Research Interests

  • Ion Beam Physics: physics of highly charged ions, atomic (ion-atom, ion-molecule) collisions, "hollow" atom formation and decay, ion-solid interaction, slow ions, stopping force, charge exchange
  • Surface Physics: basic ion-surface interaction processes (electron emission, nanostructure formation), atomic force microscopy (AFM)/scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) studies of ion-induced surface nanostructures, low energy electron microscopy (LEEM)

  • 47 publications in ISI-listed international peer-reviewed journals (among them 5 Physical Review Letters, 1 Nature Communications, 1 2D materials, 1 Applied Physics Letters)
  • 12 invited talks (13 invitations in total) at international conferences
  • Researcher ID E-6939-2011
    • h-index: 11
    • Total number of citations: 445 citations
  • ORCID 0000-0001-9451-5440
  • Google Scholar
    • h-index: 16
    • Total number of citations: 752 citations
    • Total number of items with more than 10 citations (i-10 index): 21
  • Erdős number: 7



  • 1 Patent at German Patent and Trade Mark Office

  • 2020 - now: Member of the International Advisory Board for the International Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems (CEPAS)
  • 2018 - now: Member of the Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft (ÖPG)
  • 2005 - now: Member of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)

  • ​​​​​​Gaede Prize 2021 of the German Physical Society: Prize for scientific work in the field of surface science
  • Max Auwärter Award 2020 of the Max Auwärter Foundation, Liechtenstein: Prize for scientific work in the fields of surface science, interface physics, as well as anorganic and organic thin films 
  • Grant for Scientific Exchange (Wissenschaftlich-Technische-Zusammenarbeit) of the OeAD: Bilateral project and travel grant between TU Wien and the Ruđer Bošković Institute (RBI), Zagreb, Croatia, 2020-2022
  • START Prize 2019 of FWF: Research grant on development and application of time-resolved ion scattering, 2019-2025 
  • Innovative Project - Funding of Staff (TU Wien): Research grant funded by TU Wien on interaction of ions with freestanding 2D materials, 2019-2022 
  • Best Lecture Award 2019 at the Faculty of Physics of TU Wien: For the contribution to the course Fundamentals of Physics Ia and Ib. Shared among the teaching team for the course 
  • Grant for Scientific Exchange (Wissenschafts- und Erziehungskooperation) of the Stiftung Aktion Österreich-Ungarn (AÖU) 2018: Bilateral project and travel grant between TU Wien (IAP and ITP) and the Institute for Nuclear Research, ATOMKI, Drebrecen, Hungary
  • IBMM Prize 2018 for outstanding contributions to the field of ion beam materials modification: Biannual prize for young scientists in the field of ion beam physics, awarded during the IBMM2018 conference, San Antonio, TX, USA
  • Research Grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): Standalone project on highly charged ion interaction with 2D materials, 2017-2020
  • Research Award 2014 of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR): Für die Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung langsamer, hochgeladener Ionen mit Ionenkristalloberflächen und Nanomembranen