
Thank you for your interest. Please send any enquiries directly to the head of the AIC:

Senior Scientist Dipl.-Chem. Dr.rer.nat.

Senior Scientist Dipl.-Chem. Dr.rer.nat.

Senior Scientist Dipl.-Chem.in Dr.in rer.nat.Annette Foelske

Head, Service Unit of Analytical Instrumentation Center

Phone: +43 1 58801 406640 Call Annette Foelske

Send email to Annette Foelske

Show room BF04C01 on the map , opens an external URL in a new window

Lehargasse 6 / Objekt 10, 1060 Wien, Österreich


U1 or U4 station "Karlsplatz" use exit "Secession"

U2 station "Museumsquartier" or "Karlsplatz"

The office is located on the 4th floor in the new laboratory building (BF) in the inner courtyard at the TU site Campus Getreidemarkt.

If you are arriving by car you can park at the undergroud car park "Lehargasse, opens an external URL in a new window". The cost is 4.3 € per hour.