New guest: Lilla Simon

Guest researcher Lilla Simon (second from left)

Guest researcher Lilla Simon (second from left)

We are very happy to share that we have a new guest!
Lilla Simon (second from the left) is a PhD student at the Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark, Department of Green Technology (SDU Life Cycle Engineering), where she is focusing on circularity and life cycle assessment in wastewater treatment, specifically examining emerging technologies within two projects: a Horizon2020 project on nutrient recovery and recycling, and an Indo-Danish project on biohydrogen production from waste streams, such as wastewater sludge.
Over the next three months, Lilla will closely collaborate with our team to develop a novel LCA model for municipal wastewater treatment plants.
Welcome Lilla, we are looking forward to a fruitful collaboration and exchange of know-how on wastewater treatment processes and LCA methods!