtiy of Technology. 15th Austrian Chemistry Days (Chemietage), Graz, Austria.
- | Study on the ice nucleation activity of fungal spores (Ascomycota and Basidiomycota) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Atanasova, L., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Druzhinina, I., & Grothe, H. (2012). Study on the ice nucleation activity of fungal spores (Ascomycota and Basidiomycota). EGU2012-2402.
- | Thickness dependence of the martensitic transformation, magnetism, and magnetoresistance in epitaxial Ni-Mn-Sn ultrathin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAuge, A., Teichert, N., Meinert, M., Reiss, G., Hütten, A., Yüzüak, E., Dincer, I., Elerman, Y., Ennen, I., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Thickness dependence of the martensitic transformation, magnetism, and magnetoresistance in epitaxial Ni-Mn-Sn ultrathin films. Physical Review B, 85(214118).
- | Holes in carbon nanosheets due to impact of individual slow highly charged ions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAumayr, F., Ritter, R., Stöger-Pollach, M., Lemell, C., Wilhelm, R., Facsko, S., Werner, U., & Gölzhäuser, A. (2012). Holes in carbon nanosheets due to impact of individual slow highly charged ions. Symposium on Surface Science 2012 (3S*12), St.Christoph/St.Anton am Arlberg/A, Austria.
- | Electron Vortex Beams in a Magnetic Field: A New Twist on Landau Levels and Aharonov-Bohm States at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBliokh, K. Y., Schattschneider, P., Verbeeck, J., & Nori, F. (2012). Electron Vortex Beams in a Magnetic Field: A New Twist on Landau Levels and Aharonov-Bohm States. Physical Review X, 2(041011).
- | Site-specific chirality in magnetic transitions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEnnen, I., Löffler, S., Kübel, C., Wang, D., Auge, A., Hütten, A., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Site-specific chirality in magnetic transitions. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 324(18), 2723–2726.
- | Determination the position of the Compton scattering in energy loss spectroscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowFeng, Z., Löffler, S., Su, D. S., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Determination the position of the Compton scattering in energy loss spectroscopy. In D. J. Stokes & W. M. Rainforth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress. The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | The ice nucleation activity of biological aerosols at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGrothe, H., Pummer, B. G., Bauer, H., & Bernardi, J. (2012). The ice nucleation activity of biological aerosols. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (p. 5202).
- | Impact of oxidation and reduction annealing on the electrical properties of Ge/La2O3/ZrO2 gate stacks at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHenkel, C., Hellström, P.-E., Östling, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bethge, O., & Bertagnolli, E. (2012). Impact of oxidation and reduction annealing on the electrical properties of Ge/La2O3/ZrO2 gate stacks. Solid-State Electronics, 74, 7–12.
- | Calculating energy loss spectra of NiO: Advantages of the modified Becke-Johnson potential at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Blaha, P., Tran, F., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Calculating energy loss spectra of NiO: Advantages of the modified Becke-Johnson potential. Physical Review B, 85(205108).
- | Simulations of energy loss spectra: Advances and future prospects at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Simulations of energy loss spectra: Advances and future prospects. 2nd ASEM - Workshop, Salzburg, Österreich, Austria.
- | Site-specific elemental analysis under electron channelling conditions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Site-specific elemental analysis under electron channelling conditions. In D. J. Stokes & W. M. Rainforth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress (pp. 497–498). The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | EELS of NiO: Advantages of core-hole calculations using the modified Becke-Johnson potential at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Löffler, S., Blaha, P., Tran, F., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2012). EELS of NiO: Advantages of core-hole calculations using the modified Becke-Johnson potential. In D. J. Stokes & W. M. Rainforth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress (pp. 707–708). The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | Influence of the polypeptide c25-mms6 on the Cobalt Ferrite nanoparticle formation analysed by TEM and EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Wolff, A., Löffler, S., Frese, K., Eckstädt, K., Sewald, N., & Hütten, A. (2012). Influence of the polypeptide c25-mms6 on the Cobalt Ferrite nanoparticle formation analysed by TEM and EELS. In D. J. Stokes & W. M. Rainforth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress (pp. 491–492). The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | Anisotropy in Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Le Bossé, J. C., Botton, G. A., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Anisotropy in Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry. In Linear and Chiral Dichroism in the Electron Microscope (pp. 1–22). Pan Stanford Publishing Pte.Ltd.
- | Microstructural investigation of interfacial features in Al wire bonds at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKhatibi, G., Weiss, B., Bernardi, J., & Schwarz, S. (2012). Microstructural investigation of interfacial features in Al wire bonds. Journal of Electronic Materials, 41(12), 3436–3446.
- | Sputter-Redeposition Method for the Fabrication of Automatically Sealed Micro/Nanochannel using FIBs at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKim, H.-B., Hobler, G., Steiger, A., Lugstein, A., Bertagnolli, E., Platzgummer, E., & Loeschner, H. (2012). Sputter-Redeposition Method for the Fabrication of Automatically Sealed Micro/Nanochannel using FIBs. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 12(5), 893–898.
- | Methods for Characterizing the 3-D Morphology of Polymer Composites at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKoch, T., Salaberger, D., Zankel, A., Reingruber, H., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Voronko, Y., & Seidler, S. (2012). Methods for Characterizing the 3-D Morphology of Polymer Composites. Macromolecular Symposia, 315, 115–124.
- | Elastic propagation of fast electron vortices through crystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Elastic propagation of fast electron vortices through crystals. Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography, 68(4), 443–447.
- | Elastic propagation of fast electron vortices through crystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Elastic propagation of fast electron vortices through crystals. In D. J. Stokes & W. M. Rainforth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress (p. 571). The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | Transition probability functions for applications of inelastic core-loss scattering of fast electrons at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Transition probability functions for applications of inelastic core-loss scattering of fast electrons. In D. J. Stokes & W. M. Rainforth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress (p. 673). The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | Transition probability functions for applications of inelastic electron scattering at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Transition probability functions for applications of inelastic electron scattering. Micron, 43(9), 971–977.
- | Site-specific chirality in magnetic transitions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Ennen, I., Kübel, C., Auge, A., Hütten, A., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Site-specific chirality in magnetic transitions. In D. J. Stokes & W. M. Rainforth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress (p. 41). The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | Simulating the energy-loss near edge structure for interferometric EELS in reciprocal space at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Hetaba, W., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Simulating the energy-loss near edge structure for interferometric EELS in reciprocal space. In D. J. Stokes & W. M. Rainforth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress (p. 669). The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | Optical concepts for mapping atomic orbitals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Motsch, V., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Optical concepts for mapping atomic orbitals. Meeting on Optical Response in Extended Systems, Wien, Austria.
- | A factorization approach to the density matrix in energy loss spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Motsch, V., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). A factorization approach to the density matrix in energy loss spectrometry. In D. J. Stokes & W. M. Rainforth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress (p. 671). The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | Electron vortex beams: a novel probe for nano-analysis at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Hell, J., Verbeeck, J., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Electron vortex beams: a novel probe for nano-analysis. 2nd ASEM - Workshop, Salzburg, Österreich, Austria.
- | Simulating HR-EFTEM images at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMotsch, V., Löffler, S., Hetaba, W., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Simulating HR-EFTEM images. 2nd ASEM - Workshop, Salzburg, Österreich, Austria.
- | Simulating HR-EFTEM images for orbital mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMotsch, V., Löffler, S., Hetaba, W., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Simulating HR-EFTEM images for orbital mapping. In D. J. Stokes & W. M. Rainforth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress (p. 699). The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | Ionic Bis-Nanoparticle Networks at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowNeouze, M.-A., Litschauer, M., Puchberger, M., & Bernardi, J. (2012). Ionic Bis-Nanoparticle Networks. Monatshefte Für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 143(4), 519–525.
- | Determining the ice nucleation of fungal spores in the oil immersion mode at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Atanasova, L., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Druzhinina, I., & Grothe, H. (2012). Determining the ice nucleation of fungal spores in the oil immersion mode. Workshop: Bioaerosol Effects on Clouds, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA, Non-EU.
- | Search for biogenic ice nucleation activity (INA) - a study on Snomax, pollen, moulds and mushrooms at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Atanasova, L., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Druzhinina, I., & Grothe, H. (2012). Search for biogenic ice nucleation activity (INA) - a study on Snomax, pollen, moulds and mushrooms. 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Leipzig, Germany.
- | Suspendable macromolecules are responsible for ice nucleation activity of birch and conifer pollen at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Bleicher, S., & Grothe, H. (2012). Suspendable macromolecules are responsible for ice nucleation activity of birch and conifer pollen. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(5), 2541–2550.
- | study on aqueous pollen suspensions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Chazallon, B., Facq, S., & Grothe, H. (2012). study on aqueous pollen suspensions. Prix Amadée Verleihung des Institut Francais de Vienne, Wien, Austria.
- | Progress on ice nucleation studies of pollen at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Grothe, H., & Schmitt-Kopplin, P. (2012). Progress on ice nucleation studies of pollen. Workshop: Bioaerosol Effects on Clouds, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA, Non-EU.
- | Nano-holes milled in 1 nm thick carbon nanomembranes with slow highly charged ions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRitter, R., Wilhelm, R. A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Mücklich, A., Werner, U., Beyer, A., Facsko, S., Gölzhäuser, A., & Aumayr, F. (2012). Nano-holes milled in 1 nm thick carbon nanomembranes with slow highly charged ions. In Book of Abstracts, 19th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-19) (p. 32).
- | Nanopores milled in carbon nanomembranes due to impact of individual slow highly charged ions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRitter, R., Wilhelm, R. A., Stöger-Pollach, M., Mücklich, A., Werner, U., Beyer, A., Facsko, S., Gölzhäuser, A., & Aumayr, F. (2012). Nanopores milled in carbon nanomembranes due to impact of individual slow highly charged ions. In Book of Abstracts, 16th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI 2012) (p. 143).
- | EMCD Techniques at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Lidbaum, H., Rusz, J., Leifer, K., Warot-Fonrose, B., Serin, V., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). EMCD Techniques. In Linear and Chiral Dichroism in the Electron Microscope (pp. 149–173). Pan Stanford Publishing Pte.Ltd.
- | Numerical simulations of classical 200keV electrons passing atomic magnetostatic dipoles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchachinger, T., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). Numerical simulations of classical 200keV electrons passing atomic magnetostatic dipoles. 2nd ASEM - Workshop, Salzburg, Österreich, Austria.
- | Electrons with a twist: Chirality and Vorticity in Electron Microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2012). Electrons with a twist: Chirality and Vorticity in Electron Microscopy. 2012 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, USA, Non-EU.
- | Electrons with a twist: Dichroism and vorticity in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2012). Electrons with a twist: Dichroism and vorticity in the TEM. Internationaler Workshop EELS in materials science, Uppsala, Sweden, EU.
- | Energieverlustspektrometrie - Ein Fortsetzungsroman at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2012). Energieverlustspektrometrie - Ein Fortsetzungsroman. Zeitler - Symposium, Berlin, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, EU.
- | Frontiers in Energy Loss Spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2012). Frontiers in Energy Loss Spectrometry. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- | Sience Fiction an der Alma Mater at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2012). Sience Fiction an der Alma Mater. Österreich liest, Treffpunkt Bibliothek, TU Wien, Austria.
- | Chirality in Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2012). Chirality in Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry. In Linear and Chiral Dichroism in the Electron Microscope (pp. 43–64). Pan Stanford Publishing Pte.Ltd.
- | Linear and Chiral Dichroism in the Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (Ed.). (2012). Linear and Chiral Dichroism in the Electron Microscope. Pan Stanford Publishing Pte.Ltd.
- | Electron Vortices: A Novel Probe for Electron Microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bliokh, K., & Verbeeck, J. (2012). Electron Vortices: A Novel Probe for Electron Microscopy. 10th Asia-Pacific Microscopy Conference, ICONN 2012, ACMM 22, Perth, Western Australia, Non-EU.
- | Mapping spin-polarized transitions with atomic resolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Schaffer, B., Ennen, I., & Verbeeck, J. (2012). Mapping spin-polarized transitions with atomic resolution. Physical Review B, 85(134422).
- | Novel Vortex Generator and Mode Converter for Electron Beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Verbeeck, J. (2012). Novel Vortex Generator and Mode Converter for Electron Beams. Physical Review Letters, 109(084801).
- | Sub-nanometer free electrons with topological charge at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Hell, J., & Verbeeck, J. (2012). Sub-nanometer free electrons with topological charge. Ultramicroscopy, 115, 21–25.
- | Mode conversion of vortex electrons at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Verbeeck, J., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2012). Mode conversion of vortex electrons. In D. J. Stokes & W. M. Rainforth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress (p. 431). The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | Prospects for Spin Mapping with Atomic Resolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Verbeeck, J., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2012). Prospects for Spin Mapping with Atomic Resolution. In Linear and Chiral Dichroism in the Electron Microscope (pp. 243–255). Pan Stanford Publishing Pte.Ltd.
- | Impact of the surface-near silicon substrate properties on the microstructure of sputter-deposited AIN thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, M., Bittner, A., Patocka, F., Stöger-Pollach, M., Halwax, E., & Schmid, U. (2012). Impact of the surface-near silicon substrate properties on the microstructure of sputter-deposited AIN thin films. Applied Physics Letters, 101(22), 221602.
- | Exploring the properties of individual nanomagnets: EMCD on FePt nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchneider, S., Pohl, D., Schachinger, T., Löffler, S., Schattschneider, P., & Rellinghaus, B. (2012). Exploring the properties of individual nanomagnets: EMCD on FePt nanocubes. 79#^{th} Annual Meeting of the DPG and Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, Deutschland, EU.
- | Investigation of optical and magnetic properties with high spatial resolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2012). Investigation of optical and magnetic properties with high spatial resolution. Seminar “ Moderne Analytische Chemie,” TU Wien, Austria.
- | Comment on: "Optical properties of metallic nanowires by valence electron energy loss spectroscopy" at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2012). Comment on: “Optical properties of metallic nanowires by valence electron energy loss spectroscopy.” Materials Letters, 72, 168–169.
- | Hunting the Silicon loss function with 13 keV electrons in a TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2012). Hunting the Silicon loss function with 13 keV electrons in a TEM. In emc2012 (p. 641). The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | Is there a chance for mapping optical properties of buried quantum structures by means of Low Voltage Valence EELS in a STEM? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Hetaba, W., & Löffler, S. (2012). Is there a chance for mapping optical properties of buried quantum structures by means of Low Voltage Valence EELS in a STEM? In D. J. Stokes & W. M. Rainforth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress (p. 935). The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | EMCD on the Nanometre Scale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Verbeeck, J., & Schattschneider, P. (2012). EMCD on the Nanometre Scale. In Linear and Chiral Dichroism in the Electron Microscope (pp. 213–223). Pan Stanford Publishing Pte.Ltd.
- | Vortex electrons as a probe for novel spectroscopic information at the atomic scale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVerbeeck, J., Tian, H., Beche, A., Lazar, S., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Van Tendeloo, G. (2012). Vortex electrons as a probe for novel spectroscopic information at the atomic scale. In D. J. Stokes & W. M. Rainforth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress (p. 657). The Royal Microscopical Society.
- | Transmission electron microscopy of single and double aged 718Plus superalloy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWhitmore, L., Leitner, H., Povoden-Karadeniz, E., Radis, R., & Stockinger, M. (2012). Transmission electron microscopy of single and double aged 718Plus superalloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 534, 413–423.
- | Epitaxial growth and characterization of lattice mismatched Si nanowire - GaAs hetrostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWinkler, K., Lugstein, A., Hetzel, M., Zeiner, C., Greil, J. M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bertagnolli, E. (2012). Epitaxial growth and characterization of lattice mismatched Si nanowire - GaAs hetrostructures. International Conference on Electronic Materials, State Collage, PA, USA, Non-EU.
- | Synthetic Polypeptide c25-mms6 alters Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticle Growth at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWolff, A., Eckstädt, K., Hetaba, W., Wißbrock, M., Mill, N., Löffler, S., Sewald, N., Schattschneider, P., & Hütten, A. (2012). Synthetic Polypeptide c25-mms6 alters Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticle Growth. 16. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung, Freiburg; Deutschland, EU.
- | Influence of the synthetic polypeptide c25-mms6 on nanoparticle growth at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWolff, A., Frese, K., Wißbrock, M., Eckstädt, K., Ennen, I., Hetaba, W., Löffler, S., Regtmeier, A., Thomas, P., Sewald, N., Schattschneider, P., & Hütten, A. (2012). Influence of the synthetic polypeptide c25-mms6 on nanoparticle growth. DPG Frühjahrstagung Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland, EU.
- | Influence of the synthetic polypeptide c25-mms6 on cobalt ferrite nanoparticle formation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWolff, A., Frese, K., Wißbrock, M., Eckstädt, K., Ennen, I., Hetaba, W., Löffler, S., Regtmeier, A., Thomas, P., Sewald, N., Schattschneider, P., & Hütten, A. (2012). Influence of the synthetic polypeptide c25-mms6 on cobalt ferrite nanoparticle formation. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14(1161).
- | Tuning the Electronic Properties of Germanium Nanowires by Room Temperature Focused Ion Beam Implantation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZeiner, C., Lugstein, A., Burchhart, T., Pongratz, P., Connell, J. G., Lauhon, L. J., & Bertagnolli, E. (2012). Tuning the Electronic Properties of Germanium Nanowires by Room Temperature Focused Ion Beam Implantation. DPG Tagung, Berlin, Germany, Austria.
- | Spectroscopic Investigation of Nitric Acid Monohydrate at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBaloh, P., Grothe, H., Whitmore, K., Parker, S. F., Llorente, B. M., & Escribano, R. (2011). Spectroscopic Investigation of Nitric Acid Monohydrate. Molecular Physics, 109(17–18), 2083–2093.
- | Solid−Solid Interface Formation in TiO2 Nanoparticle Networks at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBaumann, S. O., Elser, M. J., Auer, M., Bernardi, J., Hüsing, N., & Diwald, O. (2011). Solid−Solid Interface Formation in TiO2 Nanoparticle Networks. Langmuir, 27(5), 1946–1953.
- | Elektronenmikroskopie in den Materialwissenschaften at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J. (2011). Elektronenmikroskopie in den Materialwissenschaften. Seminar: “Neues aus Licht und Elektronenmikroskopie,” TU Wien, Österreich, Austria.
- | Phase content controlled TiO2 nanoparticles using the MicroJetReactor technology at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDittert, B., Gavrilović, A., Schwarz, S., Angerer, P., Steiner, H., & Schöftner, R. (2011). Phase content controlled TiO2 nanoparticles using the MicroJetReactor technology. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31(14), 2475–2480.
- | Magnetic dichroism on the nanoscale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEnnen, I., Löffler, S., Hetaba, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Auge, A., & Hütten, A. (2011). Magnetic dichroism on the nanoscale. In Proceedings of the MC 2011 Kiel (p. IM5.P164).
- | Magnetic dichroism in the TEM: a tool for the investigation of magnetism on the nanoscale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEnnen, I., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hütten, A., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Magnetic dichroism in the TEM: a tool for the investigation of magnetism on the nanoscale. In MCM 2011 (p. 2).
- | Raman microscopy and electronic characterization of ultra-strained Si/Ge nanowires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGreil, J. M., Lugstein, A., Burchhart, T., Mijic, M., Zeiner, C., Steinmair, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bertagnolli, E. (2011). Raman microscopy and electronic characterization of ultra-strained Si/Ge nanowires. ÖPG-Jahrestagung, Innsbruck, Austria, Austria.
- | Schottky barrier SOI-MOSFETs with high-k La2O3/ZrO2 gate dieelectrics at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHenkel, C., Abermann, S., Bethge, O., Pozzovivo, G., Klang, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Bertagnolli, E. (2011). Schottky barrier SOI-MOSFETs with high-k La2O3/ZrO2 gate dieelectrics. Microelectronic Engineering, 88(3), 262–267.
- | Site selective analysis under electron channeling conditions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Site selective analysis under electron channeling conditions. 1st ASEM-Workshop, Graz, Austria.
- | Site selective elemental analysis under electron channelling conditions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Site selective elemental analysis under electron channelling conditions. In Proceedings of the MC 2011 Kiel (p. IM5.P169).
- | Site specific elemental analysis using electron channelling at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Site specific elemental analysis using electron channelling. In MCM 2011 (pp. 53–54).
- | Advantages of the modified Becke-Johnson exchange potential for calculating EELS in WIEN2k at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Schattschneider, P., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2011). Advantages of the modified Becke-Johnson exchange potential for calculating EELS in WIEN2k. 16. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien, Austria.
- | Advantages of the modified Becke-Johnson Potential in WIEN2k for NiO demonstrated by EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Advantages of the modified Becke-Johnson Potential in WIEN2k for NiO demonstrated by EELS. In Proceedings of the MC 2011 Kiel (p. IM5.P170).
- | Advantages of the modified Becke-Johnson exchange potential for calculating EELS in WIEN2k at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Advantages of the modified Becke-Johnson exchange potential for calculating EELS in WIEN2k. In MCM 2011 (pp. 55–56).
- | Capturing EELS in the reciprocal space at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Alkauskas, A., Löffler, S., Jouffrey, B., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Capturing EELS in the reciprocal space. The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 54(3), 33510.
- | Transmission electron microscopy at 20 kV for imaging and spectroscopy - current status and future prospects at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKaiser, U., Biskupek, J., Meyer, J. C., Leschner, J., Lechner, L., Lee, Z., Kurasch, S., Golla-Schindler, U., Kinyanjui, M., Rose, H., Stöger-Pollach, M., Khlobystov, A. N., Haider, M., Hartel, P., Müller, H., Eyhusen, S., & Benner, G. (2011). Transmission electron microscopy at 20 kV for imaging and spectroscopy - current status and future prospects. 75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, EU.
- | Transmission electron microscopy at 20 kV for imaging and spectroscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKaiser, U., Biskupek, J., Meyer, J. C., Leschner, J., Lechner, L., Rose, H., Stöger-Pollach, M., Khlobystov, A. N., Hartel, P., Müller, H., Haider, M., Eyhusen, S., & Benner, G. (2011). Transmission electron microscopy at 20 kV for imaging and spectroscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 111(8), 1239–1246.
- | Methods for characterizing the 3D morphology of polymer composites at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKoch, T., Zankel, A., Reingruber, H., Salaberger, D., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Matsko, N., & Seidler, S. (2011). Methods for characterizing the 3D morphology of polymer composites. In Book of Abstracs (p. 115). Nepal Polymer Institute.
- | High temperature focused ion beam response of graphite resulting in spontaneous nanosheet formation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLangegger, R., Lugstein, A., Glaser, M., Bertagnolli, E., & Steiger-Thirsfeld, A. (2011). High temperature focused ion beam response of graphite resulting in spontaneous nanosheet formation. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 29(6), 061804.
- | Why putting strain on nanowires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLugstein, A., Greil, J. M., Steinmair, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Bertagnolli, E. (2011). Why putting strain on nanowires. International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), Suntec, Singapore, Non-EU.
- | Energy-Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism - Investigating Magnetism on the Nanometer Scale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Ennen, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Energy-Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism - Investigating Magnetism on the Nanometer Scale. 16. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien, Austria.
- | Non-Lorentzian Scattering Behavior in Core-Losses - A Glimpse of Wave Functions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Ennen, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Non-Lorentzian Scattering Behavior in Core-Losses - A Glimpse of Wave Functions. 1st ASEM-Workshop , Advanced Electron Microscopy, TU Graz, Austria.
- | Non-Lorentzian scattering behavior in core losses at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Ennen, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Non-Lorentzian scattering behavior in core losses. In MCM 2011 (pp. 47–48).
- | Towards orbital mapping in the TEM - Non-Lorentzian angular dependence in core losses at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Ennen, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Towards orbital mapping in the TEM - Non-Lorentzian angular dependence in core losses. In Proceedings of the MC 2011 Kiel (p. IM5.P168).
- | Magnetic dichroism on the nanoscale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Ennen, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Verbeeck, J. (2011). Magnetic dichroism on the nanoscale. 3rd ANKA/KNMF Users’ Meeting 2011, Karlsruhe, BRD, EU.
- | Breakdown of the dipole approximation in core losses at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Ennen, I., Tian, F., Schattschneider, P., & Jaouen, N. (2011). Breakdown of the dipole approximation in core losses. Ultramicroscopy, 111(8), 1163–1167.
- | Propagation of electrons carrying topological charge at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Schattschneider, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Verbeeck, J. (2011). Propagation of electrons carrying topological charge. In Proceedings of the MC 2011 Kiel (p. IM2.214).
- | Les effets d'excitation en EELS: de l'équation de Bethe-Salpeter á l#approximation monoélectronique at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMauchamp, V., Jaouen, M., Rehr, J. J., Kas, J., Bugnet, M., Vinson, J., Schattschneider, P., & Cabioc´H, T. (2011). Les effets d’excitation en EELS: de l’équation de Bethe-Salpeter á l#approximation monoélectronique. JEELS, Lausanne, Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | Physico-chemical characterization of SOA derived from catechol and guaiacol - a model substance for the aromatic fraction of atmospheric HULIS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOfner, J., Krüger, H.-U., Grothe, H., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Whitmore, K., & Zetzsch, C. (2011). Physico-chemical characterization of SOA derived from catechol and guaiacol - a model substance for the aromatic fraction of atmospheric HULIS. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(1), 1–15.
- | Composition and Structure of Grain Boundary and Internal Oxides in Cr-Mn- and Mn-Al-Si-alloyed Hot Rolled Steels at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPraig, V. G., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2011). Composition and Structure of Grain Boundary and Internal Oxides in Cr-Mn- and Mn-Al-Si-alloyed Hot Rolled Steels. 16. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien, Austria.
- | Pollen surface components are responsible for ice nucleation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., & Grothe, H. (2011). Pollen surface components are responsible for ice nucleation. In 14. Österreichische Chemietage, Book of Abstracts (p. PO-160).
- | The Ice Nucleation Ability of Pollens and Fungal Spores at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., & Grothe, H. (2011). The Ice Nucleation Ability of Pollens and Fungal Spores. In IUGG GA 2011, Book of Abstracts (p. 961).
- | The Ice Nucleation Acitivity of Pollens and Fungal Spores at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., & Grothe, H. (2011). The Ice Nucleation Acitivity of Pollens and Fungal Spores. In Bunsentagung 2011, Book of Abstracts (pp. 300–301).
- | Birch and conifer pollen are efficient atmospheric ice nuclei at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Bleicher, S., & Grothe, H. (2011). Birch and conifer pollen are efficient atmospheric ice nuclei. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion, 11, 27219–27241.
- | The ice nucleation activity of pollen and fungal spores at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Grothe, H., Bauer, H., & Bernardi, J. (2011). The ice nucleation activity of pollen and fungal spores. In ICCPA - 10th International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere (p. 29).
- | The Ice Nucleation Activity Of Pollens And Fungal Spores at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPummer, B. G., Grothe, H., Bauer, H., Bernardi, J., Bleicher, S., & Whitmore, K. (2011). The Ice Nucleation Activity Of Pollens And Fungal Spores. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (p. 1).
- | AlN Precipitation During Isothermal Annealing of Ultra Low Carbon Steel at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRadis, R., Schwarz, S., Zamberger, S., & Kozeschnik, E. (2011). AlN Precipitation During Isothermal Annealing of Ultra Low Carbon Steel. Steel Research International, 82(8), 905–910.
- | Detection of Magnetic Circular Dichroism using TEM and EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Rusz, J., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Detection of Magnetic Circular Dichroism using TEM and EELS. Electron Crystallography, Erice, Italien, EU.
- | Science Fiction zwischen Wissenschaft und Prognostik at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2011). Science Fiction zwischen Wissenschaft und Prognostik. Österreich liest, Tu Wien, Österreich, Austria.
- | Electrons with a twist: EMCD and vortex beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Verbeeck, J. (2011). Electrons with a twist: EMCD and vortex beams. Physikalisches Kolloquium, TU Graz, Austria.
- | Theory of free electron vortices at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Verbeeck, J. (2011). Theory of free electron vortices. Ultramicroscopy, 111(9–10), 1461–1468.
- | Electrons with a twist: Chiral electronic transitions and vortex beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Verbeeck, J., Löffler, S., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2011). Electrons with a twist: Chiral electronic transitions and vortex beams. In MCM 2011 (pp. 7–8).
- | TEM studies of PbS quantum dots for high efficiency solar cells at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchindler, P., Dasgupta, N. P., Trejo, O., Rentenberger, C., Waitz, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Prinz, F. B., & Karnthaler, H. P. (2011). TEM studies of PbS quantum dots for high efficiency solar cells. In MCM 2011 (pp. 555–556). Springer Verlag.
- | Sub-5 meV precision in plasmon mapping at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSigle, W., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Sub-5 meV precision in plasmon mapping. Microscopy Conference MC 2011, Kiel, Deutschland, EU.
- | Simulation of the precipitation kinetics in low-carbon Nb-micro-alloyed steels at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSix, J., Schwarz, S., Wojcik, T., Ilie, S., & Kozeschnik, E. (2011). Simulation of the precipitation kinetics in low-carbon Nb-micro-alloyed steels. In Proceedings (p. 8).
- | Role of impurities and PSBs on microcracking of polycrystalline copper at very high numbers of cycles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStanzl-Tschegg, S., Eichinger, K., Weidner, A., Tschegg, E., Bernardi, J., & Schönbauer, B. (2011). Role of impurities and PSBs on microcracking of polycrystalline copper at very high numbers of cycles. Key Engineering Materials, 465, 29–34.
- | Carbonaceous contamination on low dose ion irradiated surfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSteiger-Thirsfeld, A., Basnar, B., Tomastik, C., & Lugstein, A. (2011). Carbonaceous contamination on low dose ion irradiated surfaces. 6st “D-A-C-H” Workshop on FIB & FIB/SEM, ETH Hönggerberg, Zürich; Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | Phase separation at the nanoscale: Structural properties of BaO segregates on MgO-based nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Klacar, S., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Grönbeck, H., & Diwald, O. (2011). Phase separation at the nanoscale: Structural properties of BaO segregates on MgO-based nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(32), 15853–15861.
- | Low voltage low loss EELS for determination of optical properties of semiconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Hetaba, W., & Bernardi, J. (2011). Low voltage low loss EELS for determination of optical properties of semiconductors. 16. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien, Austria.
- | Low voltage low loss EELS for accurate determination of dielectric properties of semiconductors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Hetaba, W., & Ennen, I. (2011). Low voltage low loss EELS for accurate determination of dielectric properties of semiconductors. In Proceedings of the MC 2011 Kiel (p. IM5.P165).
- | Investigating the optical properties of AlxGa1-xAs by low voltage VEELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Hetaba, W., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Investigating the optical properties of AlxGa1-xAs by low voltage VEELS. In MCM 2011 (p. 2).
- | Low voltage TEM for semiconductor analysis at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Schwarz, S. (2011). Low voltage TEM for semiconductor analysis. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 326, 012027.
- | Low voltage TEM for semiconductor analysis at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Schwarz, S. (2011). Low voltage TEM for semiconductor analysis. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (pp. 1–4). IOP Publishing.
- | EMCD real space maps of Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Treiber, C. D., Resch, G. P., Keays, D. A., & Ennen, I. (2011). EMCD real space maps of Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum. Micron, 42(5), 456–460.
- | Atomic scale electron vortices for nanoresearch at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVerbeeck, J., Schattschneider, P., Lazar, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Löffler, S., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., & Van Tendeloo, G. (2011). Atomic scale electron vortices for nanoresearch. Applied Physics Letters, 99(20), 203109.
- | Two routes of forming nanorods on the base of nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZhang, L., Li, D., Mu, J., Chen, H., Chen, L., Yang, H., Gao, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2011). Two routes of forming nanorods on the base of nanoparticles. Journal of Crystal Growth, 314(1), 227–230.
- | Advantages of low beam energies in a TEM for valence EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowAdvantages of low beam energies in a TEM for valence EELS. (2010). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 209, 012031.
- | Laboratory studies on carboxylic acids and their interaction with ice nucleation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBaloh, P., Weiss, F., Grothe, H., & Whitmore, K. (2010). Laboratory studies on carboxylic acids and their interaction with ice nucleation. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (p. 1).
- | Mikrostruktur der Materialien at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J. (2010). Mikrostruktur der Materialien. All that matters (Seminar für LehrerInnen Höherer Schulen), TU Wien, Austria.
- | Electron Microscopy for Materials Characterization with High Spatial Resolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2010). Electron Microscopy for Materials Characterization with High Spatial Resolution. Indo-Austrian Symposium 2010: Advanced Materials Engineering, Nonferrous Materials Technology Development Centre Hyderabad - 500058, India, Non-EU.
- | Electron microscopy of nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2010). Electron microscopy of nanostructures. International Symposium on Advances in Nanomaterials (ANM2010), Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute Kolkata 700032, India, Non-EU.
- | Solar light and dopant-induced recombination effects: Photoactive nitrogen in TiO2 as a case study at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowD’Arienzo, M., Siedl, N., Sternig, A., Scotti, R., Morazzoni, F., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2010). Solar light and dopant-induced recombination effects: Photoactive nitrogen in TiO2 as a case study. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 114(42), 18067–18072.
- | Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism: A Tool for the Investigation of Magnetism on the Nanoscale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEnnen, I., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2010). Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism: A Tool for the Investigation of Magnetism on the Nanoscale. Materials Science and Engineering MSE 2010, Frankfurt, EU.
- | Highlights and applications of energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEnnen, I., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Hütten, A. (2010). Highlights and applications of energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism. 7. Workshop on EELS & EFTEM, Zürich, Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | Colloidally Prepared Pt-Nanowires versus Impregnated Pt Nanoparticles: Comparison of Adsorption and Reaction Properties at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHaghofer, A., Sonström, P., Fenske, D., Föttinger, K., Schwarz, S., Bernardi, J., Al-Shamery, K., Bäumer, M., & Rupprechter, G. (2010). Colloidally Prepared Pt-Nanowires versus Impregnated Pt Nanoparticles: Comparison of Adsorption and Reaction Properties. Langmuir, 26(21), 16330–16338.
- | Site selective analysis using electron channelling at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Löffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2010). Site selective analysis using electron channelling. 7. Workshop on EELS & EFTEM, Zürich, Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | EELS of NiO: an ELNES study using the modified Becke-Johnson potential at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Tran, F., & Blaha, P. (2010). EELS of NiO: an ELNES study using the modified Becke-Johnson potential. In Electron Microscopy ETH Zürich (EMEZ) (p. 40).
- | The drastic impact of the pretreatment of (La, Sr) CoO3 thin film electrodes on the oxygen reduction kinetics at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowJanuschewsky, J., Kubel, F., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Fleig, J. (2010). The drastic impact of the pretreatment of (La, Sr) CoO3 thin film electrodes on the oxygen reduction kinetics. In E-MRS Spring Meeting. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2010, Strasbourg, EU.
- | Accelerated mechanical fatigue testing and lifetime of interconnects in microelectronics at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKhatibi, G., Lederer, M., Weiss, B., Licht, T., Bernardi, J., & Danninger, H. (2010). Accelerated mechanical fatigue testing and lifetime of interconnects in microelectronics. In P. Lukas (Ed.), Fatigue 2010 (pp. 511–519). Elsevier BV.
- | Structural properties of BaO segregates supported on MgO-based nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKlacar, S., Grönbeck, H., Sternig, A., Bernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Diwald, O. (2010). Structural properties of BaO segregates supported on MgO-based nanocrystals. In COST Action D-41 Inorganic Oxides: Surfaces and Interfaces 2010 Annual Meeting of the COST Action (p. 16).
- | Morphology characterization of particle filled polymers by tomographic methods at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKoch, T., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Zankel, A., Reingruber, H., Salaberger, D., & Seidler, S. (2010). Morphology characterization of particle filled polymers by tomographic methods. In Book of Abstracts (p. 133).
- | Morphology characterization of particle filled polymers by tomographic methods at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKoch, T., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Zankel, A., Reingruber, H., Salaberger, D., & Seidler, S. (2010). Morphology characterization of particle filled polymers by tomographic methods. In Proceedings Polymeric Materials 2010 (p. 4).
- | TEM of Strengthening Precipitates in AW7020 Alloy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKumar, M., Whitmore, L. C., Poletti, C., & Degischer, H.-P. (2010). TEM of Strengthening Precipitates in AW7020 Alloy. In Fortschritte der Metallographie (pp. 253–258). Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie.
- | Integrating nanowires in building blocks for characterization and device applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLugstein, A., Steinmair, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Burchhart, T., & Bertagnolli, E. (2010). Integrating nanowires in building blocks for characterization and device applications. Nanowire Workshop, Heraklion, Greece, EU.
- | Tuning the Electronic Properties of Ultra-strained Silicon Nanowires at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLugstein, A., Steinmair, M., Steiger-Thirsfeld, A., Kosina, H., & Bertagnolli, E. (2010). Tuning the Electronic Properties of Ultra-strained Silicon Nanowires. MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, Austria.
- | A software package for the simulation of energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2010). A software package for the simulation of energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism. Ultramicroscopy, 110(7), 831–835.
- | Energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism - Investigating magnetism on the nanometer scale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Ennen, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2010). Energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism - Investigating magnetism on the nanometer scale. Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Wien, Austria.
- | Energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism - Investigating magnetism on the nanometer scale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Ennen, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2010). Energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism - Investigating magnetism on the nanometer scale. Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Wien, Austria.
- | Non-Lorentzian scattering behavior in core-losses - a glimpse of wave functions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLöffler, S., Ennen, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2010). Non-Lorentzian scattering behavior in core-losses - a glimpse of wave functions. 7. Workshop on EELS & EFTEM, Zürich, Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | Physico-chemical characterization of secondary organic aerosol derived from catechol and guaiacol as a model substance for atmospheric humic-like substances at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowOfner, J., Krüger, H.-U., Grothe, H., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Whitmore, K., & Zetzsch, C. (2010). Physico-chemical characterization of secondary organic aerosol derived from catechol and guaiacol as a model substance for atmospheric humic-like substances. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion, 10(7), 17369–17405.
- | Characterization of the microstructure and damage mechanisms in a Ti6Al4V alloy modified with 1 wt.% B at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPoletti, C., Requena, G., Tolnai, D., Cloetens, P., & Steiger-Thirsfeld, A. (2010). Characterization of the microstructure and damage mechanisms in a Ti6Al4V alloy modified with 1 wt.% B. Journal of Materials Research, 101(9), 1151–1157.
- | Simulation of magnetic circular dichroism in the electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Rusz, J., Verbeeck, J., & Leifer, K. (2010). Simulation of magnetic circular dichroism in the electron microscope. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43(47), 474005.
- | Observation of magnetic dichroism in the electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Verbeeck, J., & Leifer, K. (2010). Observation of magnetic dichroism in the electron microscope. 7th International Conference on Fine Particle Magnetism (ICFPM-07), Uppsala; Sweden, EU.
- | Circular dichroism in the electron microscope: Principle and progress at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2010). Circular dichroism in the electron microscope: Principle and progress. Seminar, Ecole Centrale Paris, EU.
- | Electrons with a twist: EMCD and vortex beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2010). Electrons with a twist: EMCD and vortex beams. Seminar des Instituts für Festkörperphysik (IFP), TU Wien, Austria.
- | Frontiers in EELS, and how they change at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2010). Frontiers in EELS, and how they change. Frontiers in EELS, TU Wien, Austria.
- | Magnetic circular dichroism in electron microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2010). Magnetic circular dichroism in electron microscopy. Seminar, Ecole Centrale Paris, EU.
- | Science Fiction-Literatur und die Naturwissenschaften at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2010). Science Fiction-Literatur und die Naturwissenschaften. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Literatur, Wien, Austria.
- | Science und Fiction: Ein Bericht über eine Beziehung at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2010). Science und Fiction: Ein Bericht über eine Beziehung. Die Welt des Hirns - Das Hirn der Welt. Wissenschafer und Science-Fiction Autoren im Dialog., Basel, Non-EU.
- | Un siècle de pertes d'énergie at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2010). Un siècle de pertes d’énergie. Seminar, Ecole Centrale Paris, EU.
- | Understanding Physics: The spirit of Science Fiction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2010). Understanding Physics: The spirit of Science Fiction. Seminar, Ecole Centrale Paris, EU.
- | Circular dichroism in the electron microscope: Progress and applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2010). Circular dichroism in the electron microscope: Progress and applications. In MMM-Intermag Conference (p. 2).
- | Magnetic chirality in the electron microscope: Progress and Applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2010). Magnetic chirality in the electron microscope: Progress and Applications. In Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (p. 440). Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
- | Circular dichroism in the electron microscope: Progress and applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Ennen, I., Löffler, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Verbeeck, J. (2010). Circular dichroism in the electron microscope: Progress and applications. Journal of Applied Physics, 107(9), 09D311.
- | Real space maps of magnetic moments on the atomic scale: Theory and feasibility at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Ennen, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., Verbeeck, J., Mauchamp, V., & Jaouen, M. (2010). Real space maps of magnetic moments on the atomic scale: Theory and feasibility. Ultramicroscopy, 110(8), 1038–1041.
- | Real-space simulations of spin-polarized electronic transitions in iron at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Verbeeck, J., Mauchamp, V., & Jaouen, M. (2010). Real-space simulations of spin-polarized electronic transitions in iron. Physical Review B, 82(14), 1–11.
- | Functional Interfaces in Oxide Nanoparticle Networks: Enhanced Charge Separation for Improved Photocatalytic Activities at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSiedl, N., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2010). Functional Interfaces in Oxide Nanoparticle Networks: Enhanced Charge Separation for Improved Photocatalytic Activities. In ISACS2-Challenges in Physical Chemistry and Nanoscience (p. 72).
- | Functional Interfaces in oxide nanoparticle networks: Enhanced charge separation for improved photocatalytic activities at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSiedl, N., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2010). Functional Interfaces in oxide nanoparticle networks: Enhanced charge separation for improved photocatalytic activities. In 43. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker (p. 78).
- | Functional Interfaces in oxide nanoparticle networks: Recombination versus seperation of photogenerated charges at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSiedl, N., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2010). Functional Interfaces in oxide nanoparticle networks: Recombination versus seperation of photogenerated charges. In First International Conference on Materials for Energy (p. 351).
- | Analyse korngrenzennaher NbC-Ausscheidungen mittels Replica-Methode und Korrelation zum 2. Duktilitätsminimum at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSix, J., Schwarz, S., Ilie, S., & Kozeschnik, E. (2010). Analyse korngrenzennaher NbC-Ausscheidungen mittels Replica-Methode und Korrelation zum 2. Duktilitätsminimum. In G. Petzow (Ed.), Fortschritte in der Metallographie (pp. 57–62). Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie.
- | Zinc oxide scaffolds on MgO nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Sternig, A., Finocchi, F., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2010). Zinc oxide scaffolds on MgO nanocubes. Nanotechnology, 21(35), 355603.
- | BaO clusters on MgO nanocubes: A quantitative analysis of optical-powder properties at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Müller, M., McCallum, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2010). BaO clusters on MgO nanocubes: A quantitative analysis of optical-powder properties. Small, 6(4), 582–588.
- | Photoluminescent Nanoparticle Surfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Müller, M., Stankic, S., Knözinger, E., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2010). Photoluminescent Nanoparticle Surfaces. In First International Conference on Materials for Energy (p. 989).
- | Photoluminescent Nanoparticle Surfaces: The Potential of Alkaline Earth Oxides for Optical Applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Stankic, S., Müller, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2010). Photoluminescent Nanoparticle Surfaces: The Potential of Alkaline Earth Oxides for Optical Applications. In ISACS2-Challenges in Physical Chemistry and Nanoscience (p. 74).
- | Low Voltage Low Loss EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2010). Low Voltage Low Loss EELS. EELS. My Life in Science, Wien, Austria.
- | Low losses in EELS for the determination of optical properties of nano-scaled objects using electrons with non-relativistic speed at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2010). Low losses in EELS for the determination of optical properties of nano-scaled objects using electrons with non-relativistic speed. Physics colloquium of the Graz University of Technology, University of Graz, Austria.
- | Back to the roots: the Leithäuser experiment revisited at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2010). Back to the roots: the Leithäuser experiment revisited. In Electron Microscopy ETH Zürich (EMEZ) (p. 38).
- | Low voltage TEM: Influences on electron energy loss spectrometry experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2010). Low voltage TEM: Influences on electron energy loss spectrometry experiments. Micron, 41(6), 577–584.
- | Low voltage beams in EELS and EFTEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Kaiser, U., Biskupek, J., & Benner, G. (2010). Low voltage beams in EELS and EFTEM. In Electron Microscopy ETH Zürich (EMEZ) (p. 36).
- | Production and application of electron vortex beams at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVerbeeck, J., Tian, H., & Schattschneider, P. (2010). Production and application of electron vortex beams. Nature, 467, 301–304.
- | Effect of spatial and energy distortions on energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism measurements: Application to an iron thin film at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWarot-Fonrose, B., Gatel, C., Calmels, L., Serin, V., & Schattschneider, P. (2010). Effect of spatial and energy distortions on energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism measurements: Application to an iron thin film. Ultramicroscopy, 110(8), 1033–1037.
- | Laboratory experiments on pine pollen and their abilities to nucleate ice at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWeiss, F., Baloh, P., Whitmore, K., & Grothe, H. (2010). Laboratory experiments on pine pollen and their abilities to nucleate ice. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (p. 1). EGU.
- | Tuning the Electronic Properties of Germanium Nanowires by Room Temperature Focused Ion Beam Implantation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZeiner, C., Burchhart, T., Lugstein, A., Pongratz, P., & Bertagnolli, E. (2010). Tuning the Electronic Properties of Germanium Nanowires by Room Temperature Focused Ion Beam Implantation. MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, Austria.
- | Pd/Ga₂O₃ methanol steam reforming catalysts: Part I. Morphology, composition and structural aspects at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPenner, S., Lorenz, H., Jochum, W., Stöger-Pollach, M., Wang, D., Rameshan, C., & Klötzer, B. (2009). Pd/Ga₂O₃ methanol steam reforming catalysts: Part I. Morphology, composition and structural aspects. Applied Catalysis A: General, 358(2), 193–202.
- | Growth mechanism, doping and functionalization of one dimensional oxidic nanobelt and nanowire structures for gas sensors at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEdtmaier, C., Januschewsky, J., Bernardi, J., & Köck, A. (2009). Growth mechanism, doping and functionalization of one dimensional oxidic nanobelt and nanowire structures for gas sensors. EUROMAT 2009, Glasgow, EU.
- | Chirality in EELS: Progress and Applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEnnen, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Verbeeck, J., & Nellist, P. (2009). Chirality in EELS: Progress and Applications. In G. Kothleitner, M. Leisch, M. A. Pabst, G. Zellnig, W. Grogger, F. Hofer, & P. Pölt (Eds.), Mc 2009. Microscopy Conference, Graz, Austria. 30 August - 4 September 2009. First Joint Meeting Of Dreiländertagung And Multinational Congress On Microscopy. (pp. 119–120). Facultas Verlag.
- | Chiralty in EELS: Progress and Applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEnnen, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Verbeeck, J., & Nellist, P. (2009). Chiralty in EELS: Progress and Applications. In G. Kothleitner, M. Leisch, M. A. Pabst, G. Zellnig, W. Grogger, F. Hofer, & P. Pölt (Eds.), Mc 2009. Microscopy Conference, Graz, Austria. 30 August - 4 September 2009. First Joint Meeting Of Dreiländertagung And Multinational Congress On Microscopy. (pp. 119–120). Facultas Verlag.
- | Distortion corrections of ESI data cubes for magnetic studies at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGatel, C., Warot-Fonrose, B., & Schattschneider, P. (2009). Distortion corrections of ESI data cubes for magnetic studies. Ultramicroscopy, 109(12), 1465–1471.
- | SEM and TEM cross-section study of inhomogeneities in Zr3Al deformed by high pressure torsion at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGeist, D., Thaller, A., Rentenberger, C., Bernardi, J., & Karnthaler, H. P. (2009). SEM and TEM cross-section study of inhomogeneities in Zr3Al deformed by high pressure torsion. In G. Kothleitner, M. Leisch, M. A. Pabst, G. Zellnig, W. Grogger, F. Hofer, & P. Pölt (Eds.), Mc 2009. Microscopy Conference, Graz, Austria. 30 August - 4 September 2009. First Joint Meeting Of Dreiländertagung And Multinational Congress On Microscopy. (pp. 251–252). Facultas Verlag.
- | An ELNES study of LiAlO2 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHetaba, W., Mogilatenko, A., Neumann, W., & Schattschneider, P. (2009). An ELNES study of LiAlO2. In G. Kothleitner, M. Leisch, M. A. Pabst, G. Zellnig, W. Grogger, F. Hofer, & P. Pölt (Eds.), Mc 2009. Microscopy Conference, Graz, Austria. 30 August - 4 September 2009. First Joint Meeting Of Dreiländertagung And Multinational Congress On Microscopy. (pp. 125–126). Facultas Verlag.
- | Structural and Chemical Investigations of (La, Sr)CoO<sub>3-δ</sub> Thin Film Electrodes Exhibiting Very Fast Oxygen Reduction Kinetics at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowJanuschewsky, J., Kubicek, M., Stoeger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Fleig, J. (2009). Structural and Chemical Investigations of (La, Sr)CoO3-δ Thin Film Electrodes Exhibiting Very Fast Oxygen Reduction Kinetics. In ECS Transactions (pp. 2397–2402). The Electrochemical Society.
- | Structural and chemical investigations of (La, Sr)CoO3-δ thin film electrodes exhibiting extramly fast oxygen reduction kinetics at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowJanuschewsky, J., Kubicek, M., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., & Fleig, J. (2009). Structural and chemical investigations of (La, Sr)CoO3-δ thin film electrodes exhibiting extramly fast oxygen reduction kinetics. In Meeting Abstracts (p. 1474).
- | THE EFFECT OF SOLID-SOLID-INTERFACES ON THE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF MgO NANOPARTICLE ENSEMBLES at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKoller, D., Sternig, A., Siedl, N., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2009). THE EFFECT OF SOLID-SOLID-INTERFACES ON THE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF MgO NANOPARTICLE ENSEMBLES. In 13. Österreichische Chemietage (p. OP16).
- | The effect of solid-solid-interfaces on the optical properties of MgO nanoparticle ensembles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKoller, D., Sternig, A., Siedl, N., Müller, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2009). The effect of solid-solid-interfaces on the optical properties of MgO nanoparticle ensembles. In Physical Chemistry of Solids: the Science behind Materials Engineering (p. 280).
- | Core-hole effect in the one-particle approximation revisited from Density Functional Theory at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMauchamp, V., Jaouen, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2009). Core-hole effect in the one-particle approximation revisited from Density Functional Theory. International EELS Workshop, Grundlsee, Austria.
- | Core-hole effect in the one-particle approximation revisited from density functional theory at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMauchamp, V., Jaouen, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2009). Core-hole effect in the one-particle approximation revisited from density functional theory. Physical Review B, 79(235106).
- | Density Functional Theory study of the core-hole effect in simulations of core-loss spectra. at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMauchamp, V., Jaouen, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2009). Density Functional Theory study of the core-hole effect in simulations of core-loss spectra. In G. Kothleitner, M. Leisch, M. A. Pabst, G. Zellnig, W. Grogger, F. Hofer, & P. Pölt (Eds.), Mc 2009. Microscopy Conference, Graz, Austria. 30 August - 4 September 2009. First Joint Meeting Of Dreiländertagung And Multinational Congress On Microscopy. (pp. 143–144). Facultas Verlag.
- | Electron-microscopic characterization of pure oxide methanol steam reforming catalysts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPenner, S., Lorenz, H., Klötzer, B., Stöger-Pollach, M., Lebedev, O., & Turner, S. (2009). Electron-microscopic characterization of pure oxide methanol steam reforming catalysts. In G. Kothleitner, M. Leisch, M. A. Pabst, G. Zellnig, W. Grogger, F. Hofer, & P. Pölt (Eds.), Mc 2009. Microscopy Conference, Graz, Austria. 30 August - 4 September 2009. First Joint Meeting Of Dreiländertagung And Multinational Congress On Microscopy. (pp. 121–122). Facultas Verlag.
- | Dendritic growth of amorphous gallium oxide in mixed GaOx/WOx thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPenner, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Klauser, F., Lorenz, H., Klötzer, B., Liu, X., Jenewein, B., & Bertel, E. (2009). Dendritic growth of amorphous gallium oxide in mixed GaOx/WOx thin films. Materials Chemistry and Physics: Including Materials Science Communications, 116(1), 175–182.
- | Measuring the dielectric constant of materials from valence EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPotapov, P. L., Engelmann, H.-J., Zschech, E., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2009). Measuring the dielectric constant of materials from valence EELS. Micron, 40(2), 262–268.
- | Development of an "in vitro" model on cellular adhesion on granular natural bone mineral under dynamic seeding conditions - A pilot study at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRameis, M., Cei, S., Bernardi, J., Watzek, G., & Gruber, R. (2009). Development of an “in vitro” model on cellular adhesion on granular natural bone mineral under dynamic seeding conditions - A pilot study. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 91B(2), 766–771.
- | Stability and photoelectronic properties of titanate nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2009). Stability and photoelectronic properties of titanate nanostructures. COST Action D41 “Inorganic Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces” , 2009 Annual Meeting of the Working Group 1 “Oxide Nanostructures,” Friedrich-Alexander Universitat Erlangen-Nürnberg Unicum, 91052 Erlangen, Germany, EU.
- | Stability And Photoelectronic Properties Of Layered Titanate Nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2009). Stability And Photoelectronic Properties Of Layered Titanate Nanostructures. In 13. Österreichische Chemietage (p. OP42).
- | Stability and Photoelectronic Properties of Titanate Nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2009). Stability and Photoelectronic Properties of Titanate Nanostructures. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131, 6198–6206.
- | Stability and photoelectronic properties of layered titanate nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2009). Stability and photoelectronic properties of layered titanate nanostructures. In Haupthema: Physical Chemistry of Solids: the Science behind Materials Engineering (p. 67).
- | In-situ contacting of nanosheets and remote EMCD at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Jafri, S. H. M., Blom, T., Carva, K., Sanyal, B., Eriksson, O., Widenkvist, E., Jansson, U., Grennberg, H., Quinlan, R. A., Rusz, J., Oppeneer, P., Hjörvarsson, B., Liebig, A., Schattschneider, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hurm, C., Zweck, J., & Leifer, K. (2009). In-situ contacting of nanosheets and remote EMCD. 2nd International Workshop on remote Electron Microscopy and In Situ Studies, Gothenburg, Sweden, EU.
- | Inelastic coherence and spin polarized transitions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2009). Inelastic coherence and spin polarized transitions. Minisymposium on Inelastic Coherence and Holography, Dresden/ Deutschland, EU.
- | Interferometric electron energy loss spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2009). Interferometric electron energy loss spectrometry. LESS 2009, TU Wien, Austria.
- | Chiral EELS: Application to magnetic materials at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Verbeeck, J. (2009). Chiral EELS: Application to magnetic materials. International EELS Workshop, Grundlsee, Austria.
- | Real space maps of atomic transitions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Verbeeck, J., & Hamon, A. L. (2009). Real space maps of atomic transitions. Ultramicroscopy, 109(7), 781–787.
- | TEM investigations of the precipitation kinetics of Mn(Cu)S and AlN in microalloyed steel at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchwarz, S., Radis, R., Kozeschnik, E., & Rumplmair, G. (2009). TEM investigations of the precipitation kinetics of Mn(Cu)S and AlN in microalloyed steel. In G. Kothleitner, M. Leisch, M. A. Pabst, G. Zellnig, W. Grogger, F. Hofer, & P. Pölt (Eds.), Mc 2009. Microscopy Conference, Graz, Austria. 30 August - 4 September 2009. First Joint Meeting Of Dreiländertagung And Multinational Congress On Microscopy. (pp. 253–254). Facultas Verlag.
- | Particle attachment effects on charge separation in oxide nanoparticle ensembles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSiedl, N., Bernardi, J., Elser, M., & Diwald, O. (2009). Particle attachment effects on charge separation in oxide nanoparticle ensembles. In E-MRS 2009 Spring Meeting (p. E30).
- | Particle interface effects on charge separation in oxide nanoparticle ensembles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSiedl, N., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2009). Particle interface effects on charge separation in oxide nanoparticle ensembles. COST Action D41 “Inorganic Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces” , 2009 Annual Meeting of the Working Group 1 “Oxide Nanostructures,” Friedrich-Alexander Universitat Erlangen-Nürnberg Unicum, 91052 Erlangen, Germany, EU.
- | Functional Interfaces in Pure and Blended Oxide Nanoparticle Networks: Recombination versus Separation of Photogenerated Charges at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSiedl, N., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2009). Functional Interfaces in Pure and Blended Oxide Nanoparticle Networks: Recombination versus Separation of Photogenerated Charges. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 15792–15795.
- | Particle Attachment Effects On Charge Separation In Oxide Nanoparticle Ensembles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSiedl, N., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2009). Particle Attachment Effects On Charge Separation In Oxide Nanoparticle Ensembles. In 13. Österreichische Chemietage (p. OP16).
- | Particle attachment effects on charge separation in oxide nanoparticle ensembles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSiedl, N., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2009). Particle attachment effects on charge separation in oxide nanoparticle ensembles. In Physical Chemistry of Solids: the Science behind Materials Engineering (p. P32).
- | When Fewer Photons Do More: A Comparative O2 Photoadsorption Study on Vapor-Deposited TiO2 and ZrO2 Nanocrystal Ensembles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSiedl, N., Elser, M., Halwax, E., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2009). When Fewer Photons Do More: A Comparative O2 Photoadsorption Study on Vapor-Deposited TiO2 and ZrO2 Nanocrystal Ensembles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 9175–9181.
- | Zn(x)Mg(1-x)O Surfaces of MgO Nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Sternig, A., Bernardi, J., Finochi, F., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2009). Zn(x)Mg(1-x)O Surfaces of MgO Nanocubes. In The 6th International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX-VI) (pp. 59-*).
- | Adsorbed and incorporated Ba(2+) ions at MgO nanoparticle surfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Müller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2009). Adsorbed and incorporated Ba(2+) ions at MgO nanoparticle surfaces. COST Action D41 “Inorganic Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces” , 2009 Annual Meeting of the Working Group 1 “Oxide Nanostructures,” Friedrich-Alexander Universitat Erlangen-Nürnberg Unicum, 91052 Erlangen, Germany.
- | Photoluminescent Nanoparticle Surfaces: The Potential Of Alkaline Earth Oxides For Optical Applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Müller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2009). Photoluminescent Nanoparticle Surfaces: The Potential Of Alkaline Earth Oxides For Optical Applications. In 13. Österreichische Chemietage (p. OP41).
- | Photoluminescent nanoparticle surfaces: the potential of alkaline earth oxides for optical applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Müller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2009). Photoluminescent nanoparticle surfaces: the potential of alkaline earth oxides for optical applications. In Physical Chemistry of Solids: the Science behind Materials Engineering (pp. 350–351).
- | Photoluminescent nanoparticle surfaces: the potential of alkaline earth oxides for optical applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Müller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2009). Photoluminescent nanoparticle surfaces: the potential of alkaline earth oxides for optical applications. In The 6th International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX-VI) (pp. 60-*).
- | Synthesis and spectroscopy on Zn(x)Mg(1-x)O nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Finochi, F., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2009). Synthesis and spectroscopy on Zn(x)Mg(1-x)O nanocubes. In E-MRS 2009 Spring Meeting (p. E10).
- | Synthesis and spectroscopy of Zn(x)Mg(1-x)O nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Stankic, S., Knözinger, E., Bernardi, J., Finochi, F., & Diwald, O. (2009). Synthesis and spectroscopy of Zn(x)Mg(1-x)O nanocubes. In 13. Österreichische Chemietage (p. MS8).
- | Dielectric functions obtained with high spatial resolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2009). Dielectric functions obtained with high spatial resolution. LESS 2009, TU Wien, Austria.
- | Erweiterung der analytischen Möglichkeiten des TEM: Untersuchungen der optischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften mit hoher Ortsauflösung at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2009). Erweiterung der analytischen Möglichkeiten des TEM: Untersuchungen der optischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften mit hoher Ortsauflösung. Forschungsplattform Material- und Nanowissenschaften, Universität Innsbruck, Austria.
- | A new approach in valence EELS: using slow electrons for optical characterization at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2009). A new approach in valence EELS: using slow electrons for optical characterization. In G. Kothleitner, M. Leisch, M. A. Pabst, G. Zellnig, W. Grogger, F. Hofer, & P. Pölt (Eds.), Mc 2009. Microscopy Conference, Graz, Austria. 30 August - 4 September 2009. First Joint Meeting Of Dreiländertagung And Multinational Congress On Microscopy. (p. 2). Facultas Verlag.
- | Advantages of Low Beam Energies in a TEM vor Valnce EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Pongratz, P. (2009). Advantages of Low Beam Energies in a TEM vor Valnce EELS. Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Oxford, UK, EU.
- | Investigating the dielectric properties of silicon by means of valence EELS in a TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Shirley, E. L., & Schattschneider, P. (2009). Investigating the dielectric properties of silicon by means of valence EELS in a TEM. Edge 2009, Banff; Alberta, Canada, Non-EU.
- | Image simulation of high resolution energy filtered TEM images at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVerbeeck, J., Schattschneider, P., & Rosenauer, A. (2009). Image simulation of high resolution energy filtered TEM images. Ultramicroscopy, 109(4), 350–360.
- | Corrections on ESI data cube for energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism : theoretical and experimental examples at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWarot-Fonrose, B., Gatel, C., Serin, V., Calmels, L., & Schattschneider, P. (2009). Corrections on ESI data cube for energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism : theoretical and experimental examples. International EELS Workshop, Grundlsee, Austria.
- | Transmission electron microscopy of indented and scratched titanium-alumina layers on silicon at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWhitmore, L. C., Koch, T., Abermann, S., Whitmore, K., & Steiger-Thirsfeld, A. (2009). Transmission electron microscopy of indented and scratched titanium-alumina layers on silicon. In G. Kothleitner, M. Leisch, M. A. Pabst, G. Zellnig, W. Grogger, F. Hofer, & P. Pölt (Eds.), Mc 2009. Microscopy Conference, Graz, Austria. 30 August - 4 September 2009. First Joint Meeting Of Dreiländertagung And Multinational Congress On Microscopy. (pp. 459–460). Facultas Verlag.
- | Solvothermal Synthesis of Magnetic Chains Self-Assembled by Flowerlike Cobalt Submicrospheres at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowZhang, Y.-J., Yao, Q., Zhang, Y., Cui, T.-Y., Li, D., Liu, W., Whitmore, L. C., & Zhang, Z.-D. (2008). Solvothermal Synthesis of Magnetic Chains Self-Assembled by Flowerlike Cobalt Submicrospheres. Crystal Growth and Design, 8(9), 3206–3212.
- | Chemical Vapor Growth of One-dimensional Magnetite Nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMathur, S., Barth, S. C., Werner, U., Hernandez-Ramirez, F., & Romano-Rodriquez, A. (2008). Chemical Vapor Growth of One-dimensional Magnetite Nanostructures. Advanced Materials, 20(8), 1550–1554.
- | Orbital and spin sum rules for electron energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism: Application to metals and oxides at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowCalmels, L., Warot, B., Houdellier, F., Schattschneider, P., Gatel, C., Serin, V., & Snoeck, E. (2008). Orbital and spin sum rules for electron energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism: Application to metals and oxides. In EMC 2008 (pp. 359–360). Springer-Verlag.
- | Nanoflakes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowCelarek, A., Whitmore, L. C., Kubel, F., & Gebeshuber, I. C. (2008). Nanoflakes. Final European Workshop: Strengthening the role of women scientiests in Nano-Science, IFW Dresden, germany, EU.
- | Electronic Properties of adjoined TiO2 Nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Elser, M., Siedl, N., & Bernardi, J. (2008). Electronic Properties of adjoined TiO2 Nanocrystals. In 2008 American Physical Society March Meeting. APS Physics Meeting, New Orleans USA, Non-EU.
- | Charge Separation in Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Morphology Transformation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Riss, A., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2008). Charge Separation in Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Morphology Transformation. In International Conference on Electronic Materials 2008 presented by International Union of Materials Research Society. International Conference on Electronic Materials 2008 presented by International Union of Materials Research Society, 2008 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, Hilton Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, Non-EU.
- | Charge Separation in Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Morphology Transformation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Riss, A., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2008). Charge Separation in Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Morphology Transformation. In International Conference on Electronic Materials 2008 presented by International Union of Materials Research Society. International Conference on Electronic Materials 2008 presented by International Union of Materials Research Society, 2008 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, Hilton Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
- | Charge Separation in layered Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Ion Exchange induced Morphology Transformation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Riss, A., Grothe, H., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2008). Charge Separation in layered Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Ion Exchange induced Morphology Transformation. In 2008 American Physical Society March Meeting. APS Physics Meeting 2008: Focus Session: Materials for Photovoltaics and Photocatalysis, New Orleans, United States of America (the).
- | Photoluminescent nanoparticle surfaces: the potential of alkaline earth oxides for optical applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Sternig, A., Müller, M., Stankic, S., & Bernardi, J. (2008). Photoluminescent nanoparticle surfaces: the potential of alkaline earth oxides for optical applications. In 2008 SAMIC International. SAMIC 2008 International: From molecules to nanosystems, Commune di Bressanone, Italy, EU.
- | Photoluminescent Nanoparticle Surfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Sternig, A., Müller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2008). Photoluminescent Nanoparticle Surfaces. In IUMRS-ICEM 2008, International Conference on Electronic Materials 2008 presented by International Union of Materials Research Society. International Conference on Electronic Materials 2008 presented by International Union of Materials Research Society, 2008 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, Hilton Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, Non-EU.
- | Electronic Properties of adjoined TiO2 Nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowElser, M., Siedl, N., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2008). Electronic Properties of adjoined TiO2 Nanocrystals. In 17th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy 2008 (p. 119).
- | Distortion corrections of ESI data cubes for magnetic studies at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGatel, C., Warot-Fonrose, B., Houdellier, F., & Schattschneider, P. (2008). Distortion corrections of ESI data cubes for magnetic studies. In EMC 2008 (pp. 377–378). Springer-Verlag.
- | Magnetic circular dichroism in electron energy loss spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Schattschneider, P., Rubino, S., Novak, P., Rusz, J., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2008). Magnetic circular dichroism in electron energy loss spectrometry. Ultramicroscopy, 108(3), 277–284.
- | Novel methanol steam reforming activity and selectivity of pure In2O3 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLorenz, H., Jochum, W., Klötzer, B., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schwarz, S., Pfaller, K., & Penner, S. (2008). Novel methanol steam reforming activity and selectivity of pure In2O3. Applied Catalysis A: General, 347(1), 34–42.
- | A new preparation pathway to well-defined In2O3 nanoparticles at low substrate temperatures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLorenz, H., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schwarz, S., Pfaller, K., Klötzer, B., Bernardi, J., & Penner, S. (2008). A new preparation pathway to well-defined In2O3 nanoparticles at low substrate temperatures. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112(4), 918–925.
- | Nanoparticles as a support: CaO deposits on MgO cubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller, M., Sternig, A., Stankic, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Nanoparticles as a support: CaO deposits on MgO cubes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 9120–9123.
- | Tribological behaviour of Ti containing nanocomposite DLC film under milli-Newton load range at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPauschitz, A., Kvasnica, S., Jisa, R., Bernardi, J., Koch, T., & Roy, M. (2008). Tribological behaviour of Ti containing nanocomposite DLC film under milli-Newton load range. Diamond and Related Materials, 17(12), 2010–2018.
- | Charge Separation in Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Ion Exchange induced Morphology Transformation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Berger, T., Grothe, H., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Charge Separation in Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Ion Exchange induced Morphology Transformation. In 17th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy 2008 (p. 59).
- | Charge Separation in layered Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Ion Exchange induced Morphology Transformation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Berger, T., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Charge Separation in layered Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Ion Exchange induced Morphology Transformation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 47(8), 1496–1499.
- | Ladungstrennung in nanoskaligen Titanat-Schichten: Einfluss von Ionenaustausch und Morphologieumwandlung auf die photoelektronischen Eigenschaften at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Berger, T., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Ladungstrennung in nanoskaligen Titanat-Schichten: Einfluss von Ionenaustausch und Morphologieumwandlung auf die photoelektronischen Eigenschaften. Angewandte Chemie, 120(8), 1518–1522.
- | Charge Separation in Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Morphology Transformation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Charge Separation in Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Morphology Transformation. COST Action D41 “Inorganic Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces” 2008 Annual Meeting of WG1 “Oxide Nanostructures,” Institut des Nanosciences de Paris, Campus Boucicaut, Paris, France, EU.
- | Charge Separation in Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Morphology Transformation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Elser, M., Berger, T., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Charge Separation in Titanate Nanostructures: Effect of Morphology Transformation. In E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting (p. P20).
- | Energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism (EMCD): Magnetic chiral dichroism in the electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., Rusz, J., Calmels, L., Warot-Fonrose, B., Houdellier, F., Serin, V., & Novak, P. (2008). Energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism (EMCD): Magnetic chiral dichroism in the electron microscope. Journal of Materials Research, 23(10), 2582–2590.
- | Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Electron Microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRusz, J., Novák, P., Rubino, S., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2008). Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Electron Microscopy. Acta Physica Polonica A, VOL. 113(1), 599–604.
- | Dichroism with electrons in TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2008). Dichroism with electrons in TEM. 19. Edgar Lüscher Seminar 2008, Klosters, Schweiz, EU.
- | EELS in the TEM: Basis and applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2008). EELS in the TEM: Basis and applications. MORE Symposium, Wien, Austria.
- | Electron energy loss spectrometry (EELS) in the TEM: Basics and Applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2008). Electron energy loss spectrometry (EELS) in the TEM: Basics and Applications. VJornadas do Ciceco, Aveiro, Portugal, EU.
- | Understanding Physics: the spirit of Science Fiction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2008). Understanding Physics: the spirit of Science Fiction. Seminar CEMES, Toulouse/ Frankreich, EU.
- | XMCD in the electron microscope: Nanometer resolution and below at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2008). XMCD in the electron microscope: Nanometer resolution and below. Séminaire Soleil, Saint-Aubin, France, EU.
- | Exchange of angular momentum in EMCD experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2008). Exchange of angular momentum in EMCD experiments. Ultramicroscopy, 109(1), 91–95.
- | Fringe contrast in inelastic LACBED holography at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Verbeeck, J. (2008). Fringe contrast in inelastic LACBED holography. Ultramicroscopy, 108(5), 407–414.
- | Dichroism and other actual topics in EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Bleloch, A., Carlino, E., Hébert, C., Mayer, J., Nelhiebel, M., Rubino, S., Rusz, J., Stephan, O., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2008). Dichroism and other actual topics in EELS. 19. Edgar Lüscher Seminar 2008, Klosters, Schweiz, EU.
- | Magnetic circular dichroism in EELS: Towards 10 nm resolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Hébert, C., Rubino, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Rusz, J., & Novák, P. (2008). Magnetic circular dichroism in EELS: Towards 10 nm resolution. Ultramicroscopy, 108(5), 433–438.
- | Energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism: A new technique for the study of magnetic properties in the electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rubino, S., Stoeger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., Rusz, J., Calmels, L., & Snoeck, E. (2008). Energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism: A new technique for the study of magnetic properties in the electron microscope. Journal of Applied Physics, 103(7), 07D931.
- | XMCD in the electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., Rubino, S., & Hébert, C. (2008). XMCD in the electron microscope. 23. Workshop on Novel Materials and Superconductivity, Planneralm, Austria.
- | Detection of magnetic circular dichroism on the two-nanometer scale at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., Rubino, S., Sperl, M., Hurm, C., Zweck, J., & Rusz, J. (2008). Detection of magnetic circular dichroism on the two-nanometer scale. Physical Review B, 78(104413).
- | EMCD with nm Resolution and Below: Experiments, Proposals and a Paradox at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., Tian, F., & Verbeeck, J. (2008). EMCD with nm Resolution and Below: Experiments, Proposals and a Paradox. In EMC 2008, Vol.1 Instrumentation and Methods (pp. 349–350). Springer-Verlag.
- | Characterisation: Analytical TEM investigations of precipitation hardening in Aluminum alloy 6016 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchwarz, S., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2008). Characterisation: Analytical TEM investigations of precipitation hardening in Aluminum alloy 6016. In Aluminium Alloys (pp. 856–860). Wiley-VCH.
- | EELS and EFTEM-investigations of aluminum alloy 6016 concerning the elements Al, Si and Mg at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchwarz, S., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2008). EELS and EFTEM-investigations of aluminum alloy 6016 concerning the elements Al, Si and Mg. In EMC 2008; Preface Volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods. 14th European Microscopy Congress, Aachen, Germany, EU. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
- | Isolated and aggregated ZrO2 Nanocrystals: a spectroscopic Study at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSiedl, N., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2008). Isolated and aggregated ZrO2 Nanocrystals: a spectroscopic Study. COST Action D41 “Inorganic Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces” 2008 Annual Meeting of WG1 “Oxide Nanostructures,” Institut des Nanosciences de Paris, Campus Boucicaut, Paris, France, EU.
- | Light-induced charge separation in oxide nanoparticle ensembles: the influence of solid-solid interfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSiedl, N., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2008). Light-induced charge separation in oxide nanoparticle ensembles: the influence of solid-solid interfaces. COST Action D41 “Inorganic Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces” 2008 Annual Meeting of WG1 “Oxide Nanostructures,” Institut des Nanosciences de Paris, Campus Boucicaut, Paris, France, EU.
- | Isolated and aggregated ZrO2 nanocrystals: a spectroscopic study at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSiedl, N., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2008). Isolated and aggregated ZrO2 nanocrystals: a spectroscopic study. In Analyse, Manipulation und Simulation auf der Nanometerskala (p. E3).
- | Structure and spectroscopic properties of Zn(2+)-doped MgO nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Sternig, A., Bernardi, J., Finocci, F., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Structure and spectroscopic properties of Zn(2+)-doped MgO nanocubes. In Surface Chemistry of Nanomaterials CERC3-YCW (p. 29).
- | Zn(x)Mg(1-x)O cubes: structure and spectroscopic surface properties at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Sternig, A., Bernardi, J., Finochi, F., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Zn(x)Mg(1-x)O cubes: structure and spectroscopic surface properties. Cost Action D41 Inorganic Oxides: Surfaces and Interfaces, 2008 Annual Meeting of the COST Action, Faculty of Chemistry, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, Spanien, EU.
- | Photoluminescent Oxide Particle Surfaces: about the Potential of Alkaline Earth Oxides for optical Applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Müller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Photoluminescent Oxide Particle Surfaces: about the Potential of Alkaline Earth Oxides for optical Applications. COST Action D41 “Inorganic Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces” 2008 Annual Meeting of WG1 “Oxide Nanostructures,” Institut des Nanosciences de Paris, Campus Boucicaut, Paris, France, EU.
- | Photoluminescent nanoparticle surfaces: the potential of alkaline earth oxides for optical applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Müller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Photoluminescent nanoparticle surfaces: the potential of alkaline earth oxides for optical applications. COST action D41 “Inorganic oxides: surfaces and interfaces” 2008 Annual Meeting of the COST action, Aula Magna, Faculty of Chemistry, Universitat de Barcelona, Calle Martí Franquès, Barcelona, Spain, EU.
- | Thermal Stability and optical Properties of Alkaline Earth Oxide Nanoparticle Powders at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Müller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Thermal Stability and optical Properties of Alkaline Earth Oxide Nanoparticle Powders. COST Action D41 “Inorganic Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces” 2008 Annual Meeting of WG1 “Oxide Nanostructures,” Institut des Nanosciences de Paris, Campus Boucicaut, Paris, France, EU.
- | Optical surface properties of alkaline earth oxide nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Müller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Optical surface properties of alkaline earth oxide nanoparticles. In E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting (p. P21).
- | Thermal stability and optical properties of alkaline earth oxide nanoparticle powders at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Müller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Thermal stability and optical properties of alkaline earth oxide nanoparticle powders. In Analyse, Manipulation und Simulation auf der Nanometerskala (pp. P183–P184).
- | Photoluminescent nanoparticle surfaces: the potential of alkaline earth oxides for optical applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Stankic, S., Müller, M., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2008). Photoluminescent nanoparticle surfaces: the potential of alkaline earth oxides for optical applications. Advanced Materials, 20(24), 4840–4844.
- | About the determination of optical properties using fast electrons at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2008). About the determination of optical properties using fast electrons. In EMC 2008, Preface Volume 2: Materials Science. 14th European Microscopy Congress, Aachen, Germany, EU. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
- | Optical properties and bandgaps from low loss EELS: Pitfalls and solutions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2008). Optical properties and bandgaps from low loss EELS: Pitfalls and solutions. Micron, 39(8), 1092–1110.
- | Treating retardation effects in valence EELS spectra for Kramers-Kronig analysis at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Laister, A., & Schattschneider, P. (2008). Treating retardation effects in valence EELS spectra for Kramers-Kronig analysis. Ultramicroscopy, 108(5), 439–444.
- | EMCD at high spatial resolution: comparison of STEM with EELS profiling at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Perkins, J., & McComb, D. (2008). EMCD at high spatial resolution: comparison of STEM with EELS profiling. In EMC 2008; Preface Volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods. 14th European Microscopy Congress., Aachen, Germany, EU. 2008 Springer-Verlag.
- | The Fresnel effect of a defocused biprism on the fringes in inelastic holography at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVerbeeck, J., Bertoni, G., & Schattschneider, P. (2008). The Fresnel effect of a defocused biprism on the fringes in inelastic holography. Ultramicroscopy, 108(3), 263–269.
- | Partial coherence in inelastic holography at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVerbeeck, J., Bertoni, G., Van Dyck, D., Lichte, H., & Schattschneider, P. (2008). Partial coherence in inelastic holography. In EMC 2008, Vol.1 Instrumentation and Methods (pp. 243–244). Springer-Verlag.
- | Optimal aperture sizes and positions for EMCD experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVerbeeck, J., Hébert, C., Rubino, S., Novák, P., Rusz, J., Houdellier, F., Gatel, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2008). Optimal aperture sizes and positions for EMCD experiments. Ultramicroscopy, 108(9), 865–872.
- | Optimal aperture sizes and positions for EMCD experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVerbeeck, J., Hébert, C., Rubino, S., Novák, P., Rusz, J., Houdellier, F., Gatel, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2008). Optimal aperture sizes and positions for EMCD experiments. In EMC 2008, Vol.1 Instrumentation and Methods (pp. 453–454). Springer-Verlag.
- | Transmission Electron Microscopy of Indented ZrO2 Layers on Silicon Substrates at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWhitmore, L. C., Koch, T., & Abermann, S. (2008). Transmission Electron Microscopy of Indented ZrO2 Layers on Silicon Substrates. 2008 E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, EU.
- | The influence of relativistic energy losses on bandgap determination using valence EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). The influence of relativistic energy losses on bandgap determination using valence EELS. Ultramicroscopy, 107(12), 1178–1185.
- | New Electron Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroïsm (EMCD) configuration using an aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHoudellier, F., Warot-Fonrose, B., Hytch, M. J., Snoeck, E., Calmels, L., Serin, V., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). New Electron Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroïsm (EMCD) configuration using an aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13(S03), 48–49.
- | Verification of Electron Magnetic Chiral Dichroism in a TEM by Reversing the Specimen's Magnetisation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHurm, C., Zweck, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Rubino, S., Hebert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). Verification of Electron Magnetic Chiral Dichroism in a TEM by Reversing the Specimen’s Magnetisation. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13(S03), 12–13.
- | State of the Art in Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism (EMCD) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSerin, V., Houdellier, F., Warot-Fonrose, B., Calmels, L., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., Rubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Rusz, J., Novak, P., Hytch, M. J., & Snoeck, E. (2007). State of the Art in Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism (EMCD). Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13(S02).
- | First-principles theory of chiral dichroism in electron microscopy applied to 3d ferromagnets at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRusz, J., Rubino, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). First-principles theory of chiral dichroism in electron microscopy applied to 3d ferromagnets. Physical Review B, 75(214425).
- | Antimony Induced Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWang, Y., Li, H. Z., Yu, C. N., Wu, G. M., Gordon, I., Schattschneider, P., & Van Der Biest, O. (2007). Antimony Induced Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 20(3), 167–170.
- | TEM Investigation of Surface Doped MgO Nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Stankic, S., Müller, M., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). TEM Investigation of Surface Doped MgO Nanocrystals. In 14. Tagung Festkörperanalytik. 14. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Technische Universität Wien, Austria.
- | Experimental application of sum rules for electron energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowCalmels, L., Houdellier, F., Warot-Fonrose, B., Gatel, C., Hÿtch, M. J., Serin, V., Snoeck, E., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). Experimental application of sum rules for electron energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism. Physical Review B, 76(060409).
- | Analytical orbital and spin sum rules for magnetic circular dichroism spectra in a transmission electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowCalmels, L., Schattschneider, P., Houdellier, F., & Warot-Fonrose, B. (2007). Analytical orbital and spin sum rules for magnetic circular dichroism spectra in a transmission electron microscope. 3rd Chiraltem Workshop, Trieste, Italien, EU.
- | Light-induced Charge Separation in TiO2 Nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Berger, T., Elser, M., Riss, A., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Light-induced Charge Separation in TiO2 Nanocrystals. In 1. GÖCH-Symposium 2007 “Physikalische Chemie in Österreich” (p. 22).
- | Light-induced Charge Separation in TiO2 Nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Berger, T., Elser, M., Riss, A., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Light-induced Charge Separation in TiO2 Nanocrystals. In SP-2, Second International Conference of Semiconductor Photochemistry. Second International Conference on Semiconductor Photochemistry, Aberdeen, UK, EU.
- | Oxide islands on MgO nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Müller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Oxide islands on MgO nanocubes. In European Materials Research Society (p. 42).
- | Chemical Control of Photoexcited States in Titanate Nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Riss, A., Berger, T., Grothe, H., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Chemical Control of Photoexcited States in Titanate Nanostructures. In SP-2, Second International Conference on Semiconductor Photochemistry. Second International Conference on Semiconductor Photochemistry, Aberdeen, UK, EU.
- | Chemical control of photoexcited states in titanate nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Riss, A., Berger, T., Grothe, H., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Chemical control of photoexcited states in titanate nanostructures. In MRS 2007 Fall Meeting (p. 291).
- | Surface properties of oxide nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Stankic, S., Müller, M., Riss, A., Berger, T., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Surface properties of oxide nanocrystals. 22. workshop on novel materials and superconductivity, Planneralm, Österreich, Austria.
- | Electronic Properties of agglomerated TiO2 nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowElser, M., Berger, T., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Electronic Properties of agglomerated TiO2 nanocrystals. 2007 Annual meeting of Working Group 1 “Oxide Nanostructures” , COST Action D41, Departament de Química Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona/ Spain, EU.
- | Spectroscopic properties of adjoined TiO2 nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowElser, M., Berger, T., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2007). Spectroscopic properties of adjoined TiO2 nanocrystals. In European Materials Research Society (p. 22).
- | Spectroscopic properties of adjoined TiO2 nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowElser, M., Berger, T., Brandhuber, D., Bernardi, J., & Diwald, O. (2007). Spectroscopic properties of adjoined TiO2 nanocrystals. In 12. Österreichische Chemietage, Joint Meeting of the Slovenian & Austrian Societies (p. OP32).
- | Spectroscopic Properties of adjoined TiO2 Nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowElser, M., Berger, T., Brandhuber, D., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Spectroscopic Properties of adjoined TiO2 Nanocrystals. In 106. Bunsentagung, Heterogene Neuartige Kohlenstoffstrukturen (p. C2).
- | Spectroscopic Properties of adjoined TiO2 Nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowElser, M., Berger, T., Siedl, N., Brandhuber, D., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2007). Spectroscopic Properties of adjoined TiO2 Nanocrystals. In 1. GÖCH-Symposium 2007 “Physikalische Chemie in Österreich” (p. 20).
- | CI - Vergiftung von Pd Nanoteilchen auf ZrO2: FTIR und AES Spektroskopie at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEmhofer, W., Föttinger, K., Bernardi, J., Störi, H., Vinek, H., & Rupprechter, G. (2007). CI - Vergiftung von Pd Nanoteilchen auf ZrO2: FTIR und AES Spektroskopie. In 14. Tagung Festkörperanalytik (p. P 36).
- | XMCD and EMCD: two complementary techniques? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowFelisari, L., Maccherozzi, F., Rubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Panaccione, G., Rossi, G., & Carlino, E. (2007). XMCD and EMCD: two complementary techniques? 3rd Chiraltem Workshop, Trieste, Italien, EU.
- | Imaging using inelastically scattered electrons in CTEM and STEM geometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowFindlay, S. D., Schattschneider, P., & Allen, L. J. (2007). Imaging using inelastically scattered electrons in CTEM and STEM geometry. Ultramicroscopy, 108(1), 58–67.
- | Chemical control of photoexcited states in titanate nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGrothe, H., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Chemical control of photoexcited states in titanate nanostructures. In 12. Österreichische Chemietage, Joint Meeting of the Slovenian & Austrian Societies (p. MS26).
- | Dichroisme circulaire magnétique EMCD (Electron Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism) dans un micorscope électronique en transmission équipé d'un correcteur d'aberration sphérique at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHoudellier, F., Warot-Fonrose, B., Hytch, M. J., Snoeck, E., Calmels, L., Serin, V., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). Dichroisme circulaire magnétique EMCD (Electron Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism) dans un micorscope électronique en transmission équipé d’un correcteur d’aberration sphérique. Société Fancaise des Microscopies Xéme Colloque, Grenoble, Frankreich, EU.
- | New Electron Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism (EMCD) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHoudellier, F., Warot-Fonrose, B., Hytch, M. J., Snoeck, E., Calmels, L., Serin, V., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). New Electron Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism (EMCD). Microscopy Conference MC 2007, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, EU.
- | Dichroisme circulaire magnétique EMCD (Electron Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism) dans un micorscope électronique en transmission équipé d'un correcteur d'aberration sphérique at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHoudellier, F., Warot-Fonrose, B., Hytch, M. J., Snoeck, E., Calmels, L., Serin, V., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). Dichroisme circulaire magnétique EMCD (Electron Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism) dans un micorscope électronique en transmission équipé d’un correcteur d’aberration sphérique. In Organisé en collaboration avec le GN-MEBA et le Cercle Francais de Pathologie Ultrastructurale (p. 96). Société Francaise des Microscopies.
- | Verification of Electron Magnetic Chiral Dichroism in a TEM by Reversing at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHurm, C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Rubino, S., Hébert, C., Schattschneider, P., & Zweck, J. (2007). Verification of Electron Magnetic Chiral Dichroism in a TEM by Reversing. Microscopy Conference MC 2007, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, EU.
- | Verification of electron magnetic chiral dichroism in a TEM by reversing the specimen's magnetisation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHurm, C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Rubino, S., Hébert, C., Schattschneider, P., & Zweck, J. (2007). Verification of electron magnetic chiral dichroism in a TEM by reversing the specimen’s magnetisation. MC 2007 of the DGE, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, EU.
- | Optimizing S/N ratio in CHIRALTEM experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Verbeeck, J., Rusz, J., Houdellier, F., Rubino, S., Warot-Fonrose, B., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). Optimizing S/N ratio in CHIRALTEM experiments. 3rd Chiraltem Workshop, Trieste, Italien, EU.
- | Microstructure of low alloyed steel close to the fracture surface at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKarlík, M., Haušild, P., Prioul, C., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2007). Microstructure of low alloyed steel close to the fracture surface. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 462(1–2), 183–188.
- | Thin oxide films on MgO nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Thin oxide films on MgO nanocubes. 2007 Annual meeting of Working Group 1 “Oxide Nanostructures” , COST Action D41, Departament de Química Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona/ Spain, EU.
- | Thin oxide films on MgO nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Thin oxide films on MgO nanocubes. In 106. Bunsentagung, Heterogene Neuartige Kohlenstoffstrukturen (p. P70).
- | Oxide Islands on MgO Nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller, M., Stankic, S., Sternig, A., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Oxide Islands on MgO Nanocubes. In 1. GÖCH-Symposium 2007 “Physikalische Chemie in Österreich” (p. 23).
- | Oxide islands on MgO nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMüller, M., Stankic, S., Sternig, A., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Oxide islands on MgO nanocubes. In 12. Österreichische Chemietage (p. MS20).
- | Inelastic electron holography as a variant of the Feynman thought experiment at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPotapov, P. L., Verbeeck, J., Schattschneider, P., Lichte, H., & van Dyck, D. (2007). Inelastic electron holography as a variant of the Feynman thought experiment. Ultramicroscopy, 107(8), 559–567.
- | Chemical Control of Photoexcited States in Titanate Nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A. (2007). Chemical Control of Photoexcited States in Titanate Nanostructures. In 14. Tagung Festkörperanalytik. 14. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Technische Universität Wien, Austria.
- | Influence of intercalated alkali ions on the optical properties of titanate nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Berger, T., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Influence of intercalated alkali ions on the optical properties of titanate nanostructures. 2007 Annual meeting of Working Group 1 “Oxide Nanostructures” , COST Action D41, Departament de Química Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona/ Spain, EU.
- | Chemical control of photoexcited states in titanate nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Berger, T., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Chemical control of photoexcited states in titanate nanostructures. In Einsteins in the City 2 - An international student research conference. Einsteins in the City 2, City College of New York, New York City, USA, Non-EU.
- | Chemical Control of photoexcited States in Titanate Nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Berger, T., Grothe, H., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Chemical Control of photoexcited States in Titanate Nanostructures. In 106. Bunsentagung, Heterogene Neuartige Kohlenstoffstrukturen (p. C16).
- | Chemical control of photoexcited states in titanate nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Berger, T., Grothe, H., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Chemical control of photoexcited states in titanate nanostructures. Nano Letters, 7(2), 433–438.
- | Chemical Control of Photoexcited States in Titanate Nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Berger, T., Grothe, H., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2007). Chemical Control of Photoexcited States in Titanate Nanostructures. In 1.GÖCH-Symposium 2007 “Physikalische Chemie in Österreich” (p. 21).
- | Chemical control of photoexcited states in titanate nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Berger, T., Grothe, H., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2007). Chemical control of photoexcited states in titanate nanostructures. In European Materials Research Society (p. 22).
- | Chemical Control of photoexcited States in Titanate Nanostructures at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Berger, T., Stankic, S., Grothe, H., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Chemical Control of photoexcited States in Titanate Nanostructures. In International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology. 17th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-17), Stockholm, Sweden, EU.
- | Circular dichroic imaging in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). Circular dichroic imaging in the TEM. 3rd Chiraltem Workshop, Trieste, Italien, EU.
- | State of the art of EMCD techniques at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). State of the art of EMCD techniques. 3rd Chiraltem Workshop, Trieste, Italien, EU.
- | Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism: theory and experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., Schattschneider, P., Rusz, J., & Novák, P. (2007). Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism: theory and experiments. 71st Annual Meeting 2007, Regensburg, Deutschland, EU.
- | Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism: theory and experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., Schattschneider, P., Rusz, J., & Novák, P. (2007). Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism: theory and experiments. In Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (p. 521). Section Metal and Material Physics (MM).
- | A New Technique for Nanoscale Magnetism at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Hébert, C., Houdellier, F., Hurm, C., & Zweck, J. (2007). A New Technique for Nanoscale Magnetism. MRS Fall Meeting 2007, Boston, USA, Non-EU.
- | Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Electron Microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRusz, J., Novák, P., Rubino, S., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Electron Microscopy. 13th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism - CSMAG’07, Kosice, Slovakia, EU.
- | A new technique for the study of magnetic properties in the electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2007). A new technique for the study of magnetic properties in the electron microscope. 52nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM 2007), Tampa, Florida, Non-EU.
- | EMCD: A New Technique for the Study of Magnetic Properties in the Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2007). EMCD: A New Technique for the Study of Magnetic Properties in the Electron Microscope. Laboratoire de Metallurgie Physique, Universite de Poiteiers, Cedex, Frankreich, EU.
- | EMCD: Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2007). EMCD: Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope. Stuttgarter Physikalisches Kolloquium, Max Planck Institute für Festkörper- und Metallforschung, EU.
- | Experimental low-loss EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2007). Experimental low-loss EELS. International Workshop on “New Trends in Electron Microscopy,” Max Planck Institute for Metals Research, Stuttgart, Deutschland, EU.
- | Low-loss EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2007). Low-loss EELS. Low Energy Spectrometry Symposium, Verein der Freunde der Festkörperphysik und -chemie, Wien, Austria, Austria.
- | Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope - A new technique for nanomagnetism at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2007). Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope - A new technique for nanomagnetism. Chiraltem, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- | Materials Science & Technology Division at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2007). Materials Science & Technology Division. Seminar Coherence and Correlation in EELS and EFTEM, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA, Non-EU.
- | The present state of EMCD at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2007). The present state of EMCD. Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Universite Paris-Sud, Paris, Frankreich, EU.
- | A new technique for the study of magnetic properties in the electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2007). A new technique for the study of magnetic properties in the electron microscope. In 52nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (p. 77). Chairman.
- | The principle of EMCD at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Hébert, C., Rubino, S., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2007). The principle of EMCD. 3rd Chiraltem Workshop, Trieste, Italien, EU.
- | Approaching 10 nm Resolution with Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism (EMCD) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Hébert, C., Rubino, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Houdellier, F., Warot-Fonrose, B., Serin, V., Rusz, J., & Novák, P. (2007). Approaching 10 nm Resolution with Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism (EMCD). EUROMAT 2007, Nürnberg, Germany, EU.
- | EMCD: Magnetic Chiral Dichroism in the Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rubino, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., Rusz, J., Calmels, L., Warot-Fonrose, B., Houdellier, F., Serin, V., & Novák, P. (2007). EMCD: Magnetic Chiral Dichroism in the Electron Microscope. MRS Fall Meeting 2007, Boston, USA, Non-EU.
- | State of the art in energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism (EMCD) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSerin, V., Houdellier, F., Warot-Fonrose, B., Calmels, L., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., Rubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Rusz, J., Novak, P., Hytch, M. J., & Snoeck, E. (2007). State of the art in energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism (EMCD). MM 2007, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, Non-EU.
- | State of the Art in Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism (EMCD) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSerin, V., Houdellier, F., Warot-Fonrose, B., Calmels, L., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., Rubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Rusz, J., Novák, P., Hytch, M. J., & Snoeck, E. (2007). State of the Art in Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism (EMCD). Microscopy & Microanalysis 2007 Meeting, Ft Lauderdale, Florida, Non-EU.
- | Fullerene release from the inside of carbon nanotubes: A possible route toward drug delivery at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSimon, F., Peterlik, H., Pfeiffer, R., Bernardi, J., & Kuzmany, H. (2007). Fullerene release from the inside of carbon nanotubes: A possible route toward drug delivery. Chemical Physics Letters, 445(4–6), 288–292.
- | Manipulating the chemical and optical properties of MgO nanocubes via surface functionalization at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Berger, T., Müller, M., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Manipulating the chemical and optical properties of MgO nanocubes via surface functionalization. In 12. Österreichische Chemietage, Joint Meeting of the Slovenian & Austrian Societies (p. OP31).
- | Photoexcitation of local surface structures on Strontium oxide grains at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Photoexcitation of local surface structures on Strontium oxide grains. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111(22), 8069–8074.
- | Zn(x)Mg(1-x)O nanocubes: admixung semiconducting to insulating materials at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Zn(x)Mg(1-x)O nanocubes: admixung semiconducting to insulating materials. In 106. Bunsentagung, Heterogene Neuartige Kohlenstoffstrukturen (p. C22).
- | Manipulation of chemical and optical properties of MgO nanocubes via surface functionalization at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Diwald, O., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2007). Manipulation of chemical and optical properties of MgO nanocubes via surface functionalization. In International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology. 17th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-17), Stockholm, Sweden, EU.
- | Chemical reactivity and optical properties of surface functionialized MgO-nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSternig, A., Müller, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Knözinger, E., & Diwald, O. (2007). Chemical reactivity and optical properties of surface functionialized MgO-nanocubes. In Einsteins in the City 2 - An international Student Research Conference. Einsteins in the City 2, City College of New York, New York City, USA, Non-EU.
- | Optical properties from low loss spectra - pitfalls and solutions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2007). Optical properties from low loss spectra - pitfalls and solutions. Internat. workshop on “New trends in electron microscopy,” Max-Planck-Institute for Metals Research, Ringberg Castle, Stuttgart, Germany, EU.
- | The Determination of Optical Properties of Semiconductors Using EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Laister, A., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). The Determination of Optical Properties of Semiconductors Using EELS. MRS Fall Meeting 2007, Boston, USA, Non-EU.
- | Optical properties obtained by electron energy loss spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Laister, A., Schattschneider, P., & Bernardi, J. (2007). Optical properties obtained by electron energy loss spectrometry. In 14. Tagung Festkörperanalytik (p. P 5).
- | Improving the intensity in CHIRALTEM experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Rubino, S., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). Improving the intensity in CHIRALTEM experiments. 3rd Chiraltem Workshop, Trieste, Italien, EU.
- | Phase transformations of an alumina membrane and its influence on silicon nucleation during the aluminium induced layer exchange at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Walter, T., Muske, M., Gall, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). Phase transformations of an alumina membrane and its influence on silicon nucleation during the aluminium induced layer exchange. Thin Solid Films, 515(7–8), 3740–3744.
- | Phase transformations of an alumina membrane and its influence on silicon nucleation during the aluminium induced layer exchange at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Walter, T., Muske, M., Gall, S., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). Phase transformations of an alumina membrane and its influence on silicon nucleation during the aluminium induced layer exchange. Thin Solid Films, 515, 3740–3744.
- | Imaging of low temperature induced SMSI on Pd/TiO2 catalysts at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSá, J., Bernardi, J., & Anderson, J. A. (2007). Imaging of low temperature induced SMSI on Pd/TiO2 catalysts. Catalysis Letters, 114(1–2), 91–95.
- | Transmission electron microscopes as quantum optical bench for coherency experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVerbeeck, J., Bertoni, G., Lichte, H., & Schattschneider, P. (2007). Transmission electron microscopes as quantum optical bench for coherency experiments. European Science Foundation, Austria.
- | One-step flame synthesis of ultrafine SiO2-C nanocomposite particles with high carbon loading and their carbothermal conversion at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVital, A., Richter, J., Figi, R., Nagel, O., Aneziris, C. G., Bernardi, J., & Graule, T. (2007). One-step flame synthesis of ultrafine SiO2-C nanocomposite particles with high carbon loading and their carbothermal conversion. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46(12), 4273–4281.
- | New Electron Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism (EMCD) Configuration Using an Aberration-corrected Transmission Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWarot-Fonrose, B., Houdellier, F., Gatel, C., Calmels, L., Serin, V., Schattschneider, P., Hytch, M. J., & Snoeck, E. (2007). New Electron Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism (EMCD) Configuration Using an Aberration-corrected Transmission Electron Microscope. MRS Fall Meeting 2007, Boston, USA, Non-EU.
- | Transmissions-Elektronenmikroskopie in der Qualitätssicherung - USTEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBernardi, J. (2006). Transmissions-Elektronenmikroskopie in der Qualitätssicherung - USTEM. Technische Universität Wien: Garantiert Qualität, Technische Universität Wien, Ausseninstitut - Technologietransfer, Austria.
- | Light induced charge separation in TiO2 anatase nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Berger, T., Riss, A., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2006). Light induced charge separation in TiO2 anatase nanoparticles. Czech-Austrian workshop: New trends in application of photo- and electro-catalysis, Znojmo, Czech Republic, EU.
- | Spectroscopic Properties of H2Ti3O7 Nanotubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Riss, A., Berger, A., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2006). Spectroscopic Properties of H2Ti3O7 Nanotubes. In European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (p. 5).
- | Optical Surface Properties of MgO, C(a)Mg(1-x)O and CaO Nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2006). Optical Surface Properties of MgO, C(a)Mg(1-x)O and CaO Nanocrystals. NIS Colloqia: Nanostructured Oxide Surfaces, Dipartimento di Chimica IFM, Torino, Italy, EU.
- | Optical Surface Properties of Oxide Nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Stankic, S., Müller, M., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2006). Optical Surface Properties of Oxide Nanocrystals. In European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (p. 25).
- | Instrumental Developments for the ChiralTEM Project at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEinenkel, B., Formanek, P., Hébert, C., Hurm, C., Lichte, H., Rubino, S., Schattschneider, P., & Zweck, J. (2006). Instrumental Developments for the ChiralTEM Project. In Microscopy for the 21st Century -- Contribution to Life and Materials Science (p. 1137).
- | Particles coming together: electron centers in adjoined TiO2 nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowElser, M. J., Berger, T., Brandhuber, D., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2006). Particles coming together: electron centers in adjoined TiO2 nanocrystals. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysical Chemistry), 110(15), 7605–7608.
- | Electronic Properties of agglomerated TiO2 nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowElser, M., Berger, T., Brandhuber, D., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2006). Electronic Properties of agglomerated TiO2 nanocrystals. In 8th Pannonian International Catalysis Symposium (p. 5).
- | Short note on parallel illumination in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEyidi, D., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Short note on parallel illumination in the TEM. Ultramicroscopy, 106(11–12), 1144–1149.
- | Data Processing in Valence Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGalek, T., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Data Processing in Valence Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy. In ACMM (19) - Program & Abstracts (p. 1).
- | Metal Induced Gap States at Si / Al Interface at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGalek, T., Hébert, C., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Metal Induced Gap States at Si / Al Interface. In JEELS 06 - Cinquième “journées de spectroscopie de pertes d’énergie des élecrons” (p. 1).
- | Numerical Aspects of Valence Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGalek, T., Hébert, C., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Numerical Aspects of Valence Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry. In Microscopy and Microanalysis (pp. 1180 CD-1181 CD).
- | Ab initio study of metal induced gap states at Si / Al interface at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGalek, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Ab initio study of metal induced gap states at Si / Al interface. In J. Luitz (Ed.), DFTEM 2006 - bringing together two communities (pp. 199–202).
- | Kramers-Kronig Analysis and Data Processing in VEELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGalek, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Kramers-Kronig Analysis and Data Processing in VEELS. In JEELS 06 - Cinquième “journées de spectroscopie de pertes d’énergie des élecrons” (p. 1).
- | Kramers-Kronig Analysis in the Valence Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGalek, T., Stöger-Pollach, M., Laister, A., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Kramers-Kronig Analysis in the Valence Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry. In J. Luitz (Ed.), AK EELS-EFTEM; 5. Workshop on Electron Loss Spectrometry and Engergy Filtering (p. 1). Editio Amici - Physicae et chimicae solidorum amici.
- | Large-grained polycrystalline silicon on glass for thin-film solar cells at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGall, S., Schneider, J., Klein, J., Hübener, K., Muske, M., Rau, B., Conrad, E., Sieber, I., Petter, K., Lips, K., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Fuhs, W. (2006). Large-grained polycrystalline silicon on glass for thin-film solar cells. Thin Solid Films, 511–512, 7–14.
- | Measurement of Magnetic Circular Dichroism at the Fe L23 edge in the Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Rubino, S., Carlino, E., Schattschneider, P., Rossi, G., Fabrizioli, M., & Macherozzi, F. (2006). Measurement of Magnetic Circular Dichroism at the Fe L23 edge in the Electron Microscope. In Colloque Magnétisme de soleil synchotron, Workshop Magnetism (p. 1).
- | CHIRALTEM: Circular Dichroism in the Transmission Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Rubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Hurm, C., Zweck, J., Carlino, E., Fabrizioli, M., Panaccione, G., Rossi, G., Rusz, J., Novák, P., Formanek, P., & Lichte, H. (2006). CHIRALTEM: Circular Dichroism in the Transmission Electron Microscope. In Microscopy for the 21st Century -- Contribution to Life and Materials Science (p. 826).
- | Observation of Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Rubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Rusz, J., Novák, P., Hurm, C., & Zweck, J. (2006). Observation of Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope. In Microscopy and Microanalysis (pp. 960 CD-961 CD).
- | Lifetime of hot electronics in gold retrieved from loss EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Satz, A., Kothleitner, G., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Lifetime of hot electronics in gold retrieved from loss EELS. In J. Luitz (Ed.), AK EELS-EFTEM; 5. Workshop on Electron Loss Spectrometry and Engergy Filtering (p. 1). Editio Amici - Physicae et chimicae solidorum amici.
- | Lifetime of hot electrons in Au and Cu retrieved from low loss EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Satz, A., Kothleitner, G., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Lifetime of hot electrons in Au and Cu retrieved from low loss EELS. In ACMM (19) - Program & Abstracts (p. 1).
- | Lifetime of hot electrons in metals retrived from low loss EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Satz, A., Kothleitner, G., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Lifetime of hot electrons in metals retrived from low loss EELS. In Microscopy and Microanalysis (pp. 1168 CD-1169 CD).
- | ELNES at magic angle conditions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Schattschneider, P., Franco, H., & Jouffrey, B. (2006). ELNES at magic angle conditions. Ultramicroscopy, 106(11–12), 1139–1143.
- | Microstructure of reactor pressure vessel steel close to the fracture surface at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKarlik, M., Hausild, P., Prioul, C., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2006). Microstructure of reactor pressure vessel steel close to the fracture surface. Proceeding of the 16th European Conference on Fracture, Alexandropoulis, Greece, Alexandropoulis, Greece, EU.
- | Nanotribological study of PECVD DLC and reactively sputtered Ti containing carbon films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKvasnica, S., Schalko, J., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., Bernardi, J., Vorlaufer, G., Pauschitz, A., & Roy, M. (2006). Nanotribological study of PECVD DLC and reactively sputtered Ti containing carbon films. Diamond and Related Materials, 15(10), 1743–1752.
- | Synthesis of nanowires in room temperature ambient: A focused ion beam approach at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLugstein, A., Bernardi, J., Tomastik, C., & Bertagnolli, E. (2006). Synthesis of nanowires in room temperature ambient: A focused ion beam approach. Applied Physics Letters, 88, 1631141–1631143.
- | AK EELS-EFTEM 5. Workshop on Electron Loss Spectrometry and Engergy Filtering at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLuitz, J., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (Eds.). (2006). AK EELS-EFTEM 5. Workshop on Electron Loss Spectrometry and Engergy Filtering. Editio Amici - Physicae et chimicae solidorum amici.
- | DFTEM 2006, bringing together tow communities - International Conference on Density Functional Theory and Transmission Electron Microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLuitz, J., Hébert, C., Weinmeier, K., Blaha, P., Ambrosch-Draxl, C., & Schattschneider, P. (Eds.). (2006). DFTEM 2006, bringing together tow communities - International Conference on Density Functional Theory and Transmission Electron Microscopy. Editio Amici - Physicae et chimicae solidorum amici.
- | Line defects in epitaxial silicon films grown at 560°C at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPetter, K., Eyidi, D., Stöger-Pollach, M., Sieber, I., Schubert-Bischoff, P., Rau, B., Tham, A. T., Schattschneider, P., Gall, S., Lips, K., & Fuhs, W. (2006). Line defects in epitaxial silicon films grown at 560°C. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 376–377, 117–121.
- | Extended defects in Si films epitaxially grown by low-temperature ECRCVD at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRau, B., Petter, K., Sieber, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., Eyidi, D., Schattschneider, P., Gall, S., Lips, K., & Fuhs, W. (2006). Extended defects in Si films epitaxially grown by low-temperature ECRCVD. Journal of Crystal Growth, 287, 433–437.
- | Detection of Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Hébert, C., Hurm, C., Zweck, J., Carlino, E., Fabrizioli, M., Panaccione, G., Rossi, G., Rusz, J., & Novák, P. (2006). Detection of Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the TEM. In Microscopy for the 21st Century -- Contribution to Life and Materials Science (p. 1).
- | Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Hébert, C., Hurm, C., Zweck, J., Felisari, L., Carlino, E., Fabrizioli, M., Panaccione, G., Rossi, G., Rusz, J., Novák, P., Formanek, P., & Lichte, H. (2006). Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the TEM. In J. Luitz (Ed.), AK EELS-EFTEM; 5. Workshop on Electron Loss Spectrometry and Engergy Filtering (p. 1). Editio Amici - Physicae et chimicae solidorum amici.
- | Energiespektrometrie im Elektronenmikroskop: von der chemischen Analyse zur elektronischen Struktur im Nanometerbereich at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2006). Energiespektrometrie im Elektronenmikroskop: von der chemischen Analyse zur elektronischen Struktur im Nanometerbereich. Seminar “Moderne Analytische Chemie,” Technische Universität Wien, Austria.
- | How Physics Inspires Science Fiction at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2006). How Physics Inspires Science Fiction. School of Physics - SEMINAR, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australien, Non-EU.
- | Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2006). Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope. MONASH Centre for Electron Microscopy - SEMINAR, MONASH University, Melbourne, Australien, Non-EU.
- | Coherence in inelastic electron scattering at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2006). Coherence in inelastic electron scattering. In J. Luitz (Ed.), AK EELS-EFTEM; 5. Workshop on Electron Loss Spectrometry and Engergy Filtering (p. 1). Editio Amici - Physicae et chimicae solidorum amici.
- | EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2006). EELS. In SCS 2006 - Structural Characterization and Simulation (p. 1).
- | Spintronik: Nanomagnetische Eigenschaften im Elektronenmikroskop at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2006). Spintronik: Nanomagnetische Eigenschaften im Elektronenmikroskop. Physik in Unserer Zeit, 37(5), 208–209.
- | Relativistic Effects in Low Energy Loss Spectra at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Franco, H., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Grogger, W. (2006). Relativistic Effects in Low Energy Loss Spectra. In ACMM (19) - Program & Abstracts (p. 1).
- | Principles of Magnetic Dichroic Experiments in the Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Hébert, C., & Rubino, S. (2006). Principles of Magnetic Dichroic Experiments in the Electron Microscope. In Colloque Magnétisme de soleil synchotron, Workshop Magnétism (p. 1).
- | XMCD IN THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE: USING ELECTRONS INSTEAD OF PHOTONS AS A PROBE at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Hébert, C., & Rubino, S. (2006). XMCD IN THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE: USING ELECTRONS INSTEAD OF PHOTONS AS A PROBE. In Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology (p. 1).
- | Electron energy-loss spectrometry for metals: some thoughts beyond microanalysis at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Hébert, C., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2006). Electron energy-loss spectrometry for metals: some thoughts beyond microanalysis. International Journal of Materials Research, 97(7), 920–927.
- | The Principle of CHIRALTEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rubino, S., & Hébert, C. (2006). The Principle of CHIRALTEM. 2. CHIRALTEM Workshop, TU Wien, VIenna, Austria, Austria.
- | CHIRALTEM: Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rubino, S., Hébert, C., Carlino, E., Novák, P., & Rusz, J. (2006). CHIRALTEM: Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope. In P. Munroe (Ed.), ACMM (19) - Program & Abstracts (p. 1).
- | Observation of Circular Dichroism in EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rubino, S., Hébert, C., Carlino, E., Novák, P., & Rusz, J. (2006). Observation of Circular Dichroism in EELS. In JEELS 06 - Cinquième “journées de spectroscopie de pertes d’énergie des élecrons” (p. 1).
- | Detection of magnetic circular dichroism using a transmission electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rubino, S., Hébert, C., Rusz, J., Kunes, J., Novák, P., Carlino, E., Fabrizioli, M., Panaccione, G., & Rossi, G. (2006). Detection of magnetic circular dichroism using a transmission electron microscope. Nature, 441, 486–488.
- | Encapsulating C59N azafullerenes inside single-wall carbon nanotubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSimon, F., Kuzmany, H., Fülöp, F., Jánossy, A., Bernardi, J., Hauke, F., & Hirsch, A. (2006). Encapsulating C59N azafullerenes inside single-wall carbon nanotubes. Physica Status Solidi (b) – Basic Solid State Physics, 243(13), 3263–3267.
- | Optical surface properties and morphology of MgO and CaO Nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2006). Optical surface properties and morphology of MgO and CaO Nanocrystals. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysical Chemistry), 110, 13866–13871.
- | Elektronen-Energieverlustspektrometrie von dünnen Halbleiterschichten zur Bestimmung der dielektrischen Eigenschaften at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M. (2006). Elektronen-Energieverlustspektrometrie von dünnen Halbleiterschichten zur Bestimmung der dielektrischen Eigenschaften. 1. Österreichisches Nanoanalytik-Symposium, Grundlsee/Stmk., Austria.
- | Cerenkov losses: A limit for bandgap determination and Kramers-Kronig analysis at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Franco, H., Schattschneider, P., Lazar, S., Schaffer, B., Grogger, W., & Zandbergen, H. W. (2006). Cerenkov losses: A limit for bandgap determination and Kramers-Kronig analysis. Micron, 37(5), 396–402.
- | Determination of optical properties and bandgaps by means of EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Galek, T., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Determination of optical properties and bandgaps by means of EELS. Vortrag bei AMD Environmental, Health & Safety, Dresden, BRD, EU.
- | Retardation Effects in Valence - EELS Spectra at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., Schattschneider, P., & Laister, A. (2006). Retardation Effects in Valence - EELS Spectra. In Microscopy and Microanalysis (pp. 1136 CD-1137 CD).
- | Relativistic effects in valence EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Laister, A., Galek, T., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Relativistic effects in valence EELS. In JEELS 06 - Cinquième “journées de spectroscopie de pertes d’énergie des élecrons” (p. 1).
- | Improving the intensity in CHIRALTEM experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Rubino, S., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Improving the intensity in CHIRALTEM experiments. In J. Luitz (Ed.), AK EELS-EFTEM; 5. Workshop on Electron Loss Spectrometry and Engergy Filtering (p. 1). Editio Amici - Physicae et chimicae solidorum amici.
- | Retardation effects in valence EELS spectra at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Laister, A. (2006). Retardation effects in valence EELS spectra. In J. Luitz (Ed.), AK EELS-EFTEM; 5. Workshop on Electron Loss Spectrometry and Engergy Filtering (p. 1). Editio Amici - Physicae et chimicae solidorum amici.
- | Interpreting Plasmon Holography Experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVerbeeck, J., Bertoni, G., Lichte, H., Van Dyck, D., & Schattschneider, P. (2006). Interpreting Plasmon Holography Experiments. In Microscopy for the 21st Century -- Contribution to Life and Materials Science (p. 1517).
- | Trapping of photogenerated charges in oxide nanoparticles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBerger, T., Sterrer, M., Stankic, S., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2005). Trapping of photogenerated charges in oxide nanoparticles. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 25(5–8), 664–668.
- | Photoinduced charge separation processes on TiO2 nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Berger, T., Riss, A., Elser, M., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2005). Photoinduced charge separation processes on TiO2 nanocrystals. In ASEVA Summer school-edition 2005 (p. IA 10).
- | Light Induced Surface Processes on MgO and MgO-based Nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Stankic, S., Berger, T., Riss, A., Sterrer, M., Bernardi, J., & Knözinger, E. (2005). Light Induced Surface Processes on MgO and MgO-based Nanocrystals. In The 4-th International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX-4) (p. 41).
- | Chemie an Ecken und Kanten von Magnesiumoxid-Nanowürfeln at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowDiwald, O., Stankic, S., Müller, M., Berger, T., Bernardi, J., Sterrer, M., & Knözinger, E. (2005). Chemie an Ecken und Kanten von Magnesiumoxid-Nanowürfeln. In 11. Österreichische Chemietage (p. VO-15).
- | Is Parallel illumination Possible in the TEM ? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEyidi, D., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Is Parallel illumination Possible in the TEM ? 6. Dreiländertagung 2005, Davos/ Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | P-FKP40: Is Parallel Illumination Possible in the TEM ? at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEyidi, D., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). P-FKP40: Is Parallel Illumination Possible in the TEM ? (G. Vogl & B. Sopiol, Eds.).
- | Influence of hydrogen atmosphere on epitaxy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEyidi, D., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Influence of hydrogen atmosphere on epitaxy. METEOR Meeting, TU Wien, Österreich, Austria.
- | Electron energy-loss spectroscopy investigations of the electron density in ErMn₂ and ErMn₂D₂ compounds at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGalek, T., Hébert, C., Eyidi, D., Moskalewicz, T., Schattschneider, P., & Figiel, H. (2005). Electron energy-loss spectroscopy investigations of the electron density in ErMn₂ and ErMn₂D₂ compounds. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17, 3657–3664.
- | Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Rare Earth-Transition Metal Compounds and Their Hydrides ReMn₂(H₂) (Re=Gd,Er) Aided With Ab Initio Calculations Using WIEN2k at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGalek, T., Hébert, C., Eyidi, D., Schattschneider, P., & Figiel, H. (2005). Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Rare Earth-Transition Metal Compounds and Their Hydrides ReMn₂(H₂) (Re=Gd,Er) Aided With Ab Initio Calculations Using WIEN2k. 6. Dreiländertagung 2005, Davos/ Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | P-FKP26: Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Rare Earth-Transition Metal Compounds and Their Hydrides ReMn₂(H₂) (Re=Gd,Er) Aided With Ab Initio Calculations Using WIEN2k at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGalek, T., Hébert, C., Eyidi, D., Schattschneider, P., & Figiel, H. (2005). P-FKP26: Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Rare Earth-Transition Metal Compounds and Their Hydrides ReMn₂(H₂) (Re=Gd,Er) Aided With Ab Initio Calculations Using WIEN2k (G. Vogl & B. Sopiol, Eds.).
- | Development of Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells within the European Project Meteor at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGall, S., Schneider, J., Klein, J. P., Muske, M., Rau, B., Conrad, E., Sieber, I., Fuhs, W., Van Gestel, D., Gordon, I., Van Nieuwenhuysen, K., Carnel, L., Irigoyen, J., Beaucarne, G., Poortmans, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Wang, Y., & Van Der Biest, O. (2005). Development of Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells within the European Project Meteor. In Proceedings of the International Conference (pp. 869–872).
- | Large-Grained Polycrystalline Silicon On Glass For Thin-Film Solar Cells at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGall, S., Schneider, J., Klein, J., Hübener, K., Muske, M., Rau, B., Conrad, E., Sieber, I., Petter, K., Lips, K., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Fuhs, W. (2005). Large-Grained Polycrystalline Silicon On Glass For Thin-Film Solar Cells. European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2005, E-MRS 2005 Spring Meeting, Strassburg/ Frankreich, Non-EU.
- | Large-Grained Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells Using AIC Seed Layers at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGall, S., Schneider, J., Klein, J., Muske, M., Rau, B., Conrad, E., Sieber, I., Fuhs, W., Van Gestel, D., Gordon, I., Van Nieuwenhuysen, K., Carnel, L., Beaucarne, G., Poortmans, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Large-Grained Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells Using AIC Seed Layers. In Conference Record of the Thirty-First IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference-2005 (pp. 975–978).
- | Magic Angle in EELS - the Sequel at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Franco, H., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Magic Angle in EELS - the Sequel. 6. Dreiländertagung 2005, Davos/ Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | Experimental determination of inelastic lifetimes of hot electrons using low- loss EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Satz, A., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Experimental determination of inelastic lifetimes of hot electrons using low- loss EELS. International EELS Workshop, Grundlsee, Austria.
- | Lifetime of Hot Electrons in Copper Obtained from Low- Loss EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Satz, A., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Lifetime of Hot Electrons in Copper Obtained from Low- Loss EELS. 6. Dreiländertagung 2005, Davos/ Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | ELNES at Magic Angle Conditions at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Schattschneider, P., & Jouffrey, B. (2005). ELNES at Magic Angle Conditions. International EELS Workshop, Grundlsee, Austria.
- | New prospects for low energy loss spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Satz, A., Galek, T., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). New prospects for low energy loss spectrometry. In MCM 2005 (pp. 55–58). Josef Stefan Institute.
- | Line defects in epitaxial silicon films grown at 560°C at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPetter, K., Eyidi, D., Stöger-Pollach, M., Sieber, I., Schubert-Bischoff, P., Rau, B., Tham, A. T., Schattschneider, P., Gall, S., Lips, K., & Fuhs, W. (2005). Line defects in epitaxial silicon films grown at 560°C. The 23rd International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors, Awaji Island/ Japan, Non-EU.
- | Coherence of inelastic scattering near the edge of a sample at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPotapov, P. L., Lichte, H., Verbeeck, J., Van Dyck, D., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Coherence of inelastic scattering near the edge of a sample. International EELS Workshop, Grundlsee, Austria.
- | Polycrystalline Si Thin-Film Solar Cells on Glass by Epitaxial Thickening of Seed Layers Using ECRCVD at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRau, B., Klein, J., Schneider, J., Conrad, E., Sieber, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Gall, S., & Fuhs, W. (2005). Polycrystalline Si Thin-Film Solar Cells on Glass by Epitaxial Thickening of Seed Layers Using ECRCVD. In Proceedings of the International Confernece (pp. 1067–1070).
- | Low -temperature Si epitaxy on polycrystalline Si seed layers on glass for thin-film Si solar cells; Annual Report 2004, Selected Results at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRau, B., Klein, J., Schneider, J., Muske, M., Conrad, E., Sieber, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Petter, K., Brehme, S., Gall, S., Lips, K., & Fuhs, W. (2005). Low -temperature Si epitaxy on polycrystalline Si seed layers on glass for thin-film Si solar cells; Annual Report 2004, Selected Results.
- | Poly-crystalline Si thin-film solar cells on glass: Low-temperature epitaxial thickening of seed layers at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRau, B., Klein, J., Schneider, J., Sieber, I., Gall, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Fuhs, W. (2005). Poly-crystalline Si thin-film solar cells on glass: Low-temperature epitaxial thickening of seed layers. 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG), Berlin/D, EU.
- | Low-Temperature Epitaxy for Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cells by ECRCVD-Structural and Electronic Properties at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRau, B., Petter, K., Brehme, S., Sieber, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Lips, K., Gall, S., & Fuhs, W. (2005). Low-Temperature Epitaxy for Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cells by ECRCVD-Structural and Electronic Properties. In Conference Record of the Thirty-First IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference-2005 (pp. 1123–1126).
- | Extended defects in Si films epitaxially grown by low-temperature ECRCVD at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRau, B., Petter, K., Sieber, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., Eyidi, D., Schattschneider, P., Gall, S., Lips, K., & Fuhs, W. (2005). Extended defects in Si films epitaxially grown by low-temperature ECRCVD. 16th American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Big Sky, Montana/ USA, Non-EU.
- | Spectroscopic properties of H2Ti3O7 nanotubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Berger, T., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2005). Spectroscopic properties of H2Ti3O7 nanotubes. In Bunsentagung 2005 (p. P95).
- | Spektroskopische Eigenschaften von H2Ti3O7-Nanoröhren at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRiss, A., Berger, T., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2005). Spektroskopische Eigenschaften von H2Ti3O7-Nanoröhren. In 11. Österreichische Chemietage (p. PO-65).
- | Circular dichroism in the Tem and in the synchrotron at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Carlino, E., Schattschneider, P., Rossi, G., Fabrizioli, M., & Macherozzi, F. (2005). Circular dichroism in the Tem and in the synchrotron. In MCM 2005 (pp. 281–282).
- | P-FKP38: The CHIRALTEM Project: XMCD without a Synchrotron at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Carlino, E., Fabrizioli, M., & Macherozzi, F. (2005). P-FKP38: The CHIRALTEM Project: XMCD without a Synchrotron (G. Vogl & B. Sopiol, Eds.).
- | The CHIRALTEM Project: XMCD without a Synchrotron at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Carlino, E., Rossi, G., Fabrizioli, M., & Macherozzi, F. (2005). The CHIRALTEM Project: XMCD without a Synchrotron. 6. Dreiländertagung 2005, Davos/ Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | Simulations of channelling enhanced spectroscopy of oxygen in Ringwoodite at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Schattschneider, P., Hébert, C., & van Aken, P. A. (2005). Simulations of channelling enhanced spectroscopy of oxygen in Ringwoodite. International EELS Workshop, Grundlsee, Austria.
- | P-FKP41: Lifetime of Hot Electrons in Palladium at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSatz, A., Hébert, C., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). P-FKP41: Lifetime of Hot Electrons in Palladium. 55. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Wien, Austria.
- | Circular Dichroism in the TEM: Principle and First Results at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2005). Circular Dichroism in the TEM: Principle and First Results. Seminar LEM, ONERA, Paris/ Frankreich, Non-EU.
- | New dichroic experiments in the TEM The CHIRALTEM collaboration at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2005). New dichroic experiments in the TEM The CHIRALTEM collaboration. Seminar CEMES, Toulouse/ Frankreich, EU.
- | Principles of energy loss chiral dichroism in the tem at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2005). Principles of energy loss chiral dichroism in the tem. FEMMS 2005, Kasteel Vaalsbroek/ Niederlande, EU.
- | Correlation and the density-matrix approach to inelastic electron holography in solid state plasmas at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Lichte, H. (2005). Correlation and the density-matrix approach to inelastic electron holography in solid state plasmas. Physical Review B, 71, 045130-1-045130–045139.
- | Coherence in electron energy loss spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Werner, W. S. M. (2005). Coherence in electron energy loss spectrometry. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 143, 81–95.
- | Fundamentals of EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Bernardi, J., Eyidi, D., Hébert, C., Hofer, F., Jouffrey, B., Nelhiebel, M., Rubino, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Willinger, M.-G. (2005). Fundamentals of EELS. Seminar an der ETH Zürich, Schweiz, EU.
- | High resolution Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Carlino, E., Lichte, H., Zweck, J., & Novák, P. (2005). High resolution Magnetic Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope. Spectroscopies d’electrons et diffusion inelastique en matiere condensee : vers une meilleure comprehension des effets de correlation, Saint-Aubin/ Frankreich, EU.
- | Anisotropic relativistic cross sections for inelastic electron scattering, and the magic angle at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Hébert, C., Franco, H., & Jouffrey, B. (2005). Anisotropic relativistic cross sections for inelastic electron scattering, and the magic angle. Physical Review B, 72, 045142-1-045142–045148.
- | Circular Dichroic imaging in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rubino, S., & Hébert, C. (2005). Circular Dichroic imaging in the TEM. International Workshop Magnetic Imaging, Bochum/ Deutschland, EU.
- | Circular dichroic experiments with electrons - recent results of the CHIRALTEM project at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rubino, S., Hébert, C., Carlino, E., Fabrizioli, M., Formanek, P., Lichte, H., Zweck, J., Hurm, C., Novák, P., & Rusz, J. (2005). Circular dichroic experiments with electrons - recent results of the CHIRALTEM project. International EELS Workshop, Grundlsee, Austria.
- | Chiral dichroism in EELS: a New Analytical Tool at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rubino, S., Hébert, C., Formanek, P., Lichte, H., Hurm, C., & Zweck, J. (2005). Chiral dichroism in EELS: a New Analytical Tool. 6. Dreiländertagung 2005, Davos/ Schweiz, Non-EU.
- | Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope: First Results at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rubino, S., Hébert, C., Formanek, P., Lichte, H., Hurm, C., & Zweck, J. (2005). Circular Dichroism in the Electron Microscope: First Results. Spectroscopies d’electrons et diffusion inelastique en matiere condensee : vers une meilleure comprehension des effets de correlation, Saint-Aubin/ Frankreich, EU.
- | MgO-Nanowürfel: über die Abhängigkeit der optischen Eigenschaften von der Teilchengröße at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Müller, M., Diwald, O., Sterrer, M., Knözinger, E., & Bernardi, J. (2005). MgO-Nanowürfel: über die Abhängigkeit der optischen Eigenschaften von der Teilchengröße. Angewandte Chemie, 117, 4996–4999.
- | Size-Dependent Optical Properties of MgO Nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Müller, M., Diwald, O., Sterrer, M., Knözinger, E., & Bernardi, J. (2005). Size-Dependent Optical Properties of MgO Nanocubes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 44, 4917–4920.
- | Oberflächen-Funktionalisierung von MgO Nanoteilchen at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Müller, M., Sterrer, M., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2005). Oberflächen-Funktionalisierung von MgO Nanoteilchen. In 11. Österreichische Chemietage (p. MS-18).
- | Particle size-dependent optical properties of MgO nanocubes at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Müller, M., Sterrer, M., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2005). Particle size-dependent optical properties of MgO nanocubes. In Bunsentagung 2005 (p. E7).
- | Novel optical properties of Ca(2+)-doped MgO nanocrystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStankic, S., Sterrer, M., Hofmann, P., Bernardi, J., Diwald, O., & Knözinger, E. (2005). Novel optical properties of Ca(2+)-doped MgO nanocrystals. Nano Letters, 5(10), 1889–1893.
- | Contractor's Report at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Contractor’s Report.
- | Contractor's Report at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Contractor’s Report.
- | Crystallization of Si at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Crystallization of Si. METEOR Meeting, TU Wien, Österreich, Austria.
- | Metal Induced Gap States in Electron Energy Loss Spectra at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Metal Induced Gap States in Electron Energy Loss Spectra. Spectroscopies d’electrons et diffusion inelastique en matiere condensee : vers une meilleure comprehension des effets de correlation, Saint-Aubin/ Frankreich, EU.
- | Meteor - Final Technical Report at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Meteor - Final Technical Report.
- | Meteor workpackage report WP5 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Meteor workpackage report WP5.
- | Meteor workpackage report WP5 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Meteor workpackage report WP5.
- | Meteor Contractor's Report at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Eyidi, D., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Meteor Contractor’s Report.
- | Cerenkov losses in valence EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Lazar, S., Schaffer, B., Schattschneider, P., & Zandbergen, H. W. (2005). Cerenkov losses in valence EELS. International EELS Workshop, Grundlsee, Austria.
- | Meteor workpackage report WP5 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Eyidi, D. (2005). Meteor workpackage report WP5.
- | METEOR WP5 - Materials characterization: A complete summary at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Eyidi, D., Bernardi, J., Montgermont, A., Walter, T., Galek, T., & Bryla, K. (2005). METEOR WP5 - Materials characterization: A complete summary. Final METEOR meeting, Leuven/ Belgien, EU.
- | METEOR WP5 - Materials characterization: latest results at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Eyidi, D., Walter, T., Galek, T., Winkelmann, H., & Eisenmenger-Sittner, C. (2005). METEOR WP5 - Materials characterization: latest results. Final METEOR meeting, Leuven/ Belgien, EU.
- | Plasmon holographic experiments: theoretical framework at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowVerbeeck, J., Van Dyck, D., Lichte, H., Potapov, P., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). Plasmon holographic experiments: theoretical framework. Ultramicroscopy, 102(3), 239–255.
- | Antimony induced crystallisation of amorphous silicon at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWang, Y., Van Der Biest, O., Gordon, I., Van Gestel, D., Beaucarne, G., Poortmans, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Gall, S. (2005). Antimony induced crystallisation of amorphous silicon. In Proceedings of the International Conference (pp. 1179–1181).
- | On the energy dissipation process in incoherent electron scattering at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowWerner, W. S. M., & Schattschneider, P. (2005). On the energy dissipation process in incoherent electron scattering. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 143, 65–80.
- | Channelling enhanced spectroscopy of oxygen in ringwoodite at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowvan Aken, P. A., Rubino, S., Schattschneider, P., & Hébert, C. (2005). Channelling enhanced spectroscopy of oxygen in ringwoodite. International EELS Workshop, Grundlsee, Austria.
- | Aluminium-Induced Crystallization of silicon on High Temperature Substrates for Thin-Film Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowBeaucarne, G., Van Gestel, D., Gordon, I., Carnel, L., Van Nieuwenhuysen, K., Ornaghi, C., Poortmans, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2004). Aluminium-Induced Crystallization of silicon on High Temperature Substrates for Thin-Film Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells. 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Paris, Frankreich, Austria.
- | Plasmon spectroscopy of pure and hydrogenated GdMn2, ErMn2 and TbMn2 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGalek, T., Hébert, C., Moskalewicz, T., Figiel, H., & Schattschneider, P. (2004). Plasmon spectroscopy of pure and hydrogenated GdMn2, ErMn2 and TbMn2. International Symposium on Metal-hydrogen systems fundamentals and applications, Cracow, Poland, Austria.
- | Crystalline Silicon Thin-Film solar cells on foreign substrates: The European Project Meteor at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGall, S., Schneider, J., Klein, J. P., Muske, M., Rau, B., Conrad, E., Sieber, I., Fuhs, W., Ornaghi, C., Van Gestel, D., Gordon, I., Van Nieuwenhuysen, K., Beaucarne, G., Poortmans, J., Stöger-Pollach, M., Bernardi, J., Schattschneider, P., Wang, Y., & Van Der Biest, O. (2004). Crystalline Silicon Thin-Film solar cells on foreign substrates: The European Project Meteor. 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Paris, Frankreich, Austria.
- | Magic Angle: an unsolved mystery at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Schattschneider, P., & Jouffrey, B. (2004). Magic Angle: an unsolved mystery. 13th European Microscopy Congress EMC 2004, Antwerpen, Belgien, Austria.
- | Orientation effects in Electron Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry : on the physics of the magic angle observed with anisotropic materials at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowJouffrey, B., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2004). Orientation effects in Electron Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry : on the physics of the magic angle observed with anisotropic materials. Symposium on Techniques and Methods of Microstructure Characterization in Nanoscale, Krakow, Polen, Austria.
- | The magic angle: a solved mystery at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowJouffrey, B., Schattschneider, P., & Hébert, C. (2004). The magic angle: a solved mystery. Ultramicroscopy, 102, 61–66.
- | Electron energy loss-near edge structure as a fingerprint for identifying chromium nitrides at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMitterbauer, C., Hébert, C., Kothleitner, G., Hofer, F., Schattschneider, P., & Zandbergen, H. W. (2004). Electron energy loss-near edge structure as a fingerprint for identifying chromium nitrides. Solid State Communications, 130, 209–213.
- | Thin film growth in ALILE at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowMontgermont, A., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2004). Thin film growth in ALILE. Vortrag bei Meteor-Workshop, HMI, Berlin, Austria.
- | Point-to-point coherence in inelastic scattering at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPotapov, P., Lichte, H., Verbeeck, J., Van Dyck, D., & Schattschneider, P. (2004). Point-to-point coherence in inelastic scattering. 13th European Microscopy Congress EMC 2004, Antwerpen, Belgien, Austria.
- | Low -temperature Si epitaxy on polycrystalline Si seed layers on glass for thin-film Si solar cells at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRau, B., Klein, J. P., Schneider, J., Muske, M., Conrad, E., Sieber, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Petter, K., Brehme, S., Gall, S., Lips, K., & Fuhs, W. (2004). Low -temperature Si epitaxy on polycrystalline Si seed layers on glass for thin-film Si solar cells.
- | Epitaxial growth of Silicon by low-temperature ECRCVD for Si thin film solar cells on glass substrates at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRau, B., Schneider, J., Klein, J. P., Muske, M., Sieber, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Gall, S. (2004). Epitaxial growth of Silicon by low-temperature ECRCVD for Si thin film solar cells on glass substrates. Hahn-Meitner-Institut Klausurtagung 2004, Brandenburg, Deutschland, Austria.
- | Epitaxial Si Growth on Polycrystalline Si seed layers at Low Temperature at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRau, B., Schneider, J., Muske, M., Sieber, I., Gall, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Fuhs, W. (2004). Epitaxial Si Growth on Polycrystalline Si seed layers at Low Temperature. 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Paris, Frankreich, Austria.
- | Lattice site dependence of carbon K-ELNES in steel at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Hébert, C., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Prioul, C., & Phelippeau, A. (2004). Lattice site dependence of carbon K-ELNES in steel. 13th European Microscopy Congress EMC 2004, Antwerpen, Belgien, Austria.
- | TEM experiments on Circular Dichroism in Nickel at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Schattschneider, P., & Hébert, C. (2004). TEM experiments on Circular Dichroism in Nickel. 13th European Microscopy Congress EMC 2004, Antwerpen, Belgien, Austria.
- | A new holographic technique: Chiral Dichroism in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2004). A new holographic technique: Chiral Dichroism in the TEM. 2nd European Workshop on Electron Holography, Dresden, Germany, Austria.
- | Coherence and correlation in EELS and EFTEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2004). Coherence and correlation in EELS and EFTEM. 2nd European Workshop on Electron Holography, Dresden, Germany, Austria.
- | Inelastic electron scattering and the density matrix at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2004). Inelastic electron scattering and the density matrix. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- | Introduction to EELS and EFTEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2004). Introduction to EELS and EFTEM. Workshop EELS/EFTEM Arbeitskreistreffen Energiefilterung, Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, Non-EU.
- | LA SCIENCE FICTION une approche romanesque de la Mécanique et de la Physique at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2004). LA SCIENCE FICTION une approche romanesque de la Mécanique et de la Physique. Seminarvortrag Laboratoire MSSMat, Ecole Centrale Paris, Austria.
- | Improvement of ELNES interpretation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Hébert, C. (2004). Improvement of ELNES interpretation.
- | Of Cats, Quanta and Cephalopods at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Reger, T. (2004). Of Cats, Quanta and Cephalopods. In Mystery +rosebud no. 5 (pp. 26–49). Rosebud, Inc. and Die Gestalten Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
- | Observation of metal induced gap states at a-Si/Al and c-Si/Al interfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Stöger-Pollach, M. (2004). Observation of metal induced gap states at a-Si/Al and c-Si/Al interfaces. Microscopy and Microanalysis, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Non-EU.
- | CHIRALTEM - circular dichroism in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Carlino, E., Lichte, H., Novák, P., Zweck, J., Hébert, C., & Bernardi, J. (2004). CHIRALTEM - circular dichroism in the TEM. 13th European Microscopy Congress EMC 2004, Antwerpen, Belgien, Austria.
- | The magic angle: a solved mystery at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Hébert, C., & Jouffrey, B. (2004). The magic angle: a solved mystery. Workshop EELS/EFTEM Arbeitskreistrefeen Energiefilterung, Fédérale de Lausanne, Swizerland, Austria.
- | Observation of Circular Dichroism in the TEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rubino, S., & Hébert, C. (2004). Observation of Circular Dichroism in the TEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Non-EU.
- | Report of the Kick-off meeting for the CHIRALTEM project at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rubino, S., & Hébert, C. (2004). Report of the Kick-off meeting for the CHIRALTEM project.
- | TEM experiments on circular dichroism at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Rubino, S., & Hébert, C. (2004). TEM experiments on circular dichroism. Workshop EELS/EFTEM Arbeitskreistrefeen Energiefilterung, Fédérale de Lausanne, Swizerland, Austria.
- | Defects in epitaxially grown thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2004). Defects in epitaxially grown thin films. Vortrag bei Projekttreffen, HMI, Berlin, Austria.
- | Influences on the ALILE process at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2004). Influences on the ALILE process. Vortrag bei Projekttreffen, HMI, Berlin, Austria.
- | Influences on the ALILE process at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2004). Influences on the ALILE process. Vortrag bei Projekttreffen, HMI, Berlin, Austria.
- | Metal induced gap states at a c-Si/Al Schottky barrier at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2004). Metal induced gap states at a c-Si/Al Schottky barrier. 13th European Microscopy Congress EMC 2004, Antwerpen, Belgien, Austria.
- | Observation of MIGS at Schottky barriers at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2004). Observation of MIGS at Schottky barriers. Workshop EELS/EFTEM Arbeitskreistrefeen Energiefilterung, Fédérale de Lausanne, Swizerland, Austria.
- | TEM and EELS studies of epitaxial grown thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2004). TEM and EELS studies of epitaxial grown thin films. Vortrag bei Meteor-Workshop, HMI, Berlin, Austria.
- | TEM studies of epitaxial growth at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2004). TEM studies of epitaxial growth. Vortrag bei Projekttreffen, HMI, Berlin, Austria.
- | Interpretation of Electron Energy loss Spectra via Band Structure Calculations at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2003). Interpretation of Electron Energy loss Spectra via Band Structure Calculations. EUROMAT 2003, Lausanne, Switzerland, Non-EU.
- | Application of the Virtual Crystal Approximation to Elnes Calculations: The Cu L₃ Edge in Cuni Alloys at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2003). Application of the Virtual Crystal Approximation to Elnes Calculations: The Cu L₃ Edge in Cuni Alloys. 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy - European Extension, Pula, Croatia, Austria.
- | Coherence in a Plasmon-Scattered Wavefield at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowLichte, H., Potapov, P., Van Dyck, D., & Schattschneider, P. (2003). Coherence in a Plasmon-Scattered Wavefield. Microscopy Conference MC 2003, Dresden, Deutschland, Austria.
- | Low-Temperature Epitaxial Si Absorber Layers Grown by Electron-Cyclotron Resonance Chemical Vapor Deposition at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRau, B., Selle, B., Knipper, U., Brehme, S., Sieber, I., Stöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Gall, S., & Fuhs, W. (2003). Low-Temperature Epitaxial Si Absorber Layers Grown by Electron-Cyclotron Resonance Chemical Vapor Deposition. 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Osaka, Japan, Austria.
- | First evidence for circular dichroism in Transmission Electron Microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowRubino, S., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2003). First evidence for circular dichroism in Transmission Electron Microscopy. Microscopy Conference MC 2003, Dresden, Deutschland, Austria.
- | Applications of inelastic scattering in the electron microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2003). Applications of inelastic scattering in the electron microscope. Pozvánka na Katedrální Seminár, Seminár Fyziky Kovû, Prag, Tschechische Republik, Austria.
- | Chiral dichroism in the TEM A proposal at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2003). Chiral dichroism in the TEM A proposal. Gruppenseminar Triebenberg-Labor, Dresden, Deutschland, Austria.
- | Coherence and correlation in EELS and EFTEM at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2003). Coherence and correlation in EELS and EFTEM. Seminar Univ. Dresden, Dresden, Deutschland, Austria.
- | Energy Loss Spectrometry - a Survey of Applications and the Physics Behind at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2003). Energy Loss Spectrometry - a Survey of Applications and the Physics Behind. Laboratorio TASC-INFM, Triest, Italien, Austria.
- | Energy loss spectrometry in the TEM - well known and other applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2003). Energy loss spectrometry in the TEM - well known and other applications. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- | Energy loss spectrometry in the TEM - well known and other applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2003). Energy loss spectrometry in the TEM - well known and other applications. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- | Localisation and Correlation in Low Energy Losses at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2003). Localisation and Correlation in Low Energy Losses. 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy - European Extension, Pula, Croatia, Austria.
- | Some applications of EELS in the diffraction plane at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2003). Some applications of EELS in the diffraction plane. FEI FEG-TEM User Meeting, Aachen, Deutschland, Austria.
- | The Electron Mircoscopy Facility at Vienna University of Technology at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2003). The Electron Mircoscopy Facility at Vienna University of Technology. Austrian/French Bilateral Seminar, Wien, Österreich, Austria.
- | Energy Loss Spectrometry - Present and Future Applications at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Hébert, C. (2003). Energy Loss Spectrometry - Present and Future Applications. EUROMAT 2003, Lausanne, Switzerland, Non-EU.
- | Energy Loss Spectrometry and Eftem - The Present Situation and Things to come at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Jouffrey, B. (2003). Energy Loss Spectrometry and Eftem - The Present Situation and Things to come. 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy - European Extension, Pula, Croatia, Austria.
- | Localization and Correlation of Band Transitions from Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Jouffrey, B. (2003). Localization and Correlation of Band Transitions from Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry. EUROMAT 2003, Lausanne, Switzerland, Non-EU.
- | MID-Term Report "Metal-Induced Crystallisation and Epitaxial Deposition for Thin, Efficient and Low-Cost Crystalline Si Solar Cells at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2003). MID-Term Report "Metal-Induced Crystallisation and Epitaxial Deposition for Thin, Efficient and Low-Cost Crystalline Si Solar Cells.
- | Overview of WP 5-situation at T0+12 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2003). Overview of WP 5-situation at T0+12.
- | Thickness dependent loss function of Si at 0.14 e V energy resolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., Schattschneider, P., & Zandbergen, H. W. (2003). Thickness dependent loss function of Si at 0.14 e V energy resolution. EUROMAT 2003, Lausanne, Switzerland, Non-EU.
- | SUB-eV Core Level Shifts in Si Grain Boundaries and Nanotwins at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Hébert, C., Schattschneider, P., Zandbergen, H. W., Rau, B., & Gall, S. (2003). SUB-eV Core Level Shifts in Si Grain Boundaries and Nanotwins. 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy - European Extension, Pula, Croatia, Austria.
- | Investigations of Core Level States in Epitaxially Grown Si Layers by EELS at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Karl-Rückert, E. C., Hébert, C., Rau, B., Zandbergen, H. W., Schattschneider, P., & Gall, S. (2003). Investigations of Core Level States in Epitaxially Grown Si Layers by EELS. Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Oxford, UK, EU.
- | The layer exchange process: First Clues at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Karl-Rückert, E. C., Schattschneider, P., & Bernardi, J. (2003). The layer exchange process: First Clues. METEOR Meeting, TU Wien, Österreich, Austria.
- | EELS an Grenzflächen at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Bernardi, J. (2003). EELS an Grenzflächen. FEG User Meeting, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, BRD, EU.
- | Study of epitaxial deposition at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Bernardi, J. (2003). Study of epitaxial deposition. METEOR Meeting, TU Wien, Österreich, Austria.
- | Study of metal-induced crystalisation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Bernardi, J. (2003). Study of metal-induced crystalisation. METEOR Meeting, TU Wien, Österreich, Austria.
- | TEM investigations of EPI and MIC specimens at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Bernardi, J. (2003). TEM investigations of EPI and MIC specimens. METEOR Meeting, TU Wien, Österreich, Austria.
- | ELNES separation: a method to improve the detection limit of oxides at interfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., & Ornaghi, C. (2003). ELNES separation: a method to improve the detection limit of oxides at interfaces. EUROMAT 2003, Lausanne, Switzerland, Non-EU.
- | Unexplained Thickness Dependence in the Si Loss Function at 0.14 eV Energy Resolution at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Hébert, C., & Zandbergen, H. W. (2003). Unexplained Thickness Dependence in the Si Loss Function at 0.14 eV Energy Resolution. 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy - European Extension, Pula, Croatia, Austria.
- | The Elnes Separation Applied to Oxidation states of Interfaces at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schattschneider, P., Schneider, J., & Gall, S. (2003). The Elnes Separation Applied to Oxidation states of Interfaces. 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy - European Extension, Pula, Croatia, Austria.
- | Investigations of Bonding at an Aluminium (III) Oxide Membrane in Si using ELNES Separation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Schneider, J., Zandbergen, H. W., Schattschneider, P., & Gall, S. (2003). Investigations of Bonding at an Aluminium (III) Oxide Membrane in Si using ELNES Separation. Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Oxford, UK, EU.
- | Density Functional Theory as a Tool for the Electron Microscopist at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2002). Density Functional Theory as a Tool for the Electron Microscopist. Int. Konferenz Microscopy & Microanalysis 2002, Quebec, Canada, Austria.
- | The Cu L₃ Edge in Cu-Ni Alloys: Comparison between the VCA and Supercell Calculations at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Luitz, J., & Schattschneider, P. (2002). The Cu L₃ Edge in Cu-Ni Alloys: Comparison between the VCA and Supercell Calculations. 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Durban, Soth Africa, Austria.
- | Core loss spectroscopies- a comparison between ELNES and XANES at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Luitz, J., Ambrosch-Draxl, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2002). Core loss spectroscopies- a comparison between ELNES and XANES. International Seminar on photoionization in Atom, Kyoto, Japan, Austria.
- | Circular dichroism in the Electron Microscope at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Luitz, J., Schattschneider, P., Jouffrey, B., & Hlil, E. K. (2002). Circular dichroism in the Electron Microscope. Strategies and advances in Atomic Level Spectroscopy and Analysis, Guadeloupe, French West Indies, Austria.
- | Oxygen K ELNES in cobalt monoxide at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Schattschneider, P., Kusinski, J., Petot, C., & Petot-Ervas, G. (2002). Oxygen K ELNES in cobalt monoxide. Strategies and advances in Atomic Level Spectroscopy and Analysis, Guadeloupe, French West Indies, Austria.
- | Core Holes, Low-Lying Edges and Elnes: Subtle Details of Wien97 at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowHébert, C., Schattschneider, P., Stöger-Pollach, M., & Su, D. (2002). Core Holes, Low-Lying Edges and Elnes: Subtle Details of Wien97. 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Durban, Soth Africa, Austria.
- | Inelastic Events: Some Physics behind and their use in Electron Microscopy at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowJouffrey, B., Schattschneider, P., & Hébert, C. (2002). Inelastic Events: Some Physics behind and their use in Electron Microscopy. 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy, Lecce, Italien, Austria.
- | Microstructure and nanochemistry of Ca doped Co oxide single crystals at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowKusinski, J., Petot-Ervas, G., Petot, C., Jouffrey, B., & Schattschneider, P. (2002). Microstructure and nanochemistry of Ca doped Co oxide single crystals. XI International Conference on Electron Microscopy of Solids, Krynica, Polen, Austria.
- | Electrical conductivity and microstructural characterization of Ca-doped cobaltous oxide at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowPetot, C., Petot-Ervas, G., Kusinski, J., Jouffrey, B., & Schattschneider, P. (2002). Electrical conductivity and microstructural characterization of Ca-doped cobaltous oxide. 104th annual meeting of the Am. Cer. Soc., St. Louis, USA, Austria.
- | Channeling, localization and the density matrix in inelastic electron scattering at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2002). Channeling, localization and the density matrix in inelastic electron scattering. Strategies and advances in Atomic Level Spectroscopy and Analysis, Guadeloupe, French West Indies, Austria.
- | Improvement of ELNES interpretation at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2002). Improvement of ELNES interpretation.
- | Inelastic Interference in TEM: Plasmons and Ionization Edges at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2002). Inelastic Interference in TEM: Plasmons and Ionization Edges. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- | Interferenz in EELS und EFTEM - Bedeutung und Anwendung des MDFF at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P. (2002). Interferenz in EELS und EFTEM - Bedeutung und Anwendung des MDFF. Arbeitskreis EF-EELS, Stuttgart, Deutschland, Austria.
- | Elnes: The Basic Principles at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Hébert, C. (2002). Elnes: The Basic Principles. PICS 913, Challenges in ELNES, Paris, Frankreich, Austria.
- | Experimental Evidence for a Localized Collective Mode at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Jouffrey, B. (2002). Experimental Evidence for a Localized Collective Mode. 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Durban, Soth Africa, Austria.
- | Inelastic Interference Experiments at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., & Jouffrey, B. (2002). Inelastic Interference Experiments. PICS 913, Challenges in ELNES, Paris, Frankreich, Austria.
- | Localization of Low Energy Losses and the Mixed Dynamic Form Factor at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Hébert, C., & Jouffrey, B. (2002). Localization of Low Energy Losses and the Mixed Dynamic Form Factor. Microscopy Society of America, Quebec, Canada, Austria.
- | Plasmon Dispersion in Rutile at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowSchattschneider, P., Jouffrey, B., Vast, N., & Reining, L. (2002). Plasmon Dispersion in Rutile. 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Durban, Soth Africa, Austria.
- | Elnes Separation on CrL2,3-Edges Influence by Oxygen at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., & Schattschneider, P. (2002). Elnes Separation on CrL2,3-Edges Influence by Oxygen. 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Durban, Soth Africa, Austria.
- | Investigation of impurity enrichment and electronic properties of microcrystalline silicon thin films at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Breymesser, A., & Schattschneider, P. (2002). Investigation of impurity enrichment and electronic properties of microcrystalline silicon thin films. Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2001, Oxford, UK, Austria.
- | Improvement of bulk - surface ELNES separation by use of a monochromator at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowStöger-Pollach, M., Zandbergen, H. W., Hébert, C., & Schattschneider, P. (2002). Improvement of bulk - surface ELNES separation by use of a monochromator. Strategies and advances in Atomic Level Spectroscopy and Analysis, Guadeloupe, French West Indies, Austria.
- | The University Centre for Transmission Electron Microscopy (USTEM) at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowGebeshuber, I. C., Bernardi, J., & Schattschneider, P. (2001). The University Centre for Transmission Electron Microscopy (USTEM). Euro-Summer School on Electron Crystallography 2001, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, EU.