Live Kick-off Event

The picture shows a stilized depiction of people sitting in a seminar room, including discussions.

One month after the virtual kick-off event, the members of CO2Refinery could finally get to know each other in person at the live kick-off on June 29, 2021. The meeting took place in hybrid mode under strict Covid-19 safety regulations at the Kontaktraum at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. Some members were not able to join in person and participated via Zoom.

After an official introduction by Dr. Ioanna Giouroudi-Jovanovic and Prof. Michael Harasek, the PhD students introduced their respective PhD projects, subdivided into the three research areas of CO2Refinery. The presentations not only contained information on the scientific contents, but also highlighted overlaps and connections to the other PhD projects.

The live kick-off event was an excellent opportunity to get to know the ten projects of CO2Refinery and to discuss prospective collaborations in the future.