New podcast episode ‘Amtsgeheimnisse’ with Arthur Kanonier

Arthur Kanonier was a guest on the Gemeindebund podcast ‘Amtsgeheimnisse’.

Arthur Kanonier und Johannes Pressl during the interview

© Arthur Kanonier

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Cover Picture of the podcast

© Österreichischer Gemeindebund

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In the new episode entitled ‘Sind die Bürgermeister wirklich die bösen Bodenverbraucher?’ of the Gemeindebund podcast ‘Amtsgeheimnisse’, Gemeindebund President Johannes Pressl , opens an external URL in a new windowtalks to Arthur Kanonier, opens an external URL in a new window from the Land Policy and Land Management research department at Vienna University of Technology about the role of mayors when it comes to soil protection and land consumption.

You can listen to the podcast on all common streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, Deezer, Pocket Casts and also directly on the Gemeindebund homepage, opens an external URL in a new window.