High-temperature superconductors

Almost 40 years after the discovery of high-temperature (T_c) superconductivity in cuprates by Bednorz and Müller, understanding the microscopic mechanism behind remains the arguably biggest challenge of solid state physics. From a technological perspective, a room temperature suprconductor at ambient pressure and room temperature would revolutionize how we generate, transport and make use of electricity.
Curpates are strongly correlated systems with  an extraordinarily rich phase diagram including antiferromagnetism, a pseudogap and strange metal phase, charge density wave odering and superconductivity.

In 2019 Hwang et al. synthesized a new nickelate superconductor that was earlier predicted in theoretical calculations, opening the door wide to a new age of superconductivity: the nickel age (see figure). Using the dynamical vertex approximation, we were able to predicted the superconducting phase diagram later confirmed in experiment. The fact that nickelates and cuprates are, at the same time, similar but also different enough, gives us high hopes that, in conjunction, they will allow us to discriminate the essentials from the incidentials for high temperature superconductivity, to better understand the mechanism behind.

Contact - Cuprates:  N. Barišić

Contact - Nickelates: M. Gibert

Conatct - Theory: K. Held