Portrait of Richard Wilhelm

© R. Wilhelm | IAP

Richard Wilhelm

July 1, 2024
We are happy to announce that Richard got promoted to Full Professor of Ion Physics!


Vicki's first electrons

© F. Aumayr

Vickis first electrons

June 18, 2024
Vicki measured the first electron spectrum with our new Fritz-detector!


Lea and her MSc thesis supervisors

© D. Rath

Lea and her MSc thesis supervisors

June 13, 2024
Today, Lea finished her studies with a great defense of her Master's thesis. Congratulations Diplomingenieurin Lea!


Our teams at the unirun

© M. Werl

Our teams at the unirun

6. Juni 2024
Beim diesjährigen Unirun haben sich unsere Teams "Highly Excited Peeps" und "Laserboiiis" ein spannendes Rennen geliefert. Wer hat wohl gewonnen?


Two electrons are simultaneously emitted from a surface.

© R.A. Wilhelm | IAP

Two electrons are simultaneously emitted from a surface.

May 13, 2024
We are proud of the newest publication of our group: The team around Wolfgang Werner published their newest results in the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters, opens an external URL in a new window. Check out also the corresponding TU Wien press release, opens an external URL in a new window. Congratulations Wolfgang, Florian and Felix!
