USA and Austria Bridging Borders in Energy Transition

US-Austrian Citizen Dialogue at TU Wien

3 men on stage: Warren Leon, Reinhard Haas and Alexander Rieger (from the left))

© Markus Schweiger

Warren Leon, Reinhard Haas and Alexander Rieger (from the left)

On December 9, 2024, keynote speakers Warren Leon (USA, Executive Director, Clean Energy States Alliance) and Reinhard Haas (Austria, Professor of Energy Economics, TU Wien) engaged in a transatlantic dialogue on energy policy, research and development, and equitable access to renewable energy.

Welcome addresses were delivered by Peter Ertl (Vice Rector for Research, Innovation, and International Affairs, TU Wien), Christoph Thun-Hohenstein (Ambassador, Director General for International Cultural Affairs, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs), and Elizabeth Martin-Shukrun (Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy in Austria). Topics of discussion included the electricity system and the role of Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in the U.S., as well as the implementation of sustainable energy systems and green energy infrastructure in both countries.

The evening was moderated by Alexander Rieger (Head of Unit for Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs). This event was the third installment of the "U.S.-Austria Citizen Dialogue on Global Challenges" series, organized by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, opens an external URL in a new window and the U.S. Embassy in Austria, opens an external URL in a new window.