Webinar: Support in research data management. Latest developments

As last year, an exchange on the topic of "Supported Data Management and Experiences" will take place again this year. Registration for participation is already open.

our icon for workshops: one presentation, three people in front of it

Research Data Management (RDM) has increasingly become part of everyday scientific practice in recent years. This development has been driven primarily by requirements from research funding organizations which demand data management plans (DMP) for projects. In Austria, the FWF has required a DMP for all approved projects since 2019. The FFG made this requirement for the first time in 2020 as part of the “IKT der Zukunft” call for proposals. Some Austrian research institutions have already established RDM support services for researchers and are developing various measures for successful support. Among other things, models for data stewardship are being developed, increasingly professionalised and institutionally anchored.

This event will provide an overview of current developments and experiences in the field of RDM at the two research funding organisations FWF and FFG. In addition, the RDM services offered at the University of Vienna and TU Wien as well as at IST Austria will be presented. Experiences and lessons learned during their implementation will be discussed.

Target group of the event are people involved in research support as well as other interested persons from Austrian research institutions. 


  • FWF Research Data Policy: Katharina Rieck, Open Science Policy Officer, FWF
  • Experience as a data steward for the FFG call “IKT der Zukunft”: Axel Quitt, Data Intelligence Offensive (DIO)
  • RDM support at the University of Vienna and the TU Wien: Susanne Blumesberger, Phaidra Services, University Library, and Barbara Sánchez, TU Wien Center for Research Data Management
  • Tackling Research Data Management at IST Austria: Patrick Danowski and Niall O’Brian, IST Austria

Date and Time

24.6.2021, 13:00 - 15:00

More information and registration

Workshop page of the FAIR Data Austria project, opens an external URL in a new window

About the event series

The event series Research Data Management in Austria, opens an external URL in a new window is aimed at researchers and / or people involved in research support and services to promote networking and exchange on the topic of research data management, writing a data management plan and similar related topics.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16, 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien