
Below you find bachelor, master, and PhD theses of group members and close collaborators.

A link will allow to download the document (if available).

• ''The nonperturbative feats of local electronic correlation: The physics of irreducible vertex divergences''
Document: PhD thesis [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
 Author: P. Chalupa-Gantner
Year: 2022

• ''Dichotomy Between Local and Uniform Compressibility in Correlated Systems''
Document: Diploma thesis [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
 Author: M. Reitner
Year: 2020

• ''The Effect of Atomic Spin-Orbit Coupling on DFT+DMFT Calculations of LiOsO3 ''
Document: Diploma thesis [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
 Author: S. Adler
Year: 2019

• ''Comparison of Mott-Hubbard-transition on the Bethe-lattice and the 2D-square-lattice''
Document: Bachelor thesis [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
 Author: M. Pelz
Year: 2018

• ''Quantum dynamical screening of the local magnetic moment for different families of Fe-based superconductors''
Document: Diploma thesis [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
 Author: C. Watzenböck
Year: 2018

• ''Irreducible Vertex Divergences in Strongly Correlated Metallic Systems''
Document: Diploma thesis [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
Author: P. Chalupa
Year: 2017

• ''Classical and quantum phase transitions in strongly correlated electron systems''
Document: PhD thesis [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
Author: T. Schäfer
Year: 2016

• ''Energetics and equal-time response of strongly-coupled fermions in one and two dimensions''
Document: Diploma thesis [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
Author: L. Rammelmüller
Year: 2016

• ''Multidimensional Density of States for Many-Body Calculations''
Document: Bachelor thesis [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
Author: C. Watzenböck
Year: 2015

• ''New routes toward a theoretical treatment of nonlocal electronic correlations''
Document: PhD thesis [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
Author: G. Rohringer
Year: 2014

• ''Asymptotic behavior of two-particle vertex functions in dynamical mean-field theory''
Document: Diploma thesis [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
Author: S. Hummel
Year: 2014

• ''Electronic correlations at the nanoscale''
Document: PhD thesis [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
Author: A. Valli
Year: 2013

• ''Electronic correlations at the two-particle level''
Document: Diploma thesis [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
Author: T. Schäfer
Year: 2012