Innovation and exchange: a look back at the 22nd International Seminar on Hydropower Plants

Three days dedicated to hydropower

Group picture from the panel discussion

© TU Wien

The panelists were chaired by ORF presenter Stefan Gehrer (right): Elena Vagnoni - European Energy Research Alliance (EERA/Joint Programme Hydropower) Peter Stettner - European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP Hydropower) and Dean C. Bauer online (f.l.t.r.): Matteo Bianciotto - International Hydropower Association (IHA) Thomas Schlecker - Policy officer at the European Commission DG RTD (EC/DG RTD) Dirk Hendricks - European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF)

From November 13 to 15 this year, the Conference Center in Schlosspark Laxenburg once again accommodated the International Seminar on Hydropower Plants. International experts from industry, research, and politics participated in top-class sessions and discussions on all aspects of hydropower. The conference provided clear impulses: hydropower is indispensable in the energy transition.

The 22nd edition of the International Seminar on Hydropower Plants was held in hybrid mode, just like the last conference. Over 200 participants on site and numerous virtual guests learned about the latest research findings, challenges, and opportunities in hydropower in the 49 expert presentations, including student sessions by young researchers. The lively discussions that followed provided an ideal platform for interdisciplinary exchange. The accompanying trade exhibition of national and international companies in the hydropower sector allowed for further exchange.

Facing the future of the energy transition together

Representatives from politics and science set the tone at the opening of the conference, moderated by Dean Christian Bauer. In her speech, Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler emphasized the importance of hydropower for a sustainable and stable energy supply. In his talk, Jens Schneider, Rector of TU Wien, traced the arc from the historical beginnings to the modern role of hydropower. In his keynote speech, Adel el Gammal, Secretary General of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA), presented the Clean Industrial Deal, which is intended to lead Europe not only to climate neutrality but also to innovation and technology.

Leonore Gewessler at opening speech

© TU Wien

Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler, during her opening speech.

Rector Jens Schneider at opening speech

© TU Wien

The Rector of TU Wien, Jens Schneider, during his opening speech.

A highlight of the opening was the panel discussion entitled “Hydropower's Role in the Future Energy Transition”, which was accompanied by ORF presenter Stefan Gehrer and debated the future of hydropower. The focus was on issues of grid stabilization, flexibility and sustainable energy supply. The experts agreed that holistic approaches and holistic views are needed to secure Europe's technological leadership in the energy industry. The first day focused on new approaches to optimizing operations and storage capacities and “Diversity in Hydropower”, an all-female session highlighting the the facts and action needed in the industry.

On the second day of the event, the focus was on digitalization, grid stabilization and hidden hydro. The second evening together was successfully concluded with a reception at Vienna City Hall. The presentations on the last day focused on topics such as Experimental Investigations and Sustainability.

After a good mix of technical presentations, discussions and networking opportunities, the conference was closed by Dean Bauer on Friday. The organization team, under the leadership of Dean Bauer, would like to thank all participants and the sponsors Andritz, opens an external URL in a new window, Kelag , opens an external URL in a new windowandVoith, opens an external URL in a new window.