Univ.Prof.in Dipl.-Ing.in Dr.in techn. Dr.in h.c. Ulrike Diebold
University Professor, Research Unit of Surface Physics
Phone: +43 1 58801 13425 Call Ulrike Diebold
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Professional Experience
Austrian Academy of Science (ÖAW)
Vice President (2022–2027), part-time position -
Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien
Professor of Surface Science (2010–)
Deputy Department Head (2010–) -
Department of Physics, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Research Professor (2010–)
Yahoo! Founder Chair in Science and Engineering (2006–2009)
Associate Department Chair (2002–2009)
Professor of Physics (2001–2009)
Associate Professor (1999–2001)
Assistant Professor (1993–1999)
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry (1993–2009) -
Department of Physics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
1990–1993: Post-doc with Prof. Theodore E. Madey
For research interests, see the Research page.
> 290 papers in peer-reviewed journals, Publication List (PDF)
More publications lists: Searchable list (since 2001) · List of publications at TU Wien (since 2010) ·
Publications on Google scholar
ISI Web of Science ResearcherID: A-3681-2010; ORCID ID · 0000-0003-0319-5256 -
> 250 invited talks at conferences, > 140 colloquia and seminars
Awards and Honors
2022 Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry FRCS, opens an external URL in a new window
2021 International Honorary Member American Academy of Arts and Sciences, opens an external URL in a new window
2020 Gerhard Ertl Lecture Award, opens an external URL in a new window
2020 ERC Advanced Grant 'WatFun'
2019 Honorary Docotorate, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
2019 Science Prize of the City of Vienna, opens an external URL in a new window
2019 Elected Member, Academia Europaea, opens an external URL in a new window
2019 American Physical Society, Outstanding Referee
2018 Xing Da Lectureship, Peking University, Bejing, China
2018 Fresh Lecture, Leiden University, Netherlands Nanjing University, China
2016 Zhongshan Colloquium Nanjing University, China
2015 Elected Member German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, opens an external URL in a new window
2015 Blaise Pascal Medal in Materials Science, opens an external URL in a new window, European Academy of Sciences
2015 Debye Lecture, opens an external URL in a new window, Utrecht University, Netherlands
2015 Erwin Schrödinger Memorial Lecture, Trinity College, Dublin
2015 25th Brdička Memorial Lecture, opens an external URL in a new window, Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Prague
2014 Elected Member, European Academy of Sciences, opens an external URL in a new window
2014 Eminent Visitor Award, Catalysis Society of South Africa CATSA, opens an external URL in a new window
2014 Elected Full Member, Austrian Academy of Sciences ÖAW, opens an external URL in a new window
2013 Wittgenstein-Preis, opens an external URL in a new window
2013 Arthur W. Adamson Award, opens an external URL in a new window for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Surface Chemistry, American Chemical Society
2012 Elected as a Corresponding Member, Austrian Academy of Sciences
2012 European Research Council (ERC), Advanced Research Grant 'OxideSurfaces'
2008 Fellow, Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany
2008 Outstanding Researcher Award, Tulane’s School of Science and Engineering
2007 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2006 Yahoo! Founder Chair in Science and Engineering
2005 Fellow, AVS – The Science and Technology Society
2005 Provost's Recognition Award for Research and Scholarly Achievement
2004 Tulane Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty Research Award
2004 Fellow, American Physical Society
2003 National Science Foundation, “Special Creativity Award”
2001 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Prize from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany
1998 Habilitation in “Experimental Physics”, Technische Universität Wien
1997 NSF CAREER Award
1995 Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Junior Faculty Enhancement Award
1992 “Charlotte Bühler Fellowship” for Habilitation from the Austrian Science Foundation” (not assumed)
1983, 1984, 1985 Fellowships for ‘Especially Talented Students’, TU Wien
Editorial Activities and Advisory Boards
2020–2021 Board of Reviewing Editors, Science
2019–2021 Editorial Board, Physical Review Research
2017–2019 Editorial Advisory Board, ACS Energy Letters
2013–2018 Member International Advisory Board, Advanced Materials Interfaces
2012–2017 Divisional Associate Editor (Materials Physics) Physical Review Letters
2017–2019 Advisory Board, ACS Energy Letters
2016– Advisory Board, npj Quantum Materials
2010–2015 Advisory Editorial Board Surface Science
2009–2010 Reader Panel, Nature
2009 Guest Editor (together with T.M. Orlando), “Non-Thermal Processes on Surfaces. Dedicated to the Memory of Prof. Theodore E. Madey” Special Issue in J. Phys.: Cond. Matter
2007–2010 Advisory Editorial Board Open Journal of Physical Chemistry
2006–2007 Guest Editor (together with A. Selloni and C. Di Valentin), “Doping and Functionalization of Semiconducting Metal Oxides”, Special Issue in Chemical Physics
2006–2007 Surface, Interface and Atomic-Scale Science Editorial Board of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
2003–Advisory Editorial Board Surface Science Reports
1986 Diplom-Ingenieur in Engineering Physics (eq. MS)
1990 Ph.D. in Physics, both degrees from TU Wien, Vienna, Austria; Advisor: Prof. Peter Varga
1998 Habilitation in Experimental Physics, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Personal Background
Married to Gerhard Piringer, two sons (Thomas *1996 and Niklas *1999)