Dominik Blasenbauer wins the Hans Roth Environmental Award 2024.

[Translate to English:] Dominik Blasenbauer mit Saubermacher Preis


For the 19th time, the award for young researchers has been presented. This year, the prize from TU Wien was awarded to Dominik Blasenbauer for his doctoral thesis entitled "Assessing the post-collection recycling potential of mixed municipal solid waste and associated treatment residues." The work addresses the question of how to more efficiently recover valuable materials from residual waste and combustion residues in order to further increase recycling rates, move closer to a true closure of material cycles, and ultimately reduce the amount of materials that need to be landfilled. The thesis was supervised by Johann Fellner and Jakob Lederer from the CD-Labor for Recycling-Based Circular Economy.


[Translate to English:] Preisverleihung