The DAMAP team at the IDCC25 conference in The Hague

On February 17-19, our colleagues Andrés Tabima, Valentin Futterer (both TU Wien) and Laura Thaci (TU Graz) presented their work at the International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) in The Hague.

Two men and a woman standing in front of a poster wall with a poster.

© Laura Thaci

Valentin Futterer, Andrés Tabima and Laura Thaci present the origins, current status, and plans for DAMAP.

Three exciting days of exchange

On day one, the team participated in two workshops:

  • Creating Communities Around Best Practices and Common Challenges in Data – The Role of Data Stewards, Physical Sciences Data Infrastructure (PSDI).
  • Future-Proofing Data Management – Building the DMP Lifecycle.

In the first workshop, Valentin Futterer held a lightning talk on how DAMAP , opens an external URL in a new windowsupports data stewards and researchers in the data management process. The workshop focused on the growing importance of effective data management and curation, helping researchers identify best practices and solutions for the process. The second workshop focused on the challenges of interoperability between DMP tools, particularly in using machine-actionable DMP formats.

On the second day, Andrés Tabima and Laura Thaci presented posters on DAMAP and OSTrails, opens an external URL in a new window in the poster session, followed by many positive interactions with researchers and data stewards at the poster stand during the coffee breaks. Especially the machine actionability part of DAMAP brought a lot of interested people to the poster. The discussions were fruitful, and both sides took a lot away from it.

On the last day, the DAMAP team attended the lightning talks held in different conference rooms, gaining valuable insights from various presentations.

The IDCC – an established conference

The International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC), opens an external URL in a new window is an established annual event with a unique place in the digital curation community. It reaches out to individuals, organisations and institutions across all disciplines and domains involved in curating data and providing an opportunity to get together with like-minded data practitioners to discuss policy and practice. The nineteenth edition of the IDCC took place in The Hague, the Netherlands, between 17-19 February 2025.


  • Miksa, T., Stork, C., Hasani-Mavriqi, I., Molnar, D., Eckhard, D., Thaci, L., Futterer, V., Karnbach, G., & Romero, A. (2025). Building a Bridge to the Future of Machine-actionable DMPs with DAMAP. 19th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC25), The Hague, Netherlands. Zenodo.
  • Papadopoulou, E., Miksa, T., Suchánek, M., Wilkinson, M., Manghi, P., Hasani-Mavriqi, I., Reichmann, S., Rey Mazón, M., & Manola, N. (2025). Open Science Trails: Pathways To Improving FAIRness And Machine Actionability Of Digital Artefacts. Zenodo.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
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1040 Vienna