The course evaluation results of the academic year 2023/2024 are available!

Students evaluate courses (LVAs) and give exam feedback

blue sky with white clouds, in the foreground three arms with brown wooden smileys in the hands

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TU Wien strives to provide students with high-quality academic education. The student course assessment is one of the tools that helps to accomplish this goal. The participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous. The Quality Assurance team uses the data collected to carry out statistical evaluations of the respective teaching sessions and to generate internal departmental reports from teaching staff and students.

In the 2023/2024 academic year, a total of 223,747 course evaluation questions were answered. Of these, 66,366 were in the short questionnaire. This was completed 5,913 times in the winter semester 2023 and 5,315 times in the summer semester 2024. A total of almost 2,000 different courses were evaluated. In almost 50 percent of the fully completed questionnaires, students stated that they were satisfied with the course overall – with the highest and second-highest approval ratings. Three quarters (74.7%) of all questions were answered positively.

Unfortunately, there are also many courses with a very low response rate for course evaluations. But every single questionnaire counts: Help us and support studyability at TU Wien with your feedback and your participation in the course evaluation at TU Wien.

More information about the course evaluation