Shoutout to our amazing women at this year’s Recy&DepoTech at Montanuniversität Leoben!

[Translate to English:] Betül Gök, Stefani Rivic, Sara Neuburg, Veronika Kladnik, an der Universität Montanu in Leoben

A little recap: Sara Neuburg highlighted the waste situation in Uganda, effectively showcasing the focus of the APPEAR III project @Clean and Prosperous Uganda.
Meanwhile, Veronika Kladnik and Betül Gök provided visitors with insights into the topic of public waste #UrbanWaste, shedding light on its challenges and opportunities.
Stefani Rivić had the honor of being a keynote speaker at the first workshop organized by @ISWA International Solid Waste Association and @IWWG International Waste Working Group.