Welcome to the Cell Culture Core Facility

The Cell Culture Core Facility (CCCF) reports to the Vice-Rectorate for Research, Innovation and International Affairs and is currently in the start-up phase. The establishment of the facility is largely supported by funds from the University Infrastructure Program , opens an external URL in a new windowof the City of Vienna. In addition, the facility is being expanded as part of the FFG project LifeScope 3D (Prof. Ovsianikov, Prof. Schütz and Prof. Thurner) to include a platform for the comprehensive characterization of multicellular structures.

The aim of the CCCF is to support the faculties in their work with cells and their analysis with the appropriate infrastructure and expertise. The following areas in particular are covered:

  • Cell culture
  • Molecular biology
  • Flow cytometry
  • Microscopy
  • Histology