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JEOL NeoARM 200F (advert. image - (c) JEOL )

[Translate to English:] Jeol NeoARM 200F

We are in the process of building the first ultrafast transmission electron microscope in Austria. This unique microscope is intended for fundamental quantum research. The beam-corrected and time-resolved JEOL NeoARM 200F will be installed in December 2025.
The project is supported by Quantum Austria - FFG and the Austrian Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF) ‘Next Generation EU’.

Basic research into photons, neutrons, atoms and molecules has ushered in an era of experimental quantum physics in Austria. Today, governments and large companies around the world have pledged to invest billions of euros in quantum science and technology, with a focus on quantum computing, communication, simulation, sensing and metrology, benefiting an astonishing range of sciences and industries.  
Most of these efforts have focussed on systems that are well isolated from their environment in order to preserve the coherent nature of the interactions. In a solid or liquid, coherence is usually only preserved over very short time scales (fs to ns) and length scales (nm to µm). While these scales are accessible individually with ultrafast laser spectroscopy or electron microscopy, the combination of these two methods has so far remained inaccessible to researchers in Austria. As part of this infrastructure funding programme, we want to close this gap and provide the Austrian quantum research community with an ultrafast transmission electron microscope. 

Emitter: C-FEG
Beam voltage: 60 kV, 120 kV, 200 kV
Cs-correction for STEM: CEOS ASCOR, opens an external URL in a new window
STEM: yes
Kamera: yes
EDX: no
CL: yes

lattice resolution: 0.14 nm
point resolution TEM: 0.24 nm
point resolution STEM: 0.078 nm

time resolution: xxx ps

energy resolution: 0.3 eV (@200 kV)
energy resolution: 0.3 eV (@60 kV)


single tilt holder
analytical double tilt holder
tomography holder