New publication: Citizens' juries for urban transformation? A look at Oxford and Vienna

[Translate to English:] Bürger:innenrat

Citizens' juries are an innovative approach to democratizing urban development and governing inclusive urban transformation. In their new article, researchers from Oxford University together with Johannes Suitner from SRF examine two examples of citizens' juries in Oxford and Vienna. They analyze how the processes were set up in two contrasting local contexts, how they were able to contribute to the goals of an urban Wellbeing Economy and what inherent contradictions they had to face during implementation. The authors conclude that more research on the local manifestation of socio-ecological concepts such as the Wellbeing Economy and a critical reflection on their inherent contradictions is direly needed.


Link to the article (Open Access):, opens an external URL in a new window


Suggested citation: Krisch, A., Carpenter, J., Chisholm, A., & Suitner, J. (2025). Exploring transformative social innovations for a wellbeing economy: insights from citizens' juries in Vienna and Oxford. Review of Regional Research, 1-33., opens an external URL in a new window