Abstract Submission for IISC-25. September 14-19, 2025, in Frankenfels, Austria.

To submit an abstract, please fill in the following form. Please use the provided abstract template (Abstract Template Word, opens a file in a new window or Abstract Template TEX, opens a file in a new window).

Oral presentations will be selected from submitted abstracts indicating the preference "talk" before May 15, 2025. All other contributions will be presented as posters. Poster sessions will be preceded by poster introductions, where authors will have the opportunity to orally present highlights of their work as a 2-3-minute commercial. More information on this poster introdcution session will be provided to presenting authors before the conference.


Personal Information
Presenting Author Information
Abstract Submission
Please submit your abstract as a PDF document using the template provided on our website. Note that the file will be renamed in the course of the submission process, which leads to a long and random combination of numbers and letters in the confirmation mail.
Presentation Type
Submit Registration