EOSC Winter School 2025

The EOSC Winter School was held for the second time to encourage collaborative efforts among stakeholders. This year, the focus was particularly on the convergence towards the EOSC Federation.

The photo shows four people on a staircase under the words “MELIA LEBREROS”.

© Barbara Sánchez

TU Wien representatives (from left to right): Tomasz Miksa, Barbara Sánchez, Suvini Lai, Chris Schubert

The EOSC Winter School 2025, which took place from 20-23 January 2025 in Seville, Spain, was organised by the EOSC Association, with the support of the EOSC Focus project, opens an external URL in a new window and the HE EOSC-related projects, opens an external URL in a new window. The focus was on achieving convergence and supporting the build-up phase of the EOSC Federation, opens an external URL in a new window. It brought together leading voices from Horizon Europe EOSC-related projects, EOSC-A Task Forces, Opportunity Area Expert Groups, the European Commission, and the EOSC-A Board of Directors.

This year’s programme was structured around the four Strategic Pillars, which group the priorities listed in the EOSC Multi-Annual Roadmap (MAR) for the years 2026 and 2027:

  • Strategic Pillar 1: Sustaining and enhancing the EOSC Federation
  • Strategic Pillar 2: Contributing to the web of FAIR data and the uptake of AI
  • Strategic Pillar 3: Ensuring research security and sovereignty
  • Strategic Pillar 4: Linking with other Common European Data Spaces and beyond

The format of the Winter School was designed to ensure that the groundwork laid by the EOSC Opportunity Area Expert Groups, opens an external URL in a new window and the EOSC-A Task Forces, opens an external URL in a new window was aligned with the long-term vision for EOSC. Consequently, each of the thematic sessions focused on how the Groups and Task Forces plan to support and contribute to the objectives of each pillar.

Presentations from the Winter School

TU Wien involvement in EOSC

TU Wien is currently partner in three EOSC-related Horizon Europe projects:

Additionally, TU Wien is member in the EOSC Association, opens an external URL in a new window and on local level in the EOSC Support Office Austria, opens an external URL in a new window. In 2025, TU Wien will on a rotating basis take over the chairmanship of the EOSC Support Office Austria Management Board.

At the Winter School, our colleague Suvini Lai participated in her function as Facilitator of OAEG6 (Open Scholarly Communication) and Chris Schubert, based at the TU Wien Library, as Lead Coordinator for OAEG3, TF2 and TF4 (FAIR Assessment and Data Objects).


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor)
1040 Vienna
